Not as I Expected

By Jim Cook

Published on Oct 22, 2008


I was spreadeagled naked and helpless, about to be least in part for the entertainment of those behind the glass was then that someone switched on speaker and I could hear what the people were was a bar...they were going to be entertained by a discipline session and I was the subject. My erection was huge.....I could hear them talking about it.....I saw the whip being removed from the sam browne cracked behind me.....then my body recoiled in shock as the strands of the whip were laid across by back....."count bitch!" the discipline Master shouted....I yelled out in hit again, this time across by butt, the strands of the whip lashing around my hips and marking my upper thighs...."count!"......again i cried out in quick succession, three more blows rained down on my butt, the backs of my thighs....across the small of my back.....i was an animal in pain....jerking and pulling at my binds...strangely, my erection had not was in fact bigger and harder than ever......i called out the count...."five Sir".....the whipping stopped....the butt of the handle was jabbed into my stomach...taking the wind from me...."No asshole.....the count starts at one....." The whip kissed me brutally once again...."One..." i said......"One what bitch?", said the Master......"One Sir", i replied...I could feel the hand and fingers of the other man gently play with th e crack of my ass.....then...slowly he ran his hands up and down the inside of my thighs.....The Master with the whip stroked my erection then....." that we have that straight.....let's start this properly......I will give you your first lash...and you will count it and thank me for the lashing"...i was ready to do anything to stop the pain....but at the same time...i was being excited by the hands on me.....even the Master whipping me was stroking my erection....he placed one hand on the small of my back..and coiled whip just under my chin, dragging it slowly downwards across my aching stomach to gently tease my erect cock and balls....."come over here", he said to his partner...."look at this erection!".....his partner stopped playing with my ass and moved to my front....then bent over and sucked by erect cock into his mouth....his hand cupping my balls.....he sucked me for a couple of minutes then viciously twisted my balls....warm shaving soap was brushed on me then...first my crotch.....then my chest, armpits....thighs....Master discipline produced a straight razor....he cautioned me to not make any sudden moves slip as he shaved my balls and they would be gone...In a few minutes I was shaved, totally naked then...a cheap aftershave was splashed on me, rubbed hard on my cock and ass...the inside of my thighs..all of which had been shaved arms were like they unclasped them and moved me to an exercise ankles secured to the legs of the wrists tied spread ass in the air.....Master changed from a whip to a paddle....The device I was fixed to was designed to pivot...and they turned it so that a profile of me streched naked across it was visible....the man that had briefly sucked me stepped in front of me and grabbed my nose.....I opened my mouth and he slipped his large erection the same moment the guy behind me started paddling me hard...."count bitch!", he ordered....I tried to answer but my mouth was full of erect cock...."moujolmmm", I said....he laughed and slapped my ass even harder slaming the cock deeper in my throat and making be gag. The man in front of me then grabbed my head and started fucking my face as the paddling got more and more intense. Then he stopped and I could hear that they were having an auction in the bar....."what are my bids for a weekend of fun with this slaveboi?" They were auctioning me off for the weekend.....I felt something large being inserted into my poor ass.....then....a first shallow...then more and more intense....they had put a penis shaped vibrator up my ass and turned it on in the program mode. My cock got immediately hard again....i started bucking against the false cock in my ass.....the bids were going up....then I heard the announcement...just as I came all over the floor......."The winner is Mistress Lisa! Ma am, we will hose him down and have him at the loading dock in 30 minutes....." I was being whored to a FEMDOM.....what did she have in mind for me........

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