Northwoods Justice

By Ron Jones

Published on Mar 4, 2022




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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. I accept terms. ****************************************************************************** "We're here," the ranger states as if it really needed to be pointed out that the place we stopped with a barn is the farm.

Both men walk around to the tailgate and lower it. I am told to slide out. The dildo pops out. I see a hint of shit on it and the sheriff notices. "Our boy here really does need a good cleaning." They have me sit on the tailgate before I climb down. The sheriff reaches around to uncuff me while the ranger goes rooting through my bag again.

The ranger pulls out my metal cock cage. "The sheriff and I have decided you won't be needing your cock the rest of the day so we're going to lock it up." Rather than let me do it, the ranger grabs my dick. He doesn't lube anything so pushing my cock and balls through the base ring hurts. It is made much worse by the rope burns from earlier in the day. Unfortunately, my cock kind of likes another man being rough, so it starts to get erect. "Fucking pervert," the ranger mumbles. He gives my balls a good smack. The extra pain has the desired effect of causing my dick to go soft. The ranger is able to get the cage on and lock it shut.

The sheriff orders me to follow him into the barn so all of us head that way. The barn doors at the front and the back are wide open and there is a long aisle that runs the whole length. We head for the back. To each side are animal pens though none of them are occupied at the moment. Near the back of the barn is a surprisingly clean area. There are some stainless steel counters and cabinets. Odd utensils hang from the walls. The sheriff stops here and swaps his zipper up, ankle high, cop boots for some knee high neoprene boots. As we head out back I can't help but wonder what we are getting into that the sheriff thinks he needs knee boots for.

Once out the back door you can see half a dozen fenced in paddocks. Some have horses, some have cows and some are empty. The sheriff leads us to the paddock immediately to the left of the back door. The back wall of the barn is enclosed in this paddock. Against that wall is a large animal drinking trough. Next to the trough is a spicket with a hose. The area closest to the barn wall is concrete. The rest of the paddock is a mix of horse shit, mud, and a tiny bit of grass.

"Get the gate would you," the sheriff says to the ranger. As the ranger unhooks it I immediately recognize this is an electric fence. As we start walking through the gate the sheriff starts to point to the horses in the next paddock. "What do you think of my studs? The chestnut is new, just got him last week." I turn to look where the sheriff is pointing so I didn't notice the ranger reaching in. He touches the end of the electric fence gate to my wire cock cage.

I immediately drop to the ground. I want to scream but I can't even do that. It feels as if a horse has kicked me square in the nuts. "Always wondered how much that would hurt," the sheriff says matter of factly. "Don't worry. High voltage. Low amps. It smarts but no damage done." The two of them chuckle while waiting for me to recover. Both admit they are glad it wasn't them.

After a few minutes the ranger gives me a boot to the ass and tells me to get up. I'm a little shaky but I manage. They lead me over to the concrete area near the spicket. They, of course, have no trouble walking through the mud and the shit with their boots on. It is a bit more challenging for my bare feet but I manage to get there without stepping in anything too nasty.

"All right deviant, I need you to stand bent over with your hands on the trough and your ass towards the spicket. Time to get you cleaned out," the sheriff says. He opens the spicket enough for water to flow from the open end of the hose but only enough to create a slow flow. Speaking to the ranger he says, "Do me a favor and spread those ass cheeks for me." The ranger pulls my cheeks hard, exposing my hole. The sheriff lets the water flow down my crack. It is COLD. It is a sunny, 80 degree day but that water makes me shiver.

"Alright, I want you to hold this in no matter what. Don't you dare spill this until I tell you to." The sheriff pushes the end of the flowing hose into my rectum. Instinctively, having done this to myself a time or two, I start counting to myself, "One Mississippi...two Mississippi...." I can feel the cold water snaking through my bowels. I get to a five count before he pulls the hose out. I manage to hold it all in.

'Alright, I don't want any shit water here on my concrete. Waddle on over to the corner of the paddock and release this when I tell you." The place he points to is about 25 steps away. Again I try to avoid stepping in the worst of it but this end of the paddock is muddier than the rest. I can feel the mud squishing between my toes. At least I hope it's mud.

When I get to the spot I wait for a signal from the sheriff. He waits a bit then gives me a nod. It feels weird to be naked and shitting in the open like this. The farm is secluded. It is forested all around, but right here I am in a wide open field. I console myself to the idea that the ranger and sheriff don't want to be caught anymore than I do.

I squat a bit and the brown water shoots out of my ass and splashes on the ground. My ass may be getting clean but my feet and lower legs are sure to get dirtier. I tiptoe back to the concrete and again assume the position. Having given myself hundreds and hundreds of enemas I could tell it was going to take a bit of work to get me clean. Before the sheriff starts the water flowing into my ass again, he gives each ass cheek a hard slap with his bare hand. "Here's the deal Mr. Jones. Each time we have to repeat this process I will increase the swats by one. Your ass cheeks are going to pay the price for your asshole moving slow." He then inserts the hose again. I get to almost an 8 count this time before he pulls out the hose. The pressure is noticeably higher as I waddle back to my shitt'n spot.

I once again release the brown water into about the same spot I did the previous time. Again I return to the trough and assume the position. Two swats to each cheek. "OK pervert, we're going to treat you like the animal you are. Down on all fours," the sheriff orders. I do as I am ordered and get onto my hands and knees on the old rough concrete. The hose is again inserted. "Watch his belly," the sheriff suggests to the ranger. Both men get in a position to watch my belly grow. I get to a ten count and still the water flows. Fifteen and I can feel the cold flowing deep into my intestines now. I can barely stand the pressure. My stomach starts to swell before the sheriff finally decides to pull the hose. Easily a 20 count.

"OK, now crawl on over to your shitting spot you filthy animal," the sheriff orders. It was hard enough to tiptoe around the muck and shit. Avoiding anything while crawling was damn near impossible. My hands and knees are dragging through the filth. I can't concentrate because of the water wanting to explode from my ass. I get to my spot but the sheriff doesn't give me the nod. He is enjoying watching me squirm. Finally, when the water begins to involuntarily leak out of my hole he gives me the sign. Like any other farm animal, I let it fly from my ass while staying on my hands and knees. And fly it does. The initial stream easily flies ten feet before landing. The water is starting to run a little more clear now. After the initial flow stops. I wait a bit, then push again. More water comes out. With the water coming from deeper in my bowels it takes longer to expel. The sheriff seems to understand this and lets me finish the job before calling me back.

I crawl back through the filth. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK...three strokes to each cheek. This time it is the ranger doing the swatting. Once again the cold flows into my bowels. Having success with the large amount of flow last time, the sheriff pushes it even further. We pass the 20 count and the water keeps inflating me. "I can't take it! I can't take it!" I shout. The sheriff stops the flow and pulls out the hose. I'm in pain and barely holding it in.

"Start crawling," the ranger barks. I tell them I need a moment. When I feel I can finally move without exploding I start crawling back to my spot. The sheriff and ranger go with me this time. They want a closer look at the water shooting out of my ass. I have to stop and recover several times along the way to make sure the water doesn't shoot out before they want it to. I get to the now wet and shitty spot and look to the sheriff with eyes longing for release. The sheriff gives me the nod. I grunt as the water comes rushing out. The only thing coming out now is the water that went in. The initial flow out, I wait for the second wave.

"On your back pervert," the sheriff says.

"What?" I return.

Even the ranger questions this. "You sure about that Sheriff? You really want to play with a guy covered in shit and muck?"

"Mr. Jones here was already a little gamey after a half a week of not showering. We are going to have to clean him up anyway. Might as well start by making him the filthy pervert we know he is," the sheriff explains. The ranger gets a big smile on his face. Knowing I don't have a choice I start to roll over into the filth. The ranger speeds things along by using his boot to push me over.

The next wave of water wants out of my ass. I pull my knees back toward my chest and let the water dribble out into the muck. The ranger rubs his boot in the mud then steps on my cock in the cage. He rubs his boot on my balls causing me to grunt. When he is done my cock and balls are covered in crap. The ranger keeps the boot abuse coming and takes great pleasure in leaving muddy footprints all over my body. He even comes to my head and uses the toe of his boot on my forehead to push my head down into the mud.

"Hey sheriff, as long as we are making him filthy mind if I take a piss?" the ranger asks.

"Fine idea," the sheriff says. "I think I'll join you."

Both men pull out their dicks. Hot piss splashes over me from head to toe. The ranger is pissing on my cock and ass, his hot stream going up and down my crack. The sheriff starts on my chest but moves up to face. I shut my mouth hard and squeeze my eyes shut. Hot piss enters my nose. These guys keep pissing and pissing. It is like they haven't taken a leak all day. Finally the flows subside and I get hit with the final squirts. They zip up and leave me lying in the filth, covered in piss.

They walk back to the concrete slab and the sheriff shouts back,"You coming pervert?" I try to get up out of the muck but I can't at first. I have to twist and tug to break free of the muck. I go to stand up but the sheriff demands I crawl. I am absolutely filthy as I crawl up next to them. "Wait right here," the sheriff commands.

The sheriff disappears into the barn. I hear him rummaging around for a bit. He comes out with everything you would use to wash... a horse. There is a bucket filled with a harsh shampoo mixed with hot water. There is a stiff bristled brush at the end of a long handle. There is also a couple of hand held brushes with softer bristles. The sheriff then picks up a nozzle that he attaches to the end of the hose.

He has me stand with my hands at my side then starts hosing me down. The nozzle concentrates the flow enough to hurt. He starts the flow of cold water at my head and works his way down. He circles around, getting me front and back. He skips over my ass and cock, saving those for last. After hosing down my legs he tells me to bend over and spread my cheeks. The nozzle blasts my ass crack. When the stream hits my hole I let out a yelp and release my cheeks. He laughs, makes me spread 'em again, and again blasts my hole. Rinse and repeat several times.

He moves around to my front side. He concentrates the stream on my cage covered cock. I groan and try to stay standing but my knees are shaking. Seeing I am about to fall, the sheriff stops the assault. He turns off the nozzle and drops the hose.

He picks up the long handled brush and dips it in the bucket of soapy water. "Be sure to keep your eyes closed. This ain't no baby shampoo," the sheriff warns. He starts by slopping the soapy water onto my head. He uses the brush to work it into my hair. He dips the brush in the bucket again then goes after my arm pits. The stiff bristles scratch, scrape and hurt.

"Hey Ranger, how's about you use one of those hand brushes to focus on some key areas?"

"My pleasure," the ranger says with a smile. He dips the hand held brush in the bucket. He slaps the soapy brush against my cock. He works the brush into my cock and balls way harder than necessary. He builds up a pretty good lather. He then goes after my ass crack. He dips the brush back in the bucket, splashes the foamy mixture all over my ass, concentrating on my hole.

Between the two of them they soon have me covered in suds from head to toe. They put down the brushes and the sheriff picks up the hose again. He rinses me all over with the cold water. Just as before, he concentrates the most on the areas that are the most sensitive. The final step is to use the remaining clean brush to swipe as much of the water off me as possible and the sheriff takes care of that.

This done the sheriff announces I am clean inside and out. I am led back through the gate. The ranger gives me a funny smile as I pass through. He makes a lunge like he is going to zap me again but I pass by without incident. As we head back into the barn the ranger and the sheriff start chatting about how hungry they are. They decide to take a lunch break. Before they do, the sheriff locks a collar on me with a chain attached. He leads me by the chain to a clean pen with plenty of fresh straw in it. He locks the end of the chain to a post so I am imprisoned in the pen.

The pair leave me alone to my thoughts and aching body, wondering how I got here.

Next: Chapter 4

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