Not a Perfect Love

Published on Sep 18, 2001


NEW DISCLAIMER: No disclaimer. Read the old ones! :^) No "Did you knows", no quotes, no nothing. Just a story!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you, all, who have emailed me with answers on the questions that I posted in NAPSophomore4.

NOTE #2: This is a redux version of NAPSophomore4. "The Excorcist" pulled one... and so did "Apocalypse Now". So, here it is, the first NAPL/NAPSummer/NAPSophomore Redux! Anyway, I took the last 1/3 of NAPSophomore4 and put it into NAPSophomore5. I've also corrected some faulty info that I gave on how an emancipation(the word I was searching for)-case is supposed to be handled. Happy reading.

PS: This time around, I won't be evil. NAPSophomore5 is posted with NAPSophomore4 Redux, so that you won't have to be plagued by a big cliffhanger. :^) However, I will revert to my evil cliffhanger-loving-ways after this.

NOTE #3: My apologizes for making you think that Italian for thank you is spelled "Gratzie". It's spelled "Grazie", which will be the way of spelling that I will use from this chapter forward.

PREVIOUS BLOOPERS: A blooper in a blooper! In NAPSophomore4, I stated that I had done a blooper in NAPSophomore4. I meant in NAPSophomore3. Don't complain! I'm only 16!

... ... ... ...

What?! I TOLD you guys that I was neurotic!


Number of those who know: 41

STATS: 30 girls, one lesbian, the rest straight

11 boys, 2 bi and the rest straight

(A drastic increased number of people since the last time, isn't it? :^)

Previously on Not A Perfect Sophomore:

  • Are you crazy?! Ashley exclaims. - No. Philip asks. - Why are you going back home to meet those nazi-parents of yours? Ashley asks. - I've gotta give them one more chance. Philip says.

  • I'm gay. Philip says. - Why are you saying this? Helena sobs. - Do you want to hurt me? Like the time when you...! - Stop it, you bitch!!!! Philip cries. - What did you say? Mikael asks and raises his hand at Philip. - I wouldn't do that if I were you. Philip says. - You ungrateful ingrate! Mikael cries. - You... you...! - You know, I used to let talk like this get to me. Philip says. - But not anymore. I'm over it. I disowed you as my parents when I turned 12. I had realized that I was gay and that was also when you started treating me badly. I know that I'm not a perfect person, but I'm a good guy and there are plenty of guys out there who will take me. And I will start a family. I will raise a child. - Get out of this house at once! Helena cries. - You... can't have "that disease"!! - Fine, then. Philip snorts. - I'm never coming back!

  • They might cut off my "fundings" and I'll have to go back to study in Sweden. Philip says. - Oh, don't you worry about that. Ashley says and grins. - I'm loaded! - You are what?! Philip exclaims. - My parents made a fortune in stock management, so my monthly allowance is, like, a thousand bucks. Ashley says. - If those nazis cut your fundings off, I'd be glad to pay for your tuition. - You would?! Philip exclaims. - Sure. Ashley says. - I'll even pay your way through college.


  • Snow!! I cry out and jump around and throw the snow around me. - White, glistening... cool...! - You're still talking about snow, aren't you? Ashley asks and grins at me. - Yes, I am, you little pervert! I groan. Ah... so here we're standing in the snow, wearing shorts and tee-shirts. Thank god that it's only props for the drama club's version of "A Christmas Carol". - Are you really serious about doing this? He asks. - Jepp. I say. - I'm going in! I'm gonna play Mr. Scrooge!


  • This is gonna be a what? I ask. - Operation Hush. The drama teacher, Damien, who's so obviously totally gay and the best thing about it is that he's only 20, says. - The entire play will be played out without any dialogue. You'll have to show the audience what you're saying through body language and the likes. - I get it! I say. - No, wait, I don't. Hah? How the heck are we supposed to do that? When I want to say "turkey", am I to jump up and down and flax with my arms? - Exactly! Damien says and points at me. - This play is all about comedy... at least my version. So, when Tim dies, you're supposed to croak on the table really "un-realistic" so that everybody laughs. - They'll laugh alright, but not at the croak thing. Ashley whispers to me. - Did I mention how grateful I am for you doing this for me? I whisper back. - Once or twice. Ashley says and grins. - I cann't let you have all of the boring stuff, now can I? Besides, I know what terrible stage fright you get when it's time. - Yeah, but I hide it really well. I say. - Too well...! That was me thinking. I hide it all, emotions too. Especially my emotions for Ashley. Why do I always do this to myself, constantly falling in love with straight guys? Well, Brian was an exception, but still!

  • Aah. I sigh and lean back, relaxing in my bed. And then all of that goes to hell when Ashley bursts in, wearing extremely short shorts and sweating profusely. I mean, does he torture me sexually on purpose?! - Phew. He sighs. - Football practice was really hard today. - You play football? I ask him, surprised. - I didn't know that you played footbal! - Oh, I do. He says. - Must've forgotten to tell you, y'know with all of those painful memories revolving around that B...! - Don't say his name. I warn him. - Let's call him "The Guy" - Alright. He says and then starts undressing. And I flinch. And he looks at me with a funny expression and laughs. - You're so cute. He chuckles. - I'm not cute! I exclaim. - Who said I was? I'm not cute... I'm average... I'm one step below average! - You are cute. He groans, empathizing the word "are".


Ahh... finally, the shower. I love showering. The feel of hot water against my skin... - Gimme that! Someone suddenly exclaims and I hear some commotion from the same direction. But I just keep my eyes closed and ignore everything else. Too bad that the dorms only have public showers so that I have to share showers with others. Well, after about ten more minutes of showering, I emerge, a towel wrapped around my waist, and go back to Philip's and my room. - Let's just hope that my dick doesn't get hard...! I think to myself as I enter. - Hello, dolly. Philip greets me and gives me some catcalls. - Oh, shut up. I groan and feel my face getting flushed. I quickly put my clothes on, feeling his prying eyes on my body the whole way, and then skip over to him. I actually skipped. - Well, you seem gay today. He chuckles. - Yeah, but at least I'm not queer. I retort. - Did you touch those fags again? He questions me with a fake serious look on his face. - No! I groan. - I hate fags. We then look at each other and start laughing. The joke's getting old, but it's still funny when he tells it. - So, we're really gonna do this? He asks me. - Yeah. I chuckle. - We're gonna perform a silent play. Uh-oh... it's hardening... it's hardening. Damn Philip for being so cute! Down! Down boy, down! Down!!! And "boy" goes down. Good boy! Good boy. - Why do you have that stupid grin on your face? He questions and me and my body goes stiff. - Oh, no reason. I say nervously. He look at me suspiciously me for a while and then just lightens up and smiles. Uh-oh... too cute. Must resists... - Yo, Phil! I suddenly hear Piper's voice cry out. He enters the room and looks directly at Philip. - This letter just came for you. He says and hands Philip a small white envelope. His eyes widden when he looks at it. - What is it? I ask. - It's from my parents. He says. - What does it say? I ask as he reads the letter. - They are invoking my mom's legal right as my legal guardian to recall me back to Sweden. He says quietly and throws the letter to the floor.

NOT A PERFECT SOPHOMORE Chapter 03 - Living Conditions

I pick it up and read it true. They really are, those bastards! Wait... they can't do that, can they? - Wait, they can't do that, can they? I ask out loud. - They can. He says grimly. - I have no rights in the eyes of the law 'til I turn 18 and that won't be for another one and a half years. - We have to fight this. I tell him. - We can't let them win. They'll ground you indefinitely so that you won't be able to date boys. And they'll probably brainwash you too. - There's one thing that we can do...! He says. - You know, besides running away. - What? I ask. - We can sue for emancipation. He says. - If we can prove that I'm mature enough and that my parents are unfit, I can gain emancipation. - Do you... do you think that we can win a case like that? I ask. - Well, I am studying to be a lawyer. He says and smiles weakly. I love him for that, always trying to lighten bad situations up with smiles and small jokes. Not tasteless jokes... just jokes with just enough taste. - Don't joke like that. I tell him. - No... wait... I do think that we can win a case like that. He says. - Huh? I ask. - Well, I can't prove that they treat me badly, but they can't prove that they treat me in a good way. He says. - They have documentation of me being happy and cheerful up 'til the age of 11. Why? Because that's when they started leaving me alone at Christmas. I withdrawed from them, not letting them take snapshots of me. - But will that be enough? I ask. - We can't risk them winning. We have to think of a foolproof way to win. - Oh, I have an ace up my sleeve. He says and grins. - I do believe that we'll win.

  • If I understand this correctly, you wish to sue for a emancipation? The judge asks. - Yes, I do. Philip answers while standing up. He's standing there, dressed in a black suit. I know how much he hates wearing suits. The heat it makes his body generate, the restriction of movement... and yet, here I am, wearing an identical suit. I'm not a hypocrite! Who said I was?! It was a buy one, get one for free offer. - Fine then. The judge says. - Where is your advocate? - I have none. Philip says. - I have decided to represent myself. We're inside of the judge's private chambers, discussing our case, Philip standing up and me sitting on a chair next to him. He sits down on the chair that's right behind him and the judge's nostrils flare up for a moment. - You do understand that a case like this is very hard to win, don't you? The judge asks. - Yes. Philip replies. - I do. But I have neither the money nor the want to hire a lawyer. I believe that I can win the case on my own. - Very well. The judge says. - A supina will be sent to your parents in a matter of days. Proceedings will commence in three weeks. I notice for the first time that the judge is pretty handsome. He's in his late twenties, but still look young enough to pass for 22. Short blonde hair, sparkling green eyes... wait a minute... gotta focus... - And his recall notice to Sweden? I open up my mouth to speak for the very first time. - It is temporarily revoked until the proceedings are over. The judge says. - However, if you lose the case, the notice will be re-instated. - I see. Philip says and we both stand up to leave. We turn around and start leaving, but stop when the judge speaks. - You two make a very cute couple. He says. My face goes red and I feel warm all over. - Oh, we're just friends. Philip quickly tells the judge. - I'm gay and he's straight. - Oh, sorry then. The judge apologizes. - Oh, don't be. Philip says cheerfully.

  • You do see the insane-ness that is what we're doing, don't you? I ask Philip as we slurp on our ice-creams. Mmm... vanilla Häagen-Dazs. We both picked one each at the ice-cream booth before sitting down on a park-bench in Maple Park. Today is a hot enough day to sit here, watching the clouds go by. - Yah, I do. He says in the coy way that only he can. And then he starts singing. I like it when he sings. His voice has something special to it. - "There was a time when I would go walking backwards 'round the world, if you said "you're mine"...! He sings. - "And I'd drive blindfold down the Kings Road, Monday morning, if you just for once arrived on time." - "I quit! I quit! 'Cause loving's you a job I don't need. Ain't gonna go to work no more...!" I start singing and get a glare from Philip. - I haven't gotten to the refrain yet, Mr. Pants-On-Fire! He groans and rolls his eyes at me. Is that real anger? Mock anger? Real mock anger? Oh, it's just mock anger. Okay! - Sorry. I say and bow my head and when I look up, he's smiling. - Alright, where was I? He asks. - "Arrived on time?" I ask. - Yeah, yeah. He says and nods twice. - "But you turned into another liar...!" He starts singing again. - "And you came unlike a new Messiah. And before you tell me what you desire. I'm telling you now...!" - "I quit! I quit!" We both sing in unison. - "'Cause loving you's a job I don't need, ain't gonna go to work no more...!"

  • All rise for the honorable judge Miller. The what-ever-he's-called-who's- always-telling-people-what-to-do guy announces and everyone stands up. I glare them, his parents. They're standing there, looking so innocent and perfect, holding hands, dressed cleanly. Helena and Michael... with their lawyer by their side, discussing secret stuff with them. Judge Miller, the guy we talked to a few weeks ago, enters and sits down at his chair. - You can sit down now. He announces and everyone sits back down. I'm sitting in the front row of the "audience's benches" while Philip's sitting alone at his side of the room. - Are all parties present? Judge Miller asks. - We are, your honor. Philip says. - Let the record show that proceedings started at 16.25. Judge Miller announces and bangs his hammer at the piece of wood at his bench. - Mr. Caufield can call its first witness. Judge Miller says and Philip's parents' lawyer stands up. - We call to the stand, Mrs. Helena Van Wester. He announces and Helena stands up. She walks up to the witness stand and sit down. And man walks up to her and hands her a Bible. She looks at it, not knowing what to do, and the anonymous man rolls his eyes and grabs her right hand and holds it up, forcing her to stand up. - Do you swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? He asks Helena. - Yes. She answers with a slight accent. - You can be seated. The man says leaves. Helena sits down and Mr. Caufield walks up to her. - Mrs. Wester. He says. - When you received the supina to be present at this proceeding, were you surprised? - Of coarse I was. Helena answers. I look over at Philip and see that he's taking notes. Wow. He's working hard... I mean, his future will be based upon the results of these proceedings, but still... - We, my husband and I, taught that he vas very happy. - Mr. Philip Wester bases his case on that you two are unfit as parents and that you treat him badly... is that true? Mr. Caufield asks Helena. - No, it's nat. She answers. - We have always take cared of him. We pay for averytingk that he wants and needs and we nevaar denie him anythingk. - So, in your eyes, you have the perfect family? Mr. Caufield asks. - Yes. Helena says. - Philip is a very intelligent child. However, he never wants to listen to adults. He thinks that he's mature enough to live on his own, although he doesn't even remember to eat if I don't remind him. - Thank you, Mrs. Wester. Mr. Caufield says. - I am done with this witness for now. However, I might wish to call her to the witness stand again later. With that said, he walks back to his bench and sits down and starts talking to Michael. - Your witness, Mr. Wester. Judge Miller says and Philip stands up and walks up to Helena. - You said a while ago that in your eyes, our family is perfect. He says. - Yes. Helena says. - Isn't it true that you and Michael, as the perfect family that you are, haven't slept in the same room for over 4 years? Helena goes silent and looks at Mr. Caufield, who nods. - Yes. She says uncertainly and a loud wave of gasps goes through the full court room. - Silence! Silence! Judge Miller cries and bangs his hammer against the piece of wood on his bench. Everyone goes back to being silent and everything calms down. - But there's a good reason...! Helena starts, but Philip interrupts her. - You should only answer the questions that I ask you. He says and turns to face judge Miller. - Any further elaboration without my conscent will be stricken from the record. I move to strike Mrs. Wester's outburst from the record. - Motion granted. Judge Miller says. - Now, back to you, Mrs. Wester. Philip says and turns to Helena. - Is it not true that you have left Philip Wester, me, back in Sweden whilst you, Michael and David went to Vietnam? - Y-y-yes. Helena stutters. - Do you recall how many times that has happened? He asks her. - No. She says. - Then let me remind you. philip says. - Three times. Another wave of gasps goes through the room and then quiets down quickly, before judge Miller had the time to bang his hammer. - And why did you do it? Philip asks. - Because you didn't want to come. She says. - Do I have to remind you of that you're under oath? Philip asks Helena. - Again I ask "Why did you do it"? Keep in mind that I decided not to go on only one of the occassions. Helena looks wearily around the room and then at Mr. Caufield who nodded again. - Because you had reeched the age vere we have to pay full price for flight ticketss. She says. - So, to put it more bluntly, you didn't let me come because you were to cheap to pay for my fair? Philip asks her. - Yes. She says quietly. Silence. Philip exhales heavily twice and then turns to look directly at Helena. - Isn't it true that you and your husband ar practically nazis? He asks and the entire room goes quiet. - No. Helena answers. - Do I have to remind you that you are under oath? Philip asks her. - I asked you if you are practically nazis, not that you are. Isn't it true that you two have the same oppinions and points of views as nazis? - I don't understand that question. Helena says. - Is it not true that you are hostile and or have distinct oppinions about black people, jews, gypsies, homosexuals, people from the middle-east, indians, women and even asians? Philip questions her loudly, with fervor. - Objection. Mr. Caufield exclaims and stands up. - On what grounds? Judge Miller wonders. - He is badgering the witness. Mr. Caufield says and points at Philip. - I have began a cross-interrogation. Philip justifies himself. Judge Miller studies Philip for a while before banging his hammer against the piece of wood on his bench. - Objection overruled. He says and Mr. Caufield sits down, defeated. - Please answer the question, Mrs. Van Wester. - Y... yes. She stutters and yet another wave of gasps goes through the room. This time, judge Miller didn't even "club for silence". He just waited for the wave to ride itself out. Helena looks very upset right now and has started getting teary eyed. - I apologize for any kind of upsetting emotions that this interrogation might evoke. Philip apologizes. I can hear by the tone of his voice that he doesn't really mean that. - Is it not true that you on separate occassions have uttered the following. Philip continues and pulls a list out of his pocket. - "All gypsies steal all of the time.", "Stay away from black people. They all have aids.", "It's the black's fault that AIDS came to the world and it's the homosexual people's fault that AIDS is spread.", "It's the black people's and those people from the Iran/Irak countries' fault that drugs get into nice neighbourhoods.", "Homosexuality is a disease which can be cured by locking the sick people in with a lot of beautiful girls.", "You cannot have "that disease" 'cause it'd hurt me very much." and "You know why so many lowlifes appear on the Ricki Lake show? Because most of them are black.". He then proceeds to recite form the list. - And remind you once more that you are under oath. - Y-y-yes. Helena stutters. - No more questions as for now. Philip says and goes to to sit at his bench. - Mr. Caufield, care to give us follow-up questions? Judge Millers asks Mr. Caufield. - No, I don't. Mr. Caufield says. And I feel like standing up and cheering Philip on. But that'd get me kicked out of the courtroom, so I decide to be quiet.


Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Grazie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Dank je! (German)

Dziekuje! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 24: Not a Perfect Sophomore 5

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