Not So Submissive

By Tag Michaels (Tague Michaels)

Published on Feb 25, 2014


This one came out of nowhere. It is a topic I have little understanding of and quite frankly is totally out of the realm of my belief system or experience. I am neither a Dom nor a Sub and such roles have no place in any relationship I would be in. For those readers who are more familiar with this behavior I hope that I've done it justice so far.

I was nervous as a cat but excited at the same time. I had an idea about what was going to happen but I didn't have a clue. I wanted it badly but I didn't want it, whatever "it" was going to be. I was an almost 13 year old bundle of conflicts. I had started grown pubic hair about 6 months before but my boyfriend of 3 months insisted that I be smooth so he took the time to shave my pubes, down alongside my balls and my armpits. There wasn't any hair on my asshole or in my pits but he made sure anyway. He did my arms and my legs so that everything from my nose down was as smooth as a new born baby. My head was another conflict, one with the rest of my body. My hair was pitch black and reached beyond the middle of my narrow back and was almost as long in the front. It was thick and wavy and luxurious and quite frankly gorgeous. Sometimes my boyfriend would put lipstick and girls clothes on me and take me out in public that way. Often he would have me wear a dress or skirt but never let me wear panties. Sometimes he would make me give up little glimpses of my crotch to people when we sat in restaurants or such. Believe me that got some startled looks. He knew a girl, Zanda, that was incredible with hair and would often weaver or plait my hair into elaborate styles making me feel quite beautiful. I was a beautiful boy, of that there is no doubt. And I'm being objective. My skin was porcelain in color and totally blemish free. I had large hazel green eyes and lashes that Zanda said were the most beautiful she had ever seen. She always complimented me on my mout, my nose, my moderate cheek bones saying that, overall, I was the most perfect child she had ever seen. She said it was too bad that sex parts couldn't be changed like a Mr. potato head because I'd make as perfect a girl as I did a boy and if I was a little girl she'd lick my pussy til I screamed. My boyfriend had fucked me in front of her plenty of times and I did scream when I cummed, much to her delight. Sometimes she would use one of her vibrators in my asshole while my boyfriend fucked my face. That was always lots of fun. I had met Rory, my boyfriend, through Craigslist. When I saw his ad stating that he was 20 and looking for a sub his age or younger I asked for a picture. He wanted one of me in return but I told him not until I saw his pic. Reluctantly he agreed and I was taken immediately by him. Rory was an easy 6'2, slender, his blond hair, I would learn was bleached, was kept short except for a hunk of bangs that fell in his eyes. It helped make him look much younger than his stated age which was okay with me. I emailed him back, thanked him, and asked what it might mean if I was his submissive and if he had any age requirements or objections. His reply; "You would need to follow directions. I might spank you if you don't. I would never humiliate or harm you or make you do stupid shit. I am a Dom, not a master and you will be a sub, not a slave. I use drugs very, very sparingly and rarely drink and you must not either. Age? You have to be over 10. LOL!!! Do I get a pic now? I answered back: "I want someone to be directive with me, to have a strong but flexible hand with me. I don't mind a little discomfort but pain, suffering and humiliation were not my thing either. I am over 10 LOL" I sent him a picture that showed only a small part of my face. I did not want him to know how young I was. It seemed to me that Rory was going to be exactly what I was looking for, what I wanted and what I needed and I didn't want to scare him away. His next message said it sounded like I was someone he would be with and while the picture had the potential of showing a cute guy he couldn't tell but he sure loved the hair. He asked for a better picture. He sent me one of him naked and from the side but his body sort of facing away from the camera. He had a terrific butt and I could barely see the tip of his cock in the front and I could tell that it was hanging so that told me something. "I have a better idea," I emailed back. I asked him to meet me on Saturday morning at 10 at the swing set in MacNernan Park. Obviously he'd know me by the hair. "My name is Jadrian, people often call me Jade." "Jadrian," I heard his voice call from behind me. I was at the peak of the swing and headed backwards. As I slowed down Rory stepped around the swing set and stood before me. He looked me over for a moment then reached out, "Come to me Jadrian." I slid off the swing and stepped up to him. Being barely 5 feet tall I had to look up. Rory knelt, one foot flat on the ground. "This is the only time I will kneel before you," he said. That would turn out to be not true but it didn't matter. He reached out and ran his fingers through my hair. "I should cut this off," he said without emotion. "And I will cut your balls off first," I said, equally without emotion. He looked at me for a good 15 seconds, not saying a word and the expression on his face unchanging. "I believe you would," he finally said. "You are rather pointed for a submissive," he stated and stood up. "I am not your submissive yet and when I am I will follow your direction in anything that does not threaten my life." "Fair enough," he said. "How old are you Jadrian?" "I am 12½." "Undo your pants," he commanded. I quickly glanced around. "I didn't tell you to look around Jadrian I told you to undo your pants." His voice was not angry but gentle, like a patient parent. I quickly undid my belt, snap and zipper then waited with hands at my side. Rory reached out and hooked his fingers into my briefs and tugged them and my jeans down far enough to see all that I had. My cock, when hard, was around 5 inches and I still had my skin. Soft, as it was then, it hung but not real far. My balls had dropped and hung fairly low, one below the other as a boy should. I had a very small amount of black hairs growing at the base of my cock and that was all. "Do you make sperm," he asked and I nodded my head. He directed me to answer with words. "Yes, I make sperm." "Have you ever been with a man?" I started to shake my head but stopped. "No, I have not." He asked if I'd done anything with boys or girls and I stated what little experience I'd had with boys my age which wasn't much. "I have not been with a boy since I was a boy so maybe we shall both learn something," he said then bade me pull my pants up. "How are you going to manage to spend time with me Jadrian?" I explained that I was living with my mother who pretty much left me to my own devices; that I came and went as I pleased without difficulty. When he asked if I'd be able to spend nights with him I told him maybe a few during the week but certainly Friday until Sunday night. "What about right now," he asked. I told him I could go with him. He turned and headed for the entrance so I stepped in behind him and followed. We got to the parking lot and then his car, and older model, and Rory told me to get in, which I did. "Take your clothes off Jadrian," he said as he started the car. "Here?" He turned on the seat and looked at me. "That is the second time that you have questioned my judgment Jadrian. The next time I will beat you. I am not keen on having to explain myself unless I choose to so please listen carefully. I am fully aware of my surroundings. I do not intend to do things that will call attention to us in public. When I tell you to do something I've already worked through it and am aware of any consequences or dangers. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand," I said. "Yes, I understand what?" "Yes, I understand, master." "I am not your master Jadrian; I am your Dom. Choose another title." "Yes, I understand, sir." "Good boy," he said, but you may also call me Rory if you like,' and he smiled at me." The smile and the compliment caused my tummy to jumble with pride. As Rory started driving I quickly removed my clothes, setting them on the floor. The windows of the car were very dark and how I had missed that I am not sure. "Slide over next to me Jadrian," Rory commanded. I did as he asked and he immediately put his hand on my thigh, his finger draping over onto the inner part, and rubbed up and down, his little finger gently touching my balls before rubbing back downward. It felt so good to be touched like that and my cock got very hard very fast. Rory knew that for he looked down and saw but he didn't touch me there. "Your skin is very soft and very pleasing Jadrian," he said quietly as we drove. "Thank you," I responded. My right hand moved to my crotch, the need to be touched very strong. "No Jadrian," he said. "Don't touch yourself unless I tell you to." He continued to rub my leg when he didn't need his hand to drive and soon we pulled into a driveway and into a garage whose door was opening for us. We pulled in and parked and I saw next to us a large and very shiny motorbike. "Come along Jadrian," Rory said as he got out. I gathered my clothes and followed him into the house, through a kitchen and dining room, a living room and into his bedroom. It was a nice enough house, nicer than mine anyway but not new or expensively done. "Go ahead and fold your clothes and put them on that chair," Rory told me. When I was done he commanded me to undress him. His shoes were already off, having been discarded in the laundry room on our way through. Rory stood still while I worked but not quiet. "You are an extremely beautiful boy Jadrian, perhaps the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. I am very, very pleased that you answered my ad. I want to make you happy Jadrian; I want you to feel like you always want to be with me." My little heart was pounding and I didn't know which caused it most; the fact that Rory was praising me or that I was going to see a man's cock for the first time in my young life. I got his jeans down and he stopped me. His briefs were tenting out from his boner and it looked big. "Do you like how I look Jadrian?" "Yes I do Rory, very much." "I want to make love to you Jadrian and I want you to love me back. What do you think of that?" "I want both of those things Rory. I am ready for both of those things and I am pleased that you are going to be my first lover." My cock, which had eventually softened in the car, was by then fully hardened and stood proud and tall in front of my flat belly. "Take my underwear off Jadrian so that you may fully see your man." I tugged his briefs down and stared at him as I got them to his ankles and then off. Rory's cock was huge, at least in my estimation, the large head swollen and red and like me Rory still had his skin. His balls were equally large and smooth so I figured he shaved them. I could only imagine the amount of sperm they would make and wondered briefly if I would be able to swallow it all. "Go ahead Jadrian, touch me," Rory said softly. I took hold of the raging hunk of flesh and was immediately taken by how hard and warm it was. I stroked it a couple of times, sliding the foreskin back and forth over the head. "May I try to suck you Rory," I asked him in my little boy voice, one I would soon learn would get me almost anything I asked for. "Please do Jadrian, but wait." Rory took my hand and pulled to the bed where he promptly at the edge. He bade me stand between his legs, my hard cock against his flat hard belly. Very gently he pushed my hair back then pulled me to him. He hugged me, softly at first then with more pressure and I hugged him back, loving the feel of his body against mine. Rory finally released me, pulled my head to him and kissed me very tenderly on the lips. "Now, go ahead and please me Jadrian." I dropped to my knees between his spread legs, pulled his cock toward me then put my mouth over it. I had sucked a boy twice before but this was entirely different. Rory's cock head filled my mouth and left little room for the shaft. I would eventually learn to take more him in my mouth, much more, but for that moment it was all I could do to work on the head. I licked the sticky stuff that was leaking out of him too, discovering later that it was called precum. "Stop now," Rory said all of a sudden and I snapped my head back in response. "Dddid I ddo something wrong sir; did I not please you?" Rory's face almost melted. He reached out and put his hands on my face. "No you precious thing. I want to suck your cock very badly is all." Rory told me to sit on the edge of the bed, which I did, then he got between my legs and took hold of my raging boner. "You know, you have a large cock and balls for boy your age Jadrian and I have to say that they are as beautiful as the rest of you." That said he put his mouth over my cock and swallowed it all the way to my balls. "Oh gosh," I groaned. I'd never felt like that before. Rory proceeded to suck my cock, feel on my balls and strok me all at the same time. I knew that if he kept it up I would squirt my sperm out very quickly. He stopped just as quickly as he started and pushed me backwards onto the bed and began licking my smooth balls. One hand continued to work on my cock although he really wasn't trying to jack me off, at least I didn't think so. Rory licked and sucked on my ball sac then lifted it up and licked along the underside of it. The feelings were incredible. Rory licked down further and as I was wondering what he was going to do he lifted my legs and pushed them back. To say that I was surprised when he started licking my butthole would be a huge understatement. I was sure glad that I'd taken a good and thorough shower not 2 hours before. Rory's tongue probed at my hole, licked all around it, up onto the underside of my balls again then back down to work on my hole. Never in my life would I have imagined that a person would lick a butthole or that it would feel as incredibly good as it did. I couldn't help but reach down and try to pull my cheeks open even further for him, thinking that he might actually be able to get his tongue up inside my body. "Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh," I whimpered, my entire body vibrating from the feelings that were shooting through my body like stars in the night sky. I heard noise, then a drawer open but I was pretty much oblivious to everything going on around me. My body was flooding with feelings that seemed to rise and fall and rise yet again. Rory continue to lick at my hole for a moment then stopped and let my legs back down. I sat up and saw his cock was raging hard and he was pouring liquid on it. "I have to fuck you Jadrian. I have to fuck your beautiful tight little asshole right now." I could only nod my head. I knew that I would eventually get fucked and truth be known I wanted it even before that moment. Move back onto the bed," Rory commanded and I did so. He grabbed a pillow and had me place it under my butt then got between my legs. "Pull your legs back for me Jadrian," he said; his voice deeper now than it had been. Rory got into position. "Do you want me to fuck you Jadrian?" I nodded my head, remembered what I'd been told. "Yes, sir I do," my voice unsteady. "Tell me Jadrian, tell me what you want." "I want you to fuck me." Rory was prodding at my hole with his cock head, his eyes focused on me and mine on his. I saw that they were half closed and wondered if mine looked the same way. "Tell me Jadrian. Convince me of what you want." "I want you to fuck my butt Rory. I need you to fuck me. I need your big cock in my butt fucking me Rory. I need it bad, real bad Rory, I need it in me." I found that as I talked I really did want and need it more. Where I had been fearful not a moment before, as I told him what I wanted I felt it. He kept on poking at my hole and even pushed the tip of his cock in me. "Tell me more Jadrian, tell me how bad you need me to fuck you." "Please Rory, please fuck me. I need it Rory, I need your cock in me. I need to feel your cock control me, I need to feel you inside me. I need you to make me your boy Rory, please, stop teasing me please fuck me, pleeeeeeze." I was begging him, pleading with him and he continued to poke and prod at my hole. I started to cry, tears started rolling down my cheeks. "Ppleeeze Rory please fuck me now fuck me FUCK MEEEEE." I couldn't believe that I yelled at him but I was beyond caring about the consequences. I had to have that cock in my ass and I needed it now. Before I knew it, before my voice died away, Rory slammed his cock through the tight muscle of my virgin ass and buried himself as deep into me as he could get. "AAAGGHHHHH," I cried out. That goddamned well hurt and the reason for the tears coming out of eyes changed. "It'll be okay soon baby, just breathe, breathe," Rory cooed to me. "Relax your body sweet boy just let it go." Rory spoke softly with love and caring, at least that's how I took it. He put his arms under my legs and leaned forward, which made them rest against his shoulders then put his hands on the bed about level with my chest. It brought my butt up and put my legs almost straight up in the air. Our faces were very close and Rory put his head down and licked the tears from one cheek and then the other. "It's getting better already isn't it baby? Your body is adjusting to having my cock in it isn't it?" He didn't wait for an answer but kissed me on the mouth and as he did so he started to pull his cock out of me. I was afraid that he was going to leave my body but he wasn't. He was starting to fuck me. I kept my eyes open, most of the time. Sharp spikes of intense pleasure would shoot through me and it seemed like my eyes just closed automatically as I inhaled sharply. Rory kept his eyes open and staring into mine. Every so often his head would drop and he would kiss me. I put my arms up and wrapped them around his neck, not holding him but just having the extra contact with him. "It's feeling good Rory," I told him about a minute into it and indeed it was. My hole adjusted to his thick flesh and the pleasure began, radiating out from my little puckered muscle to the rest of my body. Rory fucked me in a smooth steady rhythm; about like a person might have on a leisurely stroll with some place to go but no real hurry to get there. As he fucked me he moved his butt from one side to the other a little, going in and out of me from different angles and producing new feelings. Every once in a while he would press into me and stop, grind his butt around a little bit then start rucking me again. As Rory fucked me I could feel a spot somewhere in my butt that was very sensitive and whenever his cock went over it I shivered because it felt so good. Rory picked up on my feelings. "It's your prostate gland Jadrian," he said and explained only that it was very sensitive when a person was up in a fog of hotness and I was sure getting there. Butterflies were starting to jump around in my belly and I could tell that my sperm would squirt out before too long which was kind of strange to me because up till then I hadn't even touched it. Rory started going a little faster but more importantly he was pulling out of me farther then slamming his cock back into me. "Jesus Christ; fucking you is incredible Jadrian. I swear to God I've never felt this good. Is it good for you too baby; do you like being fucked, do you like me fucking you," he said, his voice deep and throaty. "Mmm yes Rory, it is very good for me. It doesn't hurt at all and yes, having you be the first to fuck me is perfect," I said then raised my head and kissed him on the mouth only this time it was a hard kiss. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and I took it in, greedy for more. "I'm going to shoot my sperm into you soon Jadrian. I'm going to breed you and load your ass up with my cum." I felt my body change as Rory said that and a second later I squealed out loud as my body was wracked with my own sperming. It was by far the best cum that I had ever experienced and it seemed like it went on forever, waves of intense pleasure that seem to take control of my whole body. "Oh fuck you made me cum Jadrian, you're making me cum." Rory was hammering into my body, moving us on the bed, the sound of our bodies colliding a loud slapping noise in the otherwise quiet room. I hung on for dear life. I felt his cock thicken against the rim of my hole then felt his warm sperm shoot into my butt and like I had thought, there seemed to be a lot of it. "So good, so good," Rory moaned as drove his dick in and out of me, moving his butt in the air, pushing hard against me, grinding his butt around then fucking the shit out of me again. It felt like I was cumming again which was really weird to me. My cums generally were a one time thing that lasted maybe 15 seconds then cooled down. This seemed to go on and on and I thought that if this was what it was going to be like every time Rory fucked me then we were going to be doing one hell of a lot of fucking. Rory slowed down then finally stopped and stayed above me, eyes closed, panting heavily. I was having a little trouble with my breathing as well. He finally opened his eyes, sort of, and gave a half a mouth grin and I returned the smile. Rory adjusted his body and let my legs down one at a time then lowered his body onto mine allowing his knees and elbows to take most of his weight. He let his head rest on my shoulder. "You can put all your weight on me Rory, I don't mind," I whispered in his ear. I'd seen enough movies and saw how women acted after just being fucked and figured that was now my role. I rubbed my hands gently up and down his back, onto his head, and onto his firm butt. "That was the best thing that ever happened to me Rory," I crooned to him. " You have to be the best lover in the world I think. I can't imagine anyone making me feel this way." Rory surprised the shit out of me by wiggling with pleasure at my praising of him and in that moment I realized how much like little boys men can be, especially after they've just cummed. I also realized that was a primary part of my role, to praise him, to make him feel, not just good, but special. And I was glad to do it. One can call me crazy but I felt like it was what I was born to do. We lay like that for a good minute before Rory spoke. "You know," he whispered, "I was really just kidding when I said about cutting your hair." I patted his back. "I know," I said just as quietly, "but I wasn't." <<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> READERS, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A SMALL MONETARY CONTRIBUTION TO NIFTY TO HELP KEEP ALTERNATIVE READY ALIVE.

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