Not a Perfect Love

Published on May 16, 2001


Disclaimer: The following story is pure fiction and a mere figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to anyone, dead or alive, is pure coincidence. However, if such a resemblance exists, please email me and tell me all about it!!!! :^)

Hi guys. This is my first story. I can tell you right now that there'll be no sex. This'll simply be a love story, a little "spin-off series" of the sci-fi/fantasy novel that I am writing on my spare time.

Hope that you'll like it.

"I see a fire, That just won't go away, I see a fire, That wants to burst into flames,"



And now, with further ado, I mean without further ado, onto the story!!!!!!

NOT A PERFECT LOVE Chapter 04 - For Valentine's Day, A Broken Heart

  • It's such a shame that Brian already had a girlfriend. Julia sighed. She and Philip were both leaning against a tree on campus, awaiting the start of the next class. - Well, at least he didn't move out like the other bastards. Philip said. - Well, whoohoo. Julia said without a single trace of excitement. - It'd be better if he were gay and in love with you. - Well, we could always dream. Philip sighed. - Hey, Robin invited me to this cool party for Valentine's Day at his house. Julia foretold Philip. - It's gonna be really cool. All of his friends will be there and they're all super-cool. - I don't know...! Philip said a little hesitatingly and then spotted Brian, walking arm in arm with Miranda. A slight breeze blew through the air and made a couple of leaves blow past Philip's face, some of them rubbing off on his face before passing, causing a tickling sensation. - Sure, why not. It's not like I've got anything better to do. - Well, see ya'. Julia said and ran off. - Where are you going? Philip shouted after her. - Er... to see a friend...! Julia said and as she turned back, Philip could see a big grin on her face. - You've found yourself a boyfriend, haven't you? He shouted after her. - Er... er... see ya'!! Julia shouted and sped up the pace. - Oh, I can't blame her for pitying me. Philip sighed and let his gaze drop to the ground. - Here am I, sixteen years old, and not once have I ever had a boyfriend. Maybe it's meant to be. Maybe I pass my true love every single day without either of us noticing each other. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking...! He thought for himself and then noticed a pair of feet standing where his gaze was. He looked up and saw a boy with flaming red hair and bright red eyes. - Er... who are you? Philip wondered. - I'm Angel. The boy introduced himself. - I saw that you were talking to Julia. I'm a friend of Robin's, so I guess I'm a friend of a friend of a friend of yours. - Er... something like that. Philip said and shrugged his shoulders. - Nice to meet you. Angel said and offered Philip his hand. The two shook hands and then Angel joined Philip in leaning against the tree. - So... why did you look so sad? Angel wondered. - Oh, it's just that Julia's got a boyfriend and I don't. Philip sighed. - Oh, so you swing it that way. Angel said. - Yeah... I mean no... I meant that I didn't have a girl...! Philip stuttered, obviosuly panicking. - Don't worry. Angel calmed Philip down. - No one in our gang has anything against gays. - Oh, well that's a relief. Philip said. - People whom I have never met before don't hate me. Well, that takes me a couple of steps up the social ladder. - So... wanna eat lunch and my and my bro's table? Angel suggested. - Who's your brother? Philip wondered. - Robin. Angel said. - But you just said that he's your friend. Philip pointed out. - Well, can't I be both? Angel chuckled. - Angel!!!! A voice growled in a distance, which made Angel jump. - Uh-oh. Here comes Neo! Angel exclaimed. Shortly after, a boy with sandy blonde hair that was cut short so that they were standing up like spikes appeared. - You ran into my bike this morning didn't you?! He demanded. - See you at lunch, Philip! Angel said and then started running as fast as he could, leaving a cloud of dust after him. - Oh no you don't!!! Neo cried. - Hmm... normal...! Philip mumbled. - Hey, guy. A voice called out from behind Philip. - What? Philip wondered and turned around to be met by a tall boy with bleeched blonde hair that was parted in the middle, piercing blue eyes and wearing a bright blue tight shirt and a pair of tight blue jeans. - We're in the same English Class and I forgot what the homework was. The boy foretold Philip. - I was wondering if you could tell me what it is and then perhaps help me with it. - Sure. Philip said and smiled warmly at the boy. The two went over to a picknick table and sat down. - We were supposed to write down the lyrics to our favorite song. Philip foretold the boy. - That's all. - Oh, that should be easy. The boy said and then smiled warmly at Philip. - Thanks. By the way, my name is Kevin. - Philip. Philip introduced himself. - So, what are you going to do this Valentine's Day? - Oh, nothing special. Kevin sighed. - My family lives, like, a hundred miles from here and all of my friends have something to do, so, I guess I'm gonna pop some popcorn, rent a movie and have a TV-Night. - Why don't you come with me to my friend's friend's party? Philip offered. - I don't really know the people who're gonna be there, but my friend said that her friend said that his friends, who are the ones who're gonna be there at the party besides me, my friend and her friend, are really cool guys. - I didn't quite get that. Kevin chuckled. - Could you please repeat that, slower this time? - I don't think that I could. Philip chuckled and the two burst out laughing. - Well, in lack of better things to do, sure. Kevin said.

Chapter 04 - For Valentine, Give Me A Necklace With A Broken Heart

  • So... this is it. Philip said. He and Kevin were standing before a big white house. Music could be heard from inside, as were the voices of happy and merry people. The smell of barbequed steak could be smelt, as was the smell of grilled corn. - Well, let's go. Kevin proclaimed and the two walked up to the front door. They rang the bell and a girl with red hair, which was tied into a ribbon on the back of her head, and flaming red eyes opened. She was wearing a short red skirt and a light red blouse. - Hi guys. She greeted them. - You must be Philip and Kevin. I'm Ignis. Come in, come in! Philip and Kevin entered and couldn't believe their eyes. - There must be over twenty people in that backyard! Philip gasped. - We're "only" nineteen. Ignis giggled. - That is, we're nineteen including your guys. C'mon, let's go. - Ooh! Food!! Philip exclaimed when he saw how a boy with blue hair was grilling steak and cobs of corn. - I take it you're a big fan of food? Kevin chuckled. - Charge!!! Philip shouted and ran off towards the boy with the blue hair. He stopped by a table on the porch. There were plates, knives and forks neatly piled there and Philip grabbed one of each and then dashedo off towards Derek. - Gimme, gimme, gimme!! He said frantically. - Well, well. A familiar voice said and Philip spotted Brian talking to Julia by the pool that was located on the west side of the house. - Isn't it the food-monster. - Oh, shut up! Philip sneared at Brian.

  • The stars are so beautiful. Julia sighed. She, Philip and Kevin were sitting on Robin's balcony on the second floor, looking at the stars twinkling above. - The party is breaking up. Philip sighed. - It sure was fun. - Especially when Dominique jumped onto the table and started dancing. - Well, I'm going down there to say goodnight to the people who are leaving. Julia said and left. Philip and Kevin continued looking at the stars above and then, suddenly, Kevin turned to Philip. - I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but...! Kevin started stuttering. - Take what the wrong way? Philip wondered. - This. Kevin said and gave Philip a quick peck on the lips. - What?! Philip exclaimed. - I knew it! Kevin sighed. - Now you must hate me and...! - I could never hate you. Philip chuckled and then winked at Kevin. - Besides, I've longed for a guy to do that to me for a very long time. - So, you mean that...! Kevin said and his eyes lit up. - Yeah, I'm gay too. Philip said and Kevin embraced him. - You think you could bring yourself to date me? Kevin asked when they had broken the embrace. - Well, I don't know...! Philip said and fake a look that said that he was in deep thought. - Oh, come on. Kevin chuckled and shoved Philip on his shoulder. - Oh course I could! Philip laughed. - Come on, let's go down. The two went down and Kevin left Philip to go and say goodbye to Robin. - Yo, Phil. Brian called out to Philip and walked up to him. - So, did you have fun too? Philip wondered. - Yeah. Brian chuckled. - Oh, and you've just got to hear about this. Philip said. - We were on the roof, Julia, Kevin and me and then Julia went down and Kevin just kiss me right there on the lips and declared that he liked me!!! - Oh. Brian said and Philip could swear that a sad look momentarily appeared on Brian's face. - Well, try to restrain your excitement. Philip said sarcastically. - It's not that. Brian said. - I just don't want you to get your hopes up and then get hurt. - Oh, I never get my hopes up. Philip foretold Brian. - I always expect the worse. That's why I didn't get all cold and sad when I found out that the two of us could never get together. It saves time and heartbreak. - Alright. Brian said. - Well, I've gotta go. Philip said. - I'll just bid Robin and Kevin farewell and then leave for the dorms. See ya' later! With that said, he left, leaving Brian behind.

  • Oh my god, I can't believe it! Julia exclaimed - Hush, calm down. Philip ushered Julia. They were once more sitting at their usual lunch table, eating. Brian was nowhere to be seen. - Sorry. Julia excused herself. - But I'm just so happy for you. And for me too. Now I won't have to hear you complaning about being single all of the time anymore. - Hey! Philip protested. - I was just kidding. Julia giggled. - So who's your boyfriend, then? Philip wondered. - Oh, his name is Derek. He's the blue haired guy that was grilling the food when you so rudely came and demanded that he'd give you some, like some kind of robber. - I was hungry, okay! Philip groaned. - Well, I envy you. Julia said and pointed Philip's tray, which was loaded with food, whereas her own only had some. - You can eat like horse and still never gain any weight. As for me, as soon as I eat something, it goes down to my butt. - Don't hate me 'cause I'm thin and besides, some guys happen to find big butts attractive. Philip giggled. - Oh, shut up. Julia chuckled. - He! He! He! Philip giggled.

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Next: Chapter 5

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