Not So Unlucky Break

By Random -

Published on May 14, 2001


This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life characters is purely coincidental. The mention of the Backstreet Boys here is purely in a fictional sense, it makes no claims on their sexuality or behaviour.

I can't decide now, Kevin or Brian. Sorry for the slight delay, but I have exams coming up and I've been busy revising!!

Keep them coming in!!

I also recommend 'if I am' - it's is amazingly written, and it's really dramatic and romantic (what else could you want?)

Also, for N*sync fans, 'Not until you love me' is also brilliant. Its edgy, and has a little more sex in it, but still has a lot of emotion in it. And for something fun , read "Powers that be' .

And finally, 'Secret Emotion' - a must read. I hope it gets updated soon!!

Not So Unlucky Break: Chapter 4

I was quite surprised over how quickly Brian, Kevin and Willow clicked, and over the 20 minute journey, we all seemed like best friends (practically). We all had quite a lot in common in terms of music taste (we all liked the Backstreet Boys!), films, political factions...we didn't quite make it to that, but you get my drift.

Now excuse me while I digress a little, but I forgot to mention how amazing Kevin and Brian looked, each with their own distinct style. I'll start with Brian first (in alphabetical order to show no bias). He was wearing a pair of dark brown trousers, nicely fitted around the arse, but it opened up as it tapered down the leg, giving it a slightly baggy look, and a fitted black short-sleeved shirt, which may I add showed off his nicely defined arms (not too big, not too small - I'm not for overly muscley men).

Kevin was a little more casual, in a pair of indigo jeans, which were baggy-ish, and a round neck navy sweater with a orange stripe across his chest. It was tight or loose, but the way it sat on his honed and toned physique, it was mouth watering.

You're probably thinking, what a slut you are (in reference to me, of course), fancying the both of response to that, its because I didn't really know the either of them really well, and essentially it was quite a physical attraction. There's no such thing as an equal level of attraction, so I must have liked one better than the other right....wrong! Honestly, they were superstars, and I was a budding photographer. Nothing was going to happen, but if something were to, I'd take whoever wanted me!! (i'm not that cheap, but have you seen the both of them lately?).

Back to the evening. We finally got to the restaurant. It was a small little Chinese restaurant, which looked dubiously empty when we entered. Kevin explained that they knew the owners well, and every time they were in town the owners would shut it for them whenever they wanted to eat there.

The dinner was fantastic, and throughout the whole thing we didn't once really settle into an awkward silence, which I was afraid would happen. Conversation wasn't superficial, but not overly deep. We discussed everything from politics (it had to come in sometime) to religion to the cartoons we used to watch as kids. We completely avoided the topic of relationships (I assumed because they didn't want us - the press - getting hold of sensitive information).

Was there any flirting? Willow was flirting her arse off with Kevin, every-so-often flicking her hair, and giggling to all of Kevin's sometimes lame jokes. Kevin seemed a little uncomfortable but not too much. Again, maybe it was my imagination, but when either my attention was focused on someone else, I was certain that I would catch either Brian or Kevin steal a glance in my direction. At first I thought there was something caught in my teeth, but after a quick bathroom check, I ruled it out.

I guess it would be a good time to mention my behaviour at this point. Was I flirting with them, probably, but not too explicitly. I would flash the occasional smile, and then quickly try and establish eye contact then quickly break it off with a little pouty smile-grin thing I do....the beauty of what i was doing was that it could be construed in a multiple of ways. I of course made a conscious effort not to exclude Willow from my attention (though I was afraid that they would think we were an item).

We must have been chatting now for well over four hours, and when I looked at my watch it was already midnight. Kevin noticed me checking the time,

"Do you have to leave already?" giving me a disappointed look.

"No, no, it's just a habit of mine. I need to know the time," I laughed.

He immediately broke into a smile,

"I know it's a bit late, but we don't really get the opportunity to just chill out and chat about things aside from being in the band..."

"Actually, I can't remember the last time we actually had a decent conversation with anyone outside the group," Brian interrupted.

I must say I was quite delighted to hear this. I was beginning to genuinely like them, and the feelings seemed to be mutual.

"So, would you like to maybe go for some desert, I know this amazing little café," Kevin continued.

"I don't know about Dylan, but definitely up for some desert," Willow replied, this time a little more controlled, and not so 16 yr old-ish.

All eyes turned to me,

"To tell you the truth, I'm actually quite stuffed..."

The crestfallen look on both Kevin and Brian's face was instantaneous,

"But, I have to admit I am having a pretty good time, you guys aren't quite the airheads I expected you to be, so count me in," I smiled.

No sooner had I finished, the smiles which beamed from the first part of my sentence turned to amused shock.

"Airheads!" Brian screamed, then jumping up and getting my into a head lock then giving me a nudgy (I think that's what its called - rubbing someone's head with you knuckles).

I tried to break loose of his lock, but he had me quite well pinned to the chair,

"Uncle, Uncle," I screamed out.

Willow and Kevin erupted in laughter, and when Brian eventually did, we both joined in. I was actually quite surprised over how comfortable he was with me, but I was fine with it, and not in a naughty way, because over the course of the evening, the four of us seemed to gel really well, and his reaction seemed almost normal to me.

We settled the bill, well they did, insisting that it was their treat. We did however make them agree to us buying desert.

Getting back into the limo, something which I could very well get used to, we headed off to the Kevin's allegedly great café. After about 20 minutes of circling the place where he thought it was,

"There it is, there it is," Kevin pointed out enthusiastically.

"Are you sure," I asked, "it looks like it's shut,"

"Oh, maybe not then,"

But as we got closer it was soon apparent that we were both right, it was the café and it was shut.

"Oh man, Dylan, Willow, I'm really sorry about this, I..." Kevin started apologising.

"What happened to sorry Brian?" Brian interrupted, punching Kevin in the shoulder.

"Ow. You? Cuz, you've got nothing better to do anyway," Kevin laughed.

This got Brian going, and he slapped the back of Kevin's head.

"You tell him Brian," Willow screamed.

"Boys, boys, no fighting in front of the women," I joked.

Eventually we started laughing again.

"I've haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Thanks." said Kevin giving both Willow and me and big smile.

"What do you guys want to do now?" Brian asked.


"I know," Willow jumped in.

"Do you guys fancy taking a walk in Central Park?" Willow asked excitedly.

Brian jumped at the idea, "Yeah, that's a great idea. You both game?" he asked.

"Why not," Kevin and me said in unison.

And so, the limo whisked us off the central park for a stroll under the stars.

What did you think? Don't say it, nothing much has happened. Patience is a virtue, so wait for it, and I promise (to the best of my abilities) not to let you down and make it interesting. A lot will unfold in the next installment, so wait for it!! . Please send me feedback...anything from ideas, to I like your story, or even I think it sucks (but if you do, please tell me why :) ).

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