Not Breakfast at Tiffanys

By moc.liamhsuh@94eojyriah

Published on Jun 9, 2012



God, I love that word.

Especially when I'm feeling it. I left Patrick's apartment a little after 3PM on that Saturday. He invited me to his place after I had breakfast at Panera Bread. The breakfast meat that I had that morning was the ham that was found in my sandwich but when I saw Patrick's salami while we were in the men's room I realized I was still hungry.

Patrick's horny condition was caused by a little off-stage performance acted before him in the dining area of a Panera Bread restaurant between an employee named Jonathan and me. It was, you might say, improvisational theater since the script was written as the action took place. I was more impressed with Jonathan's acting than with mine since Jonathan's performance was climatic in nature and I, being better at reaction than action, drank Jonathan's performance all in. This was all done without any exposure. I guess you had to be there to understand.

And understand, Patrick did. He followed me into the men's room as I stopped there before leaving the restaurant. Out came his dick and I wanted it to cum. In me in one end or the other, I wanted his cum. If he wanted to shoot it on my face, on my toes, in my ears, up my nose, I didn't care. I wanted it.

Okay, I'm a cum-pig. Pretty ironic since I love ham in my breakfast sandwich. I'm a hypocritical cum-pig.

Patrick invited me to his apartment so we could, uhm, talk. I won't relate all of the conversation we had but I do remember the occassional 'suck my cock', 'OH MY GOD!!!', 'eat my ass', and Patrick, potentially a good Christian, 'Jesus Christ!!!'

Patrick was younger than me probably in his early 40s. He is bearish in nature and has hair in all the right places. We started out kissing and it always amazes me how a kiss can tell you a lot about a person. Our first kiss showed him to be tender. His lips were soft and when I ran my tongue up against them, he opened his mouth. My tongue found his and the more we kissed the more I started exploring with my hands.

Running my right-hand across his t-shirt covered chest, I felt the hardness of his nipples. The t-shirt was tight enough to explain to all that Patrick spent some time in the gym. He is not a body-builder by any means but has nice tight boobies and his upper arms are bigger than most, ripe for a tattoo artist though no art work is displayed there. A slight covering of hair on his upper arms extends upward to his shoulders.

I grabbed the bottom part of his t-shirt and pulled it out of his pants. As I pulled the t-shirt upwards, his arms automatically raised so that I could pull the t-shirt off his body. I threw it to the floor.

His upper chest was covered with black hair. I was amazed at how much hair covered his nipples. Even with all that hair his nipples were long and hard enough to stick out and were very prominent even when he wore a t-shirt. Both of my hands were drawn to them and I started to gently tweak them.

Those men who have sensitive nipples feel the tingle in their crotch when the nipples are teased. The nipples send a signal to the dick and balls of some, but the signal also goes north. It affects the eyes. They become a little dazed.

That's what was occurring with Patrick. I was slightly pinching each of his nipples while looking at him directly in his eyes. His eyes dazed, his mouth formed a slight circle, he started to groan quietly, and the lower part of my body, tightly up against his, felt the bulge he was growing in his pants. I kept the nipple play up while occassionally leaning in to him to kiss his lips.

I stopped tweaking the nips with my fingers and bent down so that I could start sucking on them. I covered his right nipple with my mouth and started puppy biting it.

This brought more noise out of Patrick and it was at this point I began to think that he was a religious man because this is when I kept hearing 'Jesus Fucking Christ' a few times. My mouth found his left nipple. I apparently chose the less sensitive nippple to work on to begin with because when I worked on the left nipple I heard more groans and his knees began to shake a little.

Patrick was like a car on those cold winter days when it seems best to warm it up first before putting it in gear. He was warmed up now and wanted to put his stick shift into Drive.

As I was licking his nips, Patrick reached down to undo the button above the fly of his jeans. He wanted to get out of his pants. His hard cock was surely hurting from being confined by his jeans. I, though, did not want Patrick to be the one to remove his pants so I pushed his right hand away from the freeing activity he was trying to perform.

I looked up at him and warned, 'No, you don't. I get to strip the clothes off of you! Besides I haven't worked my way down to your dick. I'm still working on your chest.'

Patrick had an amused look on his face. He decided to not to argue with me and raised his arms as though he was surrenduring to my commands. I'm so glad he did this because looking at him I noticed the armpit hair he was showing me. I stared momentarily at the armpits that were displayed. It is at moments like this that I truly wish that reincarnation is true. I want to spend my next life time as a roll-on deoderant applicator. My next life might not be long but, God, it would be so fullfilling!

Needless to say, my tongue delved into Patrick's right armpit while my right hand went back to his left nipple. Patrick was moaning more and more and was having difficulties standing still. His left hand came down on top of my shoulder and he started to push down.

He apparently wanted me to suck his prick. Having seen it while in the men's room at Panera Bread, I knew that the size of it being engorged in his pants was making life a little uncomfortable for him.

A part of me thought, 'Serves him right. If he did not have such a big dick, he wouldn't be feeling so much pain. There's some advantage to having princess tiny meat!'

But that was being a little cruel on my part. Patrick would be hot no matter the size of his cock and I would feel as much pleasure as I was feeling then to be doing him.

I was basking in the musky smell of Patrick's armpit but I could tell the urgency in him for me to get to his dick. I proceeded to give his body little kisses as I worked my way down his body. I kissed a nipple, the center of his chest, the downward tip of his sternum, I crossed the soft, hairy belly to his bellybutton, and then followed the treasure trail downwards until I reached the edge of his jeans.

The top button of his jeans had already been opened by Patrick before I could stop him. I slid the zipper down and reached at each side of his hips and pulled the jeans down towards his knees. I asked him to sit on the bed so that I could remove his shoes. They forturnately were loafers so I just pulled them off. I took each sock off his feet and then pulled the jeans off his legs. All he had on now was a pair of grey colored cotton boxer briefs.

I looked at the bulge that was prominent in the briefs. More prominent was the huge wet spot surrounding the bulge. I squatted down and leaned into the wet spot with my lips to see if I could suck some of this liquid into my mouth. The pressure my mouth was putting on Patrick's hard-on caused him to gasp.

With my face pressing up against his bulge, I reached around his back and grabbed the waistband of his briefs and with a quick motion pulled them down. His hard-on, caught up in the briefs, was pulled down until the briefs slipped off it. His hard-on thwacked upwards hitting me in the face. A little of his juice spurted onto my cheek and nose.

I grabbed his hard-on and licked the precum off its head. I licked his shaft slowly running my tongue from his balls to the head of his dick. His precum starting leaking more and my tongue removed it as it dripped down his dick. I opened my mouth wide and engulfed his boner. I felt it fill my mouth as I pushed my head down on it. My mouth could only cover about two-thirds of his erection. I consciously relaxed the back of my throat and as I did I was able to push my head futher down on his prick. I felt my nose brush up against Patrick's pubes. His pubes smelled great.

I started bobbing up and down on his cock. Patrick's moaning became louder and his breathing became deeper. I felt his nuts and found them pulled way up to his cock. He was on his way to shooting his load, but I thought to myself, 'no, not yet.'

I grabbed his dick at its base and squeezed tightly. I looked up into his eyes. His face was looking at me, pleading me to let him cum. I smiled a little and said, 'let's hold off a little while. I promise this will be fun!'

I pushed on his chest and he fell back onto the bed. I grabbed both of his legs and turned them, letting him know I wanted him to flip over. He laid on his stomach and I saw for the first time his naked ass. I knew his butt was hairy when I was feeling it while giving him a blow-job. His ass was cute and covered with fine black hair.

I took my right hand and pushed it between his legs. He was laying on his hard-on and I reached between his legs to feel his dick. It was pointed up towards his stomach. I grabbed it and pulled it so that it was pointed down towards his feet.

I started massaging his butt. I spread his cheeks apart so I could look at his asshole. I leaned in closer to take a look. I'm not sure how this happened but I must of tripped over something because the next thing I knew my tongue fell right into his butt crack! (I need to more careful, I'm sure).

Since my tongue was touching his rosebud, I decided to explore it more. I probed the hole with my tongue, trying to push it inside him. I started licking around the hole and worked down to his balls and to his hard dick. And then I reversed the order of licking so that I could get back to his hole. I licked it some more.

My tongue kept circling his hole, probing it. I could feel Patrick's sphincter loosening the more I pushed it with my tongue.

I pulled back a little and spread his butt cheeks apart so I could get another look at his asshole. His hole was loose enough now that it was winking at me.

I so love it when men flirt by winking at me! Patrick was being a big ole flirt to me at that time.

'Do you have any lube?', I asked. 'Nightstand drawer,' was his reply. Why do I even ask this question? Isn't it written somewhere that every gay man has lube stored in his nightstand drawer?

I got off the bed and undid my pants so that I could remove them. I went to the nightstand and got the lube and laid back down on the bed. My mouth found its way back to Patrick's ass and I began to hear groans and moans coming from his other end.

I lubed up one of my fingers and started fingering Patrick's hole. His asshole fought slightly against my probing but soon gave up as my finger entered. I felt the warmth on my finger as his ass surrounded it. I let it sit there for a moment to give Patrick a chance to get used to having something up his ass. I began to finger fuck him.

When I felt him loosening up, I included another finger with my probing motions. I didn't need to hear any sounds from Patrick to know he was enjoying this. His asshole was telling me everything I needed to know.

I started lubing my dick at that point. I was rock hard from the playing that we had been doing, but feeling Patrick's insides with my fingers made me want my dick there instead.

My lubed dick found its way to Patrick's ass. The head of my dick pushed against his butthole. I felt a little resistance to entering his ass. I pushed little harder. 'All right, Patrick,' I thought to myself,'you can open up at anytime.'

As though he could read my thoughts, I felt Patrick's ass hole open up like a little mouth. I didn't push any further. I waited for his ass hole to 'eat' my dick.

Oh, and did he eat! His hunger engulfed my cock. I felt his ass surrounding my prick. The warmth of his ass along with the tightness of his hole brought pleasures to my prick that I hadn't experienced in awhile.

When my dick was all the way into Patrick's ass we both laid there without moving. Patrick was allowing his ass to acclimate to my thickness and I waited to get a sign from Patrick as to when I could start fucking.

I soon felt the signal. Patrick's butt hole started squeezing my dick as he relaxed. I started the back and forth motion and I could feel the warmth of his ass increase while feeling his prostate begin to harden a little.

I kept fucking Patrick and increased the speed as I heard him whimper with pleasure. I started feeling that tingle in my groin that told me that I was cumming soon. My breath was increasing and I began to moan louder than Patrick.

He was verbally encouraging me to cum. His ass was doing the same though in a non-verbal way. I couldn't resist both verbal and anal encouragement so I felt my wad gather together in order to be shot from my dick. My breathing stopped for a moment and I exclaimed, 'Jesus!' as I shot my load into Patrick. I guess I was joining Patrick's religion with the way I was talking. I fell onto Patrick as I felt all sexual energy in me being released.

I was spent. I felt my dick shrink and start to pull out of Patrick's ass.

Patrick, not having cum yet, was not as drained as me. His ass was still wiggling a little and I knew he needed release. I rolled over to my side to allow Patrick to roll onto his back.

He flipped over and his dick was hard as a rock. It shone, covered with precum.

Amazing how a hot dick so close to your face can bring one to life again. I no longer felt drained. My mouth opened and I engulfed his dick. I started bobbing my head up and down on his hardon. Patrick's breathing told me was close to coming and soon my mouth was filled with his cum. His load didn't stay in my mouth too long as it quickly worked its way down my throat.

We both laid next to each for a moment, resting. The transaction was complete. Give and ye shall receive (although, technically, for Patrick it was receive and then give!)

After a few moments of relaxation I made noise to the effect that I needed to leave. I got up and slowly got dressed. Patrick and I chit-chatted while I did this. As I was ready to hit the door, we hugged and kissed a little. I told Patrick I had a great time and I'm gled we decided to have breakfast at the same place that day. He, too, agreed that the time we spent was great. For once, I think that both parties were telling the truth. We made tentative plans together at some other point in time.

As I walked away from Patrick's apartment, I began to think how fun it was to have breakfast at Panera Bread where I had the pleasure of meeting Patrick and how he got excited watching me and the Panera Bread employee named Jonathan play around with each other.


I forgot. I left my phone number on a napkin and left the napkin on the table at the restaurant. I was hoping Jonathan would see the phone number on the napkin when he bussed the table.

I wonder if he called and I did not hear my phone ring because I was too busy with Patrick. I was hoping we three could have had some fun together. I searched my pants pocket to find my cell phone.

I found it and flipped it open to see if Jonathan left me a message. I found instead a dead phone. My battery had run down. I didn't know if JOnathan called or not.


I looked at my watch and it said 3 o'clock. I decided it was time for lunch. I also decided it might be best if I had lunch at Panera Bread.

I just hoped Jonathan was still working his shift.

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