Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 2, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #8' {} ( MM bd humil slow )[8!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 8 - Taking orders as a bitch

The twink was in the apartment wearing his small thong just as he had been for a couple of weeks now. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Jesper looked with alarm at Marcelo, who was intensely observing the twink's reaction. It was very entertaining to see the panic in the all but naked boy's eyes.

"Ah. It must be the pizza delivery. I ordered two for dinner. Go and let the guy in, will you?", Marcelo said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"But. . . but. . ."

"But what?"

"I'm naked!"

"No, you're not. And I want you to be comfortable in the clothes I have chosen for you. Don't be so shy. Your body is beautiful. It shouldn't be concealed. Be proud, my little bitch!"

"Can't I put on a T-shirt?"

The doorbell rang again.

"Just go and open the door and let the delivery boy in!" Marcelo raised his voice a bit. He obviously knew it would be a member of the predators' ring. It was Martin. He worked security at popular night clubs and as a personal trainer at a posh establishment. Martin was in his mid-thirties and had inside contacts in circles of famous and rich people. He was Olof's personal trainer, who suggested him to the ringleader Anders.

Martin was straight, he assured Olof. He had lived with his girlfriend for many years. But he was very interested when Olof dropped small bits of information about the gay scene. At first Olof thought it only was curiosity about gossip but the questions Martin asked, in all innocence, regarded rough sex with a younger man. Martin was a brute with a compact body but his charm made him attractive. He wanted to let go of all the boundaries and considerations that women required during sex.

Anders had been reluctant to let him in, but he fell for Olof's argument that Martin could find them possible twinks to capture. And Olof completely trusted his discretion. This was before they found Jesper. Martin had won the draw where the prize was to act like a pizza boy.

With shaky legs, Jesper went to the door in his thong and opened. Martin looked in silence at the twink from the face down to the crotch. After some awkward moments, he said "Hello. I'm here with your pizza order. May I come in?"

"Yes, of course." Jesper moved aside and let the guy in.

Martin put the pizza boxes down and turned to Jesper and once again stared shamelessly at the almost naked boy. Jesper didn't know what to do.

"Are you always dressed this way?" Martin asked.

"Just in this apartment," Jesper answered even though the question was about something very private. Martin smiled. This boy can't protect his integrity. He really would be perfect prey for sexual use and humiliating games. Martin felt his cock starting to grow. This boy turned him on. He was as soft and sexy as a woman.

"But it must be unpractical. . . Where is your wallet to pay for the delivery?"

"Just a minute," Jesper said as he moved into the living room. As the twink passed Martin, he felt the strangers hand on his naked butt. Jesper winced but continued walking.

Marcelo appeared and stopped Jesper from leaving the hallway. "Ah, our food has arrived."

"We need to pay," Jesper informed him. To Jesper's horror, instead of giving Martin the money, the two men started to talk about him.

"I really like this outfit!" Martin told Marcelo.

"Yeah. Isn't it marvelous?"

"The boy is candy for your eyes. It's totally nice to show him off this way. You want to touch the smooth skin," Martin said and was completely honest.

"Yes, that's what I aim at. The atmosphere is infused with a unique sense of richness and passion. A beautiful body on display is as good as a classic work of art."

"Yeah, like having a work of Michelangelo in your home," laughs Martin.

"But much more useful," smiled Marcelo.

Jesper just stood there. They talked about him as if he wasn't there.

"I see. Can I touch?" Martin asked.

Jesper couldn't believe this. Some stranger wanted to grope him.

"Hm. He isn't used to it. . ."

"You don't need to pay for the pizza if I just can caress him a little," Martin negotiated.


When Martin went forward, Jesper instinctively took a step back.

"Ah, ah. Just let the man feel you up. You should take it as a sign of how desirable and beautiful your body is."

Jesper was still tense and evasive. Marcelo raised his voice. "Stop moving. Stand still and let it happen. It's a compliment, for God's sake."

Jesper felt the stranger's hands on his shoulder, moving to his biceps, pecs, down over his stomach and back to his ass cheeks.

"Oh, this is something! So good. I like this", Martin moaned and then turned his head toward Marcelo. "You really have a treasure here!"

"I know," Marcelo said as he stepped up alongside Martin. "This boy is something special. I tell him so all the time, but he has some difficulty understanding that." Marcelo also let his hands move over the smooth torso.

Jesper felt two men's big hands taking possession of his body. It was still strange but at the same time arousing. He just stood there with his arms alongside his body.

Marcelo put one hand under the twink's chin, raised the head and kissed him on the mouth. When he broke away, Martin moved in to do the same. "No. He is mine. This is enough."

Jesper was relieved. Marcelo protected him at last.

Martin expressed his thanks to Marcelo for the entertainment but didn't say a word to Jesper. Instead, he slapped the boy's buttock as he left the apartment.

"That wasn't too bad, was it?" Marcelo asked.

"I don't know. . . I want to be with you, not others."

"Of course, but we can't be alone all the time. I like to meet people", Marcelo explained.

"But you let him grope me. . ."

"We got our pizza for free! And it wasn't that unpleasant, was it? We traded a touch of your body for dinner. I think it was a good bargain, don't you?"

Marcelo wanted to notice the reaction in the boy's face when he more or less admitted he pimped him out for food.

Jesper was confused. He was humiliated, and it angered him, but at the same time he was excited. Marcelo had unlocked something deep down inside him.

"Didn't you feel how appreciated you are? Don't be ashamed of the desire you create in other men. Enjoy." Marcelo cuddled with the twink.

The predators regarded it legally necessary to get the twink to understand and in his own mind approve of him being used sexually. They needed his consent to go further in claiming his body and soul. The next time the twink was in the apartment Marcelo's task was to get that permission. The twink had to admit he wanted to participate in this game of submission. It was the only way to get guarantees against future accusations of rape and kidnapping.

As soon as Jesper arrived at the apartment the next weekend and started to undress down to only his small outfit, Marcelo stopped him with a kiss. While still dressed, Marcelo led Jesper to the sofa. When Jesper sat down he saw the camera on a tripod. He didn't like it but didn't say anything.

Marcelo sat down beside him but didn't touch him. He asked, "You remember what you promised me when you wanted to be my bitch?"

"Yes. I'm yours. You decide."

Marcelo smiled and placed a hand on his thigh. "No regrets?"

"No." Jesper was surprised over the question. "No, I want to be with you."

"But I can be a nasty and wicked man. I may require something you don't want to do. You know you always can say no and leave?" The lawyer in the predator's gang had formulated the questions Marcelo should ask. By getting Jesper's answers on tape and in a serious setting, the recording could be regarded as a contract, as consent to advanced sexual games.


"Whatever happens you know you at any point you can say no and quit?"


The questions were clear but had different meanings to different audiences. To Jesper it meant he had to say yes or be completely rejected and thrown out. To a court it meant Jesper was approving everything until he asks to leave. Up to that moment, whatever they were doing was consensual sex.

"If I ask you to do things or let someone do things to you, which are unpleasant, do you regard it as part of a voluntary sex game you want to participate in? Despite certain aspects of the game that you may find unpleasant, it is a voluntary game, as long as you don't request to leave?"

"Eeeh. . . Yes."

"Yes, what?"

"I know it may be unpleasant sometimes."

"And you know you can leave anytime it gets too much for you?"


"Good. I just want to be sure." Marcelo walked to the camera and stopped the recording. This task was fulfilled.

He looked over to Jepser. "Okay, now you can change to your regular clothes."

When Jesper walked back into the livingroom in just the thong he was surprised to see Marcelo already naked.

"Take your position. Legs up. I need to fuck you." Marcelo was delighted over the free hands he and the gang now had. It made him horny as hell. As soon as Jesper pulled his legs up and forward to expose his pussy Marcelo moved his rock hard dick toward the cunt on display. He spit into the crack and looked down into Jesper's eyes and said, "It requires a complex set of strategies to transform submissiveness, pain and discomfort into sexual pleasure. Do you agree?"

Jesper was puzzled. What was he babbling about? But he didn't want to ask, he just said "yes." At that moment, Marcelo showed his cock into the pussy to the hilt.

"Owww!" Jesper wasn't prepared for that force. And he hadn't lubed his cock or Jesper's hole enough.

"Shh! You belong to me. Accept it and have no regrets. You know it's best to submit willingly. You want this!"

Marcelo fucked the bitch harder and more brutal than ever before. He felt humiliated to have had to do the legal interview about the bitch's rights. But he was also relieved that it went well.

The hunk pressed down on the bitch's legs and pounded the pussy relentlessly. Jesper wanted to kiss, but Marcelo didn't move his head down to him. Soon he dumped his load deep in the bitch's pussy.

"Ahhhhh. Yeah. . . Mmmmm. . . You feel it, don't you?" he asked as he redrew his cock from the pussy.

"My cum inside you. It's becoming a part of you. Making you mine. You were a real bitch and took it all. Hold my load inside you. Show me how grateful you are. I know I hurt you, but that pussy was so soft and tight that I couldn't control myself. You know me, I don't mean no harm."

Marcelo slapped the bitch's butt. As he put his clothes back on, Jesper began to remove his thong.

Marcelo asked, "What are you doing?"

"Isn't it my time to. . ?"

"No. You keep that thong on. You challenged my decisions in front of that pizza guy. That won't do. You promised to obey. You should do it without question, especially in front of others. You don't deserve to cum."

It felt good to discipline the bitch. "You can clean yourself up, and then prepare dinner."

It had also been decided by the predators that, going forward, there should be more time between the occasions when the twink was allowed to cum. An ever more hot and horny teenager would in pure desperation accept rougher treatment.

The next evening, when Jesper was back in the apartment after his studies at the University, Marcelo got a call. "Hello, my friend. It's been a long time. How are you? Are you in town! Ah, then you are quite close. Why don't you come up?"

Jesper's heart sank. Once more would a stranger see him in this vulgar outfit, almost naked.

"Right. Five minutes then. Great."

"Can't I put some clothes on?" Jesper asked nervously.

"Why? Are you ashamed to be with me? Or about our relationship?" Marcelo played offended.

"No, no, no. . . But I'm almost naked. . ." Jesper was defensive. He didn't want to hurt Marcelo's feelings but he was scared to meet a stranger when he was so exposed. He didn't know it, but the predators' gang was forcing him to choose between his new friendship with Marcelo or protecting his integrity.

Jesper capitulated and just asked, "But why?"

"Because I want my friend to see how lucky I am! I want him to be jealous. He was more successful than me in school, and I want him to see that things have changed."

Jesper was surprised at the answer. It disclosed a weak spot in the hunk's self-confident attitude. Of course it was a lie, the friend was one of the predators' gang. The argument was intended to push Jesper in the direction the gang wanted him to go. And it worked. Jesper felt more closer than ever to the hunk and wanted to do what he asked.

"Okay," Jesper said.

"Good. Let us show him how close we are."

Then the doorbell rang.

"Will you get three beers from the fridge while I show him in?" Marcelo said as he went to the door.

"Hello Lars, it has been a long time!" Marcelo had of course meet Lars just the other day when the gang planned this latest move in their program of entrapment of their prey.

Lars was the computer guy who hacked the twink's Facebook account and other sites in the gang's hunt for information about the twink. Lars was in his 40s, with a beer belly, and a sloppy appearance. He was a computer consult contracted by Anders, who by a mere chance discovered Lars buying a call boy. Anders invited him to put his skills to the group's disposal.

Jesper's heart beats faster. This wasn't what he wanted. But at the same time he felt a bit excited. He felt safe with Marcelo. And he was discovering to his surprise that he must be a bit of an exhibitionist. He wanted to impress on the stranger with, what Marcelo said, was his good looks and well-defined body.

When Jesper went back to the living room, the two men stood and talked. "Ah, here we have my new boy. Isn't he cute?"

The man stared shamelessly and directly at the twink's body and the thong. Jesper felt like an object.

"Yes. Where did you find him?"

"On the internet. He wanted company, and it wasn't difficult to convince him to keep company with me. He and I have the same interests."

"Which is . . . ?"

They talked once again about Jesper as if he wasn't there. He still was standing in the middle of the room with three beers in his hands.

"Let me show you." Marcelo sat down on the sofa and tapped his thigh as he used to do when he playfully wanted Jesper to come and be intimate.

Jesper just stood there.

"Come here, bitch. Show my friend your new skill, what you can do with your mouth." Marcelo looked into Jesper's eyes with a smile.

Jesper didn't believe it. He can't be serious.

"Put down the bottles on the table and get to work."

Marcelo looked at Lars, "We have practiced this maneuver a couple of weeks now, so he is getting good at it. Sit down and take a bear."

Jesper blushed and was uncomfortable with Marcelo talking to a stranger about their sex life. But he didn't want to disappointment Marcelo. To be with a hunk like Marcelo overrode every doubt in Jesper's mind.

"How long will you just stand there, Jesper? I need your service. I want to show my friend how good you are." Marcelo continued to smile but was furious inside. If he couldn't get the twink on his knees by his free will, the gang could lose him. All their work to catch the twink could go down the drain. Had he moved too fast? Had he scared the twink?

"Pleeease, Jesper" Marcelo smiled. "You are embarrassing me in front of one of my oldest friends."

Jesper hears the desperation in Marcelo's voice. Jesper wasn't going to be so cruel to expose Marcelo as a man who couldn't get what he wanted.

The twink went the few steps to the sofa and kneeled down between Marcelo's legs. He looked up at the hunk's face. Marcelo smiled.

"You know what I want. Don't be shy." Jesper unzipped the hunk's pants and got hold of his still soft cock.

"I'm so proud of you," Marcelo whispered as Jesper started to lick the dick despite the fact that they weren't alone.

"Relax. Lars is cool. Our secret is safe."

Jesper sucked the cock while Marcelo reached down and squeezed the twink's nipples. Then he slowly ran his hand over his shoulder and down the sides of his waist. Jesper melted in the hunk's hands. He sucked eagerly and forgot about any reluctance he just had.

Next, Marcelo placed his hands on the twink's head and pushed it downward onto the cock. When the twink's gag reflex kicked in, Marcelo loosened his grip and Jesper lifted his head up. Marcelo moved his cock around in the face, rubbed it against his eyes and nose and then over the mouth. He turned slightly to the right so Lars could get a full view of the action.

From the corner of his eye, Jesper could see Lars with a kind of a smirk on his face. And he also noticed that the man was rubbing his crotch which was now bulging.

Marcelo played his cock across the twink's lips. Jesper opened his mouth to greet it and take it in again. He loved this cock. It felt so good to satisfy this hunk that he forgot the fat man in the room. Marcelo's moaning was proof to Jesper that he did something right and he saw it as praise from his hero.

"Wow, that's the right spirit!" Marcelo sensed that Jesper's reservations were giving way to his lust. He had successfully lured the reserved twink into hot action once again in front of a stranger. Now was the right moment to go further.

As Jesper was deep throating the cock, Marcelo said, "It's not polite of the host not to share. I think Lars here would probably be really happy to have you taste his cock too. . . What do you say, Lars? Do you want a turn at my bitch?"

With those words, Jesper's eyes bulged but he still had Marcelo's cock solidly in his mouth. Marcelo held the twink's head down on his cock, preventing him from protesting.

"I would love to have that cute little faggot's mouth on my cock."

"Well, Jesper. It would be rude if we didn't share this pleasure with him, don't you agree? Why don't you go and help him?" Marcelo used his softest and friendliest voice as he looked Jesper in the eyes as he redrew his cock.

"Please, do it for me. . . "

Jesper was shocked. He loved Marcelo and didn't want to have sex with anybody else. But he was so deep into satisfying Marcelo that his pleading eyes were enough to persuade the twink. He couldn't speak. His mind went blank. He just moved toward the stranger.

"Stay on your knees . . ." Marcelo almost whispered, and Jesper crawled without thinking.

"Good boy!" Lars was excited. He had wanted to use this twink so bad and for so long. He had seen him on pictures and collected a lot of information about him. And now it was happening! He took hold of the boy's head and caressed it. He wanted to fuck the bitch, but he was also well aware of the game rules the gang had decided.

"You are so beautiful. I can't believe you want to suck my dick. It's a dream come true!"

Jesper felt, strangely enough, pity toward the creepy guy.

"Show my pal how good you are. Make me proud." Marcelo said. "Open his trousers as if they were mine, and find the dick in there."

Jesper was disgusted but at the same time strangely thrilled. In his armchair Lars fumbled with the zipper. Even though Jesper wasn't prepared for this, and his brain didn't like it, he was feeling a funny sense of satisfaction because he knew he was going to please this man. The man was very eager.

After some time, the man pulled his trousers down and uncovered his crotch and beer belly. He took hold of his cock and rubbed it all over Jesper's mouth. "You want this, don't you?"

Jesper was quiet. Marcelo said, "Answer the man."


"Yes, what?" Marcelo demanded.

"I want his cock in my mouth," Jesper said it because Marcelo wanted it. But was it true? Did he want this to happen?

He licked the fat man's dick. It was small, almost smaller than his. As he hesitantly sucked the thing, it started to ooze pre-cum. The man was obviously excited.

"Keep your eyes on your work, boy. . . Lick up that cock snot you're letting run down onto my nuts!" the man said. Jesper lowered his face to the balls. He inhaled the pungent aroma until he felt dizzy. Then he gently covered the hairy testicles with his tongue to lap up the overflow of pre-cum that was mingling with his sweat. Then his head was directed back to the cock.

"Ahhhh, yeah. . . Take it down that throat". Lars spoke with the husky voice of a man on the brink of coming. It was easy to comply because the dick didn't reach his throat. Then Lars exploded, Jesper was flooded with semen filling his mouth, almost gagging him as he tried to keep up with his unusual ability to unload.

"All of it, cocksucker! Every last drop, you fucking little faggot!" The cum ran out over his lips and down his chin. Jesper used his fingers to catch the liquid and after only a fraction of a second's hesitation, he put his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean.

While watching Jesper, the man petted his head as if he was a dog.

"That's was something! You're truly a friend, to share your sex toy. I'm grateful, Marcelo." Lars had almost got his breath back and put his trousers back up.

"It was nice to see you again after all this time," Marcelo said as he stood up. He followed his guest to the door. Jesper was still kneeling on the floor in the living room.

"You were excellent, my little bitch. I'm so proud. I have to reward you, and I think I know what you want. Now let's go and wash that off your face." Then he led him to the bathroom, with an arm around the boy's shoulder giving him no chance to protest or argue about what just happened. Marcelo told him what a perfect bitch he was.

"You know how difficult and demanding I can be. But it's just because I love to be with you and get so excited. You understand?"

"Yes, yes, of course," grumbled Jesper and lifted his head to kiss the hunk. He wanted the warmth and closeness he got from him now. The difference between private sexual acts versus acts when Marcelo demands something of him in front of others was starting to blur.

The move of the twink to the bathroom had the intended effect. When Marcelo started to soap the twink's body up, he got delighted and forgot the shame and the way Marcelo exploited him by making him to give head to a stranger. Marcelo rewarded Jesper by removing the thong. In the shower Marcelo turned the twink against the wall and his hard dick quickly found the target. Marcelo penetrated the tight asshole where no one other than him had visited - yet.

Next: part 9 – Deliver his body

Next: Chapter 9

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