Not a Perfect Love

Published on May 16, 2001


Disclaimer: The following story is pure fiction and a mere figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to anyone, dead or alive, is pure coincidence. However, if such a resemblance exists, please email me and tell me all about it!!!! :^)

Hi guys. This is my first story. I can tell you right now that there'll be no sex. This'll simply be a love story, a little "spin-off series" of the sci-fi/fantasy novel that I am writing on my spare time.

Hope that you'll like it.

And now, with further ado, I mean without further ado, onto the story!!!!!!


NOT A PERFECT LOVE Chapter 06, Part 1 of a 2-part episode, Two Boys And One Bed


  • Spring break! I shout. - Finally! Julia sighs. - Passover's here and we get a week's semester! - So, the are the holiday plans still on? I wondered. We have made plans to go to Fort Lauderdale over a month before, and I just want to make sure of that they are still on. - Of course. Julia says. I just want to shout out, but then I realize that it'd just attract unwanted attention. - A week at the beach. We'll swim, you'll eat while I diet and then we'll go manhunting. I smile, or rather grin, on the inside since I love the fact of that all of the girls in school hate me because of my wonderful metabolism and my slim figure. Hell, I've got a thinner waist and thinner thigs than most of the girls in my grade. - "My grades are up from D's to A's." Brian sings happily as he skipps up to Julia and me. - Well that sure looked...! I say and then fake a look that says that I'm in deep thought. - Queer. I just love to screw with his head. It's so much fun! - But I'm just so happy! Brian laughs. - Well, they're not all A's, but mostly B's are pretty good. - So, do you have any holiday plans? Julia wonders. The three of us are standing on campus as other students rejoice in the fact of that Spring Break had just begun all around us. All of the cheers and hoots make it hard for me to hear what Julia and Brian are saying. - Miranda and I had planned to do something, but then she had to go back for a surprise family reunion. Brian sighs. - My heart goes out for you. I say. I then look over at Julia and the two of us grin at each other and then put on straight faces. So, I'm selfish. So what? - So... wanna hit the beach with us? I suggest. Again, I grin on the inside. If I can't get him into bed with me, at least I'll be able to sneak peaks at him at the beach. - We're going to Fort Lauderdale to eat, diet and check guys out. - Sure. Brian say. - It's not like anything's keeping me here. But I won't do that "check guys out thingee".

Well, at eight a.m. the next day, the three of us are on a train to Fort Lauderdale, the ideal place to spend Spring Break. We have to share a coupe. "Unfortunately", it only has one bunk bed with two levels, "forcing" me to share the upper bed with Brian while Julia sleeps in the lower. - I'm switzing in here. Brian groans as he uses a fan made out of silk to blow some cold air onto his face. - Well, switz away, while we gentiles sleep. I groan. - For us who don't know how to speak the Jewish language, what does switizing mean? Julia wonders. - Sweating. I groan. Sweating is the right word. It feels like I'm melting... like a popsicle in Hell... or isn't it a "snowball"?

  • Finally. Brian sighs as he, Julia and I walk up to the beach, carrying our bags. We are finally here, at Fort Lauderdale, walking down the beach. Whew, I could surely go for a Pina Colada right now... wait... don't Pina Coladas have alchohol in them? Ah, who cares! My throat feels like a desert. - Now, let's go check into our hotel. After that train ride, I really need a good night's sleep.

And so, were there... in our hotel room that is. Or should I say hotel rooms? I'm still a little dizzy. As I plop down on my bed, I look over at Brian, who hesitates a little and then plop down right next to me. - Don't worry, Bri. I chuckle. - I won't bite... unless you tell me to. - That's it, I'm going back down there to double check. Brian says and jumps to his feet. He then looks back at me and grins. As much as I love to screw with his head, I think that he loves to screw with my head even more than I love to with his. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I laugh as he re-plops down next to me. You want to know what he meant about double-checking? Wait... why am I talking to myself in second person? Why am I talking to myself at all? Oh, well, anyway. It's like this...

  • Yes, your reservation is here. The clerk says. He's cute. He's really cute. And those muscles are to die for... too bad he's flirting with Julia and totally ignoring me. - Two single rooms. - Wait, we called and re-booked it so that we were going to get one single room and one double room. Brian protests. My smile faded. It sounds like he doesn't want to spend the night in my bed. Wait... ah, I know what I mean. I mean... ah screw it! - No offense, Phil. Brian quickly says to me. - I'm so sorry, but did you by any chance talk to a guy named Alphonzo? The clerk asks, all snobbily. - Yes, we did. Julia says. - Well, he was recently fired and was very bitter. He literally flushed a whole day's bookings into the toilet and yours must've been one of them. The clerk said, a little embarrassed. - And unfortunately, there are no other rooms available as for now. With that said, the clerk offers us two keys. One had a small sign that said "224" and the other one that said "225". - We'll take it. I say and grab my key. - Yeah. Julia agrees and grabs her. - But, but, but, but, but, but...! Brian stutters. - No butts! I growl and then blush slightly. - I mean buts. You're sleeping with me, and that's it! - Alright, alright. He growls. - He! He! I grin at him.

So, that's how Brian ended up in my bed. Ooh! He's fallen asleep and he looks so cute. I stay up late just to be able to see his angelic face when he sleeps, but he's never been as cute as he is now. - Ummm...! I say sleepily and then close my eyes. I guess I'm tired too. So... maybe I'll just take a little nap.

I wake up at 9 a.m. the next day. Brian is sitting at the table in the middle of the room, eating breakfast and reading a Donald Duck And Friends comic book. - So you're finally up, sleepy-head. He says with a mouth full of food. - Ready for a day at the beach? - Sure am. I say. God he looks cute! He has already stripped all of his clothes and put on a pair of blue swim trunks. I almost drool as I eye his chest, arms and face. But that morning... banana in his pants is also interesting. - Good morning boys! I hear Julia's voice, the moment before she bursts into the room, wearing a waaaaaaaay too revealing bikini. - Oh my god! Brian exclaims and almost chokes on his breakfast. - Neat, eh? Julia asks. - I found it in the gift shop downstairs. - Well... I'd be drooling over you. I say and instantly get strange looks from both Julia and Brian. - If I were straight, that is. I quickly add and the looks go away. - Alright, so jump into your swim trunks and we'll be off to the beach! Julia ushers me. - Geez, you really are desperate. I chuckle. - Hey! She protests. - Kidding, kidding. I chuckle.

  • Hunk at four o'clock! Julia exclaims and I hurriedly join her in "HunkWatching", the favorite game of girls, gays and girls with gay friends. - Oh, oh, oh, he's coming this way! I say enthusiastically. - Rats! Julia groans when the hunk makes a turn and disappeared into the crowd of surfers. I look over at Brian and notice that he's trying to put some sun lotion onto his back on his own. - Bri, want me to help you with that? I offer. - Well, alright. He says after a moment of hesitation. - But if I feel anything hard poking me from behind, you're gonna get a mouthful. - A mouthful of what? I leer at him and Julia just can't help it but giggle. - Oh, shut up. Brian groaned and I burst out laughing. And, thus, I got to put some sun lotion onto Brian's back. I must admit it, my "bad boy" did get hard, but luckily, I managed to keep it from touching Brian, although, once, when he moved slightly, it almost poked him right between his cheeks... butt cheeks, that is. I suddenly see this tall dark and handsome surfer guy carrying his surf board. His wave brown hair is blowing in the air, his chestnut brown eyes are glistening and his swim trunks leave almost nothing to the imagination. - Hunk seven o'clock! I exclaim. - Whoa!! Julia gasp. - Way to go, guy! You've got really great taste in men! - Yeah, but sometime, I make some really bad choices. I say and point at Brian. - Hint! Hint! - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Julia giggles. I can feel Brian moving from below me. He has no idea of what I just did, but somehow, he just knows that it's him that Julia's laughing at. - Oh, shut up. He growls. - Oh, c'mon. I beg. - In school, the guys are always talking about the girls with his biggest boobs and nicest asses. But out here, with Julia, I get to discus the guys with the biggest packages and flattest bellies. So, as long as you're out here with us, you'll have to stand that. - Alright, alright. Brian chuckles. We spend the rest of the day at the beach. I can swear that I can actually see my skin darken as time passes and voila, it's time for dinner already. - Oh, we missed lunch! I sigh. - Oh, do you ever think about anything but food? Julia giggles. - Well, I think about boys. I say. - Food, boys, food, boys. Isn't that a song? Ah, my and Julia's inside jokes are the best. Especially since no one else gets them. The "Food, boys, food, boys" joke was created when Julia and I saw this really cute guy passing, but meanwhile, the local Macy's, which was having a clearance sale, only had ten minutes left 'til closing. So we had to choose... we chose the cheap clothes. - Well, I'm gonna go and get myself some Chinese food. Julia says and stands up and starts packing up her things. - Are you guys gonna join me? - Not me. Brian says. - I'm gonna take a walk. - I'll jon you. I quickly say, maybe just a tad too quickly.

  • So... how are things going with you and Miranda? I ask as Brian and I stroll down the beach, carrying out towels and miscellaneous beach things in our gymbags. - Not very well. Brian says quietly and his gaze drops. - Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I say, even though I'm smiling on the inside. So what if I'm hypocritical? I'm in... like... I mean I like this guy, which doesn't exactly make his girlfriend my best friend. - Philip... I've been feeling weird about our living arrangements lately. Brian says and suddenly stops walking. I stop too and look at him. His gaze rises so that I he's looking me in the eyes. I can't help but feel this sinking sensation in my gut. What does he mean with "feeling weird about our living arrangements"? Doesn't he like living with me anymore? Are my constant sexual innuendoes and flirting making him uncomfortable?! Wait... maybe I should just ask him. - What do you mean "you're feeling weird about our living arrangements"? I question him. - It's just that, lately, I've been feeling this weird thing that I've never felt before about a guy. Oh my god! Here it comes! Is it hate, or maybe repulsion? There are many possibilities. - I think...! He says and then his voice drops and he mumbles something that's not audible, at least not to the human ear. - What? I ask and lean in closer. - I think that I'm falling in love with you. He whispers into my ear and then leans in and kisses me on the lips. And my head feels like it's gonna explode! Wait... didn't Felicity say that in one of those episodes in the third season or something? Wait... I think too much. Maybe I should just stop thinking so much. Yeah. So I return the kiss. However, no tongues were involved. When we finally break the kiss, I have to catch my breath since it lasted for so long. I look at Brian and he's in deep thought. - What? I wonder. - I... it feels... weird...! He says. - Don't worry. I say and put my right hand on his right shoulder. - It'll pass. I felt the same way when I first fell in love with a guy. - But the problem is that I didn't. He says quietly. - What? I ask, all confused. - I said, that I didn't fall in love with you. He says and shrugs my hand off. - What do you mean? I wonder and put my hand back on his shoulder to stop him as he starts turning around. - Get away from me, you homo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He cried.

Chapter 06, Part 1 of a 2-part episode, Upside down... Broken Hearts Of Glass

  • Get away from me, you homo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel as if something breaks inside of me and my etire body goes cold. A chill? No... not just my spine... my entire body. Only momentarily, though it felt like an eternity. The word "homo" echoes through my mind. When he had said it, he'd thrown my hand off of his shoulder using his own hand. A bruise... I had a bruise... was it really caused by him, the guy whom I had fallen in love with? - Bri...! I start saying and take a step closer. Suddenly, he takes a swing at me. I see it coming, though I'm too shocked to respond. It hits me right in the face, cracking my glasses. As the shards fall to the ground, I lose my balance and come tumbling down with them. My face... it's burning. Why? I checked... oh my god! The glass in my glasses had cut into my face! I scrambled around for my bag and then stood up. All teary eyed, I look up at Brian. My vision is too teary and bloody in order for me to see his expression, I can only hear his words. - Ph... so... so... ease... give... ee...! No... I can't... I just can't... or maybe I just won't and my subconscious is keeping me from. I start sobbing and then, after a moment, start running, away from him, away from the guy whom I'd ever felt like I could be together with for the rest of my life. - ...ilip...! I can hear him call after me. Did he just say Philip? I don't care! I run back to the hotel and run up to the reception. As I sob, I can hear the clerk frantically trying to say something... but I can't make it out. - at... appened... ease... et... e... el... u...! - Please... take me to room 225...! I manage to say between sobs. So... the clerk hurriedly helps me into what I believe is an elevator. I hear and feel how is starts moving and then the usual "ping" that's heard when a hotel elevator has arrived at its destination. The clerks help me out of the elevator and leads me to a door. - Hello? Anyone?! He calls out and knocks on the door. - Who is it? I can hear Julia's familiar voice call out and then I saw how the door opened. - Oh my god, Philip! She exclaims. And... I collapse.

  • There. Julia says. - Ummm? I groan and flicker my eyes open. My vision is clear again... well, as clear as it can be without glasses. - How are you feeling? Julia asks me with obvious worry in her voice and smiles warmly at me. - I'm fine. I say weakly and then hear a noise from behind her. I let my gaze drift and see Brian, standing behind her. - Please, please don't hit me. I beg and hold my hands in front of my face. - What? Julia wonders. Then, her eyes open wide of realization and she turns around. - You... you did this to him, didn't you?! She demanded with obvious hate and fury in her voice. - I... I... I...! Brian stutters. But Julia already knows the answer, so she stands up and literally throws Brian out of the room and then locks the door. - And don't come back or I'll call hotel security!!! She screamed into the door spring. I look around. It is Julia's room. I'm sure of it. Her clothes are lying everywhere. In mine and Brian's room, my clothes are lying everywhere. I see my broken glasses on the nightstand located next to the bed. I throw a quick glance through the window and see that it's night already. - How long have I been out? I wonder and raise myself into a sitting position. I prop some cushions up so that I can lean against Julia's queen sized bed's headboard. - Oh, maybe three of four hours. Julia says and shrugs her shoulders. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Julia angrily throws the door open. - What?! She growls. There was no one there. Only my stuff, neatly packed into my gym bag and backpack. Julia carries all of the stuff inside and then once more closes and locks the door. Then, she walks up to the bed and sits down on the chair that she has placed there and looks at me with geniune concern in her eyes. - What happened? She asks catiously. - I don't know. I say quietly. - We were walking down the beach when he suddenly stopped and told me that he'd been feeling weird lately. Then, he springs it on me that he just might be falling in love with me and kissed me right there on the lips. But then, he went into deep thought and I put a hand on his shoulder and asked what. He said that it was a mistake. I asked what once more and he threw my hand off. Then, I took a step closer to speak to him and he just punched me. - That bastard! Julia cried bitterly. - I don't know what's wrong with him...! I say quietly and then I feel that sinking sensation again. It's funny how rejections make me feel so bad... especially with all of the experience that I've got. That sinking sensation... I've felt it before... many times. - I feel tired. I yawn. I really do feel tired. I don't even wait for Julia's response. I fall asleep right there on the spot.

The next morning, I wake up to birds singing. Oh God! It's so annoying to hear birds singing happily when you're down. By the way where is Julia? I look around and locate her... she's sleeping on the couch. Oh, the poor thing. I took her bed, so she had to sleep on the couch. - Well, I'll go fix us breakfast. I say to myself. - That's the least that I can do. So, I rub the sleep out of my eyes and unlock and open the door to go and buy me and Julia some breakfast. The hotel's breakfasts were often dull and unoriginal, so I decided to go and buy something on one of the many, many shops, cafe's, diners and shops in the nearby neighbourhoods. As I'm walking down the lobby, ready to exit the hotel, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and my face contorts in anger and repulsion when I see that it's Brian. - What do you want? I growl. - We need to talk. He says. - No, we don't. I snap at him. I just continue walking, exiting the hotel, and continue walking 'til I reach the end of the pavement. There are too many cars passing, so I decide to wait for a while before crossing the street. - Please, at least let me explain! Brian begged. He had run after me. Oh, why couldn't the jerk just leave me alone?! Explain what? Why he kissed me and then abused me?! Suddenly, the street cleared up. No more cars. - You know what? Just don't. I snarl and start walking. He put a hand on my shoulder and I got a flashback at that moment right before he punched me. I turn my head back to give him an angry glare and then shrug his hand off, just like he did mine. Suddenly, I hear a honk... as if from a car. I turn my head towards the source and see a white Sedan coming straight at me. It makes me spin a couple of laps and then fall on my back on the sidewalk. - Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I can hear Brian's voice babble on and on. That's the last thing that I remember. Then, I black out.

So... that was it... the longest and deepest chapter up to date. As you've noticed, I've started writing in First Person and in the present tense (First Person + Present tense is a much better combination than First Person + Past Tense). I'll continue doing just that from now on. Each chapter will concentrate on the mind of one special main character of the series. It'll also be stated at the beginning of the chapter just whose mind that'll be "explored". For example, this chapter had the sentence THE MIND OF PHILIP in the very beginning. As for now, Philip, Julia and Brian are the only main characters. Eventually, new main characters will be introduced and also their minds will be "explored".

By the way, because of the change of writing style, there might be many grammatical errors in there. I'll create a homepage dedicated to "Not A Perfect Love", where revised versions of the chapters will be found. That is if anyone actually reads my series.

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Next: Chapter 7

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