
By Andrew Miller

Published on May 4, 2011


Hi there. Yep, my first story on nifty. So do send me comments at

I've got to do the disclaimer. So, deuh! Don't read this if you're not supposed to where you live. In most places, you've got to be 18 or over. No animals were hurt in the writing of this story. Come to think of it, this is only about humans. Still, same sex relationships aren't the norm in most places, so don't tell me I didn't warn you.

For the rest, this is probably pretty vanilla for nifty. It's fiction. Of course some things in real life inspired it. Which ones, well, use your own imagination. And, I'd like to know if you like it. This seems longer than I anticipated, and I hardly edited at all, but if you want some additional parts, let me know.





The village wasn't the same anymore, that's for sure.

To Josh Waters, everything looked surprisingly well-off. He remembered the town where he grew up very differently. Somehow, the new pavement in so many streets, the changed appearance of so many front doors and windows of the row houses, and especially the new streets and neighbourhoods that had sprung up and reached farther than he could have imagined - it just all looked better, more polished, more money thrown at it. Just behind the street he grew up was a completely new development, backing onto Morsley Creek and the old flax factory. At least that factory was still there, he thought, as if the one eyesore had to make up for all the old things that had passed.

He had taken a stroll around some of the streets where he played as a kid. Twenty years ago now. He was thirty-five now, recently lost the weight that had padded his waste and face during the previous 10 years. His dark, almost black hair only showed the first signs of grey.

Just across the main road into town he walked into the pub and ordered a coffee.

"Good God, if it isn't Josh?"

Surprised, he looked up. Something about he big guy in front of him struck a flash of memory.

"Yes?...," he said, and then the round face, small moustache, big belly, farmers' shirt and pants dropped the name back just in time. "Frank? Frank Bodwin?"

"Yours truly! God, we haven't seen you around here in ages!", Frank Bodwin said, in the little twang that colored the local dialect.

"Well, I've been away. I decided to come by, visit my father, look around..." Josh said.

"Yes, well. You've been in all those weird countries. Down East. God-awful. Don't know what

would pull a guy down there."

"I've had some exciting times there," said Josh, smiling. "How about you? Still here in town?"

"Ha! Yes! And glad to!" Frank seemed to take the volume up a notch with every second the conversation lingered. Luckily there weren't too many people in the pub. Their conversation seemed to be public.

"Built some houses. Sold a few," he continued. "Goes to show, no need to travel to these piss countries to rake in the money."

Josh looked at Frank Bodwin as he went on, wondering how anyone could be happy to stay in this town their whole life. From what he had heard, Frank became a mason, started building some houses on his father's land, sold them, did some minor farming, but for the rest spent a fair amount of the day in the local pub, probably mustering up the courage to ask a girl out - he was still single, and he should be just over forty, and a homophobe, xenophobe and more. The drink certainly showed in his belly - although he'd always had that belly. Just the banter seemed to have grown more.

"How's your brother? What does he do?" Josh interrupted Frank's tirade.

The frown on Frank's face showed that he didn't quite like the reference to his younger brother. Josh chuckled. Colin Bodwin, five years younger than Frank, two years younger than Josh, had been one of his best buddies when he was 12, 13, 14, and Frank hadn't liked it.

"Colin! Smart-ass became, what'd they call it, engineer! Agricultural engineer at that!" Frank Bodwin turned to the bartender and sneered, "what else will they come up with, he. I'm an agro engi-fuckin-neer too. And you," he nodded at the bartender, "Lionel, you're a bar engineer. Or a beer engineer! Ha!"

Somehow, all the old complexes seemed to have survived, Josh thought. Frank had always sneered at Colin, and most had to do with Colin's easy high grades and better social skills. All those years hadn't changed much - at least not to Frank.

Suddenly, a cellphone rang. Not mine, thought Josh. Frank reached into his pocket and fished out an I-phone. "Speak of the devil," he said has he glanced at the screen. He looked at Josh as he answered his phone.

"Hey, little man."

The pauses in between Frank Bodwin's sentences indicated that something was being said on the other side, but Frank's part of the conversation was clear for all to hear.

"Don't mess with me dude. I don't plan to be home, and the `rents are out on the cruise, remember? Don't bother to come."

"Got some other fucking news for you, little man. Guess who's sitting in the Old Eagle with me here, eh?"

"Josh fucking Waters, that's who! Still looks like the same ass kisser."

Bodwin's face frowned again. "Fine, you go ahead."

He passed the phone to Josh. "Brother wants to talk to you. So talk. I gotta take a leak."

Surprised, Josh took the phone and heard another voice from the past.


As he walked back to his car after liberating himself from Frank Bodwin's half-drunk monologues, he decided to cut short his planned walk around town. He felt amazed and strangely excited. Colin was a nice part of his childhood memories. They had just exchanged cell phone numbers and agreed to meet while Josh was still in the country. "I'll send a text," Colin had said last, and Josh had heard the distinct, typical chuckle that must have survived all those years of adulthood.

Colin Bodwin was, or at least had been, cute as a button. Dirty blond hair, grey-blue eyes, freckles and a nose that seemed to tip upward. He was shorter than most other boys his age. Josh remembered being two feet taller than him. But what Colin lacked in height, he made up for in agility. He would climb up any tree in seconds, or in the old defunct flax factory - which belonged to his parents - he would be up on top of a crane, a tractor or the third story loft. While Josh was one of the fastest runners in his early teens, Colin was a gym champion. They hung out together when school was out, because they lived only 500 yards away from each other. Some of the time, Frank would try to hang with them, but between Josh's speed and Colin's agility, Frank got tired quickly and usually went home.

Memories were in free-flow now, a great feeling and a crescendo of excitement. He got to his hotel room within a five minute drive, showered, stretched out on the bed naked and closed his eyes. Outside, the sun was starting to set and drizzled a red glow through the windows. He felt his nipples, rubbed them lightly, moved his hands down and caressed the light silk foreskin of his semi-erect penis. Seconds later, with warm blood steering down his veins and pushing his penis to a painful stretch, he heard his phone beep. A text message.

Curiosity won out on his erotic train of thought, he reached for his phone.

From: Colin B.


The puzzlement and confusion lasted mere seconds, before distant memory kicked in. His face flushed, his eyes went big, he felt his heart thumping in his throat and the back of tongue getting dry. He swallowed, took a deep breath, and took a few seconds to write a reply.

To: Colin B.


The answer came quickly.

From: Colin B,

Tonite? 9pm. Same place.

Josh Waters looked at his watch. 8 pm now. He was only 5 minutes away. If this was about the same place. But it should be. Bonanza - only Colin and he knew this code word. It had been theirs. A secret club of two. Their own private experiment. Same place, every time. Except the very last time.

His phone beeped again.

From: Colin B,

Go along Morsley Creek bridge to the fence, and come in as usual. Will b waiting.

This is crazy, he thought. Colin wanting this? Jumping at this, and acting as if the last time we met was just last week? But then again, it was exactly what he would have wished for in his dreams. Back in his home town, meeting up with an old friend, a buddy with whom he had shared secrets, sexual secrets. They were twelve, thirteen but now they were in their thirties. Then, they were virgins who didn't know anything about sex apart from what they heard from Frank- and that source wasn't keeping them very interested very long. Now, both of them - at least he thought so of Colin - were experienced - also sexually.

It is crazy, but it's also incredibly hot, he thought. There was no doubt that he was going there tonight. But could be a setup? A sick joke because Frank held something over Colin? No - this was too subtle to have Frank involved. And also, Colin wouldn't share this kind of thing with his older, socially inept brother. From the little he had heard of the phone conversation, Frank seemed to keep Colin at a distance. He was probably still secretly envious of his brains or good looks.

What would he look like now? Would he be disappointed? Would Colin be disappointed? Somehow, he had heard, memory tends to romanticize our first sexual experiences.

Josh let the questions flood his mind, but got himself ready. He sent another message back - BONANZA! - to confirm that he was coming.


He drove out back to the edge of town and parked at the small park behind Morsley Creek bridge. Back when they were kids, there were no houses between the main street and the Creek - just two big fields, one of them with a fierce bull. Nowadays, the two fields had given way to a housing development, with the street on the left, the creek running west to east, and the Bodwin's old flax factory on the right. They used to reach the flax factory simply by going across the field. This is why Colin had sent him the extra message - he had to go along the creek, because that was the only way to access the old factory.

He descended carefully to the shores of the creek and started to walk alongside. Above him, about 15 feet away on either side, were the backyard fences of the new housing development. Most home owners had fully fenced in their yard, and as he was walking just a few feet away from the water flow, he was virtually invisible. The soil was dry, and his runners hardly left an imprint. It took him only 10 minutes to reach the end of the housing development and the start of the Bodwin property fence. About 100 yards in from the creek was the old flax factory.

Climbing the fence was easier than expected: on the creek side, the fence was only approximately three feet high and made of wooden slats. As he got to the other side, he noticed the grass was quite high. No sheep anymore here, he thought. The small sheep shed was still there, across the creek, as was the pedestrian bridge that Frank had built.

It`s all coming back to me, he thought.

He looked the other way, and saw the light fading fast. The flax factorys contours looked ominous. About 100 yards across, and at least forty feet high. There used to be a chimney, he thought. Or not. As he started out towards the factory and away from the creek, carefully following the fence to the housing development on his right, his eyes were constantly scanning for movement. Beyond the factory, slightly to the left, was the Bodwin farm house, but there was only one window facing his way, and it wasnt high enough up for him to worry about being noticed. Nothing moved.

He looked at his watch. 8:40. He was early. Still, the gates to the factory were closed. Maybe it would take him some time to find the entrance. As he got closer, he remembered the small gate at the side that they used to use to enter. The factory had been defunct for at least fifty years now. Even when he was growing up - just short of twenty years ago - he had heard his father say that the Bodwins didn`t want to break it down, but use it as a shed for their tractors and other agricultural machines. They rented those things out to the surrounding farmers, mostly because they themselves had only small fields that needed to be worked.

He reached the edge of the factory, and made his way along its side to the left, where he saw the smaller gate. He pushed, but the gate held. Quietly, he took a step back, looked at the gate again and tried to remember. Yes, there was a ledge. Reach in with your finger through that hole, and you could push it up. As he pushed his finger through, his pulse quickened. This was weirdly familiar. He felt the ledge, pushed it upward easily. No sound. He pulled - how did he remember to pull out, and not push now...

The gate creeked on its hinges, ever so slightly.

He peered in, and could only see darkness.

He`d forgotten about this. There was a time, so long ago, that he could navigate to their meeting place inside the factory without any lights. Colin had shown him numerous times. There were lights, but they were overhead lights, bright, and visible to the outside. So when they met, even during daytime, the warehouse gates would be closed, they would never turn on lights and very little light would come in from outside.

He took out his phone and pressed the keys. Some light came off, and gave him just enough to see a few feet in front. He could navigate easily for the first fifty feet. There, the brick wall veered inward to make way for one of three machinery rooms. A bit further to the right was the door he was looking for - a corridor alongside the three machine rooms, with the opening in between them for the conveyor belt.

His pulse quickened again as he thought of the conveyor belt. Surely Colin wouldn`t. As Josh thought about Colin and the conveyor belt, he felt his erection push against his underwear. This was crazy. What was he doing.

Bonanza. He was almost there.

He opened the door. God, the door was silent. Recently oiled. Quickly, he entered. This was easier. The corridor had always been clear of obstacles. Further down, roughly in the middle of its 90 yards length, it widened to allow for some machine. The machine had some pulling mechanism for the conveyor belt that ran between the three rooms. The belt had always been very taut, spun at elbow-height, approximately one foot wide. If he took another ten steps, he should be able to step to his left, turn and put his hands on the belt.

He took about ten more steps, and then stood still and listened. Strangely enough, he was vaguely aware that he had not used his phone to light his way here. Somehow, the rule they had back then seemed to have popped back into his consciousness and directed his actions.

He turned left and put his hands out.

And felt the warm, naked chest of someone lying on the conveyor belt.

``Bonanza. Colins voice. His chuckle, even as a whisper.

God, Colin!, he whispered.

Josh, its been a while. Missed you.``


Joshs hands moved slowly across Colins chest. He became aware that his hands were lower than he remembered - but of course, he`d grown quite a bit since then. Either Colin or he would lie down on the belt.

He swallowed. He wouldn`t just lie down on the belt. Would he?

He`d be naked.

His hands moved across Colins nipples. They werent erect, but nice and soft. He played with them, then moved his right hand down. Found the belly button. Then, a slight tickle of hairs, the happy trail. Down he went, and the tickly hairs seemed wider, and then. His fingers brushed against Colin`s penis.

Colin really was naked.

Naked on the conveyor belt.

Just like 20 years ago.

Ever so slowly, his fingers traced the erect penis. It was hard as rock. Not very big, not very wide. The silken skin turned him on so much. He felt along its length again, not pulling at the ample foreskin, just touching lightly, teasing almost. His other hand went down and rested on the abdomen. No sixpack, but no belly either. Colin had kept himself well.

His right hand went further, felt the large ballsack, weighing it carefully, feeling each ball separately. As he started back up Colin's penis, he felt a hand coming up the front of his pants, looking for his crotch. His own penis was stretching his underwear and pushing against his jeans. He felt Colins thumb pushing against the outline.

Their breathing was audable now, just faintly, but audable none the less. Sound, and feeling, but mostly feeling. Still, and just like so many years ago, it was pitchblack. No work for the eyes.

"Let's free the prisoner," said Colin's voice. He felt Colin turn slightly on the conveyor belt to bring his second hand over and undo his pants. Quickly, the jeans were shoved down with his underwear, to his knees. Josh's penis sprung free, and he pressed back a light groan. Colin had turned back and his left hand grabbed hold. Less patient, the hand working its way along Josh's length. His was a bit longer than Colin's, he thought, because Colin had to move his hand along, while Josh was able to envelop Colin's full erect penis inside his fist and start a gentle, and minute movement. Slightly up, slightly down, rubbing the crown with his thumb.

Josh became aware of smells. They had been there, but the tension of the darkness, the sudden stage and throwback in time, had seemed to focus his senses entirely to feeling and hearing. Now, he smelled mint, probably from Colin's breath. As he moved his nose closer to his hands that were rubbing Colin's privates, he smelled the slight musk, the hint of sweat.

He stopped rubbing Colin's penis, bent down and licked the head. Colin's sudden intake of breath told him how good it felt, and he went back. He took the head between his lips and pushed the foreskin back, letting his tongue swirl around the sensitive back ridge. Then he sucked, swirled again, and moved the foreskin up and down again with his lips. Colin groaned, a muffled groan, but a groan nonetheless, and he felt Colin's hand on his penis first stop moving, then starting again, almost frantically. The mutual rhythm began to build, Josh began to buck, started to take Colin's penis deeper, suck harder, and when he bore down on Colin's pubes, used the back of his tongue as he swallowed and groaned simultaneously. They both got more intense, and time seemed to slow down and speed up, senses seemed to sharpen in focus, both of them building up for what seemed like close to an hour, but was really no more than ten or fifteen minutes. Colin came first, his semen spurting sharply just as Josh was moving back to take a full breath, half on Josh's tongue, half on his nose. As he spurted two, three, four times, Colin turned over and, with his right hand, cupped Josh's balls and traced his finger backward. His left hand kept pumping, and Josh came, in quick squirts, four, five, most flying over Colin, some on him.

"That was..."



As they came down from their sexual high, Josh rubbed his spilt sperm over Colin's stomach.

"I never thought we'd do this again."

"I didn't either."

"Bonanza. I can't believe you actually thought of this. That you remembered."

"How could I forget?" said Colin. "We had fun then. I've been thinking about it ever since."

"They say it's never as good as you remember it," Josh sighed.


"They were wrong."


"Yea, but some people win the lotto. Millions loose, every week."

"Hey, I thought this place was just you and me. You wanna drag in millions of others?"

The trip back was uneventful. Colin grabbed his clothes, and a small flashlight. They came out the other side of the factory building, while Colin assured him Frank was in his own house and couldn't see anyone entering the old factory.

"I can't go with you now, I'm expected at home," Colin said.

"It's 10. Time for bed, right?" Josh smiled.

"Well. How about we meet tomorrow. I come over to your place?"

"You mean my hotel."

"Yep. I figured you wouldn't be sleeping at your dad's place."

"No, I got something better. Dinner. In the city. I know a good place. We can catch up. There's some time, right? You're not travelling back right away?"

Josh sighed. "Travelling back three days from now. I'm good for tomorrow night."

"Well I'm not just good, I'm excited."


"Hm. Yep. I'll text you."

"Text... Now you're getting me excited too."

Next: Chapter 2

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