
By Andrew Miller

Published on May 6, 2011



Hi guys, I was easily convinced to do more chapters. Let's see how long I can keep this up :-). To those readers who encouraged me: keep writing me. It's fun seeing some reaction and it does keep me motivated.

Same disclaimer: watch out, reading this could harm your health in some countries. It's fiction, it's same sex, and yes, it's inspired by some, but only a few, real events and places. So don't read it if your country will do you harm because of it. But otherwise, enjoy. And if you did, let me know.


The sound of birdsong in the morning is perfect to wake up to, Josh Waters thought as he stretched out. Out of habit, he had left the windows closed, and although everything looked well insulated, the outside sounds of nature came through very distinctly. The sun was shining, a few clouds showed at the horizon.

Great find of a hotel, he thought. He had found this hotel three years ago, during one of his previous visits to his father, and had stayed at it ever since. The Dower Mansion, as it was called now, was a beautifully renovated century home with nine bedrooms - or rather, 7 bedrooms and two suites. The managers, an Indian couple, very eager to please, seemed genuinely interested in all their guests, but kept a discreet distance. They had assigned the penthouse suite to him, called the Imperial Suite. Imperial it was, Josh thought, because the beautiful rough stone from the hallways, portals and floors downstairs carried over into natural, old oak flooring and windows, real plaster ceiling mouldings, natural stone water basins in the bathroom and a bathtub that looked as if it was hewn out of one piece of rock. Next to the bedroom was another room with a fireplace, a comfortable couch, french doors leading to a walk-out deck that overlooked the small forest to the west, and the green creek - Morsley Creek too, he thought - meandering to the east amidst bushes and wheat fields. Inside, the furniture's straight, robust lines created an understated elegance, enhanced with some rich textile colors in the curtains and the rugs, testimony to some Indian flair. It was this understated elegance that had struck a chord with him when he stayed at the Dower first, and which pulled him as if towards a second home, warm and cosy, and at the same time practical and luxurious. Very briefly only had he entertained the thought of changing rooms to one of the smaller ones, primarily because he hated to come across ostentatious. That option was easily dismissed, though, because he was also looking forward to hosting Colin Bodwin here.

As he walked to the bathroom, he played last night's events over in his head. Absolutely unbelievable, he thought. With Colin's use of the word `Bonanza', he had conjured up not just their fun teenager experiments, but all of the surrounding anticipation, excitement and pent-up, overflowing hormonal urges. Within seconds, it was as if he had been immersed back into the same experience. A time-jump into sexual nirvana that had resonated longer than whatever 30 second orgasm, or typical 30 minute sexual encounter he'd experienced that afternoon. And the actual experience... well maybe it wasn't a copy, but it was damn close.

Bonanza had started off real funny. Back in those days, Bonanza was a country & western TV series, probably a rerun already back then, but both had found out that while most of their buddies were glued to the television at 6 pm to watch Bonanza, Colin and Josh had, each for their own separate reasons, missed the fan train of excitement that their mates had for the show. Colin was always interested in climbing the most ludicrous heights in particular when no one was around, and he was exploring the old flax baths on top of the flax factory roof - a place his parents had expressly forbidden. Josh was reading a book in the shade of the factory wall and next to the rough camp-like structure he'd built with some of the neighbourhood friends. Colin, perched on the factory roof, had leaned over and, with admirable marksmanship, let a blob of spit fall right on Josh's head. Still, if it hadn't been for the fact that Colin was slow withdrawing his head - probably because he couldn't resist waiting to see the expression on Josh's face - Josh might have never known that it was Colin's spit and not some bird's present....

"I'lll get you there, Colin!"

"No you won't!"

And to Colin's surprise, Josh sat back down to read on. Josh had known that he had little chance of catching Colin up there. For one, he didn't know how to get up there. Then also, he knew Colin was quick and agile and knew every hook and cranny of that roof. He'd stand a much better chance of catching the little bug by pretending not to care, wait it out, and strike unexpectedly.

Fifteen minutes later, he got his chance. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Colin emerge from the fence around the factory and edge his way on towards a small enclosure with pebbles, halfway between the fence and the bull field. Very likely he thinks I haven't seen him, Josh thought. Colin was walking down to that enclosure - it must have been a sheep pen at some point, but it was not much more now than a few upright pallets - to get small stones to throw at the bull. Josh calculated that he had about fifty yards to catch him.

Colin was agile, quick in corners and up buildings and all sort of structures. But here, out in the field, with the factory on the one side, a 100 by 100 yard field, and the bull fence on the other side, it was all about speed. There was nowhere for Colin to hide, unless he could make his way back to the fence by the factory. But he was facing the other way now - and he was unlikely to take his chances with the bull. That bull was fierce. They had pestered the ugly beast so many times, he was stamping his heels at the sight of any teenager. So likely, if he could sneak in 10 yards to get at full speed, he would scare Colin enough for him to make the wrong decision and head out along the length along the bull's field fence - and a perfect line for Josh's lightning sprint.

He waited another couple of seconds, slowly rising, starting his trot. He was careful to void the gravel and head for the grass, which dampened the sound of his steps. Ten, fifteen yards - he was almost at full speed, when Colin snapped his head around, and started running, exactly as Josh had anticipated. "Now, I'll play with you," Josh thought, as he slowed down a bit, making it seem as if he wasn't gaining on the kid. "Just enough to make you think you have a chance of running all along that fence to escape me."

And just as Colin indeed chose to run along the bull's fence, Josh opened up full throttle, gained on him so fast and so quietly that Colin had no idea until Josh pounced on him, roughed him to the ground, and pinned him down.

"Got you, little bug!", Josh yelled, panting only slightly.

Colin squirmed, but Josh had his arms pinned down, sitting on his stomach.

"All right, you got me!" Colin smiled. "What'r you going to do now?"

"Oh, let's see... how about... if I have too much spit..."

Josh made a show of pouting his mouth and preparing a good blob of spit very slowly. Colin's eyes grew big, and he started to squirm again, but Josh pinned him even harder, and let his spit drop. In spite of Colin's attempts to dodge it, it landed right on his nose.


"Yum! I've got more where that came from!"

"No you won't" Colin laughed.

And suddenly, in a move Josh had never seen or anticipated, Colin curled his legs up all the way including his lower back, hooked his feet from behind around Josh's neck, and pulled him back. As Colin pulled him back with his legs, and Josh released his hands trying to unhook Colin's feet around his neck, he felt Colin push with his hands until the roles were reversed, but now Colin was sitting on Josh, pinning him down in just the same way. Only Colin was sitting not on his stomach, but lower down on his crotch, to keep Josh from attempting the same wrestling move.

"Wow! That was cool!", Josh said.

"Oh," laughed Colin. "I got more moves like that..."

"Yea, yea. Get off me now."

"Mmmm... this is fun. Why should I get off?"

"Oh, if you don't get off me, I can get you off, don't doubt it."

"Haha... make me." Colin chuckled, and at the same time, he pressed and moved his butt over Josh's crotch. Josh felt strangely excited, and he felt his penis react. "Make me, make me,.." Colin continued, as he kept rubbing his butt over Josh's growing boy muscle.

"You get off me, Colin, or..."

"Or what, Josh?"

"Or I'll take off your pants. You'll have to go home without them, " Josh warned.

"You can't. You're forgetting that I'm in control here." And, as if to underline his words, Colin, quick as lightning, released one hand, sat up for not even one second, and pulled down Josh's shorts. He was quick enough to pin the surprised Josh down again, but his speed had sacrificed the completeness of the movement - Josh's beginning pubic hair was showing, but only the top of his now fully erect penis. His shorts were down a bit further, but Josh's white, short briefs were hiding the rest.

"You little rat!" Josh said, excited and aghast at the same time.

"Well, you gave me the idea," Colin said. And he rolled his eyes, nodded his head, "well, look, something is poking out there!"

As he nodded his head, he curled his neck, seemed to chew inside his mouth, and suddenly let flow a blob of spit right on the top of Josh's exposed penis.


With a great flexing of his muscles, not unlikely because he was older than Colin, Josh was able to unpin his arms and throw Colin off to the side. At the same time, he pulled up his shorts. That choice of priority gave Colin that split second extra time to scurry out of reach. But as he got up and ran off, Josh was up too, and although Colin zigzagged in the general direction of the factory and the adjoining fence, Josh caught up to him easily. He pinned him up against the factory wall, just where it met with the fence.

"OK, you got me!" Colin panted.

"You betcha I got you," Josh laughed. "Guess what's happening now..."

Josh kept pinning him with his body and his left arm, and with his right arm shoved down Colin's shorts in one big movement. He glanced down, and saw Colin's penis, quickly rising.

"Mmm, look who's joining us here," he said.

Colin chuckled, again.

"Well, you're excited, too!"

In spite of the run, Josh's erection hadn't subsided and was poking rock hard through his shorts into Colin's abdomen.

Colin's chuckle suddenly changed into a plea.

"Please don't take my pants. Let's go into the factory. I know a place."

"Yea, right. You're just gonna disappear there, up in the loft."

"No, Josh, please. Let's go in, we can have fun. I promise."

"What about Frank? Won't he be coming to look for you?"

"No way. Frank is watching Bonanza. With mam. They all are."

For a moment, Josh seemed lost in thought. Then, his mouth curled into a smile. He traced his finger slowly down Colin`s chest, until it rested just above his penis. There, he scratched lightly.

Ill take your shorts now. You can wear your underpants, for now. And, if youre good to your promise, Ill give your shorts back."

He looked at Colin. To his surprise, Colin nodded in agreement.


Josh took a step back from Colin, and started to reach down, but Colin was quicker and slipped his feet out of his shorts, and pulled his briefs back up halfway. He picked up his shorts, scrunched them into a ball, pulled out the elastic on Joshs shorts and shoved the shorts inside Joshs briefs. His hand lingered at Josh`s erect penis, and he looked up.


Their eyes met. Colin withdrew his hand. His briefs were still only halfway up, his penis still standing at full attention.

"Deal," said Josh. His heart was racing, and blood was pounding in his crotch. His shorts, stuffed with Colin`s shorts, now looked as if he was sporting an obscenely big package.

"Let`s go," said Colin. He pulled up his briefs, turned around to the fence, then leaned back into Josh. "Follow me, big horse."

He was interrupted in his daydreaming by a knock on the door.

"Yes, just a minute!"

He quickly slipped into the bathrobe that hung by the bathroom door and went to answer the door.

"Good morning, mr. Waters." It was the manager, as usual, dressed impeccably in a navy-colored jacket and tie. "Sorry for interrupting, but we have some news that we must convey to all our guests that coming in and out of the hotel today."

"Yes, mr. Das? Sorry, I didn't realize I slept this long. Your hotel is just so peaceful."

"Thank you, sir. As I said, sorry for the interruption. But we've been advised with a very unusual weather warning, in fact the very first time since we own the hotel, and we do have to let our guests know."

Josh frowned. "A weather warning? Sorry, I didn't watch the news last night. I thought it looked like a beautiful day."

"Well, it still is, sir, it still is. But the type of clouds on the horizon are apparently very unusual, and the wind is picking up. There has been a severe storm warning. Winds are supposed to reach 60 or 70 miles per hour, out of the west, maybe more. We almost never have that here, sir, but we are at the edge of the forest. And, the fire department contacted us ahead of time and they told me that our drive - you see, sir, we have a drive with mature trees all along the last mile to our hotel, and apparently, the last time there was a storm like that, 10 years ago, a tree fell on the mayor's car, here, in the parking lot."

Josh smiled. "Goodness. I hope the mayor wasn't in it?"

"Oh no, sir, I shouldn't think so, but,..."

"Well, then, I park my car in your garage, right?"

Mr. Das returned the smile, and continued, "Yes of course, sir, but, well, they are - I mean the fire department - is afraid of casualties, and they want to close the entire access road during the main hours of the storm. Which is between 8 and midnight tonight. So we are advising all guests to stay put for the day, sir. Or at least be back, at the very, very latest, by 7. So sorry for the inconvenience, sir."

Josh frowned. "Well, that... yes, then I do have to make a call. I was expecting to have a guest for dinner."

"Oh the restaurant will be open, sir. And in case of power outages, we do have a back-up generator so the kitchen will continue to function, as will the elevator. But, your guest may need to be advised, sir. We are fully booked, so if your guest needs to stay,..."

"No problem, mr. Das. It's likely that my friend will come, so do make a reservation for 8 pm in the restaurant. A table for two. If possible, the one in the corner, by the fireplace."

"Of course, sir."

"And don't worry. If he does end up being stranded here, I've got a big suite. He can sleep on the couch." At his last comment, Josh suppressed a smile.

"Of course, sir. There are extra blankets and pillows in your hallway wardrobe. And if there is anything else we can assist with, please do let us know."

Josh thanked the manager, and closed the door. Then a thought struck him, and he opened the door again quickly.

"Mr. Das? If you can, could you make sure that I have some candles here? Just on the off chance, you know, with the power?"

"Of course, sir. It will be our pleasure."

Although daylight was still strong outside, as they entered the factory, the light dimmed to a distant glow around the cerrated edges of the iron gates. Josh could make out the massive shapes of various agricultural equipment, but he wouldn't be able to identify even if it was daylight. He had just never been interested in agriculture. Ahead of him, he kept close to Colin, whose lithe shape moved quickly forward. Even in the darkness, Colin's white briefs reflected the little light there still was. It helped him focus, and it was easy on the eyes, he thought. Only later would he know to call it a bubble butt - for him, Colin's shape would forever be etched in his mind as a perfect standard. At first sight, he was small and a tad overweight for a typical 13-year old. Until you saw him move - then you realized that the stomach was all muscle, and that the curves and his smaller size worked together as a pliable longbow, stretching and reverberating with uncanny strength and speed.

When Colin stopped, it was so sudden that Josh bumped into him. Again, like at the fence, Colin made no attempt to create more distance, but leaned into Josh.

"From here on, Josh: there's two main things: one, we always whisper. Two, no lights. Ever."

"Why? This place is at least a hundred yards from your parents' place. And who can hear you here?" Although Josh was puzzled, he instinctively gave heed to Colin's rules - he was whispering.

"There's only one light switch for the entire warehouse. So it lights up completely and the same switch lights up the three greenhouses outside our house. So you switch on the lights, and you're telling everyone at my place to come and have a look."

"OK. And why so quiet?"

"It's like a church. You say one thing and it echoes all the way."

"Jeez." The explanations all seemed very rational, but apart from that, they lent an extra cloak of clandestine secrecy to their movement and their presence there. If he wasn't all hot and erect earlier, he was positively hurting now. Having Colin still so close, pressing his butt against his painful erection, didn't help - never mind the extra padding of Colin's bunched up shorts.

"Now, we're going to go through the door here. This is the machine rooms. There used to be separate lights here, but they don't work anymore. And my folks don't bother to replace `em. So stay close. Put your hand here and follow me."

Colin placed Josh's hand at his butt, making him grab the elastic of his briefs. He opened the door, and it creaked loudly.

"I gotta oil this freakin' door."

They entered.

"Here, you count your steps. But you go straight."

They counted, under their breath. Four times ten steps, and each ten steps they would stop. Then, Josh felt Colin turn around. They were standing so close, Josh could feel Colin's breath on his chest, and his penis poking against his thigh.

"There's a conveyor belt here. It's wide. It's right behind you, you can sit on it."

Josh felt around, and felt a hard rubber just at the level of his hips.

"I got a flashlight here somewhere. Gotta look around."

For just a few seconds, Colin moved away from him, and if it wasn't for the sounds of Colin really brushing against things around him, Josh would have thought he was being stood up. But, within fifteen seconds, there was a click, and Colin appeared, grinning, carrying a small flashlight. He put it upright on a ledge, and moved back over to Josh. The indirect, small beam of light took the edge of the darkness. They could see each other quite clearly, but the shapes of the machinery around them were indistinct, and the corridor on either side still looked dark as ever.

Josh exhaled audibly. He looked at Colin, and then quickly pushed down his shorts, and his briefs, letting the ball of Colin's shorts fall out. As he looked back up, he saw that Colin staring, mouth open.

"God freakin' Mary and Joseph," Colin whispered. "You're so big!"

Josh snickered. "Is it?"

He looked down at his own penis, which was standing upright and aching. He wasn't sure about sizes, but he thought his dick was just, well, all right. He was 14 years old. The size of his erection hadn't yet quite entered his consciousness as something to be proud of, or embarrassed about.

"Let's see yours."

Colin seemed to have no qualms dropping his briefs. His penis, about two thirds the size of Josh's, and half as thick, stood just as proud and upright.

They stood together, just one foot apart, looking at each other's penis. Then, Colin reached and touched Josh, felt all around, first tentatively, then with more confidence, and Josh sighed, then groaned. He reached out himself for Colin's, and felt for his balls - they seemed so big.

"Your balls, man - they're like - so big."

"Josh, sit down."

Colin's whispering voice had taken on a husk, raspy sound. He gently pushed Josh back to sit on the conveyor belt, and took stronger hold of his penis, moving his foreskin. His other hand started feeling for Josh's testicles, first a bit too strong, until Josh winced.

"Sorry, man, I..."

"Just go on, Colin, go on, it feels so good..."

Even the slight movement of Colin's hand seemed to throw a thousand pins of delight into his nerves. His crotch was on fire. This was the first time anyone else had touched him there, like that, and it felt like a whirlwind, like a....

Colin continued his movement, up and down, and every time a little bit more, Josh's foreskin seemed to hurt and cry hallelujah at the same time, then he felt the urge to push himself, and started bucking into Colin's hand, until he felt a squeeze inside, his buttocks squelched together. Then, what had so far only happened when he'd played with himself: white sperm shot out, right into Colin's face, one, two, three, four, five shots.

How long had it been? One minute? Five? More? It felt like eternity squeezed into one second, then spread out again. Like catching your breath after bursting out of the pool, and lounging in backstroke in the basking sun, all simultaneously.

As he came down from his high, he looked at Colin.

"My turn," said Colin. "You do me, but I wanna lay on the belt."

As Josh got off the belt, Colin jumped on and lay down. He wiped his face and brushed it off onto his own penis. Josh reached out, determined to do just as good a job. He carefully grabbed Colin's penis and started a gentle movement, up and down, just as he had done with himself so many times. It took only a few minutes for Colin's breathing to become raspy, and his penis looked so red, so full. Then he started to buck, too. In an instinct, Josh reached out and touched his balls, and as he did so, he brushed behind Colin's balls, felt his buttocks squeeze on his hand, and then Colin's penis erupted. It didn't shoot out as much as Josh's had, just a few inches above the penis, but then it started flowing, flowing, and seemed not to stop.

"Man, you've got so much sperm!", Josh sighed in wonder.

Colin chuckled, a sound Josh was getting to know more and more.

"This was great. We gotta have more fun like this."

"Yep. So no one comes here?"

"No. Frank is afraid of this place."

"You're kidding me."

"No. But anyways, I come only when he's for sure at home. Like now, he's watching Bonanza."

"At my place too. They're all watching Bonanza."

They both grinned.

"I guess I like this Bonanza better," Josh said.

Next: Chapter 3

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