
By Andrew Miller

Published on Apr 11, 2012


Well, here's the third installment. Sorry for the long wait, I've been writing some other stuff, not for nifty. This one took some time because I'm going to mix fiction with real locations. Please do keep writing at

Same disclaimer stuff as before: please don't get yourself into trouble for reading this story, which is, well, not so good in some countries. And just read, no touch, it's copyrighted. Now over to the fun part.


Nostalgia -3

As he entered his hotel room again, Josh Waters noticed the candles on the coffee table and a courtesy note from the hotel staff. He placed the two wine bottles that he'd just picked up there, and walked over to the small fridge in the kitchenette next to the bathroom to put away the few snacks and juices.

Outside, the wind was already making a racket. It was still barely 4 pm. Possibly, the storm is hitting earlier, he thought. He recalled the strong gusts that had pulled at his car as he turned off the main road into the hotel drive. The wind came out of the west, and had seemed strongest when it was hitting the car at an angle - he guessed the turnoff, and the drive further down, was north-west.

The suite was located in the attic part of the mansion, spread out over two thirds of its surface. There was another room on that level, but he guessed it was used for storage, since it bore no number or name. With the security access code, he'd been able to take the elevator straight from the garage all the way to the attic. As he walked out onto the deck, the wind hit him hard. Up so high, the deck gave a look-out straight south, but he could see both west and eastward - there was little in the way of cover, and his eyes were tearing up from the gale. The clouds looked ominous. This was going to be some storm.

He could see the drive leading up to the hotel, and wondered when and how the fire department would close it. Surely they couldn't just put their usual racks up? Those would be blown away in less than a minute. And it was unlikely they could miss one of their trucks - especially tonight. They'd probably be called away in all directions on a night like this.

"Better warn your family that you might get stranded here in the storm," he'd mentioned to Colin over the phone.

"I did, and I heard," Colin said. "I'll try to head out your way a bit earlier, but I've got to make sure the guys at the nursery put some protection up on our greenhouses. And they need to nail things down, because it's the debris that'll cause the damage."

"I mean, it's all right if you... I mean if you have to cancel, I understand."

Colin laughed. "How... no way, man, I'm going to make it."

"Well, just text me. And I mean, let me know when you're heading out."

"I wouldn't miss a top dinner at the Dower for a wee bit of wind and rain."

Josh smiled. "Yep, I know it's the dinner you're coming for."

"That, and the wine, of course!" Colin grinned. "`bout the dinner, I hope that the Indian couple didn't switch the Dower kitchen to curries?"

"No, they're still top French cuisine, and the chef is still the same, only they've gotten a bit more experimental with their spice. And they actually do have a fabulous curry, too."

"Well, amen, hallelujah! Why would I have oysters, crab and filet mignon if I can have a curry. Then I guess, you'll take the hamburger."

"Well," Josh grinned - he was just having so much fun with their banter - "I'm glad you're expecting me at the table, too."

"Of course. Someone's got to foot the bill, right? Plus, you're not bad to look at. That helps when you're having a three hour dinner."

"Then I guess I'll just fill up on wine."

"God, no!", Colin cried. "You don't touch the wine. "

"Oh? No wine?"

"Honestly, Josh, you buying me a top dinner is one thing, but I don't want you buying their wines. Their prices are criminal."

"Then what? We have water?"

"We'll have fucking Perrier! And some wine after. I'll stuff myself on that meal already."

"You don't stuff yourself. You get stuffed, remember?"

"Oh, smart-ass. How about I promise not to stuff myself, and I pick up some wine, bring it to your room."

"Oh, now you're inviting yourself for a nightcap. Aren't we being forward."

"Well, there's supposed to be this bit of rain, and wind, see. I can't let it ruin my hair."

"OK then, but I'll pick up the wine. You just get yourself over here."

"All right. Get some good wine, ok, big horse?"

"I didn't know you were into wine," Josh said. "Let me guess, red, right?"

"That's right, I hate orange."

"You twat. Let's see... you'd need a good, full-bodied red,..."

"I like the full-bodied, dark shining, the smell of chocolate and pepper, the kind that lingers in your mouth, with two, three strong tastes on your tongue, where I can just imagine the sunny valleys and the dark, lush turf..."

"All right, all right, Colin. Stop the terroir."

"Hey, that's cute. Get us a Shiraz."

"That's enough. I do know something."

"A good one, like, stay away from Lindemans, you know, they're lacing it with vanilla those Ozzie bastards, and none of that kangaroo stuff either, that's watered down, so go with Chili, or South-Africa, or..."

"Colin! You let me choose, just get your ass over here."

"Oh, so it's about my ass now. Well, I'll have you know..."

Josh laughed and hung up. No need to worry about tonight, he thought. They'd have plenty to talk about. He'd had a lot of apprehension after they'd agreed to meet again - after all, most reunions like that didn't go so well. He'd only ever gone once to a high school reunion, and it had been a disaster. Those were either a compilation of awkward silences, or nothing more than a pissing contest, and when the pissing stopped, the pestering would start, usually covered in a civilized, bitter adult flavor that was a badly fitted disguise of inflated pettiness and envy.

This was different. A chance meeting, a hot fling, and a whole lot of fuzzy feelings and conversations with a guy that seemed to fit like a glove. In fact, he didn't remember his relationship with Colin Bodwin before as anything beyond mutual sexual experimentation. No crush on Colin that he could remember - and he had had his share of crushes. This, though, could go differently, he felt. It was kind of a no-pressure, easy come, easy go comfort level that seemed to float in and out of sexual innuendo, almost as easy as... Another familiar face flashed across his mind, and he tried in vain to will his sudden erection go down. Damn, Colin could get under his skin.

Getting a rash from riding a bike was apparently not that uncommon. Josh used his bicycle daily - three miles to school and back, which wasn't far, so that's not what gave him the rash. Last weekend, though, his parents weren't able to drive him to visit his cousins in the city, and wouldn't give him money for the bus. So Josh took his bike. That wasn't that far either - 10 miles - but there were major hills, and he'd probably made a mistake wearing his jeans, and - well, he always tried to break his own time record riding there. The irritation was right under his balls, a bit on his ballsack, and on the inside of both his thighs. He'd pulled an old fashioned cloth handkerchief out of his dad's drawer to prop in between his underwear's elastic and the sore skin, and that helped.

Then, Colin had driven him crazy. Crazy horny, all day. They didn't really see each other often during the day, because Colin was two years younger, had other classes, and was even mostly in another school wing. But Colin must have searched him out during recess. Correction, Josh thought, during morning recess, during lunch, and during afternoon recess. Three times.

And now, on the ride home.

He'd all of a sudden overtaken him and yelled "Three seconds!". Previously in school, he hadn't yelled, he'd whispered. And that particular time, he'd just happened to enter the toilets when Josh was exiting, and just happened to bump into him... What wasn't a coincidence was how for just a few seconds extra, he'd let the bump linger, and his hand linger in between them, finding the outline of his dick, and within those one or two seconds, he must have felt how Josh's dick popped out, fast as a blasting balloon. "Three seconds!" he'd whispered and his mouth formed `Wow!'. Then he was gone, into the toilets, and left Josh with an embarrassing flag out front.

Now, as soon as he'd yelled and overtaken him, Colin stood up on his pedals and wiggled his ass. Then, without even checking if there were any cars or other bikers nearby, he pulled his shorts down halfway, and sat back down, bare-ass, on his bike saddle.

"Crazy nut!" Josh yelled, and looked around. There were no cars around, and no bikers either. He stood on his pedals, pulled up quickly until he was even with Colin.

"Can you come over?" Colin asked.

"Pull your shorts up, you nut," Josh laughed. "Probably can't."

"What? Your folks won't let you?"

"No, they're out till late. But my thighs hurt, and..."

"Your thighs! Don't look like it. Maybe your pole is hurting!"

"Damn you. Don't do that again at school. And pull up your shorts!"

"You gotta come over," Colin insisted. "My parents are out too. I got another place to show you."

"I can't walk a lot. It hurts."

"OK, not a lot of walking, I get it! But I gotta show you this place."

"Can we bike there?"

"Yep. We can go now. Remember the empty house at the edge of the Temple woods?"

"That's on the other side of the creek. By the pond, right? OK."

"My dad just inherited it and all the land around it. He wants to throw it down and build a whole lot of houses around the pond. But he's gonna start only next year."

"Can you get in?"

They arrived at the house - an old farmhouse cottage, surrounded by wild overgrown bushes and old birch trees. On one side, a tree branch had fallen off, probably during a storm, and had crashed through the window of an upstairs alcove. On the bottom floor, the windows all looked intact, but there was a green sheen on the windows that made it difficult to look in.

They parked their bikes around the back of the house, and Josh spotted the steps going down towards some kind of basement entrance.

"The place used to be like a cafe. They used to bring in the beer barrels here." Colin went ahead as they descended the steps.

"That must have been a long time ago. It looks like no one has been here for ages."

"Well, yes. It was empty for at least 10 years."

They came to the basement door, which still looked in good shape. Colin took a surprisingly large key out of his bag, found the key hole and fumbled a while before finding the ledge.

Josh frowned. "How did... did your dad show you this place?"

"He only showed me the outside. But this used to belong to my uncle Gerard. He was in the nuthouse forever. And I know where my dad keeps the keys. But I know this place better than he does. I used to come here before. This place is too cool."

He pushed open the door. It creaked on its hinges, and beyond were more steps.

"I put a flashlight here."

Colin found a large flashlight on the floor to his right, switched it on.

"Come on in. We do need to close the door behind us. I don't want anyone to see that someone is in here."

Josh followed him in, as Colin closed the door behind them, and picked up a small bag by the door.

They descended four more steps, and had to be about six feet below ground level now. They were in what was apparently just an entry room. Ahead of them, some old rusted pipes hung on the wall, with what looked like some screws and lids that might have been used to hook up the barrels. To the right was the outside wall with a very thin layer of light that shone in through the top, and to the left was an opening to what seemed like a long corridor. The walls looked at least three feet wide, and there seemed to be really old, greyish plaster on the walls that was peeling off.

Colin switched on the flashlight.

"Come on. You won't believe how many rooms this has."

The cellar was indeed big. They entered the corridor, which seemed to run for fifty feet. At some places, the floor seemed to have a layer of peeled plaster of paint and dust. The flashlight showed at least 3 more arches on either side, entries into more rooms. But Colin stopped at the second one on the left. It was the only one that also again had a door. It looked like it had a lock, but Colin just pushed the door open .

There was no creaking. Josh looked down, and saw thick, wall to wall carpet. The room was big, at least 15 by 15 feet square. In the middle was a big mattress, king size, low to the ground on some slats. The bed had some sheets, but it looked like no one had made up the bed in ages.

"Did you... were you here?" Josh asked.

"Yep. I found the sheets."

"And, I mean, how is a room like this possible in a totally run-down house?"

"My uncle made this room."

"OK, but... the rest of the house is almost falling down?"

"That's just because he was hiding. My uncle believed the government was out to get him. He came out only at night. At least that's what my dad said."

"Did your dad see this room?"

"Yes, but just last month. I found the sheets. And look at this."

Colin turned around, switched off his flashlight and plunged the room into darkness. Next, another sound of a switch, and small recess lighting came on. The spotlights were weak and were just above the door, pointed at the ceiling.

"I thought this place wouldn't have any power?" Josh asked, amazed.

"It doesn't. My uncle didn't pay his bills for ages. They switched off water, and gas, and electricity. But he was an electrician, and he rigged something here probably from the mains by the street."


"Enough. I want to see your dick!"

Josh laughed.

"You little freak. You made me crazy all day."

"I did? You are crazy already. I just..."

Josh grabbed at Colin and pulled him close.

"First, you."

He pulled off Colin's shorts and briefs in one fell swoop, pushed them down to the floor, and pushed Colin back onto the mattress.

"Hey! Not just me, here!"

Colin reached back up and pulled down on Josh's pants, but they resisted his tugging. Josh unfastened his belt and pushed his pants down himself.

"Show me where you're hurting," Colin said.

Josh stood, spread his legs wide and tugged his ballsack up to let him have a look.

"Yow, that looks painful."

"It is. When I walk."

"So not now?"

"No, not now."

"Well!", Colin said. "It's time that we fucked."

Josh's eyes grew big.

"Fuck? But, we only fuck girls, right?"

"Don't get picky on me, now. I'm not a girl."

"No, you're not. What, I'm supposed to fuck you, up the ass?"

"Hello?! Yes."

Somehow, although Colin was two years younger, he seemed the one who knew more.

"Did you do this before?"

"No. But, I want to. Now. Did you do this before?"

"NO. And I'm not sure..."

"Damn, Josh, just do it! Your dick says yes, right?"

Josh didn't have to look at his dick, he was so hard, he'd been hurting all day. He was positively bursting. He knelt down and moved closer to Colin, who was laying down on the mattress and had turned on his stomach.

"You sure this isn't going to hurt?" he asked.

"Of course it's going to hurt. But not much, because I already tried with a hairbrush handle."

Josh pushed his aching penis against Colin's ass. He felt for Colin's asshole, and then pushed again.

"It's not going in. You're too tight."

"Just wait."

Colin reached for the small bag, and took out a tub of margarine.

"Here. Smear this on my ass and on your dick, and do it again."

Josh did as he said, and moved closer again. Suddenly, the top of his penis entered Colin's hole. Colin shrieked.

"Fuck! You're big!"

"You want me to stop?"

"No! I want to do this!"

Josh moved a few inches closer with his knees, and then suddenly pushed hard, and went almost all the way in.

"Aah!!!! Take it out, take it out!!!!"

Josh quickly retracted, and felt glad to, because even with the margarine, it was so tight that it hurt his penis.

"They say it gets better," Colin said. "Do it again."

"I don't know if I want to," said Josh.

"Come on, Josh!!! We gotta do this." Colin's voice was resolute, he had made up his mind, and this time he was determined to see it through.

Josh moved closer again, pushed in, and felt it go a bit easier. With the ease came an amazingly pleasurable feeling, so much so that he pushed on. He heard Colin sigh deeply, but no shrieks. Then, as on cue, nature took over, and he started pumping back on forth. Within seconds, he was trembling with the new, tight sensations on his penis. They seemed to take over his legs, his abdomen, his stomach, and quickly he went into a frenzied fuck, trying to get deeper and deeper into Colin. Colin, too, was breathing heavily, and too soon Josh erupted, sighing happily, and slowing his fucking motion.

"Jeez, that was amazing," he said, as he flopped on his back beside Colin.

"I loved it too," Colin said.

"I'm not sure I want you to do me," Josh said.

"That's ok, I came too."

They laid silently for a few minutes.



"Was that your mam's margarine?"

"Yes. And I'll put the rest of it back in the fridge."

They both laughed out loud.

Colin Bodwin arrived at seven, just before the rain started. They decided to have dinner right away, and leisured their way through an exquisite dinner.

"No dessert for me," Colin said, after the waiter took away the small cheese plate.

Josh savored the small glass of Canadian icewine that they had ordered with the cheese.

"You surprised me with this," Colin said. "Icewine is a first for me. I thought you were joking first when you ordered that."

"Really?" Why?" Josh wondered.

"Remember in, what was it, some time during high school, probably closer to your senior year there, they called you `Ice'?"

Josh laughed. "That's right! I'd forgotten all about that."

"Why did they call you that? I never figured that one out."

"I could keep a straight poker face most of the time. I'd read these western novels, and the hero was this incredible shooter who never flinched a muscle on his face. So I tried to copy him."

The wind howled outside, and suddenly the light flickered.

"Looks like we'll loose power soon."

"Plenty of candles around," said Colin. "And, I seem to remember you're pretty good at feeling your way in the dark."

"Sure. I bump into poles all the time."

"All the time? Damn, Josh, didn't know you were getting around that much!"

Colin couldn't help snickering through his last comment. The light flickered again, and went off completely. The restaurant, already lit dimly, plunged into a delicate candlelight dance.

"Mmm, romantic. You must have ordered this," said Josh.

"Me? This is way beyond me. It's more like something Josh Waters would cook up. Man, you were always the guy with the big dreams, the man of intricate and detailed plans. And, you moved all over, at least I heard!"

Josh smiled.

"You're the local guy. Successful, what is it they call that, horticulturalist?"

Colin shrugged. "We're not doing badly, but we're no great profit business anymore. The competition is too fierce, it forces us to get bigger and bigger. We make a good profit about every second year, but all the money has to go back into the business. If we stop growing, we'll fold. In fact, we probably should be growing faster than we are. I don't know how long we can keep out the big Dutch companies."

Colin frowned. "But enough about me. You're still not telling me what you're doing these days. You keep throwing the questions back at me. Still the old mysterious ice-man, eh?"

Josh smiled.

"I've seen a lot of the world, yes. I've made some money along the way."

"Some? Man, you oughta hear what they say about you here. OK, you're not like, the Bill Gates or something, but you've gotta be worth many millions."

"I don't like to talk about money. It's boring."

"Well, it sure buys nice wine." Colin raised his glass.

"Ooh... you're actually going to give me a compliment on the wine! You sure sounded like the specialist earlier."

They were interrupted by the manager who appeared at their table with his usual stealth.

"Pardon me, gentlemen. It is likely that the power will be out for a while. We can give you some more candles, if you wish."

"Oh, we're fine, thank you, mr. Das," said Josh. "But we might go upstairs soon. Can you charge this to my tab?"

"Of course, mr. Waters. I would like to point out that the elevator isn't working. We have some special candle holders that you can use to see where you're walking up the stairs."

"Thank you."

Colin's eyes grew big.

"Damn, Josh, this place is amazing! They've got these old candle holders, you know the ones with the saucer and the finger hold. All we need is some of those white night shirts, and the picture's complete!"

Josh laughed. "And the hat, Colin, the hat! Remember those cloth hats? You'd look absolutely amazing with it."


They made their way up the flights of stairs, and although both of them were in reasonably good shape, by the time they entered the Imperial suite after four floors up over eight flights of stairs, they were both out of breath.

"This is fucking brilliant!", exclaimed Colin, as he was looking around the suite, stepping into and out of the two rooms, and even checking the bathroom. Josh took his time lighting some candles in the living room.

As their breathing returned to normal, they could hear the sounds of the storm outside flooding the room. Although everything seemed well insulated, the wind was positively howling now, rain was pounding the side windows and Josh was sure he could also hear the roof beams groan.

"Man, listen to this," Colin said. "It's a good thing these places were built so solid. You OK with this?"

Josh laughed. "OK? This is bloody amazing! I absolutely love storms!"

Colin frowned in surprise.

Josh shrugged off his shirt and reached for a T-shirt from his suitcase.

"Stop there, mate! No way you're putting on more clothes!"

Josh laughed. "What do you want, Colin?"

"Are you gonna make me say it?"

"What? You don't like this T-shirt??" Josh grinned.

"How about this, mr. Waters. You give me a million dollars for each peace of clothing you keep on!"

Josh turned around, his back to Colin. "Well, in that case,..."

He bent down, took off his socks, and dropped them theatrically beside the couch. Then he stepped forward towards the french doors, unfastened his pants, and quickly dropped the pants and the underwear. Fully naked now, he turned his head, and snickered as he saw a look of surprise on Colin's face.

"How about we feel the rain outside," he said, unlocking the doors. He stepped outside and closed the doors behind him to keep the wind from ravaging the suite, leaving Colin stunned. He smiled and breathed in the lukewarm air, and right away felt the storm overwhelm his senses. Stepping forward and becoming more exposed on the terrace from all sides, he could feel the wind tug at his arms and hair with a wild strength. Ahead of him, around him he could see the wind playing with the trees, and farther out, streaks of lightning lining the sky. Gone were the sounds of the groaning roof, out here all the sounds were the wind, the pounding rain, the thunder. The smells of greenery, rain, mustiness soaked his brain as much as the rain covered his body. It took only a few seconds for him to be dripping wet. In those few seconds, he suddenly felt Colin beside him, embracing his shoulders with his one arm and holding onto the railing with the other. A quick look to the side confirmed what he had hoped: Colin was just as naked. He couldn't hide his enjoyment of having totally turned the tables on Colin, and he could feel that he'd actually even scared him. A bit.

He moved his arm down and around Colin's wet back, tracing the wet down to his ass cheeks, cupping them tentatively.

"I love standing out in the storm like this," he said. He had to speak louder, and close in to Colin's ears, because the sound of the rain was louder where they now stood. "Nature overwhelming, like I'm really part of it. I see, and I hear, and I smell it, I can even taste it!", he said, as he bent his head back and opened his mouth, letting the rain drench his face.

"And I touch,..." he continued, but he let his left hand run in between Colin's ass cheeks and turned towards him. His right hand smoothed to Colin's belly, his belly button, and lower, to his treasure trail, until he reached his cock and felt it stiffen in his hand.

Suddenly Colin grabbed him tightly, mashing their cocks together. He kissed his neck, then his lips, his neck again. "God, Josh, I want you, I want you all over me, in me."

Within seconds, they seemed to have turned towards the small table that was secured against the terrace corner. It was Colin who laid down on his back, pulling his legs up and feeling the wind and the rain throw themselves at his balls, before Josh, with a rhythm that seemed to copy the storm, entered him with a single deep stroke. The sensations were overpowering, time seemed to slow and quicken simultaneously, pain mixed with delirium, thunder and lightning. They pounded each other in a frenzy, a rush of lust and impatient thrashing, trying to achieve pain and pleasure, trying to split or pin each other, full abandon, until too soon, orgasm took over. Around them, the storm continued unabated, and even seemed to grow stronger as Josh let his cock pop out, and eased Colin back onto the terrace planks. They stood for a few more minutes, out of breath, still gasping with their senses in overdrive. The thunderclaps were following the lightning more closely now, and although Josh would have preferred to continue standing outside and experience the storm more, he could sense that Colin was ready to go inside. They moved farther back from the railing.

"And I thought I was the crazy one," Colin said, as he plopped himself on one of the armchairs. "Weren't you cold?"

"No, not at all. It's not cold outside, it's just below 20 Celsius now with the rain. It was much warmer earlier today. Refreshing."

"You really are the ice-man. It must be all your time in Russia. And now Canada, right? Do you ever go to warm countries?"

Josh laughed as he was drying himself. "I try to avoid them." He threw the towel over to Colin. "Dry yourself a bit. Those are nice armchairs. I don't want my sperm stains on there."

Josh took his pants and went to drape them over the bed. As he did, he remembered his cellphone and took it out. The screen showed two missed calls.

"What's wrong?" Colin asked, as he went to open a wine bottle.

"Nothing. A few missed calls, that's all. Do you know what country is +352?"

Colin shook his head.

"No idea. Or no, wait - isn't that Luxemburg?"

"I don't know anybody in Luxemburg."

"Didn't they leave a voicemail?"

"I don't have voicemail. I hate it."

"They didn't leave a text?"


"Luxemburg is more a bank than a country. It's pretty, like the Ardennes, hills and woods, nice valleys. My father used to have bank accounts there, really good rates. And the gas is cheap."

Josh dialed back, heard the phone ring.


As usual when he switched to French, he felt a bit insecure, and it usually showed in his choice of words. "I'm sorry, but I believe someone just called me from this number?"

"Just a minute."

He heard the person on the telephone call someone over, but couldn't hear what they said. Then someone else came on the line.


He only needed the one syllable to know who it was.


"Josh, I need to see you. It's urgent, and I don't want to discuss this over the phone. I heard from Dad that you're only a few hours away."

"That's right. Well, it'll be at least a four hour drive, and I can't leave till the morning."

"Get here fast. You'll understand when you're here."

"Give me a location."

He wrote down the location, which appeared to be just across the Belgian-Luxemburg border.

When he hung up, he wished he'd asked more questions. Jason was his brother, and he did live not too far from Luxemburg, but he hadn't heard from him in six months.

"Wow," said Colin. "Was that Jason?"

Josh nodded. He smiled, and for now was happy to be able to use his skills in hiding the worry that had crept up on him because of the call.

"Jason Waters. He's in the army, right?"

"Yes. A major now. One of the youngest majors."

"I remember him, but he was older than you, I really never hung out with him. He was so much like you, though."

"You mean we look alike. Apart from our looks, we are very different. He's 11 months older than me, but when I was twelve they would pass us as twins."

"Didn't he go to live with your aunt in Belgium?"

They continued to talk, and although Josh worked hard to be engaging and interested in the conversation, his mind was in overdrive on another track. Jase was never in trouble. Now, a four hour drive ahead, early tomorrow morning. Re-plan his flight to Vienna, maybe, probably. He hoped, no he was determined, not to let that plan fall to pieces.

But the call from his brother - who never called, whom he saw maybe twice a year - that call meant trouble.

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