Northwoods Justice

By Ron Jones

Published on Mar 2, 2022




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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. I accept terms. ****************************************************************************** After the ranger leaves, I decide to take a break. Clearly people are watching without me knowing so I decide to play it safe and put on some pants and a sweatshirt. No underwear mind you. I still like to feel my dick through the thin material of my hiking pants. I get a campfire going and allow myself to have a nice dinner. When I know I am going to use my man pussy the following day I try not to eat much. With no plans to plow my ass the following day, I decide to indulge in a nice steak and a baked potato that I cook in the coals of the fire. I even roast a couple marshmallows for dessert.

The next day I sleep in longer than usual. I take my time getting the day started. Eventually I get around to doing the dishes. I use what is left of my pre-filtered water to make a pot of coffee then sit down by the lake to enjoy the view. I've finished my first cup of caffeinated goodness and start thinking of getting a refill when I hear a vehicle crawling along the logging road up to my camp. I have had folks day trip in here before so I'm not overly concerned... yet.

My stomach drops when I see my friend the ranger, along with a police officer, coming up the trail. "Fuck," I mumble under my breath.

"Mr. Jones," the ranger greets.

"Ranger," I return.

"Mr. Jones, you have a problem," he states. I could swear he is trying to hold back a smile.

"I thought my problem was taken care of yesterday," I state while looking the ranger directly in the eye.

"Yeah...about that. You and I are square. The problem is that the woman who complained to me also knows the sheriff personally. She shared her story with him. Mr. Jones, meet the sheriff," he finishes by pointing to the cop standing next to him.

The sheriff takes a step forward. "Mr. Jones, I have heard some very disgusting things from one of my citizens. She informs me that your observed behavior here has left her quite disturbed. She asked for my personal assurance that I would take care of this matter and I agreed."

I try to interject, "I've already worked this out with the ranger."

The sheriff cuts me off before I can say another word. "I don't know and don't care what transpired between you and the ranger. I can only attest to what I see and hear for myself. To that end, let's start by figur'n out if you are, in fact, the deviant my citizen described. She shared with me something I thought was quite unbelievable so I want to hear it from you. Don't lie to me or this will only get worse. Did you, or did you not, walk around this campsite naked with a big rock tied to your penis?"

"WHAT-THE-HELL!" I think to myself. Did this woman sit in the woods and spy on me for days? I think about making something up but then I look over by the fire pit and I can see the rock I used with the rope I used still attached to it. The sheriff follows my gaze, sees the rock, and smiles. Busted, I say, "yes I did."

"All right then. Being authorized to dispense a little Northwoods justice, I plan to punish you until you understand our forests are not your perverted playland. We're going to start by making you wish you had never conceived the idea of dragging a rock around with your cock. So I need you to go over there and attach that rock to your dick." I can't help but think this is ridiculous but from the smirk on the ranger's face I already know this is going to happen whether I want it to or not. Just to make sure, I stand there for a bit doing nothing.

"MR. JONES, either you tie that rock to your penis or we will do it for you," the sheriff declares loudly. I realize tying my own dick up is tolerable, but having them do it could turn out very painful. So I head over to the rock and drop my pants to my knees.

The two of them snicker a bit. "Told you his dick was small," the ranger whispers to the sheriff but not so quietly that I can't hear him.

The rock is tied to the middle of a long rope. The two ends of the rope extend a good twenty feet from the rock. Over the years I have gotten pretty good at self-bondage. I start by knotting the two ropes together about five feet from the end. That knot goes behind my nutsack. I then start wrapping the two rope ends around the root of my cock and balls. I wrap the two cords around and around. I throw a couple of knots into the mix to ensure things stay in place. When I finish, my cock and nuts are wrapped tightly in one big rope ball. When I tug on the rope my balls feel it a little but most of the pressure is on the root of my cock.

"Well, let's see it," the sheriff says. I know he means the rock pulling so I start to back up. "Hold up there compadre, let's take those off first," he adds while motioning to me. I assume he means my pants so I remove them then get ready to pull again. "NO damn it! Take it all off." I stop to take my sweatshirt off. The sheriff smiles.

There is now about fifteen feet of rope between me and the rock. I step backwards until the rope goes taut. Then I start pulling. The rock weighs a little more than a gallon of water so I estimate it to be about ten pounds. The rock starts to slide. It yanks on my cock a bunch but it isn't too bad with the way I have it tied.

"Shit, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it," the sheriff exclaims. "Ain't no doubt you're the guy the judge was talking about."

I quit pulling. "Judge?"

"Yup. You went and acted like a pervert in front of a county judge. That's why we can't just ignore this. Judge wants to know this is handled properly," he pauses here for effect. "Now you'll find, I am a reasonable man."

"Mother fucker," I think to myself, "that is the same shit the ranger said." "Here it comes," I almost say out loud.

"The judge trusts me to handle this. She believes in Northwoods justice as much as I do. If I were to be forced to push you through the legal system, she would be obliged to ensure it would not go well for you. Am I making myself clear?" I nod my acknowledgement, knowing I am being screwed here and there was nothing I could do about it. "Whattya say we get this started by taking this little cock tug o' war to the next level? Turn around and face away from the rock with the rope between your legs." I do as ordered then start walking. With my dick yanked backwards this is a lot more uncomfortable. I gingerly walk around the fire pit.

"Pick up the pace you lazy bastard," this time it is the ranger who is barking the order. I start walking faster but that isn't good enough for him. He picks up a stick and smacks me in the ass with it. I let out a yelp and start to trot. I jog around the picnic table and don't notice when the rock catches on the table supports. With an abrupt yank, all of my momentum is stopped cold by my cock and balls. I let out a loud grunt and fall to my knees. Both the sheriff and the ranger have a good laugh.

It isn't but a few moments before the ranger is back after me with his switch. He starts beating me while telling me to get my ass moving. I remove the rock from the table and start jogging again.

After watching me do a couple of laps, the sheriff tells me, "Let's do this a little different. Down on all fours. I want to see you crawl." I drop to my knees in the dirt. I shuffle around on my hands and knees while my cock continues to get yanked. The ranger keeps after me with the branch. They have me crawl backwards and forwards. At one point they have me crawl over a log. When the rock catches on the log they tell me this won't be over until I can yank the rock up and over. I pull with all my might. It feels like I am going to tear my dick off. Finally, by pulling to the side just a bit I get the rock hauled over the log. I stop there, exhausted.

"Hey sheriff, I got an idea," the ranger states with a little too much glee. "Drag that rock on down to the canoe," he orders me. So I crawl down to the lake. The ranger has the sheriff sit up front but facing backwards towards me. I am sitting on the floor of the canoe in the middle, with my rock. There is only one paddle so the ranger grabs it and sits in the back facing forward. I am seriously wondering if this is going to end with me at the bottom of the lake.

The ranger paddles out into ten feet of water or so. "Drop anchor," he says rather matter of factly. I can't believe what is happening. I know I don't have any choice and I am just glad we aren't any deeper. I lower the rock over the side of the canoe. The rock finds the bottom and there is still some slack in the line... but not for long. The ranger starts to dig in with the paddle. The canoe moves forward and the line goes tight. The ranger keeps paddling. I start yelling. My dick is yanked to the side of the canoe. We are moving forward, so the anchor attached to my dick is pulling me to the back of the canoe. It really starts to hurt. The ranger finally quits paddling and the canoe circles around the anchor.

When we finally slow down the ranger orders me to crawl back to the middle of the canoe and lean against the support bar that goes from side to side. With my back to the support he tells me to reach back with my arms and lock my elbows behind the support. He then starts paddling again. Locked in place by the canoe support, the anchor rope pulls hard on my cock. My hips raise up off the bottom of the canoe. I yell out in pain.

Finally the ranger stops paddling and begins pulling up the anchor. I let out a little sigh, thinking this was finally over, but I was wrong. With proof I can stay in the middle of the canoe even when my dick is yanked, the ranger paddles out to deep water. Time to drop anchor again. Unlike when I lowered it down, the ranger literally throws the rock over the side. The slack at the bottom of the canoe flies out. Being too deep for the rock to hit the bottom, the rock only stops when it gives my dick a huge, gravity aided yank. It feels like I am kicked in the balls. It brings tears to my eyes. The ranger and the sheriff both smile.

After watching me struggle to keep the rock off the bottom of the lake, eventually the ranger lets me haul it in. He paddles us back to shore and the two of them climb out of the canoe. I stay sitting in the canoe and begin untying my dick. "I didn't say you could do that," the sheriff yells.

"My dick has been tied too long and I need to check for injuries," I retort through gritted teeth. My dick and my balls are an ugly color of purple. I unwrap the cords as quickly as possible. The color starts to return which brings a sigh of relief, but there are some rope burns that are tender to touch.

"We were about done with your dick anyway," the sheriff states. "Let's get your ass up here on the table where we can get access to that monster sized man pussy."

"Yeah... that's gonna be a problem," I inform them.

"What the fuck to you mean a problem?" the ranger asks.

"Well yesterday I was expecting ass play so I had cleaned myself out before you arrived. Not anticipating being forced into ass abuse today, I haven't had an enema."

"Well get after it then!"

"No can do. I used up the last of my filtered water. I would either have to run into town for more water or filter some here. Either way I think it'll take a good two hours."

"Fucking use lake water!"

"Not with a beaver dam less than 100 yards from here. Unfiltered water isn't worth the risk."

The ranger and the sheriff confer quietly. The ranger explains to the sheriff that I have a point. We could all end up with giardia. The sheriff gets a twinkle in his eye then whispers to the ranger quietly enough that I can't hear them. The ranger gets a huge grin and I just know I'm not going to like what they are talking about.

The ranger finally announces the plan. "Grab your bag Mr. Jones. We're going to the farm. We'll get you cleaned up real good there."

"Am I allowed to get dressed for the trip?"

"Nope, just grab your bag of toys and follow us." I grab the bag and confirm, just to be sure, "Do I have a choice?" "Nope," is the one word reply.

I throw my bag over my shoulder and follow them up the trail to their truck. I am stark naked including my feet so following on the rocky trail isn't easy. They yell at me to speed up but are too preoccupied with their planning to notice when I fall behind.

By the time I get to the truck they already have the tailgate down. They have me throw the bag of toys on the tailgate. I thought they would have me climb up into the bed but instead the ranger says, "Hey sheriff. You at all worried about our boy making a run for it?"

"I suppose so."

"Let's go ahead and cuff him," the ranger suggests. "He could still get away but it will be a hell of a lot harder with his hands cuffed behind him." The sheriff agrees and pulls out his cuffs. They yank my arms behind my back then cuff me.

"All right Mr. Jones, jump on up in the bed," he says with a big ole smile on his face. He knows damn well that with the cuffs on it will be almost impossible to climb up. I know I have to try. I attempt to put one ankle up but that doesn't help. I try rolling onto the cold steel but that isn't working either. Finally the ranger jumps up into the bed and yanks me up by the arm pits. My sore cock gets dragged across the edge of the tailgate as I am hauled in.

"How's about we make this interesting," the ranger says as he starts rummaging through my toy bag. He pulls out the 12" dildo. He also pulls out the top to my school girl outfit. I don't wear it much but there are times when it just feels so delightfully naughty that I just have to do it. He uses the top to wipe away the dirt and sawdust from a spot in the middle of the truck bed. Then he holds the back of the dildo to my face. This end has a suction cup and I begin to see what he has in mind. "Lick this," he growls at me. So I do. From experience I know that suction cup, lubricated with spit, is actually going to stick very well to the smooth metal of the truck bed. The ranger slams the suction cup down then gives it a tug. It doesn't budge.

"Alright Mr. Jones, have a seat." Both the ranger and the sheriff are grinning from ear to ear. I scoot over to the dildo but before plunging it into my hole I slobber on it a bit to lube it up. Next I position my asshole over it. I try to ease down on it but with no hands for support I slip and the intruder slams in all the way to the hilt. My legs end up sticking straight in front of me facing the tailgate. The dildo is pushing through my inner sphincter. "Give us a little wiggle will ya?" the sheriff asks. I try to comply but the suction cup holds tight and I can't move much.

"Alright Mr. Jones, it is your job to keep that dick up your ass no matter what. Should it come out it will be your job to get it back in as quickly as possible. Failure to do so will result in additional punishment. Am I clear?" I nod my understanding.

Satisfied with the torturous position they have me in, they both climb in the cab of the truck, with the ranger behind the wheel. The truck roars to life. The first challenge is turning around. On this narrow trail it requires repeated stops and turns. Each change in direction tries to pull me loose of my penis shaped seat but everything remains intact. We get facing the right way and the truck heads down the trail. It really isn't a road. It is two tire ruts through the forest. It is bumpy and uneven the entire way. Each little hop over a rock or drop into a hole tries to yank the dick out of my ass.I manage to keep it in but the bumps are fucking my inner hole repeatedly.

I think I am doing OK but then I remember the mud hole coming up. There is a drop into a hole filled with mud and water that requires the driver to gun it if he wants to get through. We get close and the ranger revs the engine. We speed up then WHOOMPF we hit the hole.

"ARGGHH!" I yell out. The force slams me around and my asshole tries to hold on but it turns out to be too much for the suction cup. The dildo breaks free then plops out of my ass. "OH SHIT," I think to myself. I don't want to get beaten for this so I desperately try to shove it back in using hands cuffed behind my back. I can hear the sheriff and the ranger laughing. The ranger swings the truck wildly from side to side causing me to bounce all over in the bed.

The big muck hole is close to the end of the trail and soon the truck stops in the woods just shy of pulling out onto the paved road. Both guys jump out laughing. "Hell of a show son. Hell of a show," the sheriff says.

"I think you bouncing around back there was punishment enough for getting off your seat," the ranger says as he climbs up into the bed with me. "Now we can't exactly let everyone see the sheriff driving around with a naked pervert in the back of his truck so I want you to lay down on your side." I do as I am told. The ranger then picks up the dildo and spits on the suction cup. He smacks the dildo into the side of the wheel well and it sticks. He then has me slide my ass over to it. With me still on my side, he helps me slide my ass onto the intruder until my butt cheeks come in contact with the cold side of the wheel well. "Alright. Let's see if you can hold that there until we get to the farm."

The truck pulls out onto the pavement. The smoother ride allows me to keep the dick buried in my ass. That, however, begins to create a problem. Anything in your ass, whether it is a solid or a liquid, eventually begins to act as an enema. I begin to feel my bowels moving. Hopefully it isn't too far to the farm. Much to my relief it isn't. We pull off the pavement onto a gravel road then turn into a long driveway. We finally come to stop in front of an old red barn.

Next: Chapter 3

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