Not the Boss of Me

By ps4star

Published on Sep 24, 2023



It was a hot, August Friday in Florida. Hans Julia was waking up for work. As he got ready for the day, he remembered how much he despised the scorching heat during the summer months, in fact it made him rather irritable. What he hated even more though, was his boss, Paul Ramsey. Paul was, simply put, an asshole. He came from a filthy rich family, a fact he never attempted to hide, and he demanded full obedience and respect from all of his employees, with anything less resulting in being fired.

By contrast, Hans came from a poor and broken family. His parents were 2 Germans named Ina and Martin, who married and decided to have children at a young age. Shortly after Hans's birth, Martin tragically passed away from a car accident. This prompted Ina to immigrate to the United States a year later in hopes of starting a new life. After 7 years, she married again to a man named Mike. Ina met Mike at a bar, and quickly fell in love with his charismatic and charming personality. To make things even better, Mike seemed to get along very well with Hans, although this wouldn't last for very long. After Ina and Mike got married, it became evident that Mike was an alcoholic, and he started becoming more and more physically and verbally abusive towards both Ina and her son. Mike would often come home drunk and try to pick fights with them, as if they were his bar mates. When Mike would beat his defenseless, young step-son, he would often yell at him "Come on, fight back bitch! Try harder! Come on!" On one especially bad night, in which Mike and Ina had previously been arguing, Mike threw a beer bottle at Hans's head with all his force, leaving both a scar and traumatic memory permanently burned into the boy's head.

Despite coming from a broken home and having a traumatic past, Hans managed to get into a nice university and major in Business Management, but at the cost of 4 years of his life as well as 6-figure student loan debt. Hans always believed in hard work and the idea of the American dream, that even the worst situations could be overcome with hard work and willpower alone. He had been working out hard over the last 5 years, as well as studying as hard as he could, trying to better both his mind and body. However, for as hard as Hans tried, he always seemed to get screwed over. He was never the brightest student, no matter how hard he studied, and had also struggled quite a bit with relationships, no matter how much effort he put in. His career was no exception. While Hans was able to get a degree in Business Management, the only job he could find, ironically, was working for Paul as a secretary, mostly as the customer support guy. It didn't pay very well either, which meant he wasn't able to pay off his student loan debt as quickly as he wanted. But, being desparate for the money and wanting to make something of himself, Hans above everyone else was doing whatever he could to impress his boss, hoping for a promotion or raise. He came into work early every single day, and often worked several hours of overtime.

But Paul didn't make it easy. In fact, it seemed as if he did whatever he could to make work a living hell for his employees. He would often demand that they run personal errands for him, make him coffee, polish his shoes, prepare his lunch, or do extra work at home for no pay. Hans, being his secretary, was the recipient of most of these demands. In many ways, he was essentially Paul's personal servant. With his aspirations of being an independent, hard-working man who only takes orders from himself, he naturally hated this position. Although he would cover up his anger with fake smiles and an agreeable demeanor, Paul knew good and well how much Hans hated his job, and often used this to make him as miserable as possible.

Once a year, Paul would run an evaluation and inform everyone of what their new salary would be. This was that time of year. Despite working for Paul for 3 years at this point, Hans had only accumulated a tiny $0.75 hourly raise. This time, Hans was fully determined to get a big raise, maybe even get promoted to manager like he always wanted. He had been working extra hard over the past year, never arguing with Paul, never complaining and always doing as he was told.

Hans arrived at the small, grey office building that day with a bright yet forced smile on his face, pleasantly greeting Paul when he walked in.

"Morning sir!"

"Good morning Mr. Julia. I made a small mistake when transferring the database last night and a lot of users lost access to their accounts, so a lot of reports came in overnight that you're gonna have to deal with. Just giving you a heads up."

"Sure, it's no problem sir, I'll get right to it."

After hearing this, Paul got a cocky smile on his face, almost as if he were saying "good boy" to a dog. Hans smiled on the outside, but was furious on the inside. He had just finished dealing with all the reports yesterday, and now this? All because Paul didn't know what the fuck he was doing? Nonetheless, he did his best to calm down and work through the massive backlog of reports, as Paul retreated to his personal office to conduct his work, mostly consisting of texting his friends or playing games on his phone.

About halfway through the day, Paul came out of his office to tell everyone the results of the evaluations. Hans was eagerly listening as he overheard the results. Lin had gotten a $0.50 raise, Vinny had gotten $1.00, Jennifer had gotten $1.00... Hearing these results, Hans got excited. Paul seemed to be giving higher raises this year than ever before, and he thought that maybe his hard work hadn't gone unnoticed. Finally, Paul approached his desk.

"I'll have to come back for you later, I have some very important business to attend to right now," he said.

"I understand sir, no problem," Hans replied, again feigning a smile.

Several more hours passed. At 3:00 PM, everyone else began to leave. Lin was the last one out.

"See ya' Hans, hope you get a good raise!" Lin shouted from across the room as she headed out for the day.

"Congrats on yours, and thanks," Hans shouted back.

The clock struck 4, then 5, then 6. Hans had never stayed at work past 6:00, and was sitting at his desk with nothing to do, beginning to boil in frustration at his boss. He couldn't simply get up and knock on his boss's door, as Paul had layed down clear rules from day 1 that employees may only interact with him when he's out of his office. Finally, at 6:45, the office door swung open, and Hans immediately got on his computer, pretending to be pre-occupied with work.

"Oh, hi, I forgot you were still here," said Paul from across the room, as he started walking towards Hans.

"Ha, yeah, got lost in the work and lost track of time," Hans responded.

Paul walked towards him, pausing when he reached Hans's desk, and turned to face him. Hans looked up into his boss's deep, blue eyes, awaiting to hear the results of the evaluation. Paul stood there for a moment, about 3 feet away, with his expensive, gourmet coffee in his hand, wearing his usual blue button-up shirt with a red tie. He had a full brown beard and moustache, and matching brown hair. He was quite a bit older than Hans, he had just turned 37, and being a bit overweight, had kind of an older dad body. He was one of those people that you could tell were a rich asshole from a mile away.

"I guess you're still waiting for the evaluation results."

"Yes sir."

"Well, listen. I've been in the business for a long time now, and I can tell the difference between someone who actually cares and someone who just wants something from me. I know you've been putting in more work, but I don't think you really care, and as you know I'm very selective with who I give my money to."

"Oh no sir, I do care a lot about my job."

Paul grinned a bit. "Yeah, I'm sure... well either way, I can't give you a raise this year. Maybe you should try harder next time."

Hans was in shock as he tried to process what his boss just said to him. All he could manage to utter was a simple "okay" as his boss smiled in the same "good boy" manner he had earlier, then started heading back towards his office. That's when it hit him. All at once Hans thought of all the work he had gone out of his way to do for Paul over the last year, all the times he obeyed him despite how much he hated it, even the unbearable heat that he was forced to suffer in as he worked. Hans had put in everything he had, and was expecting at least a nice raise, maybe even a promotion, and in return his boss treated him even worse than before. But the worst offense was that, for the first time ever, Paul reminded Hans of the trauma that his step-father Mike had inflicted, how he would yell at him to "try harder" as he mercilessly beat his own step-son. All of these feelings inside Hans erupted all at once as a furious volcano of rage, all of it directed towards Paul.

In his enraged fury, Hans leapt out of his chair and dashed straight for Paul. Before Paul even knew what was going on, Hans had his hands around his boss's neck, choking him as he pinned the poor man against the wall with his big arms, and causing Paul's coffee to fly out of his hand and spill all over the floor. Hans, being significantly stronger than his boss, had rendered him completely helpless as he continued to tighten his grip around Paul's neck. Paul tried to grab his employee's hands and pull them away, but he was no match for the German's raw strength. Hans quickly realized what he was doing and let go of his helpless boss's neck, placing his right hand firmly over the poor man's mouth instead, but the rage within him was still just as strong. For a moment, Hans paused and looked into Paul's eyes. Hans had never seen a man so utterly terrified, so completely at his mercy, so unsure of what was going to happen to him, and this caused a sadistic grin to emerge on the employee's face. This was it. This was Hans's chance to let out all of the rage from the past 15 years of his life. Now the only question was how he would carry out his revenge.

Suddenly, Hans ripped the red tie off of Paul's expensive blue shirt and removed his right hand from the boss's mouth.

"Turn the fuck around!" Hans shouted into his poor boss's face, with such volume that it caused him to flinch. Paul, having no other option, reluctantly obeyed his employee's orders, and started to cry in the process. Once turned around, Hans grabbed both of the poor boss's hands and began tying them behind his back with the red tie which had been ripped from his shirt.

"What are you gonna do to me?!" Paul cried with his face pushed into the wall.

Hans said nothing, simply continuing to tie his boss's hands together as hard as he could with the tie. When he was done, he turned Paul back around and immediately ripped his expensive blue shirt off of him, revealing his pale, hairy chest and abdomen, which was now at the complete mercy of Hans's will.

"What the fuck are you-" Paul began to cry out, but Hans again forced his firm right hand over the helpless man's mouth.

Now tired of hearing his boss speak, Hans lifted up his right foot and using his left hand, quickly removed his shoe, then his sock, which was saturated with the German's warm, salty sweat due to the scorching weather, from the foot. He folded the sock up, brought it to his victim's face, and forced it deep into the helpless man's mouth as he started crying profusely.

Hans leaned in close to Paul and stared directly into his eyes again.

"You're not the boss of me anymore. I'm your boss now, you call me sir now, understand?" said Hans in a low, demanding voice. Paul, afraid of doing anything else, shook his head in agreement.

"Good, now I'm gonna teach you a lesson you should've learned long ago," said Hans, as he began to undo his belt through the loops on his pants. As he finished undoing his belt, he once again showed Paul a sadistic, eager smile, causing the helpless man to let out a whimper and close his eyes, as he knew what kind of pain he was about to endure.

Using both of his strong, muscular arms, Hans focused all of his energy into the belt, striking it down upon his boss's abdomen. Paul shrieked loudly, followed by intense crying, but Hans was unaffected. The employee, still engulfed in a fury, continued striking his boss, each painful whip leaving deep red marks on the 37-year-old's otherwise pale, white body, causing more and more tears to stream down his face, and his muffled screams to become increasingly desparate. Paul was forced to endure strike after strike, each one more painful than the last, for what felt like hours.

After what must've been at least 40 strikes, Hans felt his rage starting to diminish. Each strike made him more and more happy. All of the pent up rage from the last 15 years, the abuse, the debt, the work, was finally being exhausted. The cost, of course, being that Paul, the object of much of the German's suffering, was being brutally whipped by his own employee.

At some point during the beating, Hans felt something new. It wasn't happiness, or intense rage, but a sharp, fiery feeling in his pants. He quickly realized that his cock had become completely hard. Confused and unsure of why he was feeling sexual arousal, he became even more angry, intensifying his whippings. But eventually, the feeling became too strong to ignore, and it got to the point where his cock was straining against his pants, hurting immensely and begging for release.

Hans abruptly stopped whipping his defenseless boss, and not wanting Paul to see what he was about to do, turned the poor man back around to face the wall and proceeded to pull down his own pants, finally relieving the pressure in his large cock and balls. After a short break to enjoy the sensation, the rage came back to Hans and he continued whipping the helpless boss with his belt. This time, he was starting all over from his pale, unmarked backside, with every whipping again deriving even more desparate tears and screams from the poor man, as well as more joy from Hans.

As Hans continued whipping, his cock became even harder. After a while, Hans wasn't even whipping his boss out of rage, but simply out of the pure sexual satisfaction it brought him, letting out quiet moans with every whip. In the midst of the whipping, Hans suddenly decided to pull down his boss's pants as well, revealing his pale, hairy, plump ass. Hans began whipping the boss's ass, which seemed to make him scream even louder than before, bringing Hans even more pleasure and covering the victim's ass with the same bright red marks that now covered his torso and back.

Within only 5 whips of his boss's ass, Hans couldn't take it anymore. The sight of his boss in complete despair, with a back and ass covered in painful red marks, tied up, shaking, crying and screaming for mercy with a sweaty sock in his mouth, it was all too much for Hans. He couldn't resist his dick any longer as he began jerking off, moaning loudly.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh, I'm cumming!" Hans screamed, before ejaculating a fountain of sticky cum all over his boss's lower back and ass.

After a moment of heavy breathing and pleasure following the orgasm, Hans stepped back for a second, shocked by the amount of cum that had been unleashed from his dick. He had never seen himself cum so much, nor had he ever been so desparate to do so, especially in what seemed to him such a bizarre scenario. After a few seconds, with his boss pushed into the wall, shaking with pain, still trying to whimper and shout through the sweaty sock, Hans turned him back around, revealing a broken, beaten man, covered in red bruises that his dominator had inflicted on him. Hans was taken back by the true impact of what he had done to this man, and in a way found it oddly beautiful. When Hans looked down, however, he found something surprising: his boss's painfully erect, 7-inch cock accompanied by huge, sweaty balls. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked into Paul's radiant blue eyes again, but this time saw a man not so much terrified as he was desparate, and to Hans, it was obvious that he wasn't desparate for his life or to be let free anymore, but simply to cum. Upon closer inspection, Hans didn't see much of a human soul at all in Paul's eyes, but rather that of an animal bound by his primal instincts, and it wasn't lost on him that he himself was in the same state of mind just moments earlier.

After taking a short pause, Hans became confused and frustrated by what he had just done. He didn't want to think of himself as an animal, or a sexual deviant, or an evil, violent man like his step-father was, but he couldn't deny how amazing it felt to dominate his boss, and it was evident to him that Paul reciprocated these feelings.

Still harboring some anger as well as frustration at what had just happened, Hans grabbed his poor, beaten, bruised boss by the neck and threw him to the ground. He gave the broken man a strong kick to the stomach, causing him to again cry out in muffled pain as Hans walked towards the exit.

"You might wanna clean up that coffee," he shouted at Paul just before heading out of the door.


Thanks for reading. This is the first story I've ever published to Nifty, in fact it's pretty much the first fictional story I've ever written, aside from maybe some school assignments. Any criticism, advice, feedback, etc would be appreciated. Have a NIFTY day :)! (GEDDIT???)

Also, please consider donating to Nifty if you're able. The site is very nostalgic and means a lot to me, and I would love to see it prosper!

Next: Chapter 2

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