Not So Unlucky Break

By Random -

Published on May 8, 2001


This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life characters is purely coincidental. The mention of the Backstreet Boys here is purely in a fictional sense, it makes no claims on their sexuality or behaviour.

I'm not quite sure how this one is, so I would greatly appreciate any feedback on whether I should continue it. If anyone out there likes it, I will, but if not I'll get working on something else. So, please email me with some feedback at I promise to reply. Thank you!

Not So Unlucky Break: Chapter 1

I have a problem with push/pull doors. I push when you're meant to pull and pull when you're meant to push. It hasn't exactly been a major problem, well not until I got my first big assigment to cover the Backstreet Boys press conference.

I was exceedingly late, and rather than wait for the lifts, I decided that it would be quicker to take the stairs. I just assumed that the press conference would be at the top floor, so I ran all the way up to the top. At the top of the stairwell was one of those pull doors, and like I always do, instead of pulling the door, I pushed hard against it.

The door didn't however swing open, rather it hit something, and I heard a loud 'THUMP' followed by a rather painful 'uumph'.

"Oh shit!" I screamed out, and in reflex I let go of the door, which was stupid cause it swung back at me, hitting straight in the face. I let out my own 'uumph'. The impact was pretty strong, and precariously standing on the edge of the staircase, I was losing my balance.

I was swinging my arms and struggling not to fall (it was a long way down), but I was fighting a losing battle. I managed to let out a hearty "Help!" before I tipped backwards. I shut my eyes in fear expecting my body to be sent flailing down the stairwell, but instead I felt something, someone, grab my arm and pull me into what felt like a strong embrace. I wanted to open my eyes, but the shock and not the mention the feeling of those arms around my body, well suffice to say I kept them shut.

"Are you okay?" whispered a mellow voice.

I slowly opened my eyes, and staring back at me were the greenest eyes I had ever seen. They sparkled like emeralds, and for a brief moment I was lost in them.

"Are you okay?" said the voice again.

That brought me back to reality. I looked at the figure who was still holding me, and I sudddenly realised who it was.

"Are you alright?" he asked again.

"I..I..I'm fine," I stammered back. I was in a total state of shock, even more so than before. Why you ask? What could be more shocking than the prospect of death from falling down the stairs? Let me tell you, its having your life saved by one of the Kevin Richardson from the BSB.

"I am so sorry, I could have killed you there," he said very apologetically.

"Oh no, its my fault," Looking at his face I saw some dried blood around his nose, and it hit me (well not literally), "...oh my god, your nose, I pushed the door into you didn't I? It was my fault,"

He just chuckled. "Nope, when the door hit me, I pushed hard against it too, nearly sending down those stairs. You gave me a bloody nose, I nearly killed you. Do you think we're even?" he joked.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Mmm, let me think... I reckon you owe me something," I said tapping my head, then letting out a little laugh.

Punching me in the shoulder he said, "I save your life and this is the thanks I get?," in mock seriousness.

We both broke out into laughter again. I was just about to say something when the door opened, this time being pulled from the inside.

"Hey Kev, we gotta start the press conference," said Nick to Kevin, then turning his head to me, giving me a rather strange look, sort of saying, who are you?

Kevin turned to me, and smiled, "I gotta go, um...."

It was obviously ackward, so I said, "Yup, no probs, and thanks for saving me there."

What else was to be said?

He left and proceeded to the press conference, which I was meant to cover, so I followed shortly. The press conference was an announcement that they would be postponing their Black and Blue tour due Howie's leg injury, and that they would be resuming it in a couple of months when he recovered. It went smoothly, and I managed to get myself a couple of good photopgraphs for the magazine.

After the press conference, while I was putting my stuff together, I realised that I had lost my mobile phone. The room was empty by now, so I scoured the area for it, but to no avail. Backtracking, it dawned on me that it could have fallen out of my pocket when I nearly fell. I ran towards the door which led to the corridor which led to the stairwell (confusing I know!), and instead of just pushing or pulling it, I decided to determine if it was meant to be pulled/pushed before acting on it. Like a 10 yr old, I stood in front of it, trying to decide, when the door swung towards me. The impact was pretty hard, and I hit the floor.

I was dazed and confused, but could make out several voices.

"What was that?"

"I dunno, let me....holy shit!"

"What? What?"

"Kev man, I think you've killed someone," a voice chuckled

"No, I saved him back there,"

"Saved who?"

"Some guy who I....oh never mind, what are talking ab...Holy shit. Its the same guy,"

"What guy? What are you guys talking ab...oh my god,"

"Don't just stand there, do something,"

"I'm not touching no dead body here,"

"He's hardly dead.."

"Then you do something,"

"What's going on here...Shit, what happened to him?"

My vision was seriously blurred, but I could make out a figure kneeling beside me. Since my eyes were partially open, it was quite obvious I was alive.

"Are you okay?" How many times was I going to hear this today?

I wanted to answer, but my head was spinning, and I just couldn't let out a sound. He scooped my head up and rested it on his arm.

"Get me some water, and call security. Tell them to get a doctor here." he commanded.

He stroked my hair, and asked, "Can you hear me?" His voice was so gentle.

My vision was starting to clear up, and after several blinks, I saw a pair of crystal blue eyes looking down at me, shimmering under the bright flourscent lights everytime he blinked.

"Two gorgeous guys in one day, how lucky am I?" I thought to myself, then smiling.

My smile must have indicated that I was okay, and still stroking my hair, he smiled and said, "You are okay,"

I may have been quite out of it, but I was fully aware of the conversation going on around me. I distinctly remember the word doctor mentioned, and since I wasn't too keen on seeing one, I said, "No need for a doctor, I'm perfectly fine,"

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. No doctors." My voice was strained.

"I really think you should see one,"

"No, no, no doctors, please," I pleaded.

I could see clearly now, and what I just saw sent me into another state of shock. My head was cradled in Brian Litteral's arms, and he was stroking my hair. The shock on my face must have been quite obvious, as Brian abruptly stopped stroking my hair, and pulled immediately away from me, sending my head crashing to the floor again.

"Uugh," I cried out.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, its just..." Brian was sounding very apologetic.

"Chill man, I'm fine. really" I replied.

I pulled myself up, and though I was still very dizzy, managed to balance myself by grabbing hold of a chair.

The scene in the room was quite hilarious. Here I was being stared upon by five famous guys. There was an ackward silence in the room, then Kevin spoke up,

"Remember me?"

I laughed, "I think, who are you....who am I?" The expression on my face turned from amusement to bemusement.

The smile on his face turned to horror, "'t remember?"

I was so tempted to carry it on, but the look of terror on all their faces showered my with a wave of guily.

"Remember what? Do you know who I am?" I burst out laughing after that.

That broke the tension in the room. Nick was the first to join in,

"Hahaha, Kevin, you should have seen the look on your face!!" Nick was roaring with laughter, and within seconds he was on the floor gripping on to his stomach. Everyone followed suit, apart from Kevin, who was red from embarrassment.

The silliness of the situation was interrupted by a burly man who walked into the room,

"Mr Thompson is waiting for you in the limo," he said in a monotone voice.

The laughter soon died down, and the ackwardness resurfaced.

"You better go then, " I said.

"Yeah, we should," said Kevin.

He seemed somewhat reluctant to go, but when all the four left, he followed.

When they left, I started looking for my camera, and found it by the door. I reached over to pick it up, and realised it was in pieces,

"OH F*CK!" I screamed out. I didn't mean to, but this was even more of a shock (I'm easily shocked as you can see!). I had spent every single penny I had on my camera, and I was broke. I could barely afford to pay my rent, less fix my now desolate camera.

My outburst was louder than I anticipated, and this brought Kevin and Brian

running in.

"What happened?" they asked in unison.

"Oh, uh, nothing really," I was so embarrassed. Can you imagine, I was kneeling on the floor staring weepingly (almost at least) at the remains of a camera. To a fellow photographer, it would have been understood, but to stars who probably hated my kind, it was comical, probably almost a blessing.

It was obvious something was wrong, and when Brian saw me cradling the remains of my camera, he quickly put two and two together.

"I don't suppose Kevin had anything to do with that?" Brian joked, trying to lighten the mood.

I just smiled. I didn't know what to say.

"Oh man, today just isn't my day, or yours for the matter. Listen, we've dealt with enough photographers to realise that your piece of equipment there is pretty expensive, so get it fixed, or better yet get a new one, and we'll handle the bill,"

I was stunned. I still didn't know what to say, but I did know I couldn't accept.

"Thanks for the offer, but I doubt it was your fault, so don't worry about it," I said meekly. I couldn't believe that, bkint and broke me was being so magnanimous about it. They were rich, they could afford it, but I didn't want to come across as some money grabbing wretch.

"Here's my number, get it fixed, and give me a ring when it's done." said Kevin handing me a business card.

"We have to me, okay?" said Kevin, running out the door. But right before that he flashed me the most amazing smile I had ever seen, an aura of something quite indescribable seeemed to radiate around him when he did.

I smiled. "Okay."

Brian was mostly silent, but right before they left Brian spoke,

"Do you have a business card or in case we need to reach you,"

I don't know what compelled me to give him my card, but I did. I guess I was taken aback that he even contemplated wanting to get in touch with me. Anyways, I handed him my card, and he smiled at be, almost flirtatiously then left.

It was only 3pm, and so much had happened. It was surreal. I swear Kevin and Brian were flirting with me, then after two hard knocks, I wouldn't be surprised if I just imagined the whole thing.

I didn't have a choice, I had to get my camera fixed, but was I going to call them and bill them for it? I can't say I wasn't tempted, but was quite sure they had enough of me for a lifetime.

to be continued?............

What did you think? If you would like me to continue, please send feedback at

Apologies for any typos or grammatical errors.

Next: Chapter 2

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