Not a Perfect Love

Published on Nov 12, 2001


NEW DISCLAIMER: No disclaimer. Read the old ones! :^) No "Did you knows", no quotes, no nothing. Just a story!

NOTE (IMPORTANT! READ!): Alright. So you people must've noticed the change in the title, from Sophomore to Junior. I just recently found out that I'm a Junior. I was a Sophomore last year. Now, gimme a break. I live in a country where we go to elementary school for 9 years and then jump onto another school (we call it "Gymnasiet") for 3 years. And we don't have college. So, I'm a junior. Happy now? : ) So, from now on, the story will be called "Not A Perfect Junior".

NOTE: This is a double episode, but unlike the previous double episodes, this episode will be like the BuffyTVS double-episodes. Both parts will be released at the same time. Thus the longer interval between postings. Enjoy!

NOTE 2: Did you really think I was so evil that I'd leave you with that cliffhanger in NAPSophomore07 and then wait some more? Well, I did think about it for a while, but then I decided not to, since I would lose half of my readers (which are, what? Five?). Enjoy!

PIPER VOICEOVER: Previous on Not A Perfect Junior

  • This is gonna be a what? Philip asks. - Operation Hush. Damien says. - The entire play will be played out without any dialogue. You'll have to show the audience what you're saying through body language and the likes.

  • Fag. Danny says to Philip. - Freaking fudgepacker. Did you spend you weekends getting it on with some other boy-slut again? - Shut up. Philip growls at him. - Not that kind of language in my class, Mr. Wester, please. Mr. Morris says. - What?! Philip exclaims. - That is it. Mr. Morris says angrily. - You have caused enough commotion. Please go and wait outside.

  • Mr. Wester, please come back in. Mr. Morris asks Philip. - I have looked for a reason to fail you for a very long time and I've finally found one. You started arguing with a boy in class and used foul words. - But he started it! Philip protests. - Well, who's the school board gonna believe? Me or some kind of fag? - So, this is all an issue about me being Gay, isn't it? Philip questions Mr. Morris. - I've always been a good student... always good at French. And now you're gonna fail me? Don't you think that people are gonna get just a tad suspicious? - Not if they look at your test scores. Mr. Morris says and throws a stack of paper at Philip's feet. Philip leans down and picks them up. - But these aren't mine. Philip protests. - This isn't my handwriting. - Looked at your tests and then forged your handwriting. Mr. Morris says. - Officially, you've gotten a failing grade at each and every test, up-to- date. Suddenly, Mr. Morris punches himself in the face. His nose starts bleeding. - Help! He screams. - Please! Stop! Stop hitting me! Stop! Mr. Harder and four students storm into the room. - What happened? Mr. Harder demands to get to know. - He beat me down after I told him that I was going to fail him. Mr. Morris says while pointing at Philip. - Wasn't me. Philip says. - I've heard enough. Mr. Harder says. - You are hereby expelled from Insomnia High until further notice.

  • You have to fight this, you know that, don't you? Ashley asks. - Of course. Philip says. - I'm gonna get my real tests back and prove that those two are liars. They

  • Mr. Wester is to be reinstated at Insomnia High, with a deserved A in French. Ms. Dushku says. - Mr. Morris and Mr. Harder are to be fired with immediate notice.

  • Listen here, punk. Mr. Morris tells Philip. - You might think that you've won. But you never will. No matter where you go, we'll be there, us men. We don't want fags around. And we'll do whatever it takes to drive you away. You will never be free!

  • I can never win...! Philip thinks to himself. He picks the razor up and slits his wrists. - Philip! Ashley exclaims. Blood spills to the floor as Philip drops the razor, his wrists cut open. He tumbles to the floor. - Philip! Philip!!!!

A DESPERATE CRY FOR HELP - PHILIP Light... dark... light... dark... light... dark. Why does it keep switching between light and dark? I open my eyes. I see faces. Unknown faces. People dressed in white. I'm moving... no, the walls are. I'm in a car... an ambulance. Ashley... Piper... by my side. What am I doing here? Aah! Pain... my wrists... oh... right... aah. He found me... he helped me. But...! - We're losing him!! I hear a voice exclaim and it all goes dark again. - It's a wonder we were able to bring him back with that loss of blod. I hear a voice say. My eyes... closed. Too weak to open them... my wrists still hurt. But at least now I can think straight. - You found him just in time. A little while longer and...! I open my eye and see a nurse. - He's coming to! She exclaims and Piper and Ashley rush over to my side, followed by a doctor, probably the owner of the voice I have just heard talking. - Philip! Ashley sighs. - You're awake. - Why did you do something so stupid?! Piper demands. - How could you?! - I gave up...! I sigh weakly. - There will always be people disapproving and hating me for what I am... so I gave up. - But them you let them win. Ashley says. - We can't let them win. We can never let them win. We have to fight them! - I'm sorry. I apologize. - Don't be. Ashley says. - Why are you here? I ask. - What do you mean? Ashley wonders. - Everyone I've ever cared about has left me. I sigh. - Either that or I've left them. - I will never leave you. Ashley says. - Thank you. I thank him. - For what? Ashley wonders. - For everything. I say and smile. _____________ _____________ \ Not |_____________________________| A / ) Perfect | Chapter IX - Part 1 of 2 | Sophomore ( /____________| The Prom |____________\ |_____________________________| OPENING CREDITROLL "My hand around you, We're walking hand in hand, Towards another morning, Towards another world," "I look upon you, And though I just can't understand, I smile the widest smile, 'Cause it's all working out just fine," "The sound of your voice, The scent of your hair, The sparkle in your eyes, Light up a flair," "I see a fire, That just won't go away, I see a fire, That wants to burst into flames," "But then it dies out, It just disappears, As quickly as it came, Small droplets, small tears," "So, the bond has burst, The promise's been broken, At the top of the world, The forbidden word's been spoken," "So it's time to leave, Time to go, Let out a go, Follow the flow," "And so, I go," REGULARS Philip Wester Ashley Ericsson Piper Camfield GUEST STARS Nathan Hunnigan as "the CH-lookalike" Adrien Ericsson as "Adrien" Alex Ericsson as "Alex" PREPARATION - PHILIP - It's time. I say. - It is? Ashley asks. - Yes! I say and look at him. - "A Silent Carol" is to be played out next week. - Isn't it weird to play a parody of "A Christmas Carol" out the week before the spring prom? Ashley asks. - I mean, hello. Summer, soon. - Yeah, like anything else we do in here is normal. I say and smile at him. - You're right. He sighs and then grins sheepishly. - Now, let's go. We'll have to go and meet our terrible fate... biology. I look down at my left ring finger. Ripley's ring is there. Sparkling in the sunlight. Finally, life is smiling at me. I've gotten rid of my parents, that homophobic teacher and homophobic principal and reached closure with "the-Ripley-case". And ouh, look. Ashley's walking in front of me, letting me looks at his butt! Well, not as cute as Angel's, but, hey, boy's butt! And I grin sheepishly. - Hi ya, guys. I hear Piper's voice say and he bounces up to us. - What's up. - Knowing Philip, I'd say...! Ashley starts saying and I quickly slap a hand over his mouth. - Mmm hummmpf mmf!! He groans and I remove my hand. - Promise you'll behave. I instruct him with mock sterness. - Yah, yah. He groans. - So, how is the silent play going? Piper asks. - Oh, lowsily. I groan. - I mean, how the heck am I supposed to play Timmy when I can talk? Most of the stuff he says can't be expressed through body language and gesturing. - So, you're Timmy. Piper says, points and me and then points at Ashley. - Then who are you? - Scoorge. Ashley groans. - I can see why they picked you...! Piper says and grins and gets a playful punch on the shoulder by Ashley. - First of all, Ow! Piper says. - Second, I was just kidding and third, ow - Oops, forgot. Sorry. Ashley apologizes. - I keep forgetting that I'm a jock and you're a whimp. - Hey! Hey! Piper exclaims. - Time-out, guys! I groan. - I'm gonna step in and be referee-guy here. Silence, silence... two Ashley-lookalikes coming out way. Wait, they're not look-alikes. They're identical to Ashley! Only, one is wearing glasses while the other's hair a little unruly - Whoa!! I exclaim and point at them. Ashley's and Piper's heads dart towards where I'm pointing and Ashley turns back to be, grinning. - Oh, it's just my brothers. He says. - We're identical triplets. - And the reason as to why you haven't told me about them yet is...? I ask. - Oh, we're ashamed of him, so we have forbidden him to talk about us. The glasses-wearing one says and gets a punch on the back by Ashley. - Just kidding. He quickly says. - Yeah, it's the other way 'round. Ashley says and gets a punch from the unruly-hair-triplet. - And the introduction is to take place when? Piper asks. - Oh, sorry. The unruly-hair-triplet says. - Where are my manners? - You don't have any. Ashley whispers. - Oh, yeah. The unruly-hair-triplet says. - Anyways. I'm Adrien and foureyes over there is Alex. - Adrien, Alex, Ashley... uni-sexual. I mumble. - Like me. Piper says and grins widely. - Yeah. Alex chuckles. - Our parents decided to name us that already before knowing if we were boys or girls, so that either way, they'd still be able to name us that. - So, who's the oldest and who's the youngest? I ask, my curiousity bubbling over. - Alex is the oldest. Ashley chuckles. - And Adrien is the youngest. I am the middle man. - So, let's see here, Adrien is the jokster, Ashley is the jock and Alex is the bookworm, right? I deduct. - Adrien's constantly getting in trouble, Alex takes lots of responsibility and Ashley has to keep the cool between the two of you, right? - How did you know that?! Alex exclaims. - My God, you really are psychic, aren't you? Ashley chuckles. - Nah. I chuckle. - Simple decution. Unruly hair, lots of sports magazines, plus the the whole captain-of-the-football-team-factor, and then, there's Alex, glasses. Plus, I used whole "three siblings"-cliché facts from TV. - You watch way too much TV. Ashley groans. _____________ _____________ \ Not |_____________________________| A / ) Perfect | Chapter IX - Part 1 of 2 | Sophomore ( /____________| The Prom II |____________\ |_____________________________| - Curtain call in five minutes! Damien calls out and I start sweating even worse than I already am. - Oh my God, oh my God! I exclaim. - Me, on stage. I'm gonna start sweating too much. Or I trip. I swear that I'll trip like when I was in third grade. - You won't trip. Ashley chuckles and slaps my back. He slaps it too hard, actually. Ow! - Hello, jock-strength. I groan. - Oh, sorry. He apologizes. - Anyways, we have to hurry. Not limp! And I start walking around on my crutches, limping, but with my left arm mostly. - Why is your arm hanging like that? He asks. - This from the guy who just slapped it? - Oh, sorry. He aplogizes again. This is so funny! Everyone's laughing too. The ghost, played by non other than Damien himself, is gesturing with his hands, looking intently at Ashley as he points downwards and rattles his chains. Ashley looks terrified, trying to protect himself from Damien, which I wouldn't. I mean, hello. Nineteen years old, golden brown hair, sparkling green eyes, well muscled-body... oh... wait... gotta concentrate... what?! They've gotten to my scene already? I've gotta stop boy-dreaming during important times. When it's time for me to make my apperance, I appear at the doorway and enter. My "mother", played by Alicia Sliver, gestures to me, as if asking where I've been and I point at the door. She then gestures to ask how I am and I draw a sign from my pocket. It read "Like a popsicle!" and everybody in the audience starts laughing. I look over at Damien, who's hiding behind some props, who forms a Victory- sign with his right hand and smiles, flashing those white teeth of his that I'd love to lick. Where was I? Oh, right. And I start pantomizing a tall man and start walking around as if hunchbacked and everybody starts laughing again. Even Alicia has a hard time keeping a straight face. This is so bad. People call me the clown of our class. This means that the rest must be less funny than a sack a unpeeled potatoes. I point at Alicia and then at the oven and shrug my shoulders, asking what's for dinner, and she starts jumping up and down, flapping her arms, making herself look like a turkey. I then take my right hand, curl it into a fist and make stabbing movements at my own ass and a wave of laughter breaks out. Alicia nods whilst surpressing a giggle. And then it's time for us to just wander around as Ashley and the Ghost Of Christmas Past, start walking around, carrying a mute conversation on. And then the curtain falls for us to switch scenes. - Whew. I sigh and take the crutches into my hands and dump them somewhere where they can't be seen by the audience. - Those crutches were killing me. - Hurry, hurry guys. Damien says. - We've got to get everything ready for the next scene ASAP. - He's so bossy. Ashley groans. - But cute. I sigh. - Yeah. Ashley sighs. I give him a weird look and he starts shifting his feet. - Er... I mean...! - "Love you, but you straight guys are such prigs sometimes." I groan and roll my eyes at him. He smiles. - Ouh, this one looks good. Piper chuckles and hands me something white. I look at it and frown. - Very funny, ha, ha. I groan and hand him back the Laura Ashley dress. - Anywho...! Ashley says and emerges, wearing a dark blue tuxedo and a light blue shirt under. He's clumsily trying to fasten a blue tie around his neck. - God, you straight guys. I groan and help him. We finally manage to get it right and we all look at him in the mirror. - Looking good. I compliment him. - Well, thank you. He thanks me. - Now, let's see how you look without. I say and he frowns. - Kidding, kidding. I chuckle. - No, do me! Do me! Piper says and jumps up and down excitedly. - Alright. I say and start unfastening my belt. - Nooo!!! He exclaims and chuckles. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I laugh and fasten by belt again. At least two of us are done. I've found what I've always wanted: a white tux that doesn't cost too much. White pants to match too and even a silk shirt and silk tie. Perfect. Now, the only problem is that I'll have to quadruple- bleach my hair to make it white too. - Let's see...! I mumble as I look him over. - WHat's your favorite color? - Gren. He says. - Tweed? I ask and he frowns. - Alright, how about a light blue tux then? I ask and he thinks for a moment and then shakes his head. - Black? I ask. - Cliché, but still. - Alright. He says. We all start rummaging through the store and end up with a black tux with matching pants, a gray shirt and a dark blue tie. - Try it on. I urge him and push him into a changing booth. He soon emerges, looking as if he was going to attend this years Oscars Awards Gala. - How do I look? He asks as he eyes himself in the mirror. Ashley and I look at each other, nod and then start clapping our hands. - Pefect. I purr. - Good enough to eat. Ashley says. - In more ways than...! I start saying, but Ashley put a hand in front of my mouth. - Mmm rffmm rrggmm! I all that I can get out and they both start laughing. - Sure, mock the gay guy. I groan when Ashley finally removes his hand from my mouth. - Alright, we've got everything, right? Piper asks. - Yes. I say. - Then let's blow this hellhole and start preparing for the prom! - I need some red highlights. Piper declares. - Red?! Ashley and I exclaim in unison. - Yes, red! Piper says and ruffles his sandy-blonde hair. - Oh, well, I need to get a cool haircut. Ashley says. - But I'm broke for the moment, after buying this outfit. - Oh, don't worry. I say. - I can fix you one. I'm good at cutting hair. I cut my own all of the time. - You do?! Ashley and Piper exclaim in unison. - Yah. I say. - Even the hair on the back of your head? Ashley asks and I nod proudly. They both go "ah" and "oh" as they look at my hair. - It looks so professionally done. Piper marvels. - Anyways, want me to do you or not? I ask Ashley. - Sure, as long as you don't try to do me for real. He says and I glare at him. - And, oh, we've gotta stop by at the Kicks shop. I say. - I've got to buy five bleaching kits. - Five?! Piper exclaims. - Hey, making blue hair white isn't really easy. I say and he rolls his eyes. - Let's go! I say and we all leave the store. - How's the highlights going? I ask Piper as he reads Sports Illustrated. - Fine. He says and looks up at his hair, which is soaked in brownish foam. - And yours? I look up at mine, which is soaked in bluish foam and see some bleached strands that are starting to turn bleached blonde. - Fine. I sigh. - I'm on my fourth bleaching. It shouldn't be long now 'til it starts turning whitishly blonde. - Wow, you really did it. Ashley marvels as he looks at himself in the mirror. - My hair. It looks spiky, but it's not. So cool. And thanks for letting me use half of your first bleaching. These highlights are so cool. I think I'll start dying my hair from now on. - Cool. I say. - We can start a club. The "I-Don't-Have-My-Real-Hair-Color" Club, shortened to IDHMHCC. - We've really gotta come up with a shorter name. Piper chuckles. *PING* The egg-clock pings, announcing that it's time to wash the chemicals away. We do so and emerge, fully refreshed and with new hair. My snow white hair makes me looked really tanned, because of my naturally darker complexion. - Cool! I exclaim and start forming my hair into a spiky kind of hairdo. - Wait, if there's ultraviolet light in there, will you hair turn blue? Piper asks and grins. - Er... I don't know. I say. - Sure hope not. - Why not? Ashley chuckles. - It'd look cool. - As if I'm not already flamboyant. I groan. - C'mon. Ashley chuckles. - Piper's even more flamboyant than you are. - Yes, he's...! Piper starts saying and then halts in realization. - Hey! He protests and then we all start laughing. - Here were are. Piper says as we're standing before the ball room. Actually, it's the school cafeteria, just decorated, with a band and lots of people who are actually eager to eat there. Thank God that the school administration keeps insisting on keeping the cafeteria large enough for a thousand people although most people prefer to eat elsewhere at lunch time. - Thank God that it's just the sophomore prom. I sigh. - Actually, it's an all-around-prom. Piper points out a-matter-of-factly. - All grades are allowed. - Anywho...! I say. - I plan to go to my senior prom with a guy. The only problem is the guy part. That's why I'm gonna with with one to my senior prom. - Well, aren't you the organized planner. Ashley chuckles. - Again, I say: the problem is the guy part. I groan. - I'll never find one. - Oh, don't be too sure. Piper chuckles. - Your dream guy might be closer than you think. Funny thing to say. Ouh! Nathan! - Hi ya, Philip! He calls out to me when he spots me. Ouh. Nice tux. Black, white shirt and gray tie. How cliché, but hey, with that face and body, who needs taste? - Got a date? I ask him. - Nope. He says and grins sheepishly. - You don't?! Piper, Ashley and me exclaim in unison. - Why do you all sound so surprised? He asks. - Well, with that face and that bod...! Piper chuckles. - I mean, if I were gay or bi, I'd jump you in a second. - Be my date? I ask him. - Sure! He says and offers me his arm. I cling onto it like the cheap boyslut that I am and grin sheepishly. - Let's go! I announce and we all walk into the ball room. "We used to be so free, We were living for the love we had..." - Wow! I gasp at the sight of the ballroom. Alright, cliché with the disco light, refreshments bar, dance floor and different groups standing by themselves talking together, but, still, wow! *Sigh* Well, ain't me weird? Wait... was that grammatically incorrect? Yes. Oh my God! I've started thinking grammatically incorrect. What if my English teacher finds out? No!!!!!! "Living not for reality. It's just my imagination, Just my imagination, Just my imagination, It was..." - Wanna dance? Nathan asks me with his beaming smile and I nod. - It's so cool. I can hear Piper tell Ashley as me and Nathan jump out onto the dance floor and start dancing. So what if people are staring? This is cool, remember? And so right. This is something so right. "Just my imagination, Just my imagination, Just my imagination, It was..." - Everybody down!!!!!! A voice suddenly cries and gunshots can be heard. People start screaming all over the place, but when a couple of more shots are heard, everybody gets down on the floor, with the music still playing. "There was a game I used to play, I would always keep my faith in love, It's the greatest gift from the man above..." - Everbody keep calm and nobody will get hurt. A familiar voice says and I dart my head towards where it came from. As everbody watches him move across the room, over to the stairs, my heart sinks. And he's not alone. Two partners follow him up on the stairs and two others block off the only exit. Each of them are armed with several guns. It's him. It really is him. - What is it? Nathan whispers to me. - You've gone pale. - I know that guy. I whisper back. - Huh? Nathan asks. - He shot me...! I murmur quietly. "Just my imagination..." TO BE CONTINUED... ENDING CREDITROLL Instrumental of the opening theme... EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Philip Wester CAST Andres Buckland as "the leader" Damien Combs as "Damien" Alicia Sliver as "Alicia" Darla Aniston as "the Ghost Of Christmas Past" WRITTEN BY Philip Wester CASTING BY Philip Wester MUSIC BY "Just My Imagination" - The Cranberries SPECIAL THANKS TO "Blue" All rights reserved for P.W. Inc. MMI (2001) Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback: Thank you! (English, well, duh!) Tack! (Swedish) Takk! (Norwegian) Tak! (Danish) Spatsiba! (Russian) Arigato! (Japanese) Gracias! (Spanish) Grazie! (Italian) Merci! (French) Cam on! (Vietnamese) Cap con cah! (Thai) Danke! (German) Dziekuje! (Polish) Dekuji! (Czech)

Next: Chapter 29: Not a Perfect Junior 10

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