Not So Smart

By moc.loa@RB81DJG

Published on Jul 8, 2005


Ricky Flowers took great pleasure in sampling his first feel of Tony Packard's intimate area between his legs. Having placed his hand firmly on the front of Tony's smart grey trousers, he started to squeeze and fondle what was contained within. It was clear that Tony was still soft and Ricky liked that. He enjoyed the process of making his victims harden up for him; it was one of his favourite humiliations. However, despite the lack of any erection at present, Ricky was pretty sure that his hopes were going to be fulfilled. He encountered two quite plump balls and traced a length of shaft that was promising.

"Mmmm. Yes," he said slowly to himself, then, over his shoulder to Baz, "I think he's going to be just what we want."

Baz licked his lips.

Meanwhile, Tony was fighting the shock of being suddenly abducted and tied so that he couldn't move. The only kind of protest left to him was verbal.

"Oh hell. What the...what're you doing? No...arghh....stop...don't do that. Take your hand......urghh! Nooo!"

In all the life that he could remember, the only person to touch Tony in any remotely intimate way had been his doctor and even those occasions had caused him great embarrassment. Having to expose his manhood to another person had made him acutely uncomfortable, despite the knowledge that the gaze was purely professional. This shyness had even extended to the fact that Tony had gone very little distance with any of the girl friends he had dated over the last few years. Despite the usual masculine urges, he had baulked at intimacy due to his reluctance to expose himself sexually to them. On any occasion where the situation had approached such a point, he had found an excuse to cut the date short, hastened home and wanked himself off in the bathroom with thoughts of what might have been were it not for his timidity.

Now, he felt himself being groped for the first time and his mind screamed protest. To make matters worse, his sexual assailant was not female. A man was feeling him up through his clothes and, as much as he tried to struggle, there was nothing he could do to prevent it. In desperation, but realising it was probably futile, Tony resorted to his last line of verbal protest: begging.

" don't....please...not there...not....erghhh....aghhhhh!"

Ricky gave a concluding squeeze to his first physical investigation of their new captive and stood back with Baz to admire their latest plaything. Together they gazed at the pale lilac shirt still mostly hidden under the fastened grey jacket. Their eyes travelled down the trouser-clad legs to the slightly-out-of-keeping white socks which disappeared into the elegant grey shoes. Each imagined what they would discover beneath the smart outfit and each already sported a rock hard erection in anticipation of the fun to come.

Whilst these erections were quite clearly visible as they stretched the front of each pair of jeans, Tony didn't observe them. It was not what he looked for. He was studying the faces of his captives, trying to read some explanation there. All he saw were wolfish, expectant smiles.

"Wh..What are you going to do to me?" he asked in a half-whisper, not really having understood Ricky's references to play' and boy-toy'.

Baz slowly stepped forward until he was beside Tony's upper body. Just as slowly, he lowered himself into a kneeling position beside the boy and reached a hand over Tony's head as if he were about to tousle the black wavy hair. With a sudden snatch of his fingers he grabbed a handful of Tony's hair and jerked upwards. Tony gave a cry of mingled pain and shock.

Baz twisted Tony's hair so that his face swivelled round towards him and Baz spoke with their noses only inches apart.

"We will do what we want, because you're not in a position to argue. We saw you along the road, and liked that nice outfit you're wearing. We like you. We're curious. We wonder whether we like you because of the suit or because you are good-looking or both. In order to find out, we want to see what you look like without the suit."

Baz paused for that to sink in, whilst Ricky moved to take up a similar position on Tony's other side. Tony heard the words, but had difficulty in taking them in.

"Without ... my suit? But I'm not......" Comprehension slowly began to dawn and Baz saw the look of horror come slowly into the boy's eyes. "Nohhhh. You can't take.....I won't.....not my suit. I only just......"

"Ohhh yes we can," Baz responded, cutting off Tony's plea. "We think you'll be just as pretty without it, but we've got to check."

", please...don't take my suit." Tony was already starting to whimper a little. "Oh, please...just let me go."

"No. We can't do that," Ricky murmured into his ear. "Oh no. That'd be no fun."

Tony looked out of the corner of his eye at Ricky. "Please. Taking my suit wouldn't be any fun......"

"Oh it will," said Baz. "We're really going to enjoy stripping it off you."

"And in any case," Ricky added, even closer to Tony's ear, "it won't be just the suit we'll be taking off. We plan on removing all your other clothes too. Everything!"

Baz watched to look of horror in Tony's eyes deepen as the implications of Ricky's whispered intention settled in his mind.

"All my......oh no...please can't mean to......not all my......." Somehow Tony couldn't bring himself to say it, as if his uttering the words would be the only thing to make them a reality, but Baz confirmed what was becoming his worst nightmare.

"Yes. All of your clothes. Nothing at all left. We are going to strip you down and leave you totally NAKED!" The last word was uttered from the back of Baz's throat giving a sinister sound which drove a shudder through Tony's body. This was also caused by the fact that upon uttering that word, Baz's left hand reached across and deftly unfastened the button on the front of Tony's jacket. The two parts fell back exposing more of the pale lilac shirt.

Tony's instinctive reactions took over. With a sharp intake of breath, he opened his mouth and started to scream.


He never managed to articulate the `P'. Baz's hand shot up and clamped swiftly over his mouth and nose, effectively cutting off the airways.

Tony struggled to breathe, feeling his eyes grow rounder. His other senses gradually became remote as his lungs fought to drag in life-giving air, but he was still able to recognise a pair of hands feeling the slim lines of his chest and stomach through his shirt, sliding down over his hips to his thighs and coming up again to stroke and explore that forbidden area which he tried to keep so private. His mind cried out against the assault and protest mingled with outrage and terror before his brain closed down and he lost consciousness.

Baz allowed a few moments after Tony's head slumped forward when his right hand released its grasp on the hair, before removing his left hand from Tony's face. This was not the first time they had treated a captive in this way and had become quite expert at it. Their next actions were also routine and they accomplished them swiftly.

As Baz checked that Tony was still breathing, albeit quite shallowly, Ricky started to untie the knots. Baz assisted and soon Tony's inert body was free. The Baz picked him up and carried him up the stairs and across the floor to the doorway. There, he placed Tony in a standing position and they arranged his body between them ^Ö Tony's arms around their shoulders, their arms about his waist. Then they stepped into the street and headed away from the main road, appearing to be a pair of guys carrying a drunken friend home. Some distance along the road they turned into an alley. This led them to choose a gate in a wooden fence. Beyond that was a door with its paint peeling and inside, through another, sturdier, door, lay the way down a flight of steps. One more door, passed through at the bottom, was closed and fastened behind them.

The light which Baz switched on revealed a fairly bare room apart from a table and a few chairs. There were some pieces of rope on the floor and table and some boxes against the wall at the far side. They dropped Tony's unconscious body into a chair with arms where it slumped like a rag doll. Baz took a couple of pieces of rope and tied Tony's forearms to the arms of the chair.

"Aren't we going to get on with stripping him?" Ricky asked, somewhat disappointedly. "He's so cute and feels so hot; I can't wait to get a look." His hand groped at his own throbbing erection through his jeans.

"Not quite yet," Baz replied, enjoying the sight of Ricky's self-gratification. "I want him to be awake when we do it. I want him to be totally aware of his clothes being taken off against his will and to know that, as much as he struggles he can't prevent us stripping him stark bollock naked."

At that moment a slight groan came from Tony. He had, in fact, started to regain consciousness as Baz was speaking and had heard the last few words clearly. As thoughts had come back to him, he had briefly hoped it had all been a dream, but what he heard confirmed the worst. He opened his eyes and took in his new surroundings. He was trapped. These men wanted to play with his nude body and he was in no position to stop them.

To be continued....

Author: Stripscott Email:

Next: Chapter 3

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