Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 4, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #9' {} ( MM bd humil slow )[9!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 9 - Deliver his body

The twink hadn't freaked out when he was asked to suck an unknown man. When Marcelo reported that to the predators ring, they were relieved and delighted. They could continue the journey to more serious domination.

Marcelo let the twink remove the thong and stay the night at the apartment as a reward. "On your back," Marcelo said as he moved up behind him in bed. Marcelo lowered his head to the bitch's ass cheeks and started to lick. He licked around the edges before he went for the target, the pink rosebud. The roughness of his five o'clock shadow as it scratched across Jesper's smooth inner skin of his ass sent ripples of pleasure through the faggot. The tongue lapped over his quivering pussy, wetting it. Marcelo used his hands to keep the twink spread. He took great pleasure in eating the twink out.

Jesper wanted him inside his ass more than ever, which was exactly the intent of this little exercise. Marcelo moved up into position. Jesper felt the dick head part the soft outer lips of his cunt, stretching it. Marcelo increased the pressure, working himself in slowly but steadily. As the head popped though, Jesper moaned.

"Please, fuck me," Jesper pleaded without thinking. Marcelo smiled and withdrew his cock. Jesper sighed with disappointment.

"Please use me! Use my pussy!" Jesper blushed as he heard himself screaming like a bitch in heat.

Marcelo moved forward but stopped when the dick head touched the ass lips. "Look at me." When Jesper did, he lunged forward and penetrated him forcefully all the way to the hilt.

"Aaahh! Yes. Fuck me!" Jesper screamed as he clenched his sphincter muscle around the dick. He wanted it deep inside him. Marcelo started pounding the twink, the thrusts are hard and relentless.

Jesper was in heaven. His cock was free and hard and he could wank it, but most of all he could look up at Marcelo's muscular body as he was being fucked. Jesper shot his load with a passionate scream. Marcelo bent down and kissed him as he emptied his sperm into him.

The morning after, before Jesper went to class at the University, Marcelo fucked him again, this time fast and dirty from behind. When he got his nut, Marcelo whispered in his ear, "You're my bitch, and I'm so proud of you. Now, take a shower and put on your thong and leave, you sexy thing."

"Can I stay over tonight?" Jesper wanted it so badly.

"It depends," Marcelo said with a smile.

"I want you to say yes to my request," he said mysteriously.

"Okay, what is it?"

"You know all those videos we recorded?"

"Yes. What about them?"

"I want to show them to some friends. I accidentally mentioned to them that I had a lot of pictures of an incredible sexy guy and they want to look at them." Marcelo observed the twink carefully to see how he would react.

Jesper had to think about what that meant.

"You mean. . . when I jerked off and talked to you naked. . . And when you fucked me?"


Jesper was shocked. Those films showed everything -- totally private stuff. And showing them to others would be a complete violation of his integrity.

"But. . . They would think I'm a faggot and a bitch. Don't do it!"

"You are a faggot and a bitch. You are MY bitch and I want to show them how beautiful and sexy you are when you jerk off and cum."

"This is extremely embarrassing for me. Please. . ."

"Now, listen to me. It isn't about you. It's about me and I want to show my friends my new bitch. You are mine, remember?"

"But. . . I don't have anything to say about this?"

"That's right. You let me do what I want. That's what it means to be a bitch. You put your body in my care. And if I want to present it to other men it's my business not yours." Marcelo got angrier with every sentence.

Jesper understood this was serious. If he continued to protest he would ruin their relationship.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't prepared for the question. You can show your friends the videos if you want to. I will obey whatever you decide."

"Good bitch. That was the answer I expected. You're learning." Marcelo put a paper and pencil in front of the twink.

"Write it down, what you just said about allowing me to use the files as I wish. Then sign it." Jesper did as he was told.

During the day at the University Jesper couldn't stop thinking of the images that these strangers would see of him. What would they think? And he thought of what Marcelo said. What it actually meant to be a bitch. It was embarrassing, humiliating and wrong. But it also turned him on. To be at Marcelo's mercy was scary, but was he ready to sacrifice their relationship? No way. He had to swallow his pride and let other men revel in the images of his naked body.

When Jesper arrived at the apartment, he undressed down to the thong before he went into the living room. Marcelo hugged his bitch boy and caressed his body.

"Right. I thought we could have some fun here on the sofa."

"Okay." Jesper saw a big box beside the sofa as he sat down.

"Lie down on your back and lift your legs up."

Jesper did as he was told. He wanted the hunk's big dick in his pussy. Yes, he was accepting Marcelo's way of thinking and thought of his ass like a pussy.

"Can you bend your legs back more?" Marcelo was delighted at the view before him: A cute and willing teenager on display. He wanted to fuck him with his feet up by his head.

Jesper struggled to bend his body double. He couldn't quite make it all the way with this gymnastic maneuver but did the best he could to get his ankles up beside his head.

"Haven't you done the exercise that we talked about?" Marcelo acted disappointed.

"I have, but it's very difficult."

"Just joking. You're doing fine. I'm impressed." Marcelo moved forward and started to caress the completely exposed smooth ass cheeks. Jesper jerked. Marcelo's hand was cold.

He sat down and moved his head toward the open crack. As his tongue touched the sphincter, Jesper moaned out loud. This felt so good. Marcelo licked and caressed. Then he started to put one finger into the hole, then another. Marcelo started to talk to the boy as he played with his body.

"Do you like this?"

"Yes. Yes. It feels wonderful."

"You don't want me to stop?"

"No, no, no. Please."

"Okay." Marcelo grabbed a rather big black dildo, thicker than his own cock and four times longer, from the box and held it up to the twink. "Have you used something like this in your pussy before?"

Jesper lifted his head up and said, "No."

"Can I use it on you?"

"Eeeh. . . yes." Jesper didn't want to disappoint Marcelo.

Marcelo put the dildo at the entrance of the twink's pussy and started to push. Not hard, and then moved it backward. The second time he pushed further. The twink moaned, but it didn't go in. The third time he pushed harder and the rubber cock bent the sphincter open a lot but it didn't penetrate into the ass.

After some movement around the asshole Marcelo punched with full force and when it went into the young boy pussy the pain was sharp and ripping. It was barely inside and they both felt the ass resisting the dildo's invasion.

Jesper screams, "AAAAAAHH!" He lost his grip around his legs and they fell against Marcelo.

"Don't be silly. Hold your legs. This is nothing"

"It hurts. . . Please, take it out. . ." It's like electricity burning through his ring muscle.

"No. There's only one way to open that pussy: with force. You can take it." When Jesper began to get accustomed to the pain, Marcelo made it worse by moving the dildo in and out. He pressed it in deeper with every thrust.

"Pleeease. . ."

"Does it still hurt?"

"Yes! Yes."

But instead of pulling it out, Marcelo increased the force of his thrust. The dildo is in so deep that it takes Jesper's breath away. It feels as if it's in his stomach. New thrusts and Jesper screamed and tried to lower his legs and stop the drilling, but it was useless. The struggling only made Marcelo more determined and dominant. Jesper felt as though Marcelo was literally impaling him. As the dildo battered Jesper's intestines he screamed and cried and began pissing all over himself. The pain was unbearable.

Marcelo smiled. The plan was to wait with watersports. For once their prey was before the gangs' schedule. The piss made Marcelo even more excited. The twink was in pain for real. What a power ruch.

But erotic play with piss required the right preparations which weren't in place for now. Marcelo instead continued with the pain inflicting dildo game.

Jesper was terrified by the pain but as Marcelo pounded on it chanced to a more dull pain that wasn't excruciating.

Suddenly the rubber dildo was removed.

"Good boy. I love seeing your pussy swallow this rubber cock. It makes me hot when your pink and tight pussy lips give away for the dildo when it goes in deep."

Jesper thought he was done but Marcelo picked up an even bigger dildo and showed it to him.

"Noooo. . . Please. . . I can't take that. It's too big."

"Yes you can." Marcelo greased up the big dildo and put it against the twink's ass.

Jesper started to cry. "It hurts, don't do it." Tears ran down the side of his head.

"Shhh. I won't fuck you with it but I want it to stretch your ring muscle. Just once." Marcelo bends over and licks the tears and gives the twink a quick kiss on his lips. The twink didn't try to move away. He passively waited.

Marcelo needed to use a lot of force to move the blunt rubber pole into the tiny pussy hole. When it slowly and unforgivingly pressed its way through, Jesper once again felt sharp pain as if thousands of Volt of electricity had exploded in his sphincter. He didn't cry but was tense as a bowstring.

Marcelo held the dildo still as he moved his free hand over the body consumed by pain. He leaned forward and looks his bitch in the eyes. Jesper stared eyes wide open in misery. Marcelo felt a new power rush.

"Okay. Enough for today." Marcelo withdrew the dildo and moved his fingers over the extremely stretched ring muscle.

"You needed that. We can't have a too tight pussy here if we are going to put it to work."

"Uh-huh." Jesper answered without listening. He was stunned by the pain he just received. It was degrading and made him feel less of a person.

Marcelo carried Jesper to the shower and helped him get clean. Then they walked to the bed. Marcelo caressed the passive twink but as soon as his hands come near the ass he jumped. The hunk wanted to fuck the abused pussy but it had to wait. This ass was slowly being transformed into a willing pussy for big dicks.

In spite of or was it because of the pain Marcelo inflicted, Jesper was helplessly passive. He couldn't stop it. He was emotionally drugged and intoxicated by Marcelo's masculinity and firmness. He hated to be subjected to pain, but when Marcelo did it he could feel Marcelo's joy and it created some kind of gratification within him. It was crazy, but that's how it was.

The next evening Jesper shuddered and winced as Marcelo's cock head easily pierced through his red, worn out and sensitive pussy hole. The pain was like a jolt of lightning strikes. He fought the impulse to clamp down tightly as the cock went through his sore sphincter. Jesper tried to relax and not let the discomfort take over. He didn't think for one second about objecting to what was happening to him.

Marcelo was amused as the twink fought his reflexive effort to prevent the intrusion of the throbbing bare cock into the raw pussy. It was marvelous to dominate and control an innocent but willing teenager with pain and discomfort.

At midnight, Marcelo sent the twink home to his lonely student dormitory room. It was decided by the predators that there should be a pause in Jesper's relationship with Marcelo. They now knew that the most efficient way to mold this shy and beautiful young man into a willing pussy boy was to increase his lust. Persuasion worked better if his mind was sexually starved and his dick hard.

Marcelo neglected him for several weeks. Jesper was downhearted the third time Marcelo postponed his return to the apartment. He was horny and desperately wanted Marcelo's cock in his ass followed by removing the thong and letting his dick get its release. He missed the hugs and closeness he had started to get used to. With every telephone call, his voice was ever more eager. After some weeks he almost cried.

"I must see you! I can't wait any longer."

"Why? Is it so boring in college?"

"Yes! I would do anything to see you." It was music to Marcelo's and the gang's ears.

"You will do anything for me? Nooo, you're not that desperate. I don't believe it."

"It's true! I am desperate."

"Desperate for what?"

"Ehhh. . . You know."

"Yes, I know. But I want you to say it. If you are as desperate as you assert, you will not have any problem telling me. What do you want?"

"I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your big cock in my ass."

"That's all?"

"I want to be with you. I want to suck your cock. I want to do whatever you want me to do."

"I'm sorry. It would be fun, but I can't. Perhaps next week."

"Marcelo. Don't be angry, please. But may I take the thong off and cum on my own?"

"No. The thong is the evidence of your loyalty toward me. If you want to be with me, you have to refrain from a nasty action like that. If you belong to me, you have to let me decide. You are, of course, free to remove it and wank as much as you like, but if you do that, our relation is over. Understand? I will find out if you break your promise."

"I know. . . I won't do it."

"Good boy. Continue your studies. And wait for my call."

The predator's ring wanted, just for fun, to test Jesper's loyalty and commitment. The youngest member of the gang -- Linus -- would try to seduce Jesper in his normal surroundings at the college. Linus was only three years older than Jesper but was considerably more experienced in sexual encounters. He made money by selling his body to wealthy men. That was how he was introduced to the gang. If he weren't so proud and independent, he could have been prey himself.

Linus found the twink in the university library and approached him when he went for coffee. They began to talk about nothing special. Jesper wasn't used to being courted but found it nice as a break from his studies. And Linus was good looking with his short blond hair and blue eyes.

When Linus maneuvered their conversation toward sex, Jesper got more reserved. Linus talked about how fun it was to watch different sports, "Lots of muscular men". Jesper answered that he didn't have the time to follow sports.

"You don't want an eyeful of good looking guys?" Linus asked, but Jesper wasn't interested in talking about it at the University. He stood up and said he had to go back to his books.

Linus smiled and said, "You know, if you want some company later, I will be here the whole day. . ."

Jesper blushed as he understood the invitation. To his horror he felt his dick getting hard, but was relieved when he felt it was blocked from getting fully hard by the thong. He just said "Okay" and walked to the library.

That afternoon, Linus tried a new attack. He went to Jesper where he sat with his head over a book. Linus put a hand on his shoulder. "Isn't it time for a coffee break?"

"I don't know, I'm behind and have a lot to read."

Linus sat down on a chair beside Jesper and put his hand back on Jesper, this time on his thigh. Jesper was passive and didn't move the hand away.

"But to concentrate you need a break now and then." Then the hand moved forward toward the crotch, Jesper stood up and said, "Yes, you're right. I need a break."

This time, Linus whispered straight over the cup of coffee, "Can't we go home to your room? I want to fuck you so bad."

Jesper blushed again. "I'm sorry. I'm already with somebody."

"Oh, okay. Can't you do an exception? I'm so fucking horny, and you are so damn cute. Can't we go to the men's room on the third floor? No one ever goes there. You can give me a blowjob in the furthest cubicle. OK?"


"Why not?"

"I can't. My guy wouldn't approve of it."

"But he doesn't own you, does he?"

"Eeeeh. . ."

"He does? Is it that serious?"

"Yes, I hope so."

"Is he a good fucker?"

"Yes!" Jesper regretted his quick and revealing answer.

"Haha, I see. If he's that good, you should look after him and be quick to follow his wishes."

"I know," Jesper said.

When they went their separate ways, Linus slapped Jesper on his butt. "Be a good bitch!"

The experience with Linus made Jesper horny. He called Marcelo and asked if he could come over.

"Do you have the thong on?"

"Yes. I'm ready to do whatever you want."

"Anything I want?"


"You sound more eager than ever. Has something happened?" Marcelo of course knew about the encounter with Linus at the library.

"Eeeh . . . Yeah. A guy hit on me today. At the University."

"Oh. Was he good looking?"

"Eeeh. . . Yes."

"Did you do something?"

"No! Just talked. But it made me hot. I want you to take me. Fuck me, please. . ."

"Do you miss my cock in that pussy?"


"Do you have a pussy? Are you my bitch?"


"Say it."

"I'm your bitch, and I want you to fuck my pussy. . ."

"If you are my bitch, are you always ready to take a big dick. . .?"

"I am ready to take a big dick."



"Okay. You make me hot. You little shit! We have to find the time. I call you tomorrow."

"Not tonight. . .?"

"No. I'm busy. I would gladly drill your pussy tonight, but that isn't possible."

"I understand. Maybe tomorrow?"

"To have some fun?"

"Yes. Please."

"I dunno. It depends." Marcelo continued to be evasive and felt the frustration built in the twink when he didn't get any concrete answers. But what could he do?

Marcelo knew he had this little bitch where he wanted him. He was so desperate that he would do almost everything Marcelo asked of him. But the goal was not to dominate him one time and then lose him because of regrets. The goal was to get him to accept his place. Make him enjoy being dominated and used as a toy. Forever.

The next day Marcelo called the boy and said he could come over the same afternoon. Jesper was delighted and very happy.

As soon as Jesper entered and undressed down to the thong, he hugged Marcelo and wanted to kiss him.

"Slow down, my little bitch. You have nothing to prove. I know what you are, and we both know I'm going to fuck you. My dick is going to fill you, and you're going to take it and as a reward I'm going to impregnate you. But I'm in control, you understand? So relax. I'm going to take you no matter what."

Marcelo took hold of the twink's head and kissed him.

"Yeah, that's it. Relax. Let loose and be yourself. Be the obedient boy you are. You like it when I take care of you. I can tell. You want a man to take you and use your body for everything its worth. You won't be happy until real men fill you with spunk. Am I right?"

Marcelo held the twink's head with both hands and looked him in the eyes. Jesper didn't want to admit it, but what Marcello said was true. He nodded.

"Poor bitch." Marcelo smiled.

"But I want to help you. Let me in. Inhale my breath and let yourself be consumed and used freely without any intrusion. You don't have to do anything. Just let it happen."

Marcelo undressed and sat down on the sofa.

"I want you to learn how to fuck yourself with my cock. Come here. Turn around and lower your pussy down on my spear."

Jesper turned his backside toward Marcelo and moved closer. As he did, Marcelo placed his hands on the twink's waist to guide the pussy onto the lubed cock.

"Yeah! That's right. Your cunt feels so fucking gooood."

Jesper got what he wanted: Marcelo's dick was back inside him. But the circumstances weren't what he expected. They couldn't coddle. He couldn't even see Marcelo.

After some movement up and down on the dick, Jesper got it all inside. He sat on the hunk's lap.

"Now you can start the training. Move your body up and down without losing my dick."

It wasn't easy. And it was physically tough to get up and down on bent knees.

"Good work. Okay. Let's do it face to face. Turn around."

Jesper climbed on the sofa and lowered his ass down onto the waiting cock. He sank all the way down and once again his ass cheeks rested on Marcelo's crotch.

Marcelo gripped the twink's head, and they kissed. Jesper stopped moving with the hard cock buried deep inside him. Marcelo broke the kiss and whispered, "Keep moving. It feels so good when you fuck yourself on my cock."

Jesper started again. Up and down with his buttocks. It was hard work. He began to perspire.

Marcelo caressed the moving body on his cock. It was nice to see the twink's muscles working. His hands moved from the calf over the thighs and up over the waist and taut stomach, well-defined pecs and up to the shoulders and down to the smooth butt cheeks.

When Marcelo moved them up off the sofa, Jesper thought Marcelo would take over. But when they stood up and Marcelo put his dick back into the pussy from behind, he didn't start moving.

"What are you waiting for? Start moving your pussy on my dick. A real bitch should let her pussy do the work. Fuck yourself!"

Jesper had no alternative other than moving his body.

"You see, it isn't easy. You need training. I want your body to be flexible and move with naturalness over the cock. It should swallow the waiting dick and when it has sucked it in, massage it to make its owner feel good.

"Aaah, that's right." At last Marcelo reached his climax and dumped his load in his bitch with some quick thrusts while he held the twink by his waist. When he withdrew his cock, Jesper looked back and wondered if he could take his cock out of the small thong and wank himself to release. It was several weeks since he last got to shoot. His balls were overloaded with semen. He didn't dare to ask. He waited on Marcelo's command.

Marcelo noted the new level of submission in the bitch and smiled.

"You want to cum?"

"Yes, please."

"Remove the thong and sit down with me." Jesper eagerly put the damn thing off. His cock immediately got hard and pointed to the ceiling.

"Do you remember what you told me on the phone?" Marcelo said as he put his fingers around the twink's ball sack.

"I think so." Jesper put his hand down around his dick and slowly began to jerk it.

"You said you will do anything for me. Do you stand by that?" Marcelo gripped the stones and started to playfully pull them out and away from the body.

"Yes." Jesper speeded up his milking.

"On Saturday I want to do some new things. Are you ready to do as I tell you?" Marcelo used his other hand to grab Jesper's arm to stop the wanking and make him concentrate on their conversation.

"What new things?" Jesper hand was still around his cock but he held it still.

"I don't want to reveal everything now, but. . . I want to blindfold you. And perhaps tie you up somewhat." Marcelo was tense. It was important he got permission from the twink.

"Why?" Jesper sounded more curious than suspicious. Marcelo caressed and squeeze the boy's balls as they talked.

"Because it turns me on. It's a sexual thing." Marcelo pulled at the ball sac until the twink was forced to move his crotch with it.

"I'm not sure I understand. . ." Jesper looked up at Marcelo.

"I want to develop our relationship to a new level. It requires total trust. I think we have achieved that, and it makes me excited. This is what I want. If you don't want to try, it's okay. But I was hoping you meant what you said on the phone. . ." Marcelo removed his hand from Jesper's arm and let him start wanking again.

"I meant it. I'll do it. If you want to blindfold me and tie me up, I want you to do that." Jesper wanted to reach climax as quickly as possible. It was ages since he got an orgasm.

"Are you sure?" Marcelo let the balls go.


"And if I invite, for example, Lars, is that okay?" Marcelo knew the twink was close.

"Eeeeh . . . yes." Jesper was so horny he accepted anything.

"I knew I could count on you!" Marcelo put a hand on the twink's thigh and caressed him while waiting for the big release.

"Uhh. . . uhh . . . uuurrrhhh!" He grunted as his dick started firing thick ropes of semen up into the air and down on the table in front of them.

Totally worn out, Jesper looked at Marcelo.

"You are a bitch in heat, aren't you? Horny as hell." Marcelo said as he moved his head over to kiss the twink on his mouth.

The scene was set for the next level.

Next: part 10 - Fucked in both ends

Readers ask about what kind of stories that inspired this one, more than earlier mentioned. I will gladly acknowledge several: "I learn to take it" by joelaw, "Slutty whore" by gwmsub4domgam, "Employee Manipulation" by story dreamer, "Black Sub" by NPhillydogg. Read and be horny!

Next: Chapter 10

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