Not Just Anyone

By Terrie P Stentz

Published on Oct 1, 2000



Hi all. Long time no see. I've been getting my inspiration back, I think. It has eluded me of late. But the words come back to me. It all comes back to me eventually. I feel so insanely cryptic tonight. Shit, I'm feeling fucked up. Could be the case of Mountain Dew that I've had today . . . actually, I'm not sure how many I've had so far. I'm thinking that I'm somewhere around 10 or 11. Not that it really matters or that you even care . . . I simply thought to explain myself.

To my peeps. . . Ian, don't read this. Sarah, this one's for you baby! It's a little more fucked up than you might like it (not quite True Love style), but you've been begging me and pestering me and I love you for it.

Okay, this is a one time thing. There will be no sequels. There will be no updates. This is just sex. If you like it good. If you don't fine. I don't really care (TERRIE'S A LIAR! A BIG FAT LAIR! SHE LOOOVES FEEDBACK!).

All right . . . let me see if I remember how this goes. There's that disclaimer thingy right? Woo, let me see if I can give it a go.

DISCLAIMER: This is fake. It came straight from my fucked up head, right this second. I don't know the hot bodies within, but if I did, let me tell you I wouldn't be here. They aren't gay, and I wouldn't want them to be, considering I'm a mostly straight female. So, if you take any part of this story seriously . . . um, don't.

(Okay, 'cause I don't want David to be upset with me, a little more serious disclaimer will be inserted here: I don't know *NSYNC. They are not gay to my knowledge. This is fiction. Don't stay here if you're A.) Offended by homosexual anything B.) Too young to be reading this OR C.) Not allowed to read this by local law. Otherwise, enjoy)

"Fuck me."


"I said 'fuck me.'"

"No way!"

"Why not?"


"That's not a reason."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it isn't."

"I'm not going to fuck you, Josh."

"Why not?"

"Because you're drunk. You don't really want to fuck me. You just want to fuck."

I stared at my best friend. Okay, so I was a little drunk, but that didn't mean that I was stupid. I knew what I was talking about. I knew what I was saying. What he said was partially right: I did want to fuck, but not just anyone. I wanted to fuck him. I had for a long time. I wanted to feel his lips pressed against mine. I wanted to feel his tongue in my mouth. I wanted to feel his body beneath mine. I wanted to see his eyes roll back in his head and I wanted to watch his eyelids squeeze shut when he came. I wanted to feel his muscles quiver underneath me. I wanted to fuck my best friend.

"Yes, I do."

He looked up at me.

"No, you don't, Josh," he said shaking his head, then turning back to the book which was propped up by his knees.

We were sharing a hotel room. We always did. One hotel room, one bathroom, two quantized beds, and a millibar. Justin sat on the right side of the bed, like he always did (he always slept on the fucking right side of the bed. He was so predictable sometimes), with his legs pulled up to his chest, his book laying open, propped against his knees.

I pushed myself up into a semi-sitting position from where I had been laying, sprawled across the bed by his feet. Leaning onto one elbow, I lifted my other hand, containing a bottle of Crown Royal, to my lips. The amber colored liquid burned merrily on its way down my throat.

"Who says I don't want to fuck you, Justin?" I asked him after swallowing, swaying slightly in my half sitting position. He looked at me over the edge of his godfather, reading glasses (not very many people knew that Justin wore glasses. He didn't like them. He thought they made him look like a dork. I thought they were cute. They made him look smart). He sighed at me, turning his book over and setting it on the nightstand. He flipped over onto his stomach, facing me, and took the bottle of alcohol out of my hand. He took a long drink, wincing as the whiskey scalded his throat.

"Listen, Josh. I know you're lonely, but don't take it out on me. Go find some hot girl down in the bar. I'm sure even in your condition you could find someone decent," he said gasping at the intoxicating fumes of the liquor.

"Don't you want me, Justin?" I pouted, laying back down, so that I was looking up into his bright blue eyes. He smiled that perfect smile at me (the one where he shows, like, all of his teeth, and his lips look so soft and inviting), and I couldn't help but wonder what he'd say if he knew that I really did want to fuck him.

"Josh, you're not gay," he laughed, his voice teasing.

"How do you know?" I asked indignantly. He rolled his eyes.

"Wouldn't you have told me before now?" he inquired. I reached for the whiskey, but he pulled it away from me. "Or were you trying to drown your sorrows before bitting the bullet?"

I frowned. I didn't ask much of my roommate. Probably, because I didn't want very much. But here's a few things that I did want right now:

1.) I wanted Justin to stop asking so many God damned questions.

2.) I wanted that whiskey.

3.) And I wanted to fuck my best friend.

And, yes, maybe I was slightly drunk, but I still knew what I wanted. And, personally, I didn't think I was asking all that much.

"Just fuck me. We can call it an experiment," I pleaded. Justin laughed.

"Josh, go down to the bar and find some girl to "experiment" with," he replied.

"I don't want to a fuck some God damned woman, Justin. I want to fuck you!" I yelled, sitting up onto my elbows again. I blinked twice, cursing my slightly blurry vision. He stared back at me, shock painted all across his face (almost like graffiti, my intoxicated mind thought). I glanced down at his lips, slightly parted with surprise, and I couldn't help myself. I licked my lips and leaned down, planting my lips roughly against his, my hand tangled in his wild, curly hair, guiding his soft, supple lips against mine. A whimper left his throat when my tongue dared enter his mouth, dancing circles around his.

I rolled him onto his back, climbing over so I knelt above him. I continued my assault on his mouth. His hands timidly reached up, his fingers just grazing my waist, but I understood the request. I slid down, stretching my body out over the top of his, laying between his slightly parted, scantly clad thighs, our chests pressed together. Mmm, it was delicious. I moved my kisses down his cheek, taking them across his ear, and down his neck. I sucked vehemently at the lower part of his neck, the place where your neck and your shoulder meet. The gasp which escaped his lips only aided my lust.

I sat back, slipping my legs outside of his so that I could kneel above him easily. I planted my butt firmly against his erection, smiling as he moaned softly. I reached up, pulling his glasses gently off of his face, I folded them up and deposited them onto the nightstand, next to his book. I then reached down, pulling his soft, white undershirt easily over his head. Tossing it carelessly to the side, I let my hands roam his naked chest, running down his sides, then back up his stomach, across his heaving chest. I let my fingers toy with his nipples, teasing them erect. I leaned down taking on of the hard buds between my lips. I sucked softly, running my tongue around it gently. I was surprised to feel Justin's fingers tangle tightly in my hair.

I made my way up his chest, kissing up his neck, across his Adam's apple, until our lips finally met again. After a few moments, he pushed me away, holding me slightly further than an arms length away, and we studied each other for a few moments, before he took a shaky breath and spoke.

"So . . . do you really want to fuck me, Joshua?" he breathed, his words unsteady, whether from lack of oxygen or from nervousness, I wasn't sure.

Either way, I shook my head. I could see the hurt in his eyes and felt the need to explain myself.

"I could never fuck you, Justin," I told him. He tried to push me away enough to sit up, but I wouldn't let him. I brought my hands to his face, cupping his cheeks between my palms. I forced him to look into my eyes. "I could make love to you though," I finished with a smile. I could see the doubt wash out of his beautiful blue eyes, and all that was left was an overwhelming mixture of love and lust.

He pushed me off of him, rolling over on top of me this time. He unbuttoned the few buttons I had carelessly thrown together, pushing the black silk shirt off my shoulders. I helped slip my arms free of the soft material, then brought them up to surround his shoulders, pulling him down on top of me. He slid down between my legs, letting his fingers lace behind my neck. I thrust up against him, feeling his hot erection through the layers of fabric separating us. God, I wanted him so badly.

I rolled us back over, placing me on the top, then moved down, hooking my fingers into his boxer shorts, I pulled the soft, flannel material, down, around his hips and off his body. I gave him no chance to respond before I took his beautiful cock between my lips. Glancing up, I watched his eyes grow wide, before squeezing shut, his mouth open, though no sound escaped.

I let my lips surround his throbbing dick, creating a suction I knew would be just enough to make him feel crazy with desire, but not enough to get him off anytime soon. My lips moved up and down, my tongue working small patterns into the underside of his cock, the likes of which, I'm sure he'd never experienced before. Let me tell you, the best head you'll ever get, will be from another man.

I removed my mouth from his penis long enough to wet my first two fingers. As I slid my mouth back down his cock, I slipped one finger into his tight hole. He moaned softly and I knew from experience that it was a mixture of pleasure and discomfort, but as soon as my finger grazed his prostate, the moan was nothing but pleasure. I slipped a second finger into him, widening him a bit, although, it really wouldn't do a whole lot of good. A dick is a lot bigger than two fingers.

I slid my fingers out of him and pulled off his cock. Leaning back, I slipped off my loose fitting black pants, along with my black boxer-briefs, tossing them to the ground with the rest of our clothes. I climbed back between his knees, kneeling over him. I gave him a bright smile, hoping to ease the nervousness in his eyes.

"Let me know if it hurts too bad okay?" I requested. He nodded slightly, biting his lip. Leaning back onto my heels, I spat into my palm, rubbing my saliva along my throbbing erection. I lifted Justin's legs slightly, positioning the head of my dick at his entrance. I gave him one last glance, making sure he was okay, before slipping the head of my cock into him. He cried out sharply, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. I saw the tears creep out the corners of his eyes.

I leaned down over him, pressing my lips roughly against his, before leaning up and kissing away his tears. I leaned close to his ear, giving it a soft kiss, then speaking.

"You can bite me, okay?" I told him. He laughed slightly, a short choked laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. "No, really. I'm serious. Bite my shoulder," I insisted. He nodded and leaned up, sinking his teeth into my shoulder lightly. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded barely. So, I continued, pushing more and more of my cock into him until the pain in my shoulder was too much to bare. Then, I'd stop, and wait until he lightened the pressure before continuing. Finally, I was all the way in, and I felt him relax a little. I stayed still, being patient, waiting for Justin to adjust to my size. I wanted him to enjoy this too. I suppose a waited a little longer than necessary though, as he began wiggling beneath me.

"You ready?" I asked him with a slight laugh. He nodded, grinning back. I pressed my lips against his, pulling out slowly before, pushing myself back in at just about the same pace. The tension in Justin's brow faded, and I continued on, pulling out and pushing back in at a constant pace. Justin's teeth came away from my shoulder, his lips moving up my neck and across my cheek, to meet my own lips.

"Jesus, Josh, you feel so good," he murmured against my lips, his words interrupted by a soft grunt as I thrust into him. I smiled, feeling his legs wrap around my waist. So sweet, so enthusiastic, so flexible. Damn, I loved this boy.

I moved faster, pounding into him now. He was so tight, all of him. His arms tight around my shoulders. His legs tight around my waist. His ass tight around my cock. His muscles quivered beneath his taught, tanned skin. I tried to hold out. I tried to prolong things as much I could, but when I felt Justin's warm cum spread between our bodies, and the muscles in his ass spasm around my dick, I knew I wouldn't be able to last much longer. And I was right. It was only a few seconds before I felt my orgasm overtake me. I thrust into him as deep as I could, and let loose.

I collapsed on top of him, catching my breath. After a moment, I pulled out of him, climbing up so that we were laying sideways. I kissed away the beads of sweat on his brow.

"You're wonderful, Justin," I whispered, letting my kisses drift across his face. He rolled away from me suddenly, sitting up on the edge of the bed. I propped myself up on an elbow, watching his back curiously. "Justin?" I inquired softly. I heard him sniffle quietly, and I quickly moved over to the edge of the bed, wrapping my arms around him from behind. He tried to shrug me off, but I held on tight.

"Justin, baby, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. I thought he'd wanted that as much as I had. He'd consented. I thought he had enjoyed himself even. He sniffled again, then took a shaky breath.

"I . . . I don't want to be another fuck, Josh," he sobbed, the tears streaming down his cheeks. I grabbed his face with my hand, turning him to look at me. He tried to squirm away, but I held him steady.

"Justin, baby . . . look at me . . . please?" I begged. He finally looked up at me, his eyes red and, oh so sad. "Justin, you are not just anyone to me," I told him. He sniffled, another tear rolling down the path made by previous tears. I leaned forward and kissed it away softly.

"W-well then, what am I to you?" he asked, his voice scared and quiet. I thought for a moment, then smiled.

"Special," I stated simply, then by way of explanation, "I love you."

THE END . . .

Tada, and there it is, the beginning of my refound inspiration.

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