Not Breakfast at Tiffanys

By moc.liamhsuh@94eojyriah

Published on Mar 17, 2012


I enjoy going out for breakfast on Saturday mornings. The gay section of town has a Panera Bread in it and I like their breakfast sandwiches. There's a fireplace there which is great to sit by on cold mornings. The coffee is pretty good. And then there's Jonathan. He's been working at this Panera Bread for a few months and he is one that is hard to miss, at least for me he is. Young, tall, and thin. A handsome face covered with a very trim beard and a butt that fills his pants so nicely. A deep voice makes me wonder what's between his legs. Can you tell I'm a dirty old man? I'm old enough to be Jonathan's father. In fact his real father is probably 10 years or more years younger than I am. This is probably the job that Jonathan is keeping while attending college. He is very polite and knows that customer-service-is-so-important routine really well. He knows me really well, too. At least what I like to eat and drink. He knows my name since I always use my Panera rewards card when I purchase something to eat. 'Hi, Joe,' Jonathan said as he saw me walk into the Panera store this last Saturday morning. I smiled at him and returned the hello as I walked to the counter. 'You want your usual?,' he asked. I said, 'Yup.' I do a great Gary Cooper before I have my morning cup of coffee. Jonathan rang up my order of a Power Breakfast Sandwich on Ciabbata bread, a coffee, and a cup for water. I gave him my money and my Panera rewards card. He gave me my change and then went looking for a mug to give me for my coffee. 'You want any of my cream for the coffee?,' he inquired. I kind of paused hearing this. My eyebrows heightened a little and a smirk came over my face. Jonathan then realized what he asked and began to look a little awkward. 'Your cream?,' I questioned looking at him directly in the eyes. 'No, I meant some cream for your coffee,' he responded. A little color came to his cheeks as we both chuckled over his faux-pas. 'Enticing as it sounds,' I said, 'I'll just take my coffee black today. I'll try "your" cream at a later time.' I laughed at my own joke as I took the coffee mug that he passed to me. I dispensed my coffee at the coffee bar and went to find a booth to sit in. This particular morning was cool and I found a place to sit near the fireplace. I opened my Ipod Touch and start to look over the email that had arrived for me since the last time I checked it. I responded to one email. Jonathan then delivered my breakfast sandwich on a plate. After asking me if there was anything else I needed, he leaned a little closer to me and in soft voice said, 'I'm sorry for what I said to you when you ordered your breakfast. I didn't mean to say what I did.' I think Jonathan might have been afraid I would have mentioned our conversation to the manager of the restaurant. I smiled at him and returned my response in a soft voice since there were other restaurant patrons sitting nearby. 'Don't worry about it. The problem is really mine. If you haven't guessed by now I'm a dirty old man. When a hunky young guy asks me if I want his cream, my mind goes to only one thing.' I winked at him as I said this. He reacted with a little bit of a surprised look along with a little smile. If he was concerned that I might have talked to his manager I think he realized I wouldn't after what I told him. Truth be told, though, I really wouldn't mind having some of Jonathan's cream. He is very cute and I'm a cum-pig. Sounds like a perfect match to me. As I was preparing to eat the sandwich I looked over at the other side of the restaurant. I saw Patrick sitting there drinking a cup of coffee. He happened to look my way and I raised a hand at him while he nodded back at me. Patrick is a waiter at another restaurant where I eat occasionally. He is a very cute bear and he loves to flirt with me when he waits on me, which I love. In turn he likes the tips I leave when he does flirt with me. I always thought of our ahem 'relationship' as win/win although it never goes past the flirtation stage. As I ate the sandwich Jonathan either waited on other customers or walked through the dining area cleaning up tables or making sure everything was in order. I liked when he would pass by my table as I ate. As mentioned, he has a cute ass which I liked watching as he walks by. Nothing like a butt in motion. I noticed that when there was a lull in customers waiting to order he walked passed me on his way to the men's room. It looked like he had a paper coffee cup in his left hand that he carried by his side.I wondered why he was taking a paper cup into the men's room with him. I finished eating my sandwich and was perusing the news sites on my Ipod while drinking coffee, when I saw Jonathan walking towards me. He was still carrying the paper coffee cup. As he neared my table he smiled at me and when he reached my table he placed the coffee cup down upon it. I eyed him with a quizzed look on my face. He just smiled and winked at me. He then turned around and walk away from me in the same direction that he came. He noticed that some of the surrounding tables had been vacated from customers who were finished eating so he started busing these tables. I did not understand what was going on. I did not understand why Jonathan left me what looked like an empty paper coffee cup. I reached over to see if anything was in the cup. When I lifted it, it felt empty. I looked inside the cup and that's when I saw what he left me. The cup had some creamy white liquid in the bottom of it. I lifted the cup to my nose so that I could smell it. Yep, it was cum. Jonathan left me some of his cream. He took the cup into the men's room so that he could jack off into it. As soon as I recognized the smell, I looked at Jonathan. He was still busy cleaning tables, but he kept looking at me. I'm sure he wanted to see my reaction when I realized what it was that he left me. My mouth slightly opened into a big smile. I shook my head in a "I-don't-believe-you-did-this" kinda way while looking at Jonathan. I could tell that he was amused by my reaction to what I saw in the cup.

Without thinking I brought the cup up to my lips, tipped the cup upwards, and let the sweet liquid drain into my mouth. I swallowed all of the cum that had fallen into my mouth while savoring its odor. I turned the cup down and then ran my tongue across my lips to make sure I got any remaining drops that might have been caught on them. I looked at Jonathan. He had stopped clearing the tables and stood there watching me drink his juice. He had a slightly stunned look on his face. It was at that time I realized that he and I weren't the only people in the dining room. There were other restaurant patrons sitting nearby. I had a strong feeling of embarrasment when I realized that what I just did could be seen by others, not just Jonathan. I sheepishly looked around the room to see if others were watching. As I scanned the dining area I was feeling a little better when I could see that most people were involved with eating or talking to others who sat at their table. I thought that what I did was going to become a little secret between Jonathan and me because it would only be the two of us who knew what happened. But then I looked to the other side of the dining area and saw Patrick. He was staring at me with a big smirk on his face. He winked at me. I realized then that from where he was sitting he probably saw the whole scenario of what occurred between Jonathan and me. From where Patrick sat he could easily see the men's room door and probably saw Jonathan deliver the cum cup to me and saw what I did with it. I smiled back at Patrick with an embarrassed look. Jonathan saw the interaction between me and Patrick and he picked up the tub of used dishes and glasses that we was accumulating while busing tables and rushed into them into the kitchen. I could see that he, too, was embarrassed when I saw the color that had risen into his cheeks. I thought it might be a good time to leave the restaurant. I quickly got up from the table and decided to hit the men's room before leaving. I entered the men's room and walked to a urinal. Pants unzipped and dick out I started to pee. I heard the men's room door open and someone else walk in. The guy walked up to the urinal right next to mine and did the same ritual I just performed. His pants were unzipped his dick was exposed and he started to pee. I turned my head and saw that my peeing buddy was Patrick. He still had a grin on his face as he looked at me. 'Having a good morning?,' he asked. I responded, 'oh, it's been a good one so far.' I was wishing my bladder was empty so I could zip the pants and zip outta there. 'I can see you've been having a good time,' Patrick stated with a lot of humor in his voice. 'In fact it looks like you've have had an exciting morning.' He giggled a little after stating that. He also stepped back a little from the urinal he was using and turned slightly toward me. He was able to show me how excited he was, I assume, over seeing what Jonathan and I had done. I looked at his hard dick and didn't say anything. I was at a loss for words. His dick was huge. It was meaty and veiny and the head was covered in precum. Being the bear he was I saw a big bush of pubes. I stood there looking. I wanted to say something but the only thing that my mouth seem to be able to make was saliva - no words, just spit! 'I saw that you've already had an allotment of milk this morning but if you still want more, I'd be happy to provide it,' he offered. He was slowly stroking his cock showing (teasing?) that he could be a very good milkman. I went to reach for his prick, but he quicky stated, 'I live about two blocks from here. Want to go to my place? I'd rather give you my cum directly instead of in a paper cup and I don't want to be disturbed doing so.' I nodded my head yes. 'Let's go,' I said. We both walked out of the men's room together. As we worked our way to the restaurant exit, I looked over at the table I was sitting at and noticed it had not been cleared. I said to Patrick, 'Wait up. I need to do something real quick.' I walked to the table I was using, grabbed a pen from my pant's pocket, found a paper napkin and wrote my cell phone number on it. I didn't know if Jonathan would be clearing my table but I was in hopes that he would and would see the telephone number on it. I was pushing my luck, but I was in hopes that Jonathan would get my number and call me. I was hoping he could join me and Patrick. You know the movie Breakfast at TIffany's opens up with Holly Golightly window shopping Tiffany's jewels while eating a breakfast pastry. I've always related to that scene. Always window shopping and not being able to buy. Well, I did not have breakfast at Tiffany's but I certainly was not window shopping that Saturday morning. I did not end up buying any jewels but ended up with with the results of two men's family jewels! They were the cream of the crop!

Next: Chapter 2

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