Northwoods Justice

By Ron Jones

Published on Mar 5, 2022




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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. I accept terms. ******************************************************************************

The ranger and I are sitting in the front seat of his truck. I'm sitting on a saddle blanket because of the very real chance my abused ass is leaking lube.

"Wait a minute," I say. "Did you just call the sheriff Doc?"

The ranger is silent for a bit then says, "Yeah."

"He's not really the sheriff is he?"

"No. He's actually our local large animal veterinarian," the ranger admits sheepishly.

"But that was a real uniform," I point out.

"Yup. Doc's dad was the sheriff for a couple decades. Doc grabbed one of his old uniforms from a dusty closet."

"Doc being a vet certainly explains all the gear and stainless steel in the barn." As I digest this the next most obvious lie dawns on me. "And our crossdressing friend isn't really a judge?"

"Nope," the ranger says matter-of-factly. He doesn't wait for the follow up question this time. "Ella owns one of the most popular supper clubs around. She grew up here as Elliot, went off to college, and returned as Ella. Folks around here were surprisingly supportive."

"Is the girl really Doc's daughter or was that just a scheme to humiliate me more?" I ask.

"Courtney really is Doc's daughter. She is one of the best English riders in the state. Her showing up here was completely unexpected. She wouldn't normally have ridden today but she has a competition this weekend so decided to get some extra time in. Clearly her and Doc are going to have some things to chat about over dinner," the ranger explained. He paused for a moment then added, "Nice job with the head lessons by the way. Her future boyfriends all owe you a huge favor."

I sit for a minute taking this all in. "Was Ella really the one to see me at the campsite? How did she and Doc get involved?"

"Yeah, about that. I was so amazed at what you did yesterday that I just had to tell someone. I was telling Doc at Ella's place last night. They both wanted in," the ranger admitted.

"So you were the one to see me all the time weren't you?"

"Sort of," he offers.

"Sort of? How can you sort of see me? Unless less you are a wizard seer with a crystal ball, how did you know what happened at the campsite? Were you fucking spying on me?" I demand to know.

"Sort of... I wasn't there physically. When you get back to the campsite look carefully at the large birch tree at the back of the site. I've got a cellular trail cam hidden really well behind some bark." The ranger stops there to let it all soak in.

"So you are a fucking peeping tom?!? Are you really a ranger?"

"No again. I work at a local lumber company. This time of year I don't need my trail cams on game trails so I decided to put it up on my favorite campsite. I really just put it there to see when the campsite wasn't occupied so I could slip in without paying. Then you came along. You were so entertaining I couldn't stop watching. Just in case you're thinking of turning me in for being a voyeur, keep in mind I've got footage of you doing some pretty outrageous things in a public park."

"If you aren't a ranger, how did you know my name and where did you get the uniform?" I ask.

"If you had looked at the uniform closely you might have noticed it isn't a ranger uniform. It is the shirt I got when I helped clear trails my first couple years out of high school. As for your name, Jones is on your permit attached to the post. I have no idea what your first name is," he admitted.

"So everything...all of it...was a big fat lie", I lament.

"To be fair. Based on what I saw you do to yourself on the trailcam, I made the assumption you would like being used. If you didn't notice, we made sure to stop every time you asked us to. Basically, your safe word was stop," the ranger explained. "If I am being perfectly candid, I think you are amazing. You endured way more than I could. I kept trying to find your limits and you just took it all," he said to me with a look of adoration clearly visible.

I thought about it. The ranger was right. Years of fucking myself, of spanking myself, and teasing my cock and balls... were all done while fantasizing about encounters just like the last couple of days. After sitting in stunned silence for a while. "Ron," I say. "My name is Ron."

"Kevin," he returns.

We make our way back down the logging road and Kevin pulls his truck alongside mine. We both climb out. We walk around to the truck bed. Kevin grabs my bag but points to the dildo we left earlier, "You can grab that." He smiles at me as I grab the toy.

Rather than head down the rocky trail ahead of me, he lets me go first. My bare feet treading carefully set a pretty slow pace but he patiently waits. We make it back to the site and I immediately start looking for the trail cam. Knowing what I am doing, Kevin points it out. There is no way you could spot it if you didn't know what you were looking for.

Kevin sets the bag of toys on the picnic table. He pats the table and tells me to have a seat.

"If it is all the same I'd like to put some clothes on first," I explain.

"Not just yet," he says, patting the table again. "Trust me."

"Trust you... really?"

"Trust me."

For some reason I do and I sit my naked ass down on top of the picnic table. Kevin reaches into the toy bag and removes the key to my cock cage. He looks me in the eye as he walks over to me. Keeping our eyes locked as much as possible, Kevin reaches down and gently removes the cage. "You've more than earned this," he says, as he leans in. More often than not, when I hook up with guys it is all about the sex. Kissing doesn't usually come up. In spite of that and in spite of everything Kevin has done to me I found myself thinking, "Please let him kiss me. Please let him kiss me."

He leans all the way in and kisses me passionately. As our lips stay locked, his hands get to work raising my abused dick. He doesn't have to try hard and I'm soon at full mast. His hand starts stroking me and we continue to kiss. Finally he breaks our lip lock and works his way down to my dick.

I lean back to give him better access. Kevin goes to town on me. My dick is easier to swallow than his. Soon his nose is buried in my pubes. It feels great. Turns out Kevin is great at this too. He reaches for my ass and I grab my knees to give him a full view. He doesn't have to lick his fingers, there is still plenty of lube dripping out. Three fingers go in. He moves them around and I am in heaven.

It doesn't take long before I explode into his mouth. Kevin finishes up and comes back for another kiss. "How's about we get you dressed now?" he suggests. As I am pulling on pants and a performance shirt Kevin says, "You must be starved." I had to admit I was when I realize I hadn't eaten all day.

"How's about we head over to Ella's place for dinner? Pretty sure she'll give you a discount," Kevin suggests with a smile.

"I think I've had enough stimulation for one day. I'm going to stay here tonight and enjoy my last night on the lake," I say. "I'd love it if you stay for a dehydrated meal," I say with a smile. "But understand if you need to head out."

"All right then," Kevin says. I am more than a little disappointed when he heads down the trail towards his truck. I hear the truck doors but I don't hear the engine start. In a few minutes he re-emerges from the trail. He is carrying a folding chair and some extra blankets. He tosses the blankets in the tent. "If I'm going to stay the night I figured I better bring some blankets."

I don't think I've smiled that wide in years. It feels good to be wanted by someone who already knows my kinks.

Kevin puts his chair by the campfire next to the one I have set there. "If it is OK by you, I'll get the campfire going if you whip up our dinner."

"Fine by me," I say. "There should still be some cold beer in the Yeti. Grab one for me too."

That night we enjoyed "Sweet Pork and Rice", which is actually really good as far as dehydrated meals go, while sitting around a blazing fire. Being close to each other was nice but I found myself wishing I had a folding couch instead of two folding chairs.

When mosquito:30 hits, otherwise known as dusk, we head for the tent. We casually enjoy stripping each other. I've been naked in front of Kevin for days but this is the first time I've seen him completely naked. He is fantastic. That stereotype you have of a lumberjack in your head fits him to a tee. Broad, muscular shoulders. Ripped abs. Just looking at his massive arms makes me want to attack him.

"You know," I say as I trace my finger down his hairy chest. "One of us still hasn't gotten their rocks off today." I push him down into the nest of sleeping bag and blankets we've made. I straddle him in a 69 position. I go down on him like I've already shown him I know how to do. He ups the ante by fiddling with my ass and my cock while I do. Even though I should be spent, the attention brings my dick to life.

The race was on to see who could last the longest. I bring on my best sucking and licking. My tongue is in non-stop motion swirling around the underside of his dick and all around his head. He meanwhile is letting his hands do the work. He goes after both my ass and my dick. My hole is sore from the beating it took earlier but that adds to my excitement. I managed to get him to pop before I did but I followed a lot closer behind than I thought I would.

I spin around and we fall into each other's arms. It has been awhile since I have cuddled naked. I try to stay awake to enjoy it but I am exhausted. My final thoughts as I fall asleep, "Tomorrow I want to know how tight his ass is..."

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