Not Him Again

Published on Oct 27, 2022



As always, I have to say THANKS!! You guys always give me loads of feedback on my stories and for that I'm so grateful xx

Hope you enjoy the second chapter...needless to say the Adult Friends section is my favourite #blush

As always, my email is still if ya'll wanna get in touch. I do love an online flirt haha.

Peace and love! Ryan


"Right, almost forgot, where's my manners? I'm Gavin Connolly. Pool maintenance extraordinaire...totally at your service. Nice to meet you!"


Fuck no...

This...totally wasn't happening...

Michael squinted, before walking closer towards the sexy, handsome stud of a pool cleaner that had so suddenly and abruptly entered his couldn't be! Life wouldn't be this cruel, would it?

But as he narrowed things down, looking the dude over more clearly and with a sober mind...trying his best to look past the devastating good looks...and with a healthy frame of mind...his heart was faint, very faint, but it was there.

He suddenly recognised those cheekbones...those eyes...those once vicious eyes that used to scare the crap outta him so damn much that he ended up wetting the bed in fear of him.

His hair was much shorter...but it was still the colour that he remembered...and with an almighty take-in of breath...Michael knew, this was exactly who he thought it was.

His childhood bully...the boy who had forced his parents to take him out of school, take him out of everything he had ever known, before they were literally sick and tired of him being bullied beyond belief, and the school doing nothing about it, simply because his father happened to be the principal of said school.

The dude who had beaten him up so many times over the years that he had actually lost count, who he was forced to give his lunch money to over and over and over...

...until one day...that earth shattering day where he finally had enough...and without the boy ever so much as suspecting that little Mikey Lancaster was capable of hurting anyone, let alone himself...he marched up to his bully, and kicked him severely on his back...which cultivated in his eventual suspension from the school.

He never saw him...or his two best friends...his only two friends he had in the entire school, Lisi and Gemma, ever again.

Until today.

Jesus Christ...this was Gavin Connelly...his old school bully. Seemingly desperate as hell for work, having clearly fallen on hard financial times.

Gavin's hand was still outstretched towards his own, and Michael snapped back to reality, realising that how it will look if he didn't keep up whatever front this now was...and with the confidence that he didn't have fourteen years ago when they had last seen each other, he reached out and gripped the stud's hand with more than enough gusto.

Pride as big as his dick, seemed to soar swiftly through him...Gavin obviously didn't recognise him, and who could blame him?

Little Mikey Lancaster was now a muscled beast! He had gotten rid of his glasses, replaced them with contacts, his had powered up so much that his six pack abs were in full view of Gavin, as well as his possibly thirteen-year-old son Kyle, when he had taken off his shirt, in order to try and impress this prime piece of rib, before he knew who he actually was. Where as Gavin had been much taller than him back then, Michael now had trumped him in terms of length...Gavin literally didn't have a clue who he was begging for a job to!

Gavin smiled...and Michael had to compose himself as to not get as hard as hell...never mind just who this guy really was and what he had done to him in the past, there was no doubt that he was one of the sexiest, most beautiful guys that Michael has EVER seen in his entire life. Think about the guy what you wanted, but that was impossible to overlook.

Michel turned and around and with a slight clear of his throat, he signalled for Gavin and Kyle to follow him to the outside area.

"WOOOOW..." he heard Gavin's son whisper to his father, before a slight smile was pulling at the corners of his mouth. With his boner under full and complete control once more, Michael turned around and placed his hands in the pockets of his shorts...his entire naked torso still in full of his former tormentor.

"Well, this is it. As you can see, it's a rather large pool, and I'm quite happy with the service I'm getting from the pool company who does it at this moment. But, if you think you can do a better job of it...what's the harm in trying out someone knew, hey?"

Gavin's eyes flooded over the water, and the construction of the near-Olympic sized pool that Michael had inside his property, and he rubbed his hands together, as if he was eager to get started.

"I know my son literally told you what he thought of all of this, and I agree with him. Man...this pool is anyone's dream! You can be very proud, Mister...uhm...what did you say your last name was again?"

Michael froze temporarily...Lancaster was a popular and well-known name in this part of town, what with his father's former political and social standing...and to top of all of, Gavin was sure to recognise "Michael Lancaster" effective immediately, even if he didn't recognise him by his appearance...

"Nah, I was never one for all these formal names and titles. I'm just Michael, and you can call me just that, I have no hang ups for things like that. Anyway, what do you think? Think you'll be capable of handling this big beauty over here?"

Gavin knelt at the pool side area, and he tenderly allowed his fingers to run through the cool water, before he stood up and placed his hand around his son.

Once more Michael had to make sure that this was...THE Gavin Connolly...because God knows, the boy who had made his life hell for years in school, never would have been so caring and so considerate of anyone.

It was nearly impossible to picture in his mind, and yet...he was showing real affection and love towards Kyle. Then again, it was his son. Not a timid little boy he could get away with bullying all the time.

"I'll tell you what. Are you home tomorrow?"

Michael had several meetings, as he was a game designer for Nintendo, and he could think of at least three that he had scheduled for the following day, but he made a solid mental note as to cancel them.

This was way more important...this was way too personal...and he needed to face some past demons. He owed that to himself, he felt.

"I'm totally free. Nine a clock, okay?"

Gavin nodded, before he walked over towards was there...was there a hint of a look towards Michael's muscled torso? If it was there, it was quick as hell, and he once more stretched out his hand towards the latter.

"Thanks...Thanks Michael. I can only do and show you my best, and I appreciate the chance you're giving me. Say, I'll do a job for you tomorrow free of charge. Right? And if you're satisfied with what you see, you can decide if you wanna use me on a more regular basis."

Oh...fucking hell, I'd love to use you...Michael slightly smiled and nodded, once more taking Gavin's hand and giving it a good, dude shake. He was stronger than him...he knew it...he could feel it...should it ever come down to another fight between himself and Gavin ever again...he'd win. It was inevitable. Jesus Christ.

"You got yourself a deal. Mind if I call you Gavin?"

"Sure, that's my name after all! Kyle, say goodbye to the nice man..."

Kyle slightly waved, and Michael's eyes lit up...the kid looked nothing like his father, but there was some...some resemblance of something or someone he felt he knew...there really wasn't time to look at the boy for long as they were now on their way...

...oh well, it will probably come back to him later.

Michael walked outside along with Gavin and Kyle before the two got back into their van...well, if you could call it that, the thing was so depleted...and to top it all off, Gavin gave him a friendly wave, before the two finally departed, all stuttering and stumbling as the old vehicle continued to give them several problems.

Michael, as if in a daze, sat down on the bench he had placed outside his front door, and looked up at the complete and utter awe. Wow...they said God worked in mysterious ways, but how the hell did Gavin ever end up here?

Michael stretched out his legs before him...he was a successful businessman, at only the age of twenty-seven, with more money in his bank account than he would ever know how to use...

...and his former childhood bully who had given him so many sleepless nights back then, was now a struggling pool maintenance guy...and clearly not as well off as he was.

Michael crossed his legs and closed his eyes...he kept seeing the thirteen-year-old Gavin before him...insulting him, kicking the crap out of him, threatening much so, that he used to ask his former teacher, Miss Suzie Parker, if he could stay behind after classes each and every day, under the rouge of wanting to "clean the classroom" for her, when in reality, it was so avoid both Gavin and his brat of a buddy Rowan from giving him the beating of his life.

And the one time...the ONE time that he decided to fight back, he ended up suspended for it.

Michael smirked, more to himself than to anyone else before he sighed heavily.

He didn't ask for all of this...he never thought he'd see Gavin Connolly ever again in his life.

But now...this changed everything.

This could now go either one of two ways.

One...he could keep up the pretence of not knowing exactly to the dude is and completely and utterly humiliate him after he has done his job...after all...Gavin clearly looked like he needed whatever cash he could get.

Two...he could go with his original plan and try to get into Gavin's pants. It wouldn't be the first time that his handsome, strong physique has managed to get a completely straight bloke in his bed and having said straight bloke suck his eight-inch dick, now, would it?

And wouldn't it be just divine justice afterwards...after he had swallowed Michael's cum, or even better, after he had creamed his ass, literally and then telling him who he really was?

"Let's see what tomorrow brings..." Michael snickered, before he closed his eyes and breathed in the afternoon air.


" hundred...FUCK!"

Michael dropped down like a bitch in heat, busy with his morning exercises, and for the love of God...nothing, but nothing just seemed to work as it should this morning. He was more out of breath than usual, and he couldn't concentrate on what normally came very easy for him, which was several sets of push ups, that he always used to warm up with.

He was only his second set of two hundred push ups, and having struggled immensely during the first set, the second, he was finding near damn impossible now. As he reached over towards his bottle of water and near damn downed half of what was in there, he placed it down, with an almighty roar deep inside his heart.

Gavin was coming over. Gavin fucking Connolly.

He had literally wanted to get some sort of revenge on the boy ever since he was thirteen years old, but he honestly never thought that he would ever seen him again. Fate fucking happened...and he was coming over. In just about two hours, or so.

Michael scowled and gave his yoga mat a frustrated punch, running his fingers through his sweaty hair in order to calm down. It seemed like such a well-oiled plan just the day before, but now...suddenly knowing that Gavin was going to be here, with him, inside his was like his childhood nightmares were all coming true and very much real at the same time.

For God's sake...he looked nothing like the old Mikey...he wasn't the old Mikey that Gavin knew and despised. So why was he breaking out in cold sweats in thinking that he was on his thought he was over this. He thought that had put all the horrors of his childhood behind him.

But here Gavin Connolly was, yet again, and with this time, without even realising it, but he was still tormenting little Mikey Lancaster. To this very day.

Fuck this shit.

Michael walked over to his neatly stacked collection of weights, before grabbing two of the 30kg dumbbells, one for each of his hands, as they gripped the iron metal with complete and utter determination...and forcing himself to focus. His powerful chest was ripped with anticipation, his torso glowing with sweat, his muscled were pumped and ready for whatever they were needed for.

Inside his mind, he pictured the Gavin that he knew...the boy who he dreaded as a kid.


With every beating of his heart, he continued to pump his iron for several sets until he couldn't do it any longer. Down for another two sets of push ups. Once that was done, it was time for his mountain climbers...getting those legs nice and firm and muscled as. Finally, having done everything on his set list, with the image of Gavin still lodged in his mind as his sort of, inspiration, he sunk down to his knees...his cheat raw with soreness and emotion...but he did it.

As the sweat literally DRIPPED from his brow, he made his choice right then and there...there was no way, no how, that he was gonna allow Gavin Connolly to get the better of him ever again! Not even now, fourteen years later.

Michael showered and sprayed on some deodorant, before he decided on a black tank top and some shorts. He styled his hair just the way he liked it, and the way he knew had gotten loads of compliments from guys in the past. He winked at his reflection inside his bedroom mirror...he knew he looked hot as hell.

Just before nine, the doorbell rang, and Michael quickly jogged towards the security camera outside, to verify that it was indeed Gavin and Kyle, which it was.

"Morning! It's Gavin Connolly, the pool guy!" he said jovially over the intercom.

Michael took a deep breath...under no circumstances EVER, must he do or say anything that would give his game away. Gavin can't find out who he truly is, before HE decided that it was the right time.

"Sure thing, come on in!" Michael said into the intercom as he opened the gate for the two, and he heard the cluttering and stuttering of the old van once did Gavin even end up in a situation like this? His old man was the fucking school principal!

It wasn't as if they were poor beggars on the street! He always thought Gavin was going to become something really big one day...the kid always seemed like he had his whole future planned out before him.

Shaking his head, Michael calmed some much-needed nerves, before he walked to the front door and opened it. He saw Kyle get out of the car, followed by Gavin, taking out his toolbox and some more equipment, and handing them to Kyle, before he looked upwards towards Michael, and gave him a warm smile.

"Morning, Michael! Bright and early, like I promised!" he said with a genuine quality, and once more Michael was dumbstruck just how much of a sheer difference there was between his old bully and the man who was standing before him now...the one and the same person and you would have NEVER guessed it.

Michael swallowed...and hard at that. Gavin was...Jesus Christ, he was handsome.


He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with short sleeves, followed by the same ripped jeans that he was wearing the day before. His smile was something else...that smile could literally melt the hardest, darkest of chocolate, he felt, and a sudden wiggle inside his shorts totally seemed to confirm that. All in all, he was complete and utter hunk, and despite Michael knowing that he was more than a match for Gavin, all of these old insecurities slowly but surely managed to creep back into his mind.

"So, can we start? I want to check the water quality and see what kind of chlorine your current company uses. You can just go on with whatever you are doing, Kyle and I will see to everything," Gavin said, turning towards Michael, with the latter having to compose himself first, before he smiled back...

"You guys do what you have to. If I'm satisfied, I'll hire you for real next month. My word, is my promise."

Another earth-shattering smile from Gavin, followed by a very shy Kyle clearly not used to all the riches he was seeing inside Michael's mansion of a home, and they were out the backdoor, and well on their way towards the pool.

Michael sunk forward, and gripped the kitchen table with both his hands, and tightly at that.

GET A GRIP, MICHAEL! For fuck sake! He's gonna realise who you are! KEEP IT TOGETHER!


After an hour or so, of not wanting to bother the two working outside in the blazing sun, Michael stood up and walked towards the kitchen as quickly as he could.

Looking out of the back door and towards the pool area, he could clearly see that Gavin and Kyle was still out there, although he didn't have a clue what they were doing. As Gavin's body turned to face him, although he didn't see Michael, Michael saw him...and...his dick lunged forward inside his shorts.

That white t-shirt that Gavin was wearing was absolutely DRENCHED in sweat. Jesus! And because it was a white shirt, Michael literally drooled at Gavin's skin being shown off as said shirt seemed to cling to his body like white on rice.

Michael shook his head and tried to remember just who exactly this was before him...just who he was now positively salivating over, but it was not that easy. Guys like Gavin...and especially guys who looked like Gavin, was just the kinda guy he usually tried to get into bed, and he more often than not, succeeded.

Gavin had a kid. So, he had to be straight, right? Maybe, maybe not...but he had to get this hunk naked and hard...begging to be fucked by his eight-inch way or another.

Michael reached down...those two were much too far away to actually see what he was doing...and he swiftly removed his shorts he was wearing, as well as his Armani boxers, allowing his big cock to swing around freely right there inside his kitchen.

With his eyes still completely and utterly situated on Gavin, he reached downwards and started to slowly jack off his rock-hard penis...he groaned as his foreskin were downed and his cockhead got some much-needed relief as it made its flaring appearance.

"Yeah dude...fucking hell, you're a beast of a're so fucking hot and I fucking want you...I want to fuck that sweet, sweet ass just like you fucked up my entire life..."

Michael pursed his lips as he realised that Gavin was about to take his shirt off...MY was nearly thirty-three degrees today and those two had been working for an awfully long time in this blazing heat...he was surprised that Gavin hadn't done it much earlier.

Gripping his dick, keeping up the wanking rhythm, Michael softly moaned from deep inside this throat as Gavin took off his shirt, little bits of it still clinging to his half-wet torso.

"Fuuucccking hellll..." he whispered to himself as he finally saw just what Gavin had been hiding underneath his clothes...his six pack wasn't as defined or as set as Michael's but it was just...just perfect.

Those six blocks of complete and utter hard muscle stood out like tits on a barbeque, as Gavin seemed to take a breath, wiping the sweat from his forehead...his hair standing in all directions, making the man look even sexier than usual.

Still vividly jerking his dick, by now quite literally dripping pre cum on his tiled floors bit by bit, drop by drop, but heaven forbid him from taking away his eyes from the stud that was now cleaning his pool.

His hand was a virtual blur on his dick, as everything that he saw before him pushed even more blood to his already hard phallus. This was the boy who bullied him...this was the dude who made his life a fucking living hell...

...and right now, there was no dude he wanted more, literally, more than he wanted Gavin Connolly.

"Oh fuck...oh please drink the water...drink the water... and spill it..." he whispered once more, as he saw Gavin holding out his arm towards his son, with Kyle giving him yet another water bottle, that he grabbed out of the small cool basket that they had bought with them.

It was like Michael's prayers could be heard on the outside, as Gavin pulled his head backwards and allowed the cool water to drip all over his hot as hell, torso...the tiny droplets of water cascading down those ripples of stomach muscles and flowing down to his groin area.

"Jesus...oh Jesus, Gavin...what are you doing to me..." Michael croaked out of his throat, his dick now on fucking red alert as he imaged actually being there outside, with Gavin...and inside his mind's eye he thought how he would actually be licking those droplets from that man's beautiful, and stunning that hard skin and hard muscle would be feeling underneath his tongue.

How he would love to nibble and kiss inside the crook of Gavin's he would love to push that stud of a man in his garden backwards, and make out with him just as passionate and just as RAW and intense as only two guys ever could.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck, oh fuck...Jesus Christ, Gavin..." Michael squeaked out of his warm throat as his tongue seemed to swell, his cockhead opening up and launching his potent, virile sperm all over his kitchen sink and tiled floor.

His entire body lunged forward as he gripped said sink with his left hand, whilst trying his best to control his still, spurting dick with his right.

Michael's snow white, thick volumes of sperm flew towards the floor like a fucking jet ski in water, as it spattered everywhere you God damn looked. His entire body heaved the onslaught of the feelings that was now bursting through him and in the back of his mind, that small, irritating little voice sang just came jacking off to your childhood bully...

Michael slowly but surely came back down to earth, taking deep breaths, before quickly grabbing just any old cloth that was lying around and quickly cleaning up his sperm, before he checked where Gavin and Kyle were. Gavin had now placed his shirt back on, and Kyle was gathering up their equipment, which probably meant they were done and coming back inside any fucking moment...


Michael raced to the bathroom, where he threw the sperm covered cloth into the washing basin, before he opened the cold-water tap, splashing his face feverously with much needed H20. Sighing, and rubbing his still warm exterior, he pulled his shorts back on, along with his boxers, and looked into his mirror.

"What the fuck did you just idiot! Remember who he is...and what he did!" Michael cursed at himself, before his face toughened up, just as like father had always taught him, and he walked back towards the kitchen, where he found both father and son lurking around outside.

"Michael! Sorry, man, I didn't know if we could come back inside with us two looking like this...sweating like two pigs in mud...anyway, what pool company do you currently use?"

Michael cleared his throat and casually as he could, answered the question before Gavin sighed and nodded.

"Just as I thought. Dude...they're totally ripping you off. Look at this."

A few moments later Michael was stunned...Gavin had supplied him with some costs of several other pool companies...who also specialised in cleaning and maintenance of said pools, big or small.

And what his current company was charging, was way over what others did. Michael, being as busy as he was, and actually having the means to pay these insane prices, didn't give it a second thought, as long as his pool was clean...but the difference in what other were asking was huge!

"Are you sure about this?" Michael asked...stunned beyond belief at that amount of money that he could have been saving all this time.

"I'm sure, bro. Kyle here, Googled it for me. But listen...they are doing a pretty good job, I have to say, and I'm being honest. Everything out there looks fine and pretty well taken care off. So...I've asked you for a chance to prove myself and I took it. I thank you for that. So, if you ever wanna hire me, here's my card."

Gavin reached out into his jeans' pocket and pulled out his wallet...the poor thing also looking a trifle weathered if he was being honest, and he smilingly handed a card towards Michael. The latter man shuddered secretly...the card had Gavin's number on the front. Jesus.

Another warm smile from his former tormentor, and he placed his arm around his son.

"Okay my dude, we're outta here. Let's give Mister Michael here his privacy back, yeah?" he joyfully said before he looked around towards the back of the yard.

"Is there somewhere we can get out without having to go through the house? I'm a bit of a mess right here," Gavin then said apologetically, suddenly as if he was feeling weird about being this dirty inside this fancy ass place.

Something inside Michael seemed to snap...his heart for once softened immensely, and he shook his head.

"I'm not that much of a prude, Mister Connolly. Come through the house, it's not gonna be a problem."

Gavin looked down at his filthy, grainy, wet shoes, and then finally back up at Michael.

" realise how those expensive tiles are gonna look after I do that?"

Michael laughed, and without even thinking, he reached out and placed a hand on Gavin's strong shoulder. A RUSH of electricity shot through Michael like an arrow through an apple...his blinked his eyes as he tried to compose himself for the utmost time that morning.

"Do I look like some kinda Real Housewife who can't clean up some little spill?"

"Yeah, no, but still..."

"Dude, just come through the house, will ya?"

A slow smile spread across Gavin's handsome features, before he looked straight into Michael's eyes...and the latter almost melted with the gratitude that he saw was if Gavin wasn't quite used to people treating him with actual respect.

"Damn...Thanks, Michael..." he said softly, before he signalled at his son to follow him through the house and out of the front door.

Strangely enough, Gavin's filthy shoes didn't make that much of a mess as he was worried about, and what he did make, could literally be mopped up in few short minutes.

"Uhm, Gavin?" Michael said, before the two reached their battered old van.

"Yeah, man?" Gavin replied, opening the driver's side, and gently placing his tools underneath the seat, before he smiled at Michael one more time.

Remember who he is...for God's sake...

"I'll give you a trial run, if you're up for it. How about starting next week?"

Gavin's face dropped significantly, before he looked at his son...and then he seemed to clench his fists in complete and utter joy, before he composed himself and walked over towards Michael.

"It's a deal. Thank you...thank you so much, you literally have no idea what this idea..." he said softly, turning around to give a thumbs up towards his son.

"You won't regret this...I promise you!" he went on to say, before he ran back towards his van, with himself and Kyle finally getting inside and backing out in reverse, before Michael opened the front gate, allowing them to leave.

A friendly hoot from the van made Michael laugh out loud, and he waved to the two of them.


About two weeks later, Michael left the Nintendo Headquarters to finally be on his way home.

He cursed himself at not being able to be home the previous week, when Gavin had started doing his pool officially this time, having been held up at work. He asked his assistant to open for them and to take a look once they had finished as well as to pay the man...he was actually irritated with his staff for the first time in ages...they didn't know Michael for being snappy and moody.

He had been so excited to finally see Gavin again...can you ever fucking believe that...when it became apparent that he wasn't going to...Michael himself was left without an answer as to why.

He had arranged for Gavin to arrive sometime after three in the afternoon, so he knew that he still had time to catch him. He had jerked off to the sexy pool man several times after that ever-so fateful day in the kitchen and there were times where he seriously just wanted to forget that he was Gavin Connolly, his childhood bully...and not just someone who he met and wanted to get into his bed like, two weeks ago.

Parking inside his property and getting out, he could hear voices in his huge ass backyard, before he decided to skip going through the house, and his eyes blinked mischievously as he entered through the back gate.

Once inside, he saw that Gavin and Kyle was playing some kind of tag like game, in which father and son chased each other around the huge grassy area beside the pool, moments before Gavin finally caught Kyle in his arms and the two giggled wickedly as Gavin continued to mercilessly tickle his son.

"This looks like fun!" Michael said as he walked up to them, before Gavin snickered and pulled himself up.

"Hey, Michael! Your assistant said you'd be home early so I thought me and this little monster would wait for you. what you see?"

Oh fuck, I do...I really sexy mother fucker...Oh...he obviously meant the pool...sorry, my bad...

The pool was actually sparkling in the afternoon had been so long since Michael had been home at this time of day that he actually forgot how beautiful it was back here. His eyes glided over the swirls and soft splashes of the water, before he smiled at Gavin.

"It, it looks absolutely beautiful, Gavin."

Just like you...just like you...but of course he didn't dare say it.

Michael once more pursed his lips, before he walked inside of his home, leaving Gavin outside. He knew that the man needed payment, and of course he would never straight up ask for it. He didn't know what the fuck had happened to the Gavin Connolly that he knew in his past life, but this one was as humble as you could possibly get.

Michael grabbed two beers from the fridge and walked back outside to where Gavin was standing. Kyle was over at the pool, sitting on the side with his feet dangling in the water.

"Sorry about that, he was in there before I could stop him..."

"Will you chill out? You'll burst an ulcer one of these days," Michael reassured Gavin and handed him one of the beers he was carrying.

"Dude...are you sure? Have you any idea what these cost?"

"Just drink the damn beer!"

Gavin looked Michael straight in his eye, before he shook his head and smiled that gorgeous smile of his...and took a big sip of the icy cold liquid, and Michael nearly choked with laughter as he saw Gavin savouring every single drop.

Together the two young men stood in the glow of the afternoon sun, looking at nothing in particular, and just simply, enjoying the chilled silence between them. Michael eventually took another sip of his beer, before he pointing carefully at Kyle.

"How old is he? Looks abut twelve, thirteen?"

Kyle smiled warmly as he nodded.

"Thirteen this year. Couldn't be prouder of him. About the only thing I didn't fuck up in my life...sorry...shouldn't have said that."

Gavin looked down, suddenly very much interested in his shoes, more than anything else, and Michael's heart actually hurt as he saw the look on his face.

"No worries, man...I fucking swear all the time. Shit happens and then you kinda have to."

"Yeah, but this is your aint the fucking trailer park where I live."

Michael froze...surely Gavin was just talking out of his ass right now...trailer park? Are you serious? When his father was the principal of a school? What the fuck happened to him?

"It's just the two of you, right?" Michael gently asked...careful not to antagonise Gavin, but also desperate for any kind of info he could get about this stunning man.

Gavin looked up, and he sniffed softly a couple of times...before he nodded.

"Yeah...I mean yes. He's my pride and joy, my sole reason for living. I just...I did some things when I was younger, that I'm not proud of. Kyle's mom...she got pregnant when we both were fifteen...I know...too young for a kid. But back then...I wasn't the same guy as you see here now."

Michael tried his best to stay neutral...they were both thirteen when he left school and started to be home schooled...he never saw or heard anything from anyone there again, and he preferred it that way, choosing to forget all that. Wow...Gavin becoming a father at such a young age...unfortunately that didn't surprise him at all, given who he was. A cocky ass little shit.

Michael took out his expensive iPhone and quickly did an internet money transfer towards Gavin's bank account for a job well done. The latter obviously didn't realise what Michael was doing, because when the notification came through of the payment, he looked at Michael with his eyes beyond disbelief...

"Michael...Sir,, this is too much! There's nearly double here what you owe me!"

Michael turned towards his former bully, and placed a solid hand on his shoulder.

"Gavin, my pool has never looked better. Please...I wanna help. Just take it, will you?"

Gavin pursed his lips, and shook his head slightly, before he nodded slowly and put his own phone away. Michael's hand was still on his shoulder without him even realising it. Gavin reached up with his own...slowly...very slowly...before he too, softly touched Michael's shoulder.

He swallowed, slowly, blinking a fair few times, before he looked up...right at Michael.

"I...I dunno what to say. Thanks...I...thanks so much."

Should I tell him who I really am...should I reveal my identity...should I catch him at his lowest to humiliate him right NOW like he did me all those years ago?

"Dad! We're gonna be late for 7de Laan!" Kyle suddenly shouted, releasing Michael from his thoughts, before he gave Gavin's shoulder one more squeeze, and dropping his arm as swifty as he did.

"I'll see you guys next week then!" he said, as positively as he could.

Kyle shyly came to a standstill next to his dad, before the latter hugged his son too him...Michael's heart was beating a thousand times a minute as he saw the love Gavin had for his was truly heart-warming to see.

"See ya, Michael..." Gavin said...and he never looked away once from him as he did so.

When their creped old van was finally out of his property, Michael sunk down to his knees on his front lawn...and his chest was aching.

Did he still wanna go through his plan of getting revenge on Gavin? After all of this? Gavin doesn't recognise him...he still has no fucking clue...

...but after what JUST happened...could he still do it?

Because he was beginning to let his guard...and his heart down. Even though he didn't want to.

He didn't see this coming...not this...not actually starting to feel...SOMETHING for the same man who had himself crying to sleep yonks ago.

And it scared him to death, at what this could actually mean.



THANKS for all the feedback on the first chapter! You guys are legends!

I love hearing from all of you, so please feel free to shoot me up a few words, and I'll always try my best to respond xx

Next: Chapter 3

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