Not That Bad


Published on Apr 9, 2009




Not that bad


What is the matter with me? I asked myself looking into the mirror in my bathroom. I saw a 5'4" boy with pitch black hair that was hanging over a face with high cheekbones, a pretty mouth, a button nose and emerald green eyes that could flash sparks when I was upset. Allowing my gaze to wander further down I saw a skinny and hairless body with a slight Mediterranean tan.

"See Conner, you're not that bad. You don't need to hurt yourself." I whispered into the mirror as a tear fell down my cheek. I got my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth for the third time that morning.

As I made my way down the impressive marble staircase I walked into the dining room to find my dad already gone with a note on the table.


I walked outside and there was a brand new Champagne colored Mercedes Benz SLK 500 convertible! Screaming with joy I ran back to my room and dressed in a pair of Levi Jeans, camel Prada loafers and a cream Gucci T-shirt. Running back downstairs I told the butler that he could cancel the driver and rushed to my new car!

I parked my car in the senior parking lot and so enjoyed the envious stares I got from all those jocks that made my life hell. I walked into the school and froze when I heard: "Happy Birthday, Conner Alexander Montgomery."

I turned around and saw him, the eighteen year old captain and quarterback of the football team. All 6'3" was muscled and he had the blonde hair and blue eyes too.

"Do you want to hit me again, Blake?" I asked sarcastically flashing him a look that could freeze hell over.

"No," He mumbled looking at his feet. ", I want us to be friends again." He looked at me quickly and then back down at the floor and said: "Maybe even more."

"You are a sneaky son of a bitch. You knew my father wouldn't be here and I would be vulnerable. Do you really think that I'm going to fall for your sick little jokes again?"

"When are you going to forgive me? I was fourteen what did you expect me to do?" He asked frustrated.

"You kissed me remember. I was twelve. So don't use the age excuse. If your brother had come in seconds earlier he would have seen YOU trying to kiss ME!" I said angrily.

"I'm so fucking sorry Conner. Please just forgive me." He said looking like he was about to cry.

"Don't cry. You're a jock remember. Image is everything that's why you and your brother told everyone our secret and conveniently left your part in it out." I said this last part very sarcastically and then I turned and walked away back to the parking lot and to my new convertible.

"Let's skip school." I said to myself and drove off to the movies.

Walking around in the mall after watching Marley and Me, I gazed into the shop windows. I passed a toy store that Blake and I had always frequented before our "little fight". Surprise, surprise there he was too. Before I could turn around and walk away he saw me and came over.

"Hi, Conner." He said smiling.

"Wipe that fucking smile off of your face you son of a bitch." I said rudely then turned and walked out.

"Conner, I know you hate me, but this isn't you. Don't be like this." He said walking after me.

Turning around I replied in my always hoarse sounding voice: "I don't hate you Blake Cooper. That would imply I still have feelings for you. When I see you I feel nothing. I feel indifference and you are wrong. This is the way I am. This is the way you made me."

"No, I know that you are still the sweet and loving boy you've always been."

"Wrong again. Thanks to you my dad hasn't communicated with me other than threw notes in the last four years. My mother died a year after that "incident" and I lost all of my friends. Pray do tell where you see all of this love in my life?"

"I'm sorry Conner. Please I want to earn your forgiveness. What should I do?"

"Leave me alone." I turned around and walked away.

The next day at lunch I was walking towards an empty table with my tray when I heard Blake loudly saying: "Everyone may I have your attention?" Everybody was instantly silent and facing him. He was looking at me and I knew what he was going to do, but I was frozen and I couldn't move!

"Four years ago, I kissed a boy and then my brother blamed that boy for the kiss. I was too scared to do anything and just went with it, but today I want to tell you all that I kissed Conner Montgomery and that I'm gay and in love with him." He and everyone else turned towards me and I went a scarlet red, dropped my tray and ran from the lunch room. I hid in the bathroom till the bell rang and made my way to my next class.

As I entered the classroom, the children looked at me and some of them greeted me for the first time in years. I was totally shocked and just went to my normal place and sat down. I don't think I heard anything the teacher said. Hearing the bell ring I got up and walked away when I saw Blake waiting for me outside.

He had this cocky look.

"You are a bastard, everything is always about you. That stunt you pulled in there was to make you feel better about yourself. You don't love me. You can't, because you don't even know me. Did you know that since your brother told everyone that I kissed you, my life has been hell? I can't sleep more than a couple of hours without waking up in a cold sweat wondering if I did do it. I don't eat for days in a row and when I do I throw most of it up," At this point I was crying and I knew that people were watching and listening, but I didn't care anymore, "my own father barely speaks to me and every morning I wake up I have to give myself a pep talk in the mirror just to make me feel good enough about myself to come to school."

"Conner-" He tried to say something, but his voice broke and I saw unshed tears in his eyes.

"I can't do this anymore." I said and walked to my car quickly, getting in I drove home.

Upon arriving home, I was still crying, I walked into the kitchen and ignored the looks from the servants and grabbed a bottle of red wine. I opened it, grabbed a glass and went upstairs. Since I wasn't use to alcohol two glasses had me so drunk I could barely walk straight. That is when I heard the doorbell ring. Since the servants were gone at six I left to open the front door and gasped when I saw Blake there.

"H-hallo." I said and then started to laugh hysterically. He must have thought I was going mad.

He started to cry and said: "Conner please," sob, "just hit me or something," sob, "I'm so," sob, "sorry, I never meant for this to happen."

I started to cry too and that made me angry, because I wanted to hate him, but I couldn't. No matter what I had told myself for the past four years I still loved him.

"I don't want to, but I forgive you." I said more sober after realizing that I still loved him.

"But you don't ever hurt me like that again. OK?" I said looking up at him. Suddenly he looked so sexy I jumped into his arms placing my legs around his waist as he grabbed my ass and kissed me back. After a moment I pulled back saying: "I'm not very good at kissing, since I've never had practice."

"Bullshit, I used to think about our first kiss all the time, but this one was very good." He said smiling lazily. I lifted my hand gently wiping the tears from his cheeks and pecked him on the mouth.

"How did everyone react to your being gay?" I asked rubbing his chest with my hand. Walking in he kicked the door closed with his foot and walked up the stairs still carrying me.

"Surprisingly well. You know my best friend Matt; well he invited you with the two of us to go to his parents lodge from tomorrow till Sunday. We leave tomorrow morning. Do you wanna come?" He asked looking at me hopefully.

"Really?" I asked tearing up. "You want me to go?"

"Of course I do. I know you might not feel the same yet, but I love you."

"Ok, I'll go." I said feeling uncomfortable talking about love. I've never been able to say that, not even to my parents.

"Great. I'm going to leave now, but I'll pick you up in the morning at 9?" He asked looking at me.

"Sure." I said smiling at him.

He leaned in gave my cheek a kiss and walked to the door. Standing there he turned around and said: "Thanks."

"For what?" I asked looking at him confused.

"Giving me another chance and forgiving me." And with that he left me sitting there feeling very excited about the trip.

I packed three Louis Vuitton suitcases, not knowing what to bring. As I heard the doorbell ring I walked downstairs and opened the door.

"Morning babe." Blake greeted me and kissed me on the forehead. "I'll get your bag." He said walking past me.

"Hi." I heard behind me and jumped about three feet in the air. Turning around I saw Matt. He was an inch taller than Blake, with brown hair and brown eyes and had a kind face.

"Hallo, I'm Conner." I said shaking his hand. My God they both had huge hands.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Matt." He said smiling at me.

"Fuck Conner, three bags!" I heard Blake saying out of breath coming down the stairs. "This is fucking heavy."

"Sorry, I didn't know what to bring along." I said feeling stupid.

"You might want to dress in old clothes; I think you're overdressed for the lodge." Matt said trying to be helpful.

"These are old clothes." I said blushing slightly, because they thought I was overdressed.

"It's fine Conner. Let's hit the road." Blake said walking past us and to the car, a secondhand Jeep Cherokee.

The lodge turned out to be only a couple of hours away and was quite charming- two bedrooms, open plan living, dining and kitchen area and one bathroom.

"This is beautiful." I said as Matt parked the car and we walked inside.

"Thanks. My parents never come here, so every now and then Blake and I bring girls here to be more private and-" He looked at me, realized what he said and blushed. "But Blake and me always shared a room and-"

I didn't know if I should laugh at the way he tried to explain or whether I should tease them a bit more. Blake looked like he had seen a ghost.

"So, you like to bring girls here and use them." I said trying to be serious. The look on their faces was priceless.

"I swear I've only kissed a girl and touched- things." He said looking at me. "Matt is the one who always fucked the girls he came with." Blake said.

"Hey!" Matt yelled blushing and looking away. "You've gotten lots of head. I've only fucked Alicia and no one since." He said.

Realizing that he had just outed Blake he said: "He hasn't had lots of head, I don't think-"

"Ok, stop please." I said laughing at them. They looked at me strangely and I said: "You guys are horny football jocks. I kinda knew that you've at least gotten a blowjob."

"But I always think of you blowing me, I promise."

"What?!" I shouted loudly, blushing. "You can't say things like that! Especially in front of Matt!"

They both laughed and Matt said: "Trust me, you're really cute if I were into dudes I would beg you to give me head." At this point I must have been redder than a tomato.

"Hey, this hot piece of ass is all mine." Blake said giving me a slap on the ass, causing me to yelp.

"Ok, you guys are so rude!" I said angrily marching off and slamming the bathroom door loudly.

"Somebody's in trouble." I heard Matt say teasingly at Blake.

"Shut up! You started it, now he's going to be mad at me." Blake said grumpily. Walking over to the door and knocking gently. "Babe?"

Opening the door I said: "Fuck off and go rent yourself a hooker for the night!" And slammed the door in his face.

"I'm sorry. Just come on out. We were just kidding."

"You don't talk about someone you respect that way, especially to your best friend!" I was actually not that upset, but he needed to know that I would not stand being spoken of as an object.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you a piece of ass. I love you. Come on out. PLEASE." He asked starting to whine.

Opening the door I came out and looked at my feet. Picking me up into his arms he walked into the guest bedroom and shut the door. Then he started to kiss me using his tongue. After a while the kisses started lower and lower, moving into my neck and towards my ear. He nibbled on my earlobe and I whimpered when he gently bit it.

"God, I love it when you whimper." He said looking at me with lust in his eyes. He sat me on the bed and removed his shirt and pants leaving only his boxers. Lying over me he rested his weight on his elbows, but I pulled them, until his bodyweight was on me fully. God I loved the feeling.

We started kissing again and I ran my hand threw the light covering of hair on his chest. "You look just like Chris Evans." I whispered. "Not better?" He asked smiling.

"Actually, yes. I like your hair color better." I said smiling up at him. I started to push his chest, but I didn't even budge him. He rolled onto his back and I sat on his stomach running my hand threw his chest hair.

"I love that you don't shave your chest like some of the other boys." I said softly dipping my head to lick his nipple into erection. He groaned. I moved to the other nipple and felt his hand on my shirt moving it up. I grabbed it and he looked at me worriedly.

"I'm not nice to look at." I said looking deeply into his eyes.

"Not possible." He said pushing my hand away and kissing me on the lips. He lifted the shirt over my head and threw it to the ground.

"Do you own a mirror?" He asked looking at my chest. "Dear God in heaven you're perfection." He said kissing my chest. I actually started to believe him. Next he removed my pants slowly and then my briefs. My penis is eight inches long and three inches thick. I had black pubes, but he said he liked it.

"Fuck it. You're only sixteen and this thing is huge. How big is it?" He asked.

"Eight inches." I said, "How big is yours?"

"I'm seven and a half." He said blushing slightly.

"Can I see it?" I asked and he nodded yes and removed his boxers. It was beautiful. I put my hand onto it, but I couldn't reach my thumb to my other fingers.

"Wow, I may be longer, but you're much thicker and your balls are huge." I said to him causing him to look at my hand fondling him.

"You gotta stop." I heard him squeak in a girlishly high voice.

"Why?" I asked smiling evilly at him.

"Cause I'm gonna come." He said closing his eyes with pleasure.

"Why?" I asked laughing.

"Cause it feels so fucking good." He said gasping as I squeezed it harder.

"Why-" I asked, but yelped when he flipped me onto my back and said: "Cause now you're gonna find out." He started to move his hips and rub his dick against mine and I moaned in pleasure. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and he moved even faster. He started moving faster and faster till I came and then he followed quickly. We were both out of breath and he gasped : "You were incredible." While rolling off of me.

"You were ok." I said joking.

"Ok?" He said looking at me. Then jumped onto me and started to tickle me.

"NO!" I screamed trying to move from under him. He grabbed my hands and held them above my head in one of his hands and tickled me.

"How was I?" He asked smiling at me.


"That's better." He said getting off of me and heading to the bathroom. When he was done he left the room in his towel and I went to shower. I dressed in oversized pajamas and went to the kitchen.

When Matt saw me he said: "The best you ever had eh?" He was laughing along with Blake.

"Fuck you." I said blushing.

"NO, I think you've already done that with him." He said pointing to Blake. "God Conner, you're a wildcat." Seeing that I was confused he said: "The teeth mark on Blake's shoulder. It's a wonder you didn't draw blood."

"Oh my goodness! Blake I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize doing-" I started to apologize.

"Don't apologize babe, it was so hot and trust me I liked it." He said winking at me.

Matt laughingly said: "You know Conner, my dick is bigger than Blake's so I wonder what you would do if I did it to you."

"You guys are so vulgar. We didn't even do that," I smiled cheekily and said: ", Blake said I shouldn't put mine in just yet cause it's so big."

Blake was blushing profusely by now and Matt was teasing him.

"See, I can be vulgar too." And then I winked at him and Matt was blushing as well.

"How can anyone screw up toast and scrambled eggs?" Matt asked teasing me for the millionth time that night.

"Yeah, tell me how you manage to do that." Blake said as well.

"It's hardly my fault; the servants usually take care of that stuff. I've never even been in the kitchen. Besides Blake, I thought you liked me for my bedroom skills and at this rate you aren't getting anything."

"Did I mention how fantastic the dinner was tonight?" Blake asked laughing. "Anyway when we move in together, I'll do the cooking." My heart beat really fast, because Blake saw a future for us. Matt winked at me when Blake said this and I knew that Matt would be an excellent friend for us in years to come.

"Would you guys mind if I called it a night? I'm really tired." I asked getting up. Blake got up as well and said to Matt: "I'm pretty beat too. See ya in the morning."

"Night you guys." Matt said heading off for the main bedroom.

That night we only kissed and cuddled and I felt so loved that I slept thru the entire night.

The next morning I woke up and felt Blake's arm around my waist and his hand resting on my stomach. I felt totally surrounded by him and he smelt good. Then the thoughts started- YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM. HE COULD NEVER LOVE YOU. YOU'RE UGLY AND FAT!

I got up as quietly as possible and went into the bathroom and got my toothbrush out. I bent over the toilet and threw up till the voices of doubt stopped and got up to brush my teeth. When I was done I unlocked the bathroom door and walked into Blake.

"Why do you do that?" He asked looking at me sadly.

"I think it might be because of the eggs last night. They didn't agree-"

"Conner, please do not underestimate my intelligence. Why did you throw up?" He asked leading me to the bed.

Starting to cry I said: "I'm not good enough for you. You're going to leave me when you find someone better and I'll be all alone."

"You must be mad. I'm so scared of you leaving me. I love you and I promise that I will never leave you. OK?" He asked kissing me on the lips.

"Promise me you're going to stop hurting yourself." He asked pulling back.

"I promise. I-I-I I love you too Blake." I said blushing and looking down at the floor.

"Really!?" He asked laughing. He looked so happy and I nodded. He started kissing me until he pulled back and asked me: "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are to me? I still can't believe I've got you."

Later that morning I was lying on one of the window seats reading a book when Matt came walking in carrying wood for the fireplace. Blake was outside chopping the wood. "Can I help with anything Matthew?" I asked trying to be friendly.

"Matthew? Fuck, please call me Matt." He said laughing. "No, you look quite comfortable and I'm not going to put you to work. Blake would kill me!" Laughingly he walked outside leaving me sitting there. Grabbing my scarf and a pair of really expensive suede boots I walked outside.

Standing with my hand on my hip I asked Blake challengingly: "You think I'm too spoilt to work?"

He turned looking at me confused. "Huh?"

"Yeah, I know you think I'm some helpless spoilt WASP, but I'll have you know that I have a 4.0 GPA and I'm two years ahead in my class and I can jog you away Mr. Football Jock!" Leaving him standing there looking confused I walked over to the chopped wood and tried to pick up a lot of stumps. Almost falling I walked over to stairs to the front door and lost my footing and fell back causing a stump to fall onto my forehead making the tiny wound bleed.

"Conner!? Baby? Wake up." I heard coming to. Opening my eyes I felt an immediate headache and saw Blake holding a cloth to the wound and Matt watching from behind him.

"Ohm." I moaned trying to move his hand away from the pain. Lifting the cloth he looked at me. "What the hell were you doing? I told you Matt and I would take care of the wood. You're not used to hard labor." He scolded looking down at me.

"God, I'm so pathetic." I whispered. "I can't even carry wood!" I felt tears in my eyes.

"You are not pathetic." Matt said from behind Blake. "You are so smart and Blake and I could never compare. We all have different talents."

"Thanks Matt." I said shakily looking up at him smiling.

"Should I leave the two of you alone?" Blake asked looking at us and smiling jokingly.

"Yeah, I have a thing for tall guys with big hands." I said smiling at Matt. "Just close the door on the way out." Matt added joining in on the joke.

"Is my eye blue?" I asked touching my face gently.

"Yeah." They said in unison.

"Cool, I've never had one before." I said smiling. "Maybe I can tell everyone at school my boyfriend is abusive in bed. Oh!" I yelled as Blake hit me on my arm.

"Fuck you guys, I've already heard you in bed, your entire body should be blue Conner. Or are you the abusive one." He joked, but ran to the door as Blake tried to punch him.

"Ok, ok, ok." I'll leave you guys alone." He said walking out and closing the door.

"Sorry." I said making a goofy face at him.

"Don't sweat it babe. I'm just happy that you're alive." Blake said rubbing my hand gently.

"I doubt I would have died, Darling." I said in a pompous British accent.

"You are so cute when you act British. I'm horny now." He said giving me this innocent look.

"Why Mr. Parker, I do believe you are taking advantage of a poor little minor boy." I said laughing.

"You're right! I'm a pedophile!" He said.

"Yes, you dirty old man." I said kissing him on the jaw. "Corrupt me!" And he did, all night long.

This is the first story I have ever written and am now submitting. Kindly let me know what you think of it at: and address it to AB. Any criticism is welcome, but PLEASE be kind as I am quite sensitive when people criticize me. Should too many people find this story boring or in any way unworthy I will gracefully withdraw from writing further stories.

Thanks so much for your time.



Next: Chapter 2

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