Not Enough Girls

By Davy Jones

Published on Sep 29, 2002



When I woke up the next morning, I felt awful about what I'd done with Mark the day before. Every time I'd think back to how I'd stripped naked for him, or let him feel me up, or kiss me, I'd just cringe. Little aspects of the experience, like how his stubble had felt against my face, or how his pubic hairs looked up close kept coming back to haunt me - never mind the reality that I'd sucked him off and swallowed his cum, which kept hitting me like bracing cold water every time I thought about it..

Somehow I struggled into my clothes and stumbled to my Physics class. I brightened up immediately when Karen saw me, waved, and took a seat next to me.

"'Morning, Bubba. How you feeling this morning?"

At first I was shocked that she could read my mind, but then I realized she was talking about or gym class. "My legs are pretty sore, actually. You?"

"I couldn't BELIEVE how sore my legs were this morning - it didn't seem nearly that hard last night." Jack said hello and took the seat on the other side of Karen.

"Good morning, Josh." Mark settled into the seat on the other side of me. I gave him a grim look and deliberately turned back to Karen, but he wasn't letting me get away, and squeezed my arm. "Did any of you make much sense out of the reading last night?"

"Yeah, I had some of this in High School." One of my character defects is that I can't resist showing off - present company hadn't improved my sparkling personality I guess. Everyone expressed interest in this, though, but about that time, Professor Goldstein started the lecture, and, as I've indicated before, he was not a man to be trifled with, so we all hushed.

I got a lot out of his lecture, actually, and it seemed to solidify my understanding of the subject, but my other friends (including Mitch, who snuck in about 15 minutes late and sat on the other side of Mark) felt completely baffled.

"Bubba, did you really understand that?" (I heard Jack whisper to Mark "What did she call him?")

"Yeah, I guess I only half-understood it when we had this stuff last year, but it seems real clear to me now."

"Well could you take some time this afternoon to explain it to me? I'm hopelessly lost now."

"No problem." I grinned at her. "Sis."

"So you two decided you're really twins after all, huh?" Jack seemed inordinately amused by this.

"Yep," I put an arm around her shoulders. "Our gym instructor figured it out for us, actually." Everyone laughed in a puzzled kind of way.

Our classes passed more or less the same way up until lunch, where all of us sat together like old friends. I'd never belonged to a group like that before, and I felt very happy, although Mitch still made me a little uncomfortable.

We shared lunch together, and went our separate ways for the afternoon classes. At Karen's request, I hooked up with everyone in the free time between our last class and dinner and gave all my new friends a lecture on force and vectors.

"My High School Physics teacher told us that most of Freshman Physics depended on learning just two things: Vectors add, and you can't push a string." I giggled as I said that, and Karen giggled with me - our homework problems were filled with pictures of weird contraptions supported by strings. The other guys just smiled. I worked through the homework exercises with them, and by the time dinner was ready, even Mitch got it. Actually, to be fair, Jack was probably the slowest one - not that the Institute admitted "slow" students by most measures. To be completely fair, I should say that even Mitch seemed appreciative. Naturally, I was just glowing.

About an hour or so after dinner, Mark came by wanting to do more "exploring," but I put him off, saying I had homework to finish. He seemed disappointed, but returned with his own homework, and sat on the bed with me to work on it. Of course, he sat as close to me as he possibly could, under the guise of needing to see my book and my paper, and eventually my roommate headed out, saying, "I'll leave you two together."

"Great!" Mark boomed out, with a sly smile. "I thought you'd never leave."

My roomie smirked, and made a big production of closing and locking the door behind him.

I was mortified. "Mark!" I paused to collect my thoughts. "You can't do stuff like that!"

"Do what? He's just making a joke. Guys do that all the time. It'll only be a problem if you let him think you took it seriously. Just grin or act disgusted, or even make a joke of it, like I did." He wrapped an arm around me and kissed me on the cheek.

I pulled away from him. "I don't want to do this anymore. I just want us to be friends."

He seemed a little frustrated. "You know you like it, Josh, don't make it so hard."

"Anyway, I don't think I'm gay."

"You seemed that way yesterday afternoon." He smiled wickedly and stroked my cheek with his hand.

I flushed, "Well, I saw some nice girls in gymnastics class last night though; if I can appreciate girls, I can't really be gay. I just need to spend more time thinking about girls and less time . . . ." I couldn't actually make myself say, "doing things with you."

"Is Karen one of those girls?"

I blushed again and didn't say anything.

He wrapped an arm around my waist, "c'mere, you." As always, his arm felt nice around me, and I didn't resist him this time. "Karen belongs to Jack the way you need to belong to me. You and Karen are real cute together; Jack and I both think so."

Now I got scared, "What did you tell Jack?"

"Nothing. But he's sure not threatened by a guy who calls his girlfriend 'Sis.'"

I looked at the floor.

"Sugar," he kissed me on the head, and laid his free hand on my thigh, "please don't fight me. " He pulled me closer, and I let him draw me into his lap. My head nestled in his shoulder, my butt between his legs, his arms around me. "Don't you like this?"

"Yeah," I said softly.

"Look at me."

I looked up, and he kissed me on the mouth. I didn't try to push him away - I just let him have what he wanted. I still didn't get that much out of the kissing, but I was very erect again from the cuddling.

Breaking his lip lock, "okay, ready for a walk now?" I nodded, and we set forth out the door.

This time, Mark wanted to explore the Steam Tunnels, that fantastic labyrinth of tunnels that upperclassmen claimed underlay the campus. I was skeptical as to how true this was, but Mark had scared up a map of sorts, and using his master key (again, needing my help to make it work) we were able to enter the network from a door in the subbasement of the dorm.

We found ourselves in a very long corridor, about as high as a hallway in the dorm, well- lit, but with a musty, underground smell, and lined with all kinds of pipes and things. We set off along it - following his map - and as we walked, he took my hand. There was no sign of another human being anywhere.

As we walked, I had a kind of uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, though. I knew that despite my best efforts, I was Mark's girlfriend again - in his eyes, at least - and I knew we were going someplace private where he'd want sex again. I knew he'd be gentle, I knew he'd be sweet, and I knew I'd end up giving him whatever he wanted. I was even hard thinking about it.

But I also dreaded it.

As we got deeper into the system, it got warmer. The path reached a huge cross corridor, which Mark said was the "Grand Corridor." I got very confused where we were, as he led us up and down dirty concrete staircases and even a metal ladder once. Ultimately, we wound up crawling under a very large pipe, which created a sort of semi-private room separated from the main corridor. Up on the ceiling above was a square, dark hole leading upwards. A cool breeze seemed to come from it.

"That's where we're going, I think. It's called 'Window on Pit'"

"Any special reason?"

He smiled. "You'll see."

He boosted me up, since I couldn't easily grab the edge, and I scrambled up into the room above. He vaulted up and joined me in a flash.

We were in a single chamber about 10x6 and maybe 10 feet high, with a stone latticework on one wall. The cool breeze was coming through that lattice, which also let in enough light from a streetlamp for us to see. He joined me at the lattice, which looked out of one of the walls of the chemistry building. We'd probably walked past it every day without ever giving it a second glance. There was a small sunken garden about one story below us.

As we stood there, side by side, he patted me on the back, saying "pretty cool, huh?" Then he casually wrapped his arm around my waist. I leaned into him and he held me close.

"Yeah, it's interesting."

He pulled off his shirt. "A bit warm in here, though."

I knew what he wanted, and without being told to, I started to undress. He stood there shirtless and watched me. "I love watching you undress, Josh." I blushed again, but finished stripping for him. When I stood there naked, he reached over and fingered my hair. "You're so pretty." He whispered. He kissed me again.

Despite the breeze, the warm room was comfortable naked, but the dirty floor felt a bit uncomfortable on my soft, bare feet, and I was a bit surprised when Mark got completely naked too. I'd expected him to just pull down his pants and have me suck him off again. Part of me was even looking forward to it. I went ahead and kneeled down, but I had to put some of my clothes under my knees to protect them from the rough concrete floor.

Somewhat to my surprise, though, he pulled me further forward until I was resting on my hands and knees. Then he stepped behind me and I felt his finger siding up and down my butt crack, running lightly over my hole. I shivered as I realized what he wanted this time.

"Do you like me touching your pussy?" I didn't say anything. I felt something a bit cold and looked around. He had a jar of Vaseline, and he started working his finger into me. "Relax, relax, relax." He was very gentle, and it did feel kind of nice, actually, but in my mind I knew that as soon as I let him fuck me, I'd be his girl forever - I'd lose my last chance to be a real man ever. (That's how I felt, anyway.) "That's good, that's real good. Keep relaxing." He patted me on the back reassuringly. Part of me felt really pleased at this attention from him. Only a part of me, though; the rest of me hated it. Nevertheless, I didn't stir while he opened me up.

He got his finger deeper and deeper into me, and I started to cry silently, the tears running down my cheeks. I knew I wasn't going to object, that he was going to take me like a girl - like a dog, actually - and I felt really degraded. He stopped fingering me, and I heard the slick sound of him lubing up his dick. Then I felt it pressing against my anus. It felt impossibly big, but it felt warm and rather pleasant so far.

"How's that feel. You okay, sweetheart?"

"Yeah," I choked out.

"Are you crying?" He sounded real concerned. I felt the pressure disappear as he stood up.

I sniffled, but didn't say anything.

"Hey." He swept me into his arms, and I folded myself into him - seeking comfort from the source of my discomfort. I knew that was screwed up, but I couldn't help it. "It's okay, we don't have to do this right now."

I managed a muffled "Thanks." He held me for a bit in silence until I calmed down.

"You okay now?"

I drew a deep breath. "Yeah."

"Can you still take care of me the regular way?"

"Yeah, I think so." I dropped to my knees. "Um, what's this shit on your dick?"

He chuckled "Such language! It's just Vaseline, it's harmless." I still looked dubious, so he said, "Watch this" and used a finger to scoop some from the jar and ate it. After that, I put my mouth on him and started sucking him again.

"Play with my balls while you suck me, okay Josh?" I did as he asked, and he moaned softly and started stroking my hair again. His balls were large and hairy - unlike mine in both respects - and I fondled them awkwardly. He made an especially happy noise when I rubbed the area right behind his balls, and about that point he shot a heavy load. Per his instructions from before, I kept sucking until I was sure he was done, then milked him down and swallowed. I even looked up at him anxious for his approval, although that part of me that disapproved was sarcastically telling me what a great cocksucker I had become.

"That was perfect, Josh." He tousled my hair. "Just perfect." Then he squatted on the floor and drew me into his lap. I assumed the position he wanted me in, knowing by now that this was how he liked to cuddle me, and I dimly realized that I liked being held so much that it seemed to make up for all the stuff he wanted me to do that I didn't like. He kissed me softly on the top of my head and started idly stroking my dick.

"So what's the problem with me fucking you?"

Shocked at the directness of this, I didn't say anything but "um" at first.

His hand kept working my dick, then switched to massaging my balls. "I'll be real, real gentle with you, Josh. I'd never, ever want to hurt you." He kissed me again.

"It scares me" I whispered, wrapping my arms tighter around him, burying my head in his chest, and happy to feel him give me a reassuring squeeze with his arm.

"Don't be scared." His hand rubbed that place behind my balls, and it felt really good.


"Like that?"

"Uh huh."

"How about this?" He let his hand go further down and started stroking my asshole again - not pushing into me, just stroking the outside.

"It feels very nice."

"Yeah, I thought you liked it" he started working his finger into me again. "My cock will feel nice in you too, you know."

I blushed, but of course he couldn't see me. "Maybe."

"It will, it will. Your little pussy was made for me" I didn't say anything to this. "Jerk yourself off while I finger you - I can't get a hand free."

This was not something I ever did to myself, as I've said before, but I did as he told me, feeling a little self-conscious - God knows why. With his cum in my stomach and his finger up my butt, you'd wonder why I'd be embarrassed for him to see me jerking myself off, but I was anyway. He worked his finger all the way in me, and when he started running it around in circles, it stimulated me so much it pushed me over the edge. I actually cried out as I ejaculated on my stomach, and I felt him pull his finger out of me as I shot.

I heaved a big sigh, and then snuggled up against him, heedless of the cum starting to run down my tummy.

"Let's not make a mess. I think these are my clothes we're sitting on." I was so comfortable in his arms, though, that I really didn't want to get up - but that wasn't what he had in mind. I felt his hand on my stomach scooping up some of my load. Then he raised it to my lips.

"I dunno if I can do that, Mark." Right at that moment, the thought of eating my own cum was pretty revolting, actually. He persisted a bit in trying to get me to lick it off his hand, and I finally pushed his away, annoyed. He laughed, and waved it under my nose. I jerked my head away, starting to get upset with him, and then I realized he was just teasing me with it. Like it was a frog he was teasing his girlfriend with. For some reason, I found that comforting. I smiled and snuggled back up to him.

"Hmm, so what am I going to do with a handful of cum?"

I giggled. "Well, you could eat it yourself."

"Or I could rub it in your hair."

I squealed at that, which I guess indicated I didn't really think he'd do it, and I tried to get away. He held me in place with one arm, and again I realized just how much stronger than me he was. Then he reached over and rubbed it into my crotch, wiping his hand fairly clean on my cock and balls.

"You rat!" But it wasn't actually all that bad - half of my load had run down there anyway.

I quit struggling - a bit out of breath, actually, and panted. He relaxed his grip on me, and just held me. "Mad at me?"

"Yeah," I grinned, "now I hate you forever!"

"Oh, in that case," and he started tickling me.

Now I'm very ticklish, and I squirmed and tried to get away from him, but, as before, he had a good grip, and I was helpless. He kept moving his hand around, tickling me under the arm, then on the ribs, even on the thigh. If there was anyone walking outside the Chemistry building, they must have been completely mystified - Chem Lab wasn't supposed to be this much fun! Finally, I begged him to stop. Like magic, he did. I cuddled up to him again, and I realized - again -- just how very much I liked this kind of intimacy with him. How much I'd come to trust him, to feel comfortable with him. This definitely make the sex worthwhile. He idly started to stroke my hair.

"Hey! Which hand is that?"

"Don't worry. It's clean." He hesitated. "Well, it is now, anyway."

"What!" This time he let me turn to face him, but he grabbed my wrists as I pretended to swing at him. Whatever I did, I could never get my hands close to him, however hard I tried, and all the while he kept grinning at me. After a bit, I tired of it again, and, once more, as soon as I relaxed, he let me go. I slid forward, legs wrapped around him, and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt his arms go around me, I closed my eyes, and I was happy.

--To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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