Not Another Love Story

By jhol7689 H

Published on Apr 8, 2011


I decided to put this one out early, chapter eleven is done, just needs to be edited and after that well, I'm asking for your help. This story has been in the making for a year and I haven't done anything past eleven. Anything you wanna see happen in the story? You have any ideas? Wanna be my side kick and help me come up with ideas? lol. Well here is your chance, email me and i will respond. I need as many helpers as i can get :)

I'd like t

Thankyou to my editor CD Mathews you've been fantastic. Id also love to thank my readers, this story wouldn't have continued if it weren't for you, i apperciate all your emails, there the pen to the paper (If it that makes any since lol.) I love all you guys.

And after chapter 11 of this story I'll get back to writing Gabe! Usual disclaimer, do not copy or post this story with out my permisson If your under 18 years of age or if this is illegal where you live and if two teenage males engaging in consenual sex acts then... leave! :)

Your striaght Girl Zland,

Also check out Authorshaunt please, it's a great site, sign up we need more in this tight nit community :)

I was nervous. No, scratch that. I was scared shitless!

I was meeting my boyfriend's parents for the first time; I mean, they had no clue I even existed!

I started chewing my lower lip as we got closer to his house. Robbie noticed this, chuckled, and squeezed my thigh to help calm my nerves. It didn't help! I smacked him because he only laughed harder.

"Babe, calm down. It's going to be fine." I turned to him in a swift movement.

"What if they accuse me of converting you or something?" Robbie had tears in his eyes from laughing hysterically at that. I smacked him hard in the chest, playfully, I knew it didn't hurt him.

"Wade, you're forgetting that my Dad probably already knows. He didn't freak out the first time I told him I might not like girls that way. As for my Mom, well, she's pretty cool. You have nothing to worry about."

I tried to relax but the habit of chewing on my bottom lip when I get nervous got the best of me.

Time passed and the wheels in my head kept turning and turning and before I knew it we had pulled up to a beautiful house in a `leave it to Pleasant-Ville' neighborhood.

I followed Robbie inside, where we had to remove our shoes at the door. The kitchen was on the left and the living room on the right. I followed his lead down the hallway to a room on the right. It was set up as an office and a woman sat typing at the computer.

"Hey Mom, I'd like you to meet someone," Robbie said as he knocked on the door to get her attention. She took her reading glasses off and looked up at the two of us. I could easily see where Robbie got his looks from; she had the same jet black hair and dark eyes as he did. Her skin was flawless with bright red lipstick that was a contrast to her black suit.

"This is Wade." Her eyes darted from me to Robbie, causing my gaze to shift downwards.

"Nice to meet you dear." She extended her hand and I took it. She had a warm glow about her and I had the feeling I was going to like her.

"Is Dad home yet? I need to talk to both of you." She looked at the both of us, now curious.

"He's down in the den watching the football game. What's this about?" She asked quizzically.

"Nope, I have to tell you this with both of you together." Robbie's confidence had rubbed off onto me while we were in that room and my nerves settled down a bit. I almost grabbed his hand but held off, remembering his mother was in the room.

"Well, why don't you get your father and bring him upstairs so we can discuss it?"

"Sounds good. Wade, do you wanna wait here? I'll be just a few minutes. The den is in the basement." I sighed, for some reason feeling it would be impolite if I went with him.

"I'll stay here." I mumbled and he rushed off to get his Dad up here.

"Do you have any idea what this is about?" She asked, standing up and straightening out her clothes. I shook my head, too afraid that I'd utter the wrong word.

"You're a shy one, aren't you?" She asked and I smiled before following her out of the office and into the living room, just as Robbie and his Dad were coming up from the den. His dad was around the same height with short black hair and caramel eyes.

We all sat down in the living room and once again I started chewing my lower lip.

Here goes nothing.

"Well I'm just going to come right out and say it. I'm gay." Robbie said easily and I held my breath waiting for the violent outburst, like waiting for a volcano to erupt. After a couple seconds of silence I released my breath, the main reason being that I couldn't hold it any longer. I was surprised to see his parents didn't seem fazed by this at all, their facial expressions neutral.

"Son, your mother and I discussed this the night you came to me with the fact that you might be more into boys than girls. We both agreed on the subject that if or when you decided to come out that we would be behind you, whatever the outcome. We love you all the same." I looked up at Robbie. He had tears in his eyes and I smiled for his happiness. I let them have their family moment and sat back and watched as they got into a group hug and shed plenty of tears. I knew my own situation wouldn't be the same but I hoped I had a good outcome.

I was pulled out of my train of thought when his mother asked the critical question.

"Is Wade your boyfriend? Is that why he's here?" Robbie released his parents and wiped his tears while nodding.

"You treat him right, you hear? This is our only baby boy. Don't you hurt him," She said, pointing a threatening finger in my direction. I thought this was ironic because I'm so much smaller than him, but I knew what she meant.

"Never." I promised and since his parents suddenly had to run off and do errands, instead of doing our picnic we had a sandwich and made our way upstairs. I mean it HAS been awhile since we've had me and Robbie time.

We made it to his room where he locked the door and I followed him back to the bed where we were both undoing each others belt buckles and zippers. He put his arms around me, holding on to me, kissing my cheek and the bridge of my nose. I craned my neck up to kiss him. He held my gaze and slowly lowered his mouth to mine. His lips were so soft and the moment was so romantic.

We were both breathing hard when the kiss broke off. I kissed his chin and looked into his eyes.

"I love you Robbie more than anything or anyone in this world." He pushed me gently back on to the bed and slipped my jeans the rest of the way off.

"You're MINE baby, and no one else can have you. OK?" I nodded in agreement as he crawled on top of me.

"I'm all yours baby." I reached down and grabbed ahold of his meat, pointing the wide, semi hard shaft up. With no effort at all he pulled my body up to the middle of the bed so that his body hovered over mine. I writhed around under him as he placed his hands on the sides of my head. We looked deep into each others eyes and this was the moment that I got to see deep inside his soul.

"I want you Robbie." I cooed, not taking my eyes off his. There was now a glint of lust in them.

"Oh? You want this?" He grabbed my hand and placed it on his hard member. I arched my back getting hornier by the second, my body feeling like there was a bolt of electricity shooting through it.

It felt like magic.

"YES." I all but screamed. I knew he was teasing me and I was getting frustrated. It's been so long. I watched him sit up and reach over to get the tube of KY and pulled out a couple of condoms. I would have liked his seed deep inside of me but after being with Cody... who knows if he's diseased or not. It's better to be safe than sorry and I'd kill myself if something were to happen to Robbie because of me.

He squeezed some KY on his finger, smeared some on his member, and some on my hole. He laid back down on me, his weight crushing me into the bed. He arched his ass back and prepared to take me. Holding off, he put his hands on both of my wrists and held them above my head, commanding his Alpha dominance over me. He craned his neck down to reach my face and I twisted up so our lips could meet and he kissed me hungrily as he pressed his down into mine. With only one hand he tore the condom open and for a minute he let go of me to slip the condom over his hardened member.

"Are you ready and relaxed?" He asked in a deep husky male voice into my ear. I nodded into his neck as most of our movements ceased.

Suddenly, my sphincter yielded and the head wedged in. Even though I was used to it there was still a good amount of pain, but I could take it.

"You ok baby?" He asked breathlessly and once again I nodded to confirm it. He softly kissed my neck, then licked in and behind my ear. Distracted by this I was able to relax my muscles, letting him sink in deeper. I was panting and grunting, biting the sheets, my hands clenching the pillows behind my head.

"You feel so amazing inside babe." He started moving in a circular motion before sliding back out and then ramming himself back into me.

"It feels incredible." I panted, overwhelmed by the immense fullness inside me. I hunched back at him using a steady paste, meeting his thrusting.

"This is the best feeling in the world." He said before our lips met once more; the moment filled with so much emotion and passion as he pumped himself into me faster as I readied myself climax but then he'd slow down, teasing me again.

"Robbie I need to--" I was cut off by him nipping on my lower lip.

"I want this to last as long as possible." He mumbled and I closed my eyes as we kept going, using this steady pace. It lasted for a good twenty minutes before we both came together. For that single moment I swear I saw stars and heat exploded with invisible fireworks I screamed out loud only to be silenced by those delicious pink lips of his and I moaned into his mouth.

It was a special, beautiful moment for the both of us. I was oblivious to what was around me. The only person who mattered was Robbie, who I loved with all my heart.

Next: Chapter 11

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