Not a Trip at All

By pilanin

Published on Jan 29, 2000


Not a trip at all part 3

  • The Hit Of The Day: DISCLAIMERS *

  • Power Play: The story contains descriptions of sexual behaviour *

  • between minor human males (but over the age of consent in most *

  • countries) If you're under 18 or/and that's not *

  • your taste, just give up before reading. *

  • Top Twenty Standard: If your country law regulations forbid such *

  • kind of stuff, I strongly recommend you not to break the law. *

  • CD of the week: description b/b/m/chubby-chaser *

  • That really happened and is based of my own experiences. *



  • get The Nobel Prize for that, shouldn't they? *

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

^ For a who-is-who guide, look part 2. ^

^ German and Polish only when necessary. ^

^ Quotations hyphenated, thoughts marked ^

^ with quotation marx and engels :). ^

^ Best viewed in DOS EDIT ^

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Part 3 The body science

(A hint: Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash)

Martin saw her shadow at the door and just froze. He pushed Kai's head away, the latter at first did not understand why. Following Martin's eyes, he looked at the door, too.

  • Oh boys, I think you're still too young for it - said Mrs Schneider.

  • Well - Kai seemed not to be astonished at all by that awkward situation - we'll not wait till we are retired.

Martin, shocked by the way Kai spoke to his mother, preferred not to say anything. If his father caught him at this act, the end would be quite predictable. The lowest punishment would be "the hungry day", as Martin's father used to call it.

  • You're too young, about two hours for it. First you must eat something and listen carefully what I want you to say... Then nobody's going to disturb you - she said and both boys looked as hit by a lightning.

The boys entered the room. Martin had no clue what to expect,

  • I know any kind of sermons is not what you, tigers, like the most - said Mrs Schneider, lilting a cigarette. - but I'd really like to help you, that's better than to make any harm. Perhaps you are shocked, but I was aware, that Kai could find a male friend for himself. Well, that's a way out too and I am not very worried about that... The only thing I could not foresee, is that it happens quite early. Only the exceptional situation saves you, Kai. That does not mean, that I allow you all. That concerns you too, Martin. I would not like that you went crazy the whole night. If you really must be so close, try not to go off limits. Another thing is to be safe. I believe that you are both rookies as far as the close contacts are concerned, but you'd better follow the principle of the limited conscience. I am not intending to teach you those things, you should have known that. Last but not least - although we live in a free and tolerant country, it's better to keep such things secret. I do not believe, Martin, that that does not cause anything in your case, since your Polish friend shares the room with Kai. I know Poland well enough to know that the implications can bring a serious pain. Understood?

Nothing but a loud "Ja" could be said.

As the light went out, both boys were lying close to each other face to face in Kai's bed. Martin knew something should begin, but he did not know what... The best solution would be to put his head on the boy's fat lap and feel its velvet touch, its warmth and the smell. But how to begin? He did not think the ice had broken only because they'd kissed each other. Although the signals sent by the boy left no wide margin for hesitation, they could be misunderstood as well...

The best solution would be if Kai took things in his hands, but he was lying still, maybe even fell asleep after this day, so rich with the events. "Well, I'll give us another chance" - he thought as he raised from the bed.

  • Where are you going to? - asked Kai.

  • To the toilet, wait a minute.

When he returned, Kai sat on the bed.

  • Perhaps you want to lie next to the wall, that'd be better.

Martin slipped under the blanket, without a clue, that was only Kai's manoeuvre. How could he know the boy was just struggling with the same sort of problems... The immediate effect was the warmth that touched him all over the body.

"Five, four, three, two, one... off we go!". Martin put his hand on Kai's chest. Luckily enough the pyjamas had been left unbuttoned, so the hand met immediately boy's warm, a little moist skin. "like in my Fischer dreams..." He explored it inch after inch, soon passing the upper belly area. That was the real heaven! The Kai's illness had however made progress, the skin was not very firm, he could easily feel the ribs under his layer of fat. The first wave hit him when he reached the boy's bellybutton. He always regarded that part as an intimate one, he knew that some tribes hid it, leaving on the contrary pudenda free for any sight. Now he knew why. Touching it was like moving on the invisible line of great mystery.

Now he felt that Kai did not remain passive. His big, outstacking ear was hit by the symphony of senses, hard and mild, warm and hot, wet and dry, still and windy. The feeling, which prelude he experienced the day before at the ward was just smashing.

His hand went lower, touching the thin belt of pyjama trousers. "I am going too far" - he thought. The sudden touch of Kai's hand could both allow and prohibit the entrance in the area he desired the most. To his satisfaction, the hand pushed his a little down and immediately slipped down the belly, stopping on the sheet.

Martin did not know that the fly in his, in fact Kai's pyjama trousers (Kai was clad in another one) was big and wide open. He expected the belt of his own trousers to be moved, however nothing of that kind happened. Instead, he felt his own rod pressing against something. Shortly afterwards it vanished in Kai's palm...

Till the day before, Martin did not care much about that part of body, which made his friends usually laugh. He did not appreciate it, for him was only the tool that made peeing easy. Yes, he woke up with the stiff one, but he just did not care for that, the only pleasure it gave him was to press some times a pillow against that quite unintentionally or rub it a little against the bed, that was all. He was thus spared all that childish mess about dimensions and so on. Now the things were different, he caught himself thinking, if Kai would like this four inches exception for the vertical construction of a male body.

He forgot about it soon, concentrating himself on the sensations coming from the groins. Suddenly there was something new happening: the almost one hundred kilograms of boy moved up and soon lied down again but upside down. If Martin regretted anything, it was only that Kai left his ears. That was however the price for something he'd dreamed about since yesterday: he could put his head on the boy's lap!

He did it really and all the imaginations, dreams and naughty thoughts turned out to be too weak in comparison with the feeling that reached him right now. More than a smell of Kai's belly intrigued him the ridge under the boy's ear. To reach it, Martin moved his head down Kai's legs till he felt the ridge with his cheek and lips. Now it was time to pull down Kai's trousers. He did it with the effort, stroke mildly with something warm and wet against his cheek. Soon he reached his fingers for it.

Almost invisible in the morning, Kai's "little fellow" had some dimensions! About three inches long, less than his own one, it was however very thick, with the skin tight around its head (a note for Americans: in Poland and Germany young men are almost always uncut and very often circumcised). The boy's pubic hair was rare, more or less like his one.

The additional sensation was the smell - mixture of the soap, young fresh body with some scent of the hospital and something he could not recognise. Martin felt it, as lying on Kai's lap involved having this funny thing not farther than one inch in front of his nose. To feel it more, Martin moved his head and the sharp tip vanished in his nostril. It was very slippery.

"It can't be the urine" - thought Martin - "so what is it?"

The touch of Kai's fingers down his body had changed into something different. His own tail received the signs of the surroundings it had never known before. "What's up? He must be keeping it in his mouth!" And Kai really did it. A pair of mixed thoughts ran through Martin's head. That part had never associated with licking, its function could act only repulsive for one's senses. But he quickly gave that thinking up. No bad smell from Kai made him try it himself. He gradually examined Kai's penis with his tongue, licking its base at first, than exploring the slippery tip. To the boy's astonishment it was not salty as he expected. A moment later it disappeared in Martin's mouth to the hair.

His nose stroke the sack with two small balls. The Polish proverb came to his head: "The man like the oak, his balls like scones". The sack, on the contrary to Martin's own one was thicker and more flat, staying closer to the body.

His breath became less and less regular, as the sucking from down side increased. The main wave of brand new feelings almost made him unconscious. Now he squeezed Kai's dick with his tongue. The rod got more stiff and suddenly something hot mixed with his saliva. Martin had the vague idea what it was and spit it with the corner of his mouth into the sleeve.

And he fell asleep...

It was still dark when he woke up. The limp Kai's penis stuck still in his mouth like a baby-sucker. God, what if Mrs Schneider saw it... He turned his body to normal position, touched Kai's neck and went on sleeping.

This time it was Kai's warm hand, that brought him to the reality. Kai, having been woken up some time earlier, sucked his ear. Martin did not want do disturb his friend in this very nice activity, pleasing himself only with putting his hand on the boy's belly. That could last forever, was however soon broken by Kai's mum.

  • Right time you stood up, boys. I do not know what you did in the night, but, whatever it was, you must take shower.

  • You'll be the first one! - shouted Kai, for whom leaving the warm bed was always a kind of punishment.

  • If you really insist...

  • I do not know, why you cannot do it together - interrupted Mrs Schneider. - I do not believe you've anything to hide from each other.

If she even had anything against early sexual live of his son, the common bath with another boy was for Kai rather educational. The boy strongly avoided being seen without a shirt. Even in the hospital Schwester Helga and Onkel Doc were the only, he let them see himself half naked.

Both boys visited their sleeping cats and went to the bathroom. Martin had to admit that Kai's body, which he could now see fully naked. That made him aroused to such extend, it became soon very visible. He turned back. The crazy night is one thing, the total striptease another... Kai noticed this ashamed behaviour right away and made such a move, that Martin had to stand face to face with him. Now it became obvious, that Kai reacted in the same way.

Martin wanted to ask some questions but was afraid to. Not because Kai would laugh at him; The nations in Eastern Europe cannot and do not want to talk about sex. Martin knew about it, he read the statistics which showed with no shade of doubt, that Poles are leading in the European statistics as far as the silence about sex is concerned. He was no exception.

  • I'll wash your back - offered Kai and martin accepted it nodding wit his head.

That was a pleasure quite different from those he learnt before. The slippery hand quickly concentrated on his belly and all that's situated below. He did not wait long till his member answered with the fountain of transparent liquid to all Kai did him.

  • Now it's your turn - Kai handed Martin a sponge covered with white foam.

Martin started with the back and stopped just above the round bum. Should he touch it? But the short "come on" finished all his thoughts. That part, which Martin did not like, this time was the nice surprise. He even washed the crack and for the first time he did not feel any shame. In the next moment Kai turned around, presenting his thick penis with full pride on his face. Martin died to suck it as he'd done last night, but he decided to leave it for the evening, only washing it with his hand. Kai's breath was now audible even in spite of the shower. And soon the foam mixed up with the big portion of transparent liquid.

As they left the bathroom, a surprise waited for Martin. It was Onkel Doc, who had a day off, as usually on Sunday.

  • Well, Martin, I'll take you out for some hours, your friend just left the PO ward and can be visited. As far as I know, you're to visit him - Herr Jezierski put the stress on the last word.

Although Martin was not very happy, he had to admit the doctor was right. Kai protested but the adults did not change their decision.

The meeting was rather short and formal. The doctor, who observed its big part, saw that the boys did not like each other treating the meeting as the unpleasant must.

  • Now I am lying alone, but two or three days ago there was a boy who looked like a fat pig there. I am happy I do not share room with him any longer - said Stan.

  • I am happy I do - Martin replied dryly.

  • You do what?

  • Well, I thought you understood Polish - said Martin proudly. - I live in his house and we share the room.

  • With this monster?

  • Not bigger than you are, sweetheart. And spare me that speech, I care a shit what you say.

  • I wish somebody else from the class visited me...

  • Well, I know I am cruel and I should not say that to an ill person but nobody wanted. Start to realise that you're a pain in the neck to almost anybody.

  • Do not preach, OK?

  • Listen, that's not the point, all evil lies in you inside, really. Can you explain me for instance, what Kai did to you? I cannot believe he did you anything, since you cannot speak German.

  • But he snores, cries, vomits...

  • Listen, you little worm. (the Polish "robaczku" would be quite better) You are permanently forgetting you are not on the holidays. Whom did you expect to meet in this particular place? I know your bloody father spares you all signs of real life but that's the place you cannot avoid them. That's something different than summer on Canarians and winter in the Alps.

  • I wonder if he finds a wife.

  • I wonder - martin accentuated the "I" - if it's any of your business. I assure you he's closer to it than you, actually. I mean "wife" not the sexual machine. And I assure you too, that he's found a real friend. That's why he's not lying here... The doctor decided he can wait for his operation at home.

  • You're misusing the class money, you scoundrel. They've send you to visit me.

  • I know you do not understand Polish, now I know you're blind too... In spite of it, I care a shit about the money. I've not spent any and I do not need to. Know what? I think that's enough for today.

  • You bastard, my father knew what he does, expelling your father from the holding.

Doctor Jezierski heard all that conversation, although Stan had no clue he could understand that - although Stan was in one room with Kai, he had a different leading doctor.

  • Perhaps you give up abusing Martin? - said he in Polish. - I do not want to teach you but you've got too far. Well, I think I shall speak with your headmaster.

  • You can, he's afraid of my father.

  • Well, the newspapers are not and as far as I know, they love writing about him...

Stan finally shut up and Doctor and Martin left the room.

  • Have you seen any sign of the good will? - asked Martin.

  • Now I understand you... - OK, we can drive back.

  • Can you devote me a little time before we go to Kai? - asked Martin.

  • Of course I can, I know that I owe you a talk. Let's find a good cafe.

The name "Kaisers Kneipe" did not sound promising, especially for Martin, who knew the Polish word "knajpa", a bar with alcohol, always occupied by drunken men. The German "Kneipe" was however something different, a nice bar resembling rather English pubs than Polish drink bars.

  • What's the matter? - asked Herr Jezierski.

  • Well, that's happened... you know what.

  • Are you unhappy, ashamed or disturbed because of that? Did you stop liking Kai?

  • On the contrary... I am terrified, how easy it happened and how much I liked it. Because I liked it, all the time I regarded it as natural but you know it's not.

  • You must know one thing: the modern medicine does not treat homoerotism as anything pervert, it's regarded rather as an alternative way of the sexual behaviour.

  • But you cannot have the children...

  • With Kai definitely not - they both burst out with laugh. - But nobody said that that's not possible. The only problem is how you react to a female body. Biologically you are capable of producing even a football team.

  • I've thought about it. I do not believe I'd like to sleep with a girl. And with a boy either... Kai is something different, if you know what I mean.

  • Isn't he a boy? When I recently examined him, I thought he had always on the right place...

Martin felt his heart prick with a small sharp needle. Gosh, was he jealous? But he thought about girls and gynaecologists and calmed down. The doctors are always an exception.

  • Yes, he has. You do not understand me - even if Kai had a twat or a nose instead of his tail, I would not like him less. A gay likes a man because he has a penis, muscles, and so on, not because it's THE human he loves.

  • I understand, but you don't treat his member as something bad, do you?

  • No.

  • Well, let's leave it and wait for things to come. Perhaps your sexual orientation is still in statu nascendi, maybe it follows as a reaction for something of the nature I do not know. Remember I am an oncologist, not a psychologist.

  • OK, but I've another question concerning... you know... taking it to the mouth - Martin got red. - Is it normal?

  • Well - Herr Jezierski smiled. - That's, literally and metaphorically, the matter of taste. The golden rule sounds "all is allowed between the partners over the age of consent, that both parts accept. Till you both don't find it nasty or improper, that's OK". Of course there are some limits, but I do not believe you excess them.

  • What do you mean?

  • There are some types of behaviour, called sadomasochism, when both part are up to giving and receiving pain. It must work like the broadcasting system, with a sender and receiver. If they do not meet each other, it is regarded as the offence if not a crime. And even if they do, it must be kept in limits. The death will be death, no matter if accepted by the both partners...

Martin was shocked. Blast, what pleasure is to beat anybody?

  • One more thing... - Martin went even more red.

  • Come on... do not be ashamed, you're talking to a doctor.

  • I am talking to somebody more than a doctor... - Martin began to cry. - I wish you were my father...

  • Unfortunately that's not possible, but I can give you a hand with some problems. By the way I would not object the son like you...

  • Thanks. So back to this... You know... this liquid. Is it a poison? I think I... swallowed... some.

  • Since I found you in the best condition, it's not - laughed the doctor.

  • And sleeping all the night with this thing in the mouth as, you know, baby with a sucker? You know, I could sleep with his finger, but that is not so nice...

  • That's something new, a caress I have not heard of... The golden rule still applies. You must know, that sex is a very nice subject for the experiments, even crazy ones.

Martin became bolder and bolder in his conversations.

  • Well, there's one... uhhm... anatomic thing. I thought that the male testicles rest in the sack and hang down. Can they stay close to the belly when the sack remains quite shrunk and thick?

  • That's quite interesting question. The dimensions of the sack are regulated by the body, reacting on the warmth, both of the body and air. The testicles require the lower temperature than other organs, but when it's too low, they are hidden by a chain reaction of the nerves. You've probably noticed, than in winter the sack is more shrunk, haven't you?

  • You're right, thank you. But... uhmmm...

  • What's the matter?

  • I don't know if I should say you that. I... would..., no, you can misunderstand me. It does not concern my sexual feelings but...

  • If it does not, so what's the matter?

  • I'd like to see an adult man, naked. Not because that I want to... you know... but just to compare and see if everything is OK. Some doubts cannot be explained only when talking And I don't want to see any photo, just live. You know, I saw Kai naked today when we took shower and it was for the first time in my life. I did not know, how to behave...

  • I do really wonder why you're so strange about that. That's probably because you come from Poland. Here, in Germany, parents often take a bath with their children, besides the nudist beaches (FKK) are very popular. The young man has a good occasion of seeing if everything's correct and comparing him- or herself with the other people. We do not make nudity such a taboo as in Poland. Imagine, you play football and after the game you're going to invite a close friend home. In Germany there's nothing wrong you change the clothes in the room, when the friend is sitting. In Poland you go to the bathroom and don't come back unless you're fully clad.

At the very thought of taking a bath together with his father, Martin felt a bit sick. The scene he observed yesterday confirmed Onkel Doc was fully right.

  • But I would object a nudist beach. If it... ugh... were ... you... You're the man I know and whom I trust.

  • I do not see anything wrong with it, I could take a bath with you if you want. I often go to FKK strands, so I do not feel curious showing my own nudity.

  • But first of all I must consult it with Kai.

  • You really needn't if you treat it only, well, scientifically. And you know that this sort of sexual activity does not concern me, so you are not in any danger. Of course you can talk with Kai.

Martin spoke with Kai about it later in the afternoon. The only reaction was: "didn't you really see the naked man?" Martin admitted once more he did not.

  • And I thought you could be jealous...

  • Well, I would, if you did it with another man, but not because somebody else watches you naked. Well, you must do it, even to make sure you've made a good choice...

  • And if I haven't?

  • I don't believe - Kai laughed. - But you quite correctly punished me for being ironical and too self-conceited.

  • I could not imagine being with anybody else... - he wanted to say something more but decided not to touch the subject of Kai's illness.

  • But only one thing: I shall not object Onkel Doc, but if it's a young male of my type, I prohibit you. The long kiss finished this part of the conversation.

Onkel Doc spent the day at Kai's and late in the afternoon he said:

  • Well, I bet you must take your medicines, Kai, and sleep for some hours, especially when you are not going to bed so early you should. The fact you're not in hospital does not mean you will not obey the rules.

  • I shall, Onkel Doc.

  • We are going out for some time and will come back quite soon.

In less than a quarter they reached Herr Jezierski's house. He lived in a semidetached house at Charlottenburg, occupying the flat upstairs. They took their coats off and sat in the living-room for a moment.

  • I am ready, so we can go to the bathroom. If you have any questions, just ask.

The first one followed in the moment Herr Jezierski took off his shirt, showing the naked trunk covered by almost white, long, curled hair.

  • Well, about the hair on your chest. Is it obligatory? I don't like to be covered with fur like a monkey.

  • Some people are furry and you cannot do anything about it. We don't usually raze it. You can always make use of the scissors. But the furry people used to be concerned as "real male".

The doctor took off his trousers, showing quite big bulge in his boxers. "I'll soon see its content" thought Martin and to his astonishment felt the thing getting bigger and bigger down his belly, tenting his boxers. The doctor saw it.

  • Take it easy, the reaction is quite normal. All young males react for nudity in such a way. When I spoke about our FKK beaches, I did not tell you that boys in your age often avoid it, exactly because of such a reaction.

  • How can I avoid it? - martin however did not calm down by this remark.

  • That's like a measles or chicken pox, everybody must go through. I got used to it when examining boys. You cannot imagine how often I must explain such a simple thing...

Finally the doctor took off his boxers, giving a good example for Martin. He looked like mesmerised at the huge penis, who hung firmly, lying on very big testicles.

  • Well... Why your testicles are so big?

  • They grow bigger with the age. Each is constructed of small vains, channels for semen, which is produced inside them. And they tend to spread their dimensions.

  • And you're still circumcised, I see...

  • What does that mean?

  • The skin surrounds the head of your penis to the top. Look, I can pull it down - the doctor showed it. - Try to pull it in the same way till you feel any resistance.

The boy did it. A small, red bulb of flesh parted with a slit appeared at the top.

  • Is it wrong?

  • At your age, I believe, most men has it wide open. We used to operate such cases.

  • But Kai has the thing almost exactly the same, also with this flesh but a bigger one.

  • That's why I'd advice only to pull it down and thus to make a specific kind of gym. That'll certainly do. That one can be reached also when masturbating.

  • What's this?

  • Try not to cheat me! You don't really know?

  • No...

  • That's stimulating manually your penis to obtain an ejaculation, that's this funny liquid you thought it might be a poison.

  • Only when swelled, I know that's stuff that makes children.

  • You're absolutely right.

  • You use those scientific terms, but how does it really look like?

  • Usually the men pull up and down this skin, trying to imitate a sexual intercourse. Women do it with the finger or another objects inserted into their vaginas. Sometimes the forms are quite different, but generally speaking we consider as masturbation each autoerotic act, that is not involving the activity of another human.

  • Is it not dangerous to have the head without the skin? - asked Martin. - I see it's quite delicate.

  • No, it's not. In some countries, both of the religious and medical reasons the skin gets cut some days after the child is born, like in Israel or the USA. Even Jesus was a subject for the operation.

Martin did not know the German word "Beschneidung", but was rather astonished hearing that.

  • Does it not make any pain?

  • It certainly does, but nobody cares about it.

  • How is it in Polish?

  • I am not sure, but perhaps "obrzezanie".

Martin knew that word, but up till now it was one of those with no meaning, as still many he found in books.

The lesson went on. Martin lost his fears, and, to his joy, his tail began at last to behave itself, falling gently down. The doctor was right, it was not caused by sexual excitement but simply by the situation itself.

  • You're quite old and as far as I've heard, the old people cannot have children. Is that because you cannot get stiff?

  • Partially so. Older men get stiff only in the morning, as the men in your age too. But it's rather a physiological reaction caused by the blood circuit and the full bladder. The more important thing is we cannot produce sperm.

  • I've heard about a seventy-year-old father...

  • The limits are quite individual. Both you and Kai are almost sixteen and you're not much developed either. Some boys at your age can be fathers already.

  • How do you know one can and another cannot?

  • Of course the best evidence is to be obtained by a microscope examination. But there are other signs - the pubic hair, which is not fully developed in your case. Besides, your liquid, as you've told me, is still fluid transparent, thus immature. The sperm of an adult is white, sometimes creamy and thick.

  • Why is the penis moist even before it gives its milk? Is it anything bad?

  • No, notice that all this system has been prepared for making children. That's why, for example, it gets stiff before it ejaculates, only to make the entrance into the vagina possible. Those slippery drops make the moves inside the woman possible, the vagina gets wet as well. Sometimes you'll hear the phrase "love juices".

  • There's one thing you should do as soon as you get rid of this skin: to wash it every day, especially under the ridge that finishes the head of the penis. There's a white substance, that gathers there and not washed out can cause serious problems. - the doctor showed how to do it.

Martin learned such amount of things that he felt a little tired with that all.

  • I am very, very grateful for all that. You see, that I only wanted...

  • Don't explain, it was really obvious for me. In case you do not know anything, just ask me. I'll buy you a pair of books and you will learn more. Well - he added with a smile - if I weren't a doctor, that'd be quite a strong test...

Doctor Jezierski thought about his own first sex lessons. At the beginning, the father's remarks: "do not play with your birdie, it's bad". The first lessons were taught still before the war, in Poznan. The awkward, complicated conversations of older boys, which gave him no knowledge, but complicated things as much as possible. Then the "anthropometry research", made by Nazis. There, in the big hall, all stood naked and he still remembers that fear, the adult bodies, both male and female, evoked in him, especially the pubic hair and the immense penises, testicles and female tits. His German "father" undressed him on the first day in the presence of the stepmother and looked as an animal. "Quite piece of a boy" - commented, having touched his shoulders, belly and legs. He even checked, if the boy had two testicles and was not cut. "Now I know you're not a Jew". He liked his Jewish friends very much and felt slightly abused. Then first erections began, first attempts to satisfy himself sexually. Once he peeped through the door how his "parents" made love. Then he learned some details. When he was older, his stepfather began with his pervert activities. The lessons, instruction rather, he got from the first girl he made love to. Strangely enough, that was his stepfather who brought the whore home and said: "Now you learn those things". The theoretical knowledge was taught not sooner than at the medical university. Much too late.

Kai and Martin ate the supper watching "Der Bulle von Toelz".

  • Well, I should ban you this film - laughed Kai. - Ottfried apart from being fat is also quite handsome.

  • Mmmmhmmm...

But they saw it to the very last scene, than went to bed.

  • Did you learn much?

  • Well, I know now how unaware I was.

  • Don't they teach you those things at school?

  • I don't believe, since the church has forbidden it. And to be honest, I have not been interested in that up to this trip...

  • OK, so let's do it in the scientific way...

To be continued Fortsetzung kommt Ciag dalszy nastapi

--------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like this story (or don't) mail me: Spams and flames (as usual) ignored. Thanks to those chubbies and /or bears who write me stories of their lives. I am dying for more. Special thanks to D.I, Z.N., Z.R.and some other people, who did not wist to be mentioned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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