Not Another Love Story

By jhol7689 H

Published on Feb 22, 2012


Thank you to my fans who have pushed me to continue on this journey with Wade, and thank you to my editors who have helped out along the way, Albert, Ruben Viv, night owl, Sarah and sat(:

"Meet me in front of your drive way in five minutes." Cody hung up before even getting a chance to explain, what. The. Hell? I closed my cell phone shut, grabbed my jacket and walked out the door, just as the devil himself pulled up. I sauntered over, opened the car door and stepped in, with my head down. We were silent for a minute and I unexpectedly felt his warm hand caress my cheek, the contact left me shivering with anticipation. Suddenly he spoke and surprisingly, sounded emotionally.

"I've wanted you from the start Wade, it's true that I may have acted like a jack ass, but only because I wanted what I couldn't have, look at me."His hand grasped my jaw which forced me to meet his eyes and what I saw, was such intensity of love that not even Robbie had ever looked at me that way. It sent shivers up and down my spine, I didn't know what to think.

"Say something please." He sounded so desperate, the plea tugged at my heart strings, do I have feelings for him, other than fear? I thought back to the first time he had me in bed at Aaron's party and just thinking about it had my groin tingling.

"I don't know if I feel the same Cody, I mean my first impression of you wasn't a very good one. I thought you were a stuck up brat whose been spoiled to much and then it turned to fear. You threatened to destroy my relationship with Robbie and used my sister to get to me, now your just confusing me. Do you understand what I mean?" He sighed but nodded, seeming to understand, although he kept a grip of my hand, refusing to let go. I wasn't prepared for him to kiss me though, it started out slow, as if he were waiting for me to respond. I didn't at first but then I remembered, I wasn't Robbie's any more so why not see where this goes? It wasn't as if I were saying yes to this whole ordeal, just an experiment, a really fun one. Once I pushed up against his lips the kiss turned fierce, passionate even and it filled with so much meaning, it never felt this way with Robbie.

Cody gently laid me back against the window on my side, we didn't even care if someone could sneak up on us, the kiss was all that mattered. He broke our connection, laid my head down on his rising chest and sighed with relief.

"I'll protect you Wade, even if you don't know it yet you're mine, since I met you, you were mine, that day we locked eyes in the shower room. It is true I lusted after you're body. I have a thing for small guys because it makes me feel strong, it arouses a need to shield the bad people away from beauties like you." All of the things he's saying may sound mushy to a lot of people, but to be honest, I am a romantic at heart. Robbie never wine and dined me, which I could understand, he needed to keep our relationship a secret. Even still, I had my needs to be fulfilled as well and if Cody planned to keep his words from before, Robbie had some stiff competition. Cody said from the start that he would let the world know I was his, that he could take care of himself when push came to shove. I decided to test the waters.

"Cody would you come out as my boyfriend at school?" I heard an in take of breath, as he put my head against his and looked dead straight into my eyes.

"Yeah, if you have me, I'll--" He didn't get to finish his sentence when a loud knock was heard on the window. We both sat up and Robbie, surprisingly came into view.

"Get out of the car, now!" He sounded so pissed and hurt, I turned to see Cody with a smug look on his face, which only angered me. Was I just some contest or were his feelings for me real? We both, slowly stepped out of the car, I refused to look at Robbie, so the pavement held more interest.

"I told you to stay away from him, bastard!" Robbie sounded so hurt it broke my heart but my decision was set in stone. I wouldn't—no refused to go back to someone who was ashamed of me and our love. I turned to see Cody with a dark look hidden behind his hazel eyes, but a smirk played across his lips, as he watched Robbie have a cow.

"Why? You broke up with him for your own reputation, you already lost something special and you won't get it back." It seemed to take all his might to tare his eyes away from Cody and land on me. It felt uncomfortable to have such an intense gaze on you, from somebody who used to touch your body the way no other has. His voice brought me back to reality.

"Wade, you have to know I didn't mean it! I love you dammit and I ain't loosing you, you know what you mean to me." Tears instantly filled my eyes when I noticed he happened to be crying, in all the time we dated, he never shed a tear. Soon enough though, Savannah popped up in my memories, sitting on his lap, making out with him while all the guys hooted for him.

"What about your girlfriend?" His eyes widened as if he had forgotten something important and you could just tell from his features that his heart dropped.

"She's nothing to me, its just to keep people from getting suspicious." I shook my head at his words, I wasn't looking for excuses, I was waiting for him to come back to me and being open about it. I started backing away from him, feeling like I was his dirty little secret, didn't do anything to help his case, it just made me want to runaway from it all. The stress from my family falling apart, loosing Austin and dealing with the aftermath at school and now the war between Cody and Robbie. I ran, I could hear both of them shouting my name but at the moment I felt nothing could stop me. The warm, Southern wind felt good on my skin. My feet hit the pavement, causing my breath to sound irregular. I ran, not paying attention to were my feet were taking me, only focusing on releasing my body of the stress that had built up. I stopped though, when I heard loud laughing from across a yard, I've never been this far from home and I had no idea where I was. None of these guys looked familiar and some looked between the high school and college, age. I was about to keep going when I guess I had been spotted.

"Hey, kid come over here." I stopped as they all looked in my direction, I started backing up but that didn't do any good, because the guy who shouted for me, came my way.

"I heard from a little bird that... you like to suck cock." His buddies busted up in snickers, as I hadn't noticed the boy had been dragging me towards the house. Once he said that, I tried yanking my arm back, from his hold, but it didn't do any good. He wasn't as big as Cody, but he wasn't small either. A bad feeling entered in the pit of my gut, I tried with all my might to get away, but when I did that, he just flipped me over his shoulder and told me to stop fussing.

"Come on guys, lets go down to my basement. I doubt anybody will miss this fruit."At that statement I was petrified, what were they going to do to me? I was openly crying now as they took me to a place, a place that would forever change me.

****I blanked out after a horrifying session with the group of guys, but not even then did they let me go. My whole body racked with pain, as one time I opened my eyes to see bruises forming on my right arm. I thought about Robbie and Cody the whole time as the monsters destroyed and used me as a rag doll. It was apparent that they were all totally wasted, without a care in the world, the next morning they dumped my body in the gutter on the Southern Bound high way. The heat, beat down on my body, as I lay their, unable to move. Hunger settled in, as well as feeling helpless, I couldn't move at all, not even my fingers as the pain had been unbearable.

It took for the evening for somebody to notice me, a startling scream is what had my eyes fluttering open. A woman, seeming in her late fifties told someone to stay behind and to call an ambulance, she carefully made her way down to me.

"Oh my, what's your name honey?" It took all of my strength to get my voice working again.

"Wade, Wade Dayton." The woman screamed back my name when a man came into view, he held a phone next to his ear and repeated the information.

"How old are you son?"

"I turn seventeen in May." I went to close my eyes but they both told me I had to stay awake, until the ambulance arrived.

"Sweet Jesus your the sheriff's son aren't you boy?" The man said in amazement, I peeked up at him as he didn't look familiar, but when I noticed he was dressed as a cop, I knew he had to be a co-worker of my dad.

The ambulance finally pulled up, it took four guys to make sure I was lifted up without adding pain to my battered body.

"You take care of him, you hear?" The man said, before the doors closed. The ride to the hospital was a bumpy one, I knew we were headed to my mother's work. I decided right then, that I wanted to get away from this town. I felt so much stress and fear, knowing we were going back to the same place that caused all this. I would talk to Dane, I knew how he felt about dad, well not really, seeming as if he just walked out. All I knew, is that I wanted him with me, through everything, like he has been.

When we arrived at the hospital, they wheeled me into surgery and gave me something to sleep through the process.

While I slept, the events of last night repeated through a nightmare and I knew that from here on out, I was in for a bumpy and frightening ride.

Next: Chapter 16

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