Not That Bad


Published on Apr 25, 2009




Not that bad


Waking up a few hours later I realized that I was alone in bed. Opening my eyes I looked around and saw that the bedroom door was half open. Walking quietly towards the hallway I stopped when I heard: "Just leave him alone, Blake."

"I'll do what the fuck I want to do." Blake said to Matt.

"I promise you, if you ever touch him or hurt him or spread rumors in school then you'll deal with me." Matt said walking up to Blake. As I lifted my hand to push the door open I gasped softly at the pain in my wrist. Looking down I saw a horrible blue mark on my wrist where Blake had grabbed me, the other wrist was only slightly bruised.

"Blake, I'll give you one more chance to leave me alone." I said walking into the living room.

Looking at me in shock, they both turned and Matt asked: "Did I wake you?" He was so sweet in his PJ bottoms and messed up hair.

"No." I said turning my angry gaze on Blake.

"What the fuck you whore? You are mine and I own you, remember?" He smirked at me quite evilly, but his face changed when I held up my hand and said: "Wanna go to prison on the assault of a minor whose father is best friends with the mayor?" I asked looking at him.

"What the fuck Blake!" Matt yelled at him coming over to me and gently lifting my hand so he could look at it. "Does it hurt, kid?" He asked me gently running his thumb over the bruise.

"It's ok, just a little tender." I said looking deeply into Matt's eyes.

"This is fucking pathetic!" Blake yelled, "Are you and MY Connor together?!" Blake asked while pushing Matt and getting all up in his face.

"Oh Lord! Blake we're over. I don't belong to you." I said slowly as if speaking to a child.

But Blake pushed Matt again and Matt was getting fed up so he punched him in the stomach and Blake fell to his knees and Matt said: "Yes, Connor and I are together. Deal with it." Matt told me: "Get ready kid, so we can leave this jerk here."

Running to Blake's room I got my stuff, dressed and met him in the living room. Getting up Blake followed us outside, while Matt threw the luggage in his car, I left Blake's bags outside and locked up the house. As Matt and I got into the car he locked the doors and we drove off leaving Blake there.

Arriving at my house Matt parked in the driveway and said: "Nice car."

"Thanks, it was from my dad, but I liked your gift better." He smiled smugly till I said: "Even if it did belong to your girlfriend."

"Yeah, but even if we break up, you can keep it." He said looking at me and I asked: "Tired of rescuing me from Blake already?"

"No! I like you so much. You don't know how badly I wanna have you right now."

"You can if you come in." I said smiling while opening the door and getting my luggage.

"Here let me." He said taking two of them and leaving me with the remaining one.

"Thanks just drop them here." I said as we entered the house. It was Sunday so the staff was off. "Let's get something to drink." I walked into the kitchen and he followed.

"Feel like champagne?" I asked laughing. "It's LE GUD STUFF." I attempted to sound French.

"Ok. Goodness these are like $200 for a mouthful." He said opening the bottle as I handed him two glasses.

"Daddy likes the best. Thanks." I said as he handed me my glass. Taking a sip he said: "Nice." He took my glass and put it on the island and lifted me up. I swear he was almost still taller than I am!

"Can I kiss you or is Daddy here?" He asked whispering close to my mouth when-

"Indeed, Daddy is here." Spinning around I knocked both glasses of champagne onto the ground and said: "Daddy, your car wasn't in the driveway." I said looking guilty.

"I just arrived." He said looking at Matt who had jumped back and was looking at my father in fear. My dad is tall and built just like Matt and Blake; I get my tiny build from my mother.

"H-h-hallo sir." Matt stuttered as he stood looking at me then my dad.


"Matthew, Matt." I said confused for a second.

"It's nice to meet you Matthew." My dad said being very formal. I could swear I saw a twinkle in his eye as Matt came over and shook his hand.

Jumping off the counter I was about to clean up the mess, when my father said: "Leave it Connor; the servants can do that tomorrow. Aren't you going to greet me?" Walking over to him I was about to stretch out my hand when he grabbed me and gave me a hug. It had been so long- four years since I last received affection from anyone, let alone him.

"Happy Birthday, son! Did you like your gift?" He asked a he let me go.

"Uhm yes, thanks dad." I said as I stood back.

"This must be your boyfriend then?" He asked looking at Matt. I was about to say no, when Matt said very bravely: "Yes, sir. I am." He looked so sweet and protective that I could have thrown him down and had my way with him right then!

"I'm just glad it's not that other horrible boy- Blake?" He said looking at me. "What happened to your face and arm?!" He asked taking my face in his hands and glared at Matt.

"No, it wasn't Matt. Blake was angry when I said I didn't want to see him anymore and he grabbed me, but Matt punched him and the eye thing is so embarrassing! I fell when Matt and I were carrying wood to the cottage."

"Where were you?" He asked.

"Matt's parents have a lodge in the mountains so we went there."

"Why didn't you ask me?" My dad said.

"Dad, you're never here and you don't answer your phone." I said looking at him.

"Well that's going to change," He said looking at Matt and then at me, "I sold the company and I am going to retire and come home."

"Dad, you realize that you're thirty seven, right?" I asked and laughed when he smacked me lightly on the arm.

"Yes, but since your mother died we haven't had a relationship and now I am going to fix it." He smiled at me then said to Matt: "I hope you like steak, because that's all I can make and you guys are going to eat with this old man."

"Sounds great sir, I just hope you're a better cook than Connor! He screwed up scramble eggs and toast!" They both found this very amusing until I said: "Ahahaha, Oh my God you're so funny."

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, Connor." My dad said. "Why don't you two get into your costumes and I'll fire up the grill." He headed out to the grill.

Matt looked confused until I said: "It's heated."

"Kewl, if I had known you were this rich we would have been at it a long time ago." Kissing me on the forehead he ran out to his car to get shorts, and I changed into green Puma swimming briefs that matched my eyes and kept the necklace on.

We headed to the indoor swimming pool and I was calmly walking when Matt pushed me into the pool. Coming up I said: "You are so lucky this water is heated or I would kick your ass right about now." I said acting cross, but laughing when he turned to me and wiggled his ass at me.

"Wow guys," My dad said turning from the grill, "save that stuff for the bedroom."

A blushing Matt jumped into the water as I laughed my head off. I couldn't believe that this was my dad and he was meeting my boyfriend and we were talking. He was acting very cool and said: "Mind if I join you?" While taking off his clothes and jumping into the pool in just his briefs.

"Gross, Dad!" I moaned as he did that.

"What? I look better than you two." He said holding up his arms and making muscles. My dad was very toned and obviously worked out and I'm sure he could beat Matt up if he wanted to.

"No, Matt looks much sexier and he doesn't have a hairy old man's chest, do you stud?" I asked him.

Matt was blushing profusely at this stage and muttered: "He does look great- for an old man." We both laughed until my dad started swimming towards us. I screamed and hid behind Matt as my dad yelled: "Pussy!"

"Receding hair line!" I screamed and laughed because he didn't have one, but he acted angry and came for me. I used Matt's body as a shield and Matt just laughed till my dad threw him out of the way and came after me. Pushing my head under water, I gasped when I got some air and he said: "Still got some strength for an old guy with a receding hairline, don't I?" He asked laughing.

After that he got out to check on the steaks, but Matt and I kept swimming and I even teased him and grabbed his penis, making it hard. I got out and left him in the pool to get my steak.

"Your steak is ready." I said sitting down at the patio dining table with a towel draped over my shoulders.

"I'll be there in a minute." He said flashing me an evil smile while mouthing: "Cocktease."

I just laughed at him till he joined us. My father asked him all sorts of questions.

"So do you play football?"

"I'm the running back, sir."

"Please call me Edmund." He said being very friendly. I'm telling you it's a little scary.

"I'll try si- I mean Edmund." He said blushing.

"So, running back? Very impressive, I played the same position in high school and college- at Brown." He said cockily.

"Wow, that's awesome! I wanna go to Brown." Matt said looking at my dad enviously.

"That's a coincidence, Connor is going to Brown, but he will be staying in a flat. If you want I can put in a good word for you when I call for Connor?"

"That'd be great! Really? Kewl." He said as my father nodded.

"Dad, we still have the entire senior year ahead of us." I said.

"I know, but maybe the two of you can stay in the flat that I've already bought. It has two bedrooms and is in a very established neighborhood- only the best for my son." He said winking at me.

"I'd like that." I said smiling at Matt who smiled back.

I woke up the following morning with a smile on my face and eager to get to school to see Matt, until I remembered that Blake would be at school too.

"Lord I hope he will be civil." I said softly to myself.

Getting up I got dressed and went downstairs to see my dad waiting in the dining room eating breakfast.

"Morning." I said smiling at him.

"Hey, look who's up! I thought Matt left a bit late last night." He said winking.

"It's not like that Dad. We haven't even actually kissed." I said blushing.

"Ok, that's enough." He said picking up his coffee and clearing his throat.

"Dad?" Seeing him look at me I said: "I'm really glad that we are going to spend more time together from now on and I'm glad that you are here."

Taking my hand in his he squeezed it and said: "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, but after Blake outed you and your mother died I just hid behind my work, but we are going to move forward and be a family."

Later that morning as I parked my car and walked towards the school building I saw Blake approaching. Trying to ignore him and walking quickly towards the school he grabbed my wrist again and said: "Connor, please don't be stupid. We're great together."

"FYI we were never anything and just so you know we never will be." Trying to wrestle my arm free I saw him lifting his hand and the next thing I know I was laying on the floor with a split lip and a massive pain in my jaw. There were lots of people around and I think they were all shocked, acting instinctively I kicked his shin and heard him swear and grab for his leg.

Looking at me he said: "You're gonna pay for that." And walked over to me when Matt tackled him to the floor and they started to fight. Matt got in a few good punches and was kicking his ass when some of the teachers came and dragged them off each other. All of us were called to the principal's office and our parents were called.

Upon arriving the headmaster realized who my father was. I mean Daddy was responsible for half the people in the town's jobs or was till he sold the company.

"Mr. Montgomery, it's an honor to meet you." The principal said.

"Principal Turner, I realize that a fight on the school grounds is inappropriate, but my son has been at the receiving end of this boy's," he said looking at Blake distastefully, "cruel jokes and physical assault. Suffice it to say I'm not happy with the way in which this situation has been handled these past four years."

My dad could really be extremely threatening while still remaining polite.

"Of course sir. We were unaware of the situation. Blake you are to leave these two boys alone. Am I understood?" He asked looking at Blake.

Thanks so much for the wonderful emails. Keep them coming, please! Any suggestions and criticism are welcome. Thanks to the people who wished me luck with my seriously dysfunctional family! LOL!! I'm struggling to move forward with the story as many aspects are partly based on me and right now my life sucks!

Hope someone can help with ideas. Email me at



Next: Chapter 4

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