Northwoods Justice

By Ron Jones

Published on Feb 20, 2022




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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. I accept terms. ****************************************************************************** I've come to appreciate being au naturel in nature. But you can't get naked just anywhere, so I have developed a bit of a talent finding public places to taunt fate. The possibility of being caught lends a thrill to whatever I have planned. I went years not being discovered until...

One of my favorite places to go is a campsite in northern Wisconsin. It is my own private nudist colony for one. It has to be reserved, so others have no reason to head there if you have claimed it. It is the only campsite on a small lake. The only access is supposed to be via canoeing and portaging but you can drive in if you know the old logging roads through the forest well enough and you have a 4X4. Knowing the dirt roads the way I do, I can drive to within a few hundred yards of the site. I still bring my canoe, but driving in allows me to haul more gear includinga bag full of my favorite sex toys and a cooler for steak and beer.

I was on day three of a five day trip. I hadn't worn clothes in more than two days. This morning, like every morning, I got up and used repeated enemas to clean out my man pussy. That done, I decided to go fishing. To make things more interesting, I decided I would put in my large thumping butt plug. I was curious to know if I could still catch smallmouth from the canoe if my ass was thumping the seat. To further add to the thrill, and stop me from playing with my dick, I locked my cock and balls into a cage that is just a little too small. I have to lube up the ring to get it over my balls and I can only lock the cage if I am completely limp. Taunting fate a bit I leave the remote control for the thumper and the key to the cock cage in my tent. I'm not completely ready for the full-on risk of being caught so I throw some spandex athletic shorts in the bottom of the canoe on the off chance someone comes across the portage to explore my lake.

I get in the canoe and paddle around the corner where I often go to find bass. The thumping deep in my ass has me squirming delightfully. I find I can still catch fish but I have to cast a little further than usual. No one has come across the portage so I have been able to remain naked the whole time. Having thoroughly enjoyed the morning I decide to head back to the campsite.

I round the corner of the shore near my campsite. I cannot adequately describe my shock and terror when I see a guy with a tan shirt and green pants sitting on the picnic table in my site. I am a deer in the headlights. I do nothing for what felt like minutes but was realistically only seconds. I drop the paddle in the bottom of the canoe and quickly try to yank on the shorts. I wasn't directly in front of my site yet, but there is almost no way the guy at the table didn't see me pulling on the shorts.

I pull up to the landing and secure my canoe to the post where my permit hangs. As I am walking up from the shore I get a good look at the guy perched on top of the table. He has a full, dark beard. He has a tan indicative of a guy that spends a lot of time outdoors. His biceps struggle against the tight short-sleeve shirt. I can also now see the shirt has emblems sewn on it. There is no doubt in my mind I am looking at a park ranger. He is glistening a bit, possibly from hiking in, which would explain why I didn't hear him approach the lake.

"Mr. Jones?", he asks.

He got my name correct so I don't see a point in trying to deny it. "Yes. May I help you?"

"Mr. Jones, you have a problem. We received a complaint from a woman who observed someone of your description performing lewd acts on himself at this campsite." Again, I am left dumbfounded. There is no doubt I had performed lewd acts at this site. I had used 3 different dildos. Spanked my bare ass with a stick. I even yanked a large rock around the site that was attached with some rope to my dick. The part I couldn't believe is that someone had seen me. Of course, the ranger got here without me noticing so I had to admit to myself that someone could have seen me. I just stood there saying nothing. "Mr. Jones, are you denying these allegations?"

"Yes...," I said but not very convincingly. It was hard to make a good denial when the thumping butt plug was still making an audible clunking sound and the unusual bump in my spandex was clearly showing off the cock cage.

"Mr. Jones, I think we can determine this quite simply by having you come up here and remove your shorts."

"I don't think I want to do that," I responded.

"Mr. Jones, based on what I have both heard and seen, I have all the reason I need to ask for this search. The only alternative to searching you here would be for me to haul you to local law enforcement where we will still ask you to remove your shorts." I was busted. I knew I was busted. I saw no way out. Wearing a cock cage is not illegal. Neither is a butt plug for that matter. I decide to comply and see where it goes.

I got to within 5 feet or so of the picnic table and dropped my shorts to my ankles. The ranger doesn't say anything. He just looks me up and down. I'm not a body builder but I am fit. I'm just shy of 6 foot with tight abs. You can't tell with the cock cage, but I keep that area bald. The rest of my body is, "just the right amount of hairy" my last boyfriend liked to say. I could lie and tell you I have a 10 inch dick... but I won't. I have between 5 and 6 inches depending on where you stick the end of the ruler. It is nothing to be proud of.

"Turn around," the ranger barks. I do as told. The thumping of the butt plug is even louder. "Bend forward and spread your ass," he orders. I think of refusing but realize there is no point. I bend at the waist and give Mr. Ranger a clear view of the butt plug wedged in my ass.

"I think I've seen enough. A man wearing metal on his penis, sodomizing himself is how you were described. A guy paddling around the lake naked is one thing but you have clearly stepped over the line." The ranger pauses as he thinks about what to do next.

"OK Mr. Jones. You are looking at some legitimate trouble here. We're talking time in jail along with large fines and some ugly press. But I am a reasonable man. I am going to let you make a choice. I can haul you to the county seat and we can get the legal process started or you can allow me to punish you here and that will be the end of it."

I know that when an offer sounds too good to be true I should be wary. "What type of punishment are you proposing?"

"LOOK MR. JONES, this was an A or B proposal. It is not a game of 20 questions. It is NOT a negotiation. Which of my options do you want? I need an answer now." There really isn't a choice here and ranger boy knows it.

"You can punish me," I say sheepishly.

"I need you to stand facing the picnic table and bend over so that your head touches the bench. You can leave those shorts in the dirt." I comply, bending over so my ass is up in the air. He kicks my ankles apart, exposing my crack further. He steps behind me. He rubs my bare ass with his hand. My heart is pounding. I should be feeling dread but instead I am getting turned on. My dick tries to grow in the cage. My balls are being yanked outward and my dick head is straining against the thin metal bars of the cage.

He reaches in to tug on the thumping plug. My ass resists at first. He gets a better grip and yanks hard. The plug pops out. Without saying a word he walks over to my tent. He reaches inside and pulls out the bag containing all my toys. I realize he knew where that bag was and what was inside it. He must have rummaged through my campsite while I was out. He walks back to me, "I assume I will find the remote for this in here?" I nod yes. He finds it and brings the thumping to a stop.

He sets the plug on the table and walks around to inspect me. He notices my dick is trying to break free of the cage. "Are you enjoying this?", he asks as he yanks on my cage. I let out a groan. "Let's see if this is still hard when the punishment is over."

He begins to remove his belt. For the first time I begin to grasp what the punishment might entail... but my dick doesn't get smaller. I enjoy smacking my own ass. I naively think this might be fun. He wraps the buckle end around his right hand. He rubs my smooth ass with his left hand. Out of the corner of my eye I see the belt pulled back then it swings forward. SMACK the belt lands squarely across both cheeks. I yell out. That was not the little love taps I give myself. It is a level of pain I have not felt before. My yelp echos across the lake.

"Still hard Mr. Jones?" I had to admit my dick was shrinking quickly. "We can't have you screaming like that now can we? Sound carries too well over the water." He heads over to my bag o' toys and removes the ball gag I brought along. He wedges the ball into my teeth then secures it tightly with a buckle. I know from experience, it will stifle my shouts and I will start drooling uncontrollably.

He steps behind me. "Let's try this again." I barely get set when the next SMACK hits me, this time right where my cheeks meet my thighs. I yell but the ball gag effectively muffles it. "Much better," he states. He reels back again. SMACK! This time the swat is concentrated on my left cheek. And again. SMACK! I was expecting him to go after my right cheek this time but instead, he goes after the left cheek again. He does it again... and again. Swats on top of swats. My one ass cheek is on fire. I look back through the tears forming in my eyes to see him smiling. He is clearly enjoying himself.

After taking a quick breather, he pulls back again. Will it be the left cheek again? Will he finally move to the right? The answer is neither. He swings underhanded, bringing the belt up between my legs. My dick won't feel a thing in the cage but my nuts are pushed out with no protection. The belt easily strikes both balls. I scream into the gag and crumple to the ground. The ranger stands over me with a smile on his face. "Still glad you chose my punishment?", he says with a sneer.

He lets me recover for a minute then orders me back up. I would complain but the best I can do is drool and whimper. He orders me back into position. I comply but put my hands over my balls. He orders me to put my hands on the table but I refuse. "Put those hands on the table or we will end this and I will haul you off to jail. I told you I am a reasonable man. I am going to ask you to trust me that I won't hit your nutsack again." I surprise myself by placing my shaking hands on the table. He climbs up on the picnic table bench, straddling my waist, facing my ass. He lifts the belt up high and brings it down quick on my right cheek. SMACK! It stung but after the smack in the balls it seemed less painful somehow. That quickly changed as he brought down three quick swats, SMACK SMACK SMACK all on my right cheek. "See? I told you I wouldn't smack your balls. But... in exchange you are going to have to give me a different target. Reach back and spread your cheeks for me."

I am terrified. I have smacked my asshole before and I know how much more intense it is than a slap on the cheeks. I reach back, hands trembling, and spread my cheeks. Ranger lets the belt slowly drag through my crack. I can feel it lightly touching my puckered hole. Then the belt is pulled back. I hear it swoop through the air. CRACK! right on my hole. I scream so loud I swear it still echoed across the lake, even with the ball gag. I would have crumpled to the ground but the ranger uses his legs to keep me over the bench.

After I recover a bit, I reach my hands back to my ass. I can feel the heat coming off my cheeks. My asshole is still stinging. "Looks like we've warmed your ass up pretty well. How's about we get to punishing the rest of you?" The fact that the punishment has only just started scares me. "Climb up here and sit down on the tabletop." I comply. I am glad my ass is no longer a target but sitting on my sore cheeks isn't pleasant. My feet are resting on the bench. Ranger spreads my knees wide giving him better access to my cock and balls. He yanks on them. Twists them a bit causing me to grunt but it is nothing compared to the nut smack I took earlier. He starts to play nicely with me. It is feeling good. My dick starts to grow, causing the cage to yank on my sack and the ranger smiles. I understand now, the only reason he was playing nice was to have me hurt myself with the cage.

"How's about we unwrap this and see what I've got to play with?" He rumages around in the bag until he finds the right key for the lock. He roughly yanks the cage and cock ring off. Again I grunt out loud. "What the fuck is this?!? You call that a cock?" He slaps my dick. "No wonder you fuck yourself. No one else wants to play with that little thing. Maybe that means it is more sensitive? How about these nipples? Are they sensitive too?" He reaches in and pinches both nipples. I wince. He twists. I yell into the ball gag.

He orders me to lie on my back on top of the table. He rummages through my bag and pulls out clothes pins. One is clamped on to each nipple. Slightly painful but I am used to this level of torture. He then attaches three more to my nut sack. "Not too bad," I'm thinking. Then he reaches up and uses his strong fingers to squeeze the clips on my nipples shut. I yell into the gag and he smiles. Then he squeezes again and adds a twist. More screaming into the gag.

He leaves me again for a bit to rummage through the bag. "What's this?", he asks as he pulls out my Wartenberg wheel. "Shit," I think to myself. A Wartenberg wheel is a small wheel, about the size of a quarter, of tiny sharp pins. It was originally used by doctors to confirm nerve sensation. It turns out it is a delightful device for sexual torture when used appropriately. For me, appropriately means barely letting it touch the skin. Even at that level it feels like electricity running over my skin. "This looks like fun," the ranger says with a grin.

He starts by running the wheel up my ribs. He is pushing way harder than I would. I swear he must be leaving a trail of blood dots up my side. I twist out of the way. "STOP THAT!" he yells. "Be still." He runs the wheel across my chest just under my nipples. Again I squirm. Then before I realize what is happening, he reaches in, yanks off the right nipple clamp and immediately runs the wheel back and forth across my nipple. AGHHH! I roll over trying to stop the assault.

"DAMN IT JONES! If you can't hold yourself still I will do it for you." He rummages through my camping gear and finds my rope bag. He starts to lash my wrists over my head to the table. I think of resisting. I think of trying to escape, but I know I can't and resign myself to being tied in place. Once my wrists are attached he starts in on my ankles. I thought he would tie them to the other end of the table but instead he ties them near my wrists. I am folded over with my knees in my ears. My ass and cock are fully exposed.

He goes to work again with the wheel. He runs it across my inner thighs. I know where he is headed next and I panic. He runs the wheel slowly up my asscrack. He doesn't stop for my hole. He rolls right over it. I scream into the gag again. I can only hope he isn't pushing hard enough to break the tender skin of my hole. He next spends a good bit of time running back and forth across my taint. I find myself panting and out of breath. The wheel stops for a moment. The clamps are removed from my balls. The ranger begins to gently massage my cock and balls. It feels good and my cock responds. Ranger boy keeps going until my cock is good and stiff. Then I feel the wheel run up the underside of my dick and I realize why he took the time to get me hard. He runs the wheel back and forth across my dick head. He runs it lightly though the slit in my dick.

"Well that was fun. I like this wheel. I think I'll keep it. Just speak up if you don't want me to have it," he laughs at the fact I can't argue with the ball gag in place.

He rummages through my bag again and pulls out all of my dildos and butt plugs. He also finds my tube of lube. "Looks like we get to punish that naughty asshole of yours next. Let's see what we have to work with." He takes the lube and injects it directly into my asshole. Then he roughly shoves a finger from one hand into my hole. He works it in and out a few times. Now he adds a finger from his other hand and does the same. With a finger of each hand in my hole he pulls his hands in opposite directions, stretching my hole. Side-to-side. Front-to-back. He stretches me as far as he can. "You stopped being tight a while ago didn't you? Shall we see what this hole can do?"

He picks up a normal dick sized dildo and holds it up. "This isn't a challenge at all is it? Let's not waste our time trying this in your ass. How's about we find another spot for it?" He walks over to my head and removes the ball gag. I wiggle my sore jaw back and forth. "No screaming. Agreed?" I nod my head. He takes the small dildo and inserts it in my mouth. He fucks my throat with it a couple times. Then leaves it in my mouth. "Don't let that fall out or your ass will pay the price. Do you understand?" Again I nod compliance.

He returns to my ass. He grabs my big dildo. Kinda girthy and twelve inches long. He slowly shoves it into my hole. In a bit then back out. In again and deeper. Then back out. This continues until he has it buried to the hilt. I can feel that he is not only raping my asshole, he is also penetrating my inner hole. Every stroke opens me up inside. He picks up speed now that he is in all the way. He also starts getting rougher. My rectum is getting bruised and my inner hole is being assaulted. I am grunting with each stroke.

He tires and pulls the dildo all the way out. He brings it to my head. "Can your mouth swallow this as well as your ass does?" He pulls the small dildo out of my mouth and inserts the ass juice covered big dildo. It doesn't fit. He tries but can't get it down my throat. He gives up and goes back to my ass.

Next he pulls out my anal snake. It isn't very wide but it is thirty inches long. With my inner hole already worked over he has no problem feeding all of it deep into my bowels. "Holy shit! Look at that thing disappear." He pulls it all the way out and shoves it all the way back in several times. Each time saying out loud he can't believe how much my hole can swallow. Having had fun with long & skinny, he next grabs the widest thing he can find.

He holds up my giant butt plug. I can fit that in but only if I work up to it and push it in slowly. Even then, it always hurts going in. I knew I was not going to be afforded the graces of easing into this. The ranger pushes it against my hole. I grunt when it refuses to slide in. He then applies extra lube directly to the plug and tries again. I grunt again and this time so does he. We are both pushing but it isn't budging. It hurts like hell. Now he climbs up on the table to get better leverage. He pushes with those big guns of his and this time my hole has no choice but to comply. I help by pushing out with my sphincter. The plug slides past my hole painfully then sets into place. 'Holy crap Jones!"

"Let's see if I understand this. Your dick is small and your pussy is huge. You better be good at sucking cock. How's about we find out? Do a good job and we can call it a day." He leaves the giant butt plug in place but he removes all my ropes. He grabs my cock and balls to spin me around. He pulls way harder than he needs to and I grimace. He positions me so I am still on my back but my head hangs over the edge of the table.

He stands in front of my head and pulls out his cock. It is beautiful and it is easily 8 inches if not longer. He is cut and his head is almost round. It is thick enough but thankfully not too wide to swallow. He positions his fully hard treat in front of my lips. So much for punishment, I was going to enjoy this. I flick his slit with my tounge Then I swirl it around his head. I moan deeply and the vibration makes him moan too. My hands reach out to coddle his balls while I slowly start to work his dick down my throat. I get as far as I can. I go in and out and make it a little further but I'm still not able to take all of him. I reach out, grab the ranger's hands and pull them to my head. He senses what I'm suggesting and smiles.

I work down as far as I can then the ranger grabs me around the throat. In the position I am in, it is easy for the ranger to pull me onto his shaft. I am struggling but that only spurs him on more. He pulls me all the way to the hilt. My nose is in his balls. His musk is fantastic. Sweating on his hike in here gave him that strong cock scent I love. I tap his hand and he pulls out to let me breathe. "You OK?", he asks. In response I pull his hands back to my neck. He smiles and impales my throat again. Again I struggle but that spurs him on. I am still with it enough to reach for his balls and tug just enough."FUUUCCKK JONES you DO know how to suck!" When I can't take it any more I tap his hand again and he pulls out. Not for long though. He is right back in. Then back out. Now he is thrusting all the way in then pulling all the way out. Faster and faster. I know how to end this. I reach back to his ass crack. I don't even have to penetrate his hole. All I do is rub it a few times. Ranger boy lets out a huge grunt and his dick pulses. He shoots a huge load directly into my throat.

The ranger stays in my throat until he goes limp then slides out. I get down off the tabletop, sit on the bench and lick the ranger clean. "Well done Jonesy. Time off for good behavior," the ranger says as he zips back up. "Now don't do anything lewd so I don't have to come back out here," he says with a smirk as he heads down the trail out of camp.

I am left sitting on the picnic table. Stark naked. Giant butt plug up my ass. Butt cheeks are surely bruised. Nipples sore. Little tracks left by the wheel of pins. A huge load from a burly man deep down my throat... and a smile on my face. I had been caught and survived it. It was so much more than I had dreamed. As I go back through the events of the day in my head, my dick gets hard and I relieve my own pent up sexual frustration by cumming into the dirt of the campsite. This will be my favorite campsite of all time.

Next: Chapter 2

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