Not a Perfect Love

Published on May 8, 2001


Disclaimer: The following story is pure fiction and a mere figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to anyone, dead or alive, is pure coincidence. However, if such a resemblance exists, please email me and tell me all about it!!!! :^)

Hi guys. This is my first story. I can tell you right now that there'll be no sex. This'll simply be a love story, a little "spin-off series" of the sci-fi/fantasy novel that I am writing on my spare time.

Hope that you'll like it.

"My hand around you, We're walking hand in hand, Towards another morning, Towards another world,"



And now, with further ado, I mean without further ado, onto the story!!!!!!

NOT A PERFECT LOVE Chapter 01 - Mystery Boy

The bell announcing the daily lunch break rang and students started pouring out of the classrooms and running to their lockers to deposit their books, pens and other miscellaneous school paraphernalia before racing to be the first in the lunch line. - Just look at the chaos. An Asian boy snorted. He was wearing baggy green military slacks, a white top that was just a tad too short, making his belly-button visible, and wore a pair of white sneakers. On his left hear hung a golden ring and around his neck a golden chain with a cross on it. His hair had been dyed blue. - Yeah, sheez. A blonde girl walking side by side with him agreed. She was wearing a white blouse and a gray skirt. On her feet were a pair of red high-heeled shoes. They were both walking calmly, side by side, the girl clutching her books as the boy hand his arms thrown behind his head. - You know, Philip, I think that we really should be like that too, unless we want to be the last ones in line. The girl told the boy. - I agree, my dear Julia. Philip said. - Quick! To the crap-mobile! And so, the two friends hurriedly raced over to their lockers, which were conviniently side by side, to deposit whatever they needed to deposit before joining the other students in the fifty-meter marathon to the lunch line. - Oh, the crap-mobile has been exchanged by a porshe! Julia exclaimed when she had read the menu-sign hanging over the lunch bar. - Today, we're having chicky bits, sweat-sour sauce and rice. - Oh, the crap-mobile is just in the garage for a quick "fix. Philip grinned as he grabbed a tray and started loading it with food. - You'll see. Tomorrow, the porshe will be gone and the crap-mobile will be back where it belongs, no matter how much we dread it. Julia grabbed a tray to and calmly started filling it with food, whereas Philip was on turbo. - You know, you're lucky that the school food here at Hereditary High is free or you'd be up to your ears in debts. Julia grinned at Philip. - You're just jealous because I can eat as much as I want without getting fat, whereas every single calory that you injest end up on your fat ass! Philip retorted. - Oh, shut up! Julia chuckled. - Alright. Philip said, kept quiet for a minute and then burst out laughing. Julia joined him and when they'd stopped laughing, they realized that they were standing in the lunch line and that everyone behind them were complaining and that everyone in the cafeteria were staring at them. - Sorry. Philip apologized loudly with a gesture of his hand and he and Julia moved along, giggling amongst themselves. The two walked over to an empty table and sat down, opposite to each other, and started eating. - Last night, I saw this ridiculous little show on the Fox Network where...! Julia babbled on and then noticed that Philip wasn't paying any attenttion to what she was saying. He was staring, dreamingly, beyond her shoulder. She casciously tilted her head back and saw that Philip was staring at a blonde guy, chatting with some other guys at a table at the end of the room. The blonde guy was wearing a tight gray t-shirt, a pair of baggy blue jeans and a pair of black sneakers. - Aha! She thought and grinned. She snapped Philip out of his distant state of mind and leaned in close to him. - You know, it's good that you're not the sun or your glasses would've burnt a hole through that cute blonde's crotch! She whispered into his ear. - Julia! Philip exclaimed and then blushed. - It is really that obvious? He whispered to her, empathizing the word "that". - Naah. Julia said and Philip let out a sigh of relief. - It's only obvious to me. I'm your best friend. Besides, you came out to me six months ago, remember? Right before you went blonde yourself! - I just wanted to know how you felt and see if my IQ really would drop by 50! Philip retorted and Julia made a mock face. - And now you're blue-haired! Julia announced loud enough for the entire room to hear. - Hush, you moron! Philip growled. - You know, if you're really that into blondie, just walk up to him and at least try to make friends with him. Julia suggested. - Naah. Philip said. - I'd just chicken out and embarass myself. Besides, even if he is gay and we did get together, it'd probably just end up with heartbreak. - Now, you see, that's what separates the two of us, except for the fact of that you prefer blonde boys and I prefer brunettes. Julia said and wagged a finger in the air, a-matter-of-factly. - I'm a pessimist and you're a "I-hope-that-judgement-day-will-come- sometimes-soon"-guy. - That pretty much sums it up. Philip said and the two had to muffle back a couple of giggles. - For sixteen, we sure act immature. Julia grinned. - Well, at our age, we should have heaps of exes already and we're both still waiting for the "first man". Philip stated a-matter-of-factly. - True. Julia said. - So, think that the two of you will get together? - I don't know. Philip said as he eyed the blonde boy over. For a moment, the blonde boy looked up and his and Philip's eyes met. Time seemed to move slowly for Philip, as if only he and the blonde boy moved with the "right" speed whereas the rest of the world was moving in slow- motion. However, the event probably only lasted for a tenth of a second, as Philip turned back to Julia. - Maybe we will, maybe we won't. He said and then returned his gaze to the blonde cutie. - Let me try some of my self-learned lip-reading on the cutie. - Do it! Do it! Julia cheered on.

NOT A PERFECT LOVE Chapter 01 - A Blonde Epiphany

  • "I think she's really cute." Philip said slowly as he watched the blonde boy's lip movements closely. - Well there went our dream of a perfect relationship for you. Julia groaned. - "Our"? Philip asked, puzzled. - The sooner we get you a boyfriend, the sooner we can both concentrate on getting me one! Julia explained. - Oh, of course there had to be an ulterior motive. Philip grinned. - Well, it's love, baby. Julia said with a mock accent of a cocky school boy. - Unfortunately, we're both into the same thing, so there just might not be enough cute boys to go around for the both of us. - Yeah, but there's a difference. Philip said. - I don't go for just looks. - Ehe? Julia said with a tone of doubt in her voice and stared intently at Philip. - I said "just". Philip said and Julia's face lightened up. - I don't believe in that love at first sight crap. Maybe I'll get to know that mysterious blonde who's about 5"9', weighs about 65 kilos and enjoys wearing tight t-shirts, usually black, white and gray, and jeans in school a little closer someday, but that doesn't qualify for true love either. - Were you just guessing or have you turned stalker on me? Julia quizzed Philip. - The second choice! Philip said and then let out a mock sinister laugh. - Mwa ha ha ha! Then, both friend burst out laughing. The bell rang once more, annoucing the end of lunch and the two hurriedly finished eating before getting to the next class. - Well, as Buffy The Vampire Slayer once so poetically said it, we can't put it off any longer. We have to meet our terrible fate... biology. - You watch too much Buffy. Julia groaned. - No, I don't! Philip snorted in mock anger and then took the necessary books out of his locker. Julia did the same and then the two walked to biology while chatting away, mostly about boys. - I think we should write a song and sing it on Graduation Day, ours, that is. Philip suggested as they waiting outside of the biology lab for the teacher to come. The two were standing in a far off corner, so nobody could hear what they were saying. - Yeah, something that goes like "Boys, boys, Please, please be my Toys, Cute boys, cute boys, Be my boytoys!" Julia sang, knocking-off the Aqua song "Barbie Girl". - Five more minutes and we can leave. Philip said after throwing a quick glance at his wrist watch. They continued chatting and then, five more minutes passed and they left. As they walked down the hall, on their way out to the school yard, Philip noticed the blonde guy alone by locker, apparently his. He stopped for a moment and just stared. - Hey, horny-boy. Julia said and slapped Philip on the back of his head. - Leave dream-boy be alone now so that we can walk outside and see some sweaty Seniors playing basketball. - I can go with that. Philip said and the two broke off giggling. - Wait here. Philip said and turned around. - I've gotta make a pit-stop at the little men's room. With that said, he walked off into the school building again. Suddenly, he felt someone run into him and then found himself lying on the ground, with someone on top of him. - Get off of me, you...! He started yelling when he opened his eyes and realized that the sweaty guy that was lying on top of him was no other than the blonde cutie. - Err... sorry. The blonde boy apologized and got off of Philip. - Why did you run into me, anyway? Philip wondered. - I just need to go to the bathroom so badly and I'm pretty new here, so I have no idea of where it is. - Oh, I'm going there right now. Philip said. - Wanna join me? Silence. - I mean, want me to show you the way? Philip quickly rephrased his question. - Just hurry up! Brian demanded. Philip dashed off towards the men's room and Brian followed suit. Soon, they were both standing at the urinals, relieving their bladders. Philip tried not to, but he felt a great urge to look at Brian's "equipment". He casiouly sneaked looks at Brian's crotch and almost lost his balance in doing it. After re-steadying himself and laughing a little at himself, he finished, zipped up and then went to wash his hands. Brian soon joined him. - So what was it that made you suddenly lose your balance like that? Brian wondered. - Oh, nothing. Philip said and could feel his face turn red. He quickly turned away from Brian, waited until he felt his face regain its original color and then turned back to Brian again. - By the way, why is your hair blue? Brian wondered. - Because I like it, of course, moron! Philip groaned in mock annoyance. - Moron? Brian said and faked a sad look on his face. - You slash me with your words. - Of, honey, I didn't mean anything by it. Philip said, playing along and put a hand on Brian's shoulder. - Can you ever forgive me? - If you buy me an ice-cream. Brian smirked and grinned devilishly. - Now, that I can't do. Philip signed and removed his hand from Brian's shoulder. - I'm officially broke. - Too bad. Brian said. - C'mon. I'll buy us both ice-cream. - Well, we all scream for ice-cream. Philip grinned and the two set off towards the front exit of the school. - But remember, you'll owe me one. Brian told Philip. - Yeah, yeah. Philip chuckled.

So... that was the first chapter my "Not A Perfect Love" series. Hope that you guys liked it. More chapters will come shortly.

Write to me at

Next: Chapter 2

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