Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 1, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #7' {} ( MM bd humil slow )[7!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 7 - This for that

Marcelo filmed the pussy boy as he lay down on his back on the bed, naked except for the special thong. Marcelo told him to lift his legs and spread them wide. He complied.

"Yeah. I want to see that pussy", Marcelo said as he moved closer with the camera in his left hand. Fingers on his right hand separated the cheeks to expose the boy's most private part to the camera and with that also to the world.

"Take hold of your knees and bend the legs up and forward. Yeah. Now spread them. I want better access to properly document this pussy on video." Marcelo directed the boy. The twink's ass couldn't be more exposed. Marcelo tenderly caressed the up turned ass cheeks before he moved the camera to a tripod beside the bed. He adjusted the angle to put the pussy and naked boy in full view, but only his own back side would be visible on the video.

Marcelo bent forward and started to lick the accessible rosebud. It came as a complete surprise for the twink. No one had ever touched him in this way. It was wonderful. It had the effect Marcelo and the predator's ring wanted. The boy relaxed. He was enjoying this sexual play despite his hesitance to be filmed naked. To Jesper this was the reward for letting all these humiliating things happen. He lacked much sexual experience and Marcelo introduced him to this exciting world.

The hunk started to use his fingers. When he moved his head a bit to the side, the camera caught the fingers separating the pink ring muscle of the boy pussy. The twink just groaned.

"Can you bring your knees back more? Spread them more, down beside you. I want to see your beautiful chest as well as your pussy hole." Jesper wanted to do as he was asked because it felt so damn god. He brought his legs up more and held them there with his arms behind the knees. It wasn't comfortable, but he was so hot and loved the hunk's attention and his touching of his sensitive opening down there.

"Good job, pussy boy." Marcelo moved two fingers to the twink's lips. He opened his mouth and Marcelo put them inside.

"Suck. Make them wet." The twink did.

Then Marcelo moved his fingers against the pussy.

"Do you want my fingers inside you?" Marcelo teased.



"Yes, please."

"Say what you want!"

"Fuck me with your fingers, please!"

Marcelo penetrated the hole with the two fingers at the same time. There was resistance, and he had to push. The boy groaned. With the fingers inside, Marcelo started to twist and turn.

"Do you like it?"


"If so, what ought you to do?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Thank you for doing this to me."

Marcelo redrew his fingers.

"Don't stop, please."

"Do you want something in your pussy?"

"Yes, please"

"I have a banana here."

"I like your fingers . . . and I really want your cock."

"But if I want to but a banana in this pussy? Is it okay?"

"Yes . . . yes." Jesper didn't understand why Marcelo asked for this, but he was so hot and wanted the attention he got to continue.

Marcelo moved a banana to the boy pussy, and pushed it slowly inside, all in full view of the camera. This was a request from some of the predators. They wanted to see it and they wanted the boy to get used to being played with. The banana was smaller than Marcelo's cock and it sank in until only the top stalk was visible. He moved it out and in again.

Manipulating this accessible fuck hole got Marcelo very horny. It was time to put it to its proper use. He pulled the banana out. As he moved up on the bed, he adjusted the boy's body in an angle that suited the camera.

"Hold your legs back. Spread them", Marcelo said.

Then Marcelo moved his dick forward, he got his penetration of the boy pussy on tape. Jesper just moaned. He loved the feeling of Marcelo's cock moving inside him. He had preferred that Marcelo concentrated on him and not on the camera. Jesper felt a strange feeling of being alone. He wasn't the center of attention, he was just some kind of prop needed in the making of a new video.

It was as if his asshole, not he as a human being, was what Marcelo really wanted. The feeling was uncomfortable. But the physical experience of being fucked by a strong hunk took over. Jesper continued to moan and let it all happen without protest. It was a triumph for Marcelo. He had manipulated the boy to willingly agree to be a porn star for free.

It was wonderful to fuck this submissive young and beautiful twink on display. Marcelo hadn't anything against being filmed. On the contrary, it was fun to show off his well-developed body to envious men. He was proud over his muscular arms, legs and torso. He had worked hard for them. Why not show it off? But he protected his face and his identity. You could never know where those digital files could end up.

Being a member of the gang and finding this twink on internet was the best thing that could happen to Marcelo. The exciting nights he now experienced was in sharp contrast to his boring low-paid work at a warehouse moving boxes around.

Dominating this cute teenager was exactly what Marcelo needed. His cock moved in and out with long strokes. It drilled into the twink. He varied the rhythm, slow and deep or fast and relentless. At times he put his hands on the boy's upturned legs and lay his body weight on them to press them down more. It exposed the boy's vulnerability and caused even more discomfort.

"Yeah. This is so good. Keep these legs away. It gives me so much better access to your wonderful pussy hole." Marcelo moved his head down and kissed the twink. For the first time Marcelo felt he actually possessed this body. It made him feel powerful.

The pounding just kept on and on. But then the hunk started to speed up, moaned loudly, thrust his cock deep inside the hole and stopped. It was the best orgasm in awhile. After some time, he withdrew and sat on the bed. He told Jesper to sit upright, with the camera pointed at Jesper's face and body.

"You did well. You're a real pussy boy, you know. Did you like it?" Marcelo wanted the boy to admit it on tape.

"Yes. . . yes", the boy said as he looked at Marcelo rather than the camera. Then he moved his hand to the thong in an instinctive attempt to touch his unsatisfied cock.

"You want to jerk off? You want to come?"

"Yes, please." The boy was frustrated as he couldn't stimulate his cock.

"But do you deserve it?" Marcelo asked.

Jesper got confused. Hadn't he the same right to be satisfied as his partner?

"Yes, I think so", he said with some hesitation.

"I'm not so sure. You just laid there and let me do all the work, didn't you?"

"Yes, but . . ." He didn't know what to say. He had never had to argue for the right to wank his cock off.

"No. You haven't deserved it. Not yet." Marcelo said as a matter of fact.

"What do I have to do?" Jesper said without thinking how that sounded.

Marcelo smiled. It was just the right attitude from the twink. He had to learn that he had to work for his satisfaction. It was important that he understood and accepted that he must do something other men wanted before he could get something he wanted. The predator's gang intended to establish a mentality of Quid Pro Quo. Everything would be so much easier when the boy was duped into thinking "this for that". Or more exactly: his body in exchange for attention.

"You have to offer me something. Let me think . . . Why not some action in front of my camera? But you have already jerked off and shot your load. I have watched that tape. It's so damn hot. We have also recorded your pussy being fucked by a banana, and by my cock."

Jesper got red in his face. He felt shame over what he actually had done.

"You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself, my little pussy boy. You were excellent! I think you should be proud of your body and of your courage to show it off." Marcelo put a hand on the naked boy's thigh to caress and make him feel safe.

The twink stayed silent. It was the first time Jesper didn't object when Marcelo argued for more exposure of his young and smooth body.

"Now I got it!" Marcelo said suddenly. He went to the bathroom and came back with his razor and a bottle of shaving cream.

"If you want to wank, I first have to shave off your pubic hair. I like your hairless torso and it's irritating to see this downy hair above your dick."

"But. . . Must you?" Jesper was stunned. He never thought somebody could demand anything like this. But at the same time it was somewhat thrilling. Marcelo wanted to literally take control over his body. The bond between them tightened in a crazy way. "Yes. If you want to cum, you have to give me permission to shave your crotch. What do you say?"

"Can't we do something else?"

"Not today. If you don't want to, it's fine. We can end this, and you go back to your student room." Marcelo moved toward the camera to shut it off. He practically told Jesper that he had to preform or he could leave.

Once again Marcelo wanted to jump the twink and subdue him with plain force. He wanted to tie his wrists and ankles to the bed and shave him despite his defiance. It was what he wanted anyway. This silly reluctance and dodgy behavior was intolerable. But Marcelo knew a lot was at stake here. He had to have patience.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to, of course. I shouldn't take more of your time. You have probably several books to study."

"No, no. You could do it . . . I'm ready . . ." The twink didn't want to act naked on film, but he even less wanted to be thrown out.

"You're sure? You shouldn't feel any pressure. I would never force you. Are you sure you want this little show to continue?" Marcelo tried to sound sincere.

"Yes! I'm sure. I want you to do it."

"Alright. Take the thong off." Marcelo took hold of the camera and moved closer to the crouch. He captured how the twink struggled to take the tight-fitting thong off his cock and balls. As soon as the little cock was free it raised to full mast. The twink started to masturbate. He didn't care about the camera.

"No, no, no" Marcelo laughed. It was comical how desperate the twink was to get himself off.

"You have to let me do what we agreed to. Then you can do your thing." Marcelo put the razor and bottle of shaving cream on the bed beside the twink lying on his back.

Marcelo took hold of the twink's hard cock and moved it up and away from the stomach. Then he put some shaving cream on. It was so hot. Being in charge over a human being this way was intoxicating.

"Are you ready? I start to shave you", Marcelo told the twink. He didn't protest. He had accepted the perverted logic the predators wanted him to follow. If he let Marcelo shave his pubic hair off, he would have the opportunity to jerk off. As a sign of his surrender, he lifted his head up to watch.

Marcelo started to shave away the little bush around the dick. It wasn't much for the world to see in the first place, but it was the first body modification the predators' ring was able to enforce on their prey. And the shaved crotch was a statement of submission.

"Now, let's clean your armpits. Raise your arms." Jesper did as he was told. Marcelo shaved him clean. No hair from the neck on down.

"This is good. It makes you even sexier, you know? From now on I want you to shave your body before you come here." Marcelo used a towel to clean the crotch. Jesper sat up in the bed to inspect his new look. It felt weird.

When Marcelo was satisfied, he started to caress the twink's cock and balls. He decided he wanted to milk the boy to orgasm himself, and for the camera. The twink moaned out loud and didn't protest when he gripped the dick and began to move his hand up and down. Jesper stayed passive. He performed well, as a sexy boy toy in heat.

Jesper was highly aroused. It felt so good to have a strong hand on his jewels. He spread his legs wider apart to manifest his subordination. But he was somewhat anxious over the whole situation. It was as the hunk played him as a thing rather than building a relationship between them. That thought soon disappeared as the sexual satisfaction took over.

"Yeah, spread those legs more. Give me more access. Let me own you." Marcelo said to encourage and flatter the twink.

The twink was on display. His cock was rock hard and his orgasm came ever closer. When he was really close, Marcelo stopped.

"Nooo! Please, don't stop!"

"If I let you come I want to know what you do for me."

Jesper just wanted the hunk to continue to masturbate him. He was desperate to achieve climax and said, "Anything. Anything you want."

"Good answer." Marcelo put his hand to work and fulfilled Jesper's wish.

The twink exploded and his seed shot up in the air in several nice curves.

"You're a horny son of a bitch, aren't you?" Marcelo laughed as he milked the last cum out of the little cock.

"Yeeessss", said the dazed boy. Never in his life had he experienced an orgasm as strong as this. Marcelo really could manipulate him to experience sex in a way he couldn't imagine before they met. Jesper concluded in his unconscious mind that Marcelo knew more about his feelings and desires than he did. He didn't understand why Marcelo did certain things, but if the outcome was this good he shouldn't question him or protest as much as he had done. He felt even some regret over his objections.

It couldn't be better than this, Jesper thought as Marcelo smiled at him and wiped some of the spunk up and moved the fingers to Jesper's mouth. He eagerly licked and sucked the hunk's finger clean.

Everything had gone according to plan. After all the sexual stimulation it wasn't rocket science to predict an exceptional orgasm when the twink eventually got his little cock wanked. The thong was the way to control his mind and soul.

The predators were ecstatic over the film and wanted more. It was so good they started to discuss if they in the future could sell the material to a professional porn producer.

The training continued the following weeks. The boy was always naked in the apartment, but with the thong in place all the time. When Jesper asked if he could jerk off, Marcelo always demanded something in return.

"I usually call a cleaning firm every spring to give the apartment one big makeover. If you do it, I will give you something to remember", Marcelo smiled.

Jesper did it without any arguing. The (almost) naked twink went to work with the vacuum cleaner and dust rags. When he bent forward to pick something up from the floor, Marcelo stepped up behind him and pushed a finger into the exposed pussy.

First surprised, Jesper winced and looked up. Then he moaned and moved his butt back against Marcelo. He didn't want to lose this finger inside him.

"Haha, what a bitch!" Marcelo laughed. He moved his other arm around the twink and pressed him toward himself. Jesper turned his head and they kissed.

Marcelo broke the kissing and said, "On your hands and knees". Jesper complied. Marcelo opened his trousers and quickly went down on his knees, spit saliva on his hard cock and shoved it into the waiting pussy. Jesper threw his head back in excitement.

The dick pounded the pussy hard and within minutes Marcelo emptied his balls into the willing hole. As he redrew his cock and put it back in his pants, he said, "Yeah, that's what pussies are made for. You're so good. Do you want to be my bitch?"

Jesper loved to hear the warmth in Marcelo's voice, but thought the words weren't so tender. And wasn't they already a couple?

"I. . . don't understand. . . aren't we together. . .?" Jesper whispered confused as he sat on the floor while Marcelo now was standing up beside him.

"We have a lot of fun, yeah. But it's just that."

Jesper's heart sank. Marcelo knows these worlds would be a mode changer in the twink's mind. It was planned. It would make him take the next step, if he wanted to continue their relation.

"You so cute and desirable and perhaps you want to meet other men? It's the right of every human being. I thought you perhaps wanted to try it out on your own, now that I have taught you something about the game of sex. I will understand if you want to move on. No hard feelings."

"Do you want me to leave?" Jesper asked with tears in his eyes.

"No, of course not. I want you to be mine! I want you to be my bitch. But then you have to promise to just be mine and not be involved with men I don't approve of."

This possibility hadn't got to Jesper's mind since the day he met Marcelo.

"You have to commit to me."

"Yes. I want to commit to you. I want to be yours", Jesper said in a pleading tone.

"You're sure? Do you want to be my bitch?"


"Do you know what a bitch is? You have to let me take charge. You belong to me. We won't be equal lovers. In our relationship we will have separate rolls, I decide and you obey. Understand?"

Jesper hadn't thought much about what a relationship with one other person meant, besides being loyal and supportive to each other. Marcelo introduced some rules he never heard of. He was confused but didn't want to risk an unrepairable split with Marcelo.

"Yes. . ."

"Yes, what?"

"I want to be your bitch. I will obey."

"Good. Now finish the cleaning." Marcelo was delighted. He had succeeded to bring the twink to openly and clearly state his submission.

"I will take good care of you", Marcelo said as he made the twink rise up to standing passion. Then he kissed him.

A little latter he said, "Come! Put some clothes on. Let's go." Marcelo took his bitch to the gym club the predators had chosen. It was important to make the twink work out to keep that body in shape. Marcelo would teach him that the more perfectly formed his body is, the more he will be loved.

They worked hard at different gym machines to strengthen the muscle groups in several parts of their bodies. They worked together to adjust the machines to the right weight or resistance. They started to jokingly compete, even if it was a forgone conclusion that Marcelo would win every time. Their workouts together at the gym become a regular event of normality Jesper appreciated.

In the apartment, a different kind of training was on the schedule. Marcelo loved the deep throat training. He had the twink give head with wide open mouth. "You have to learn not to gag when a big cock wants to travel down your throat. It's not polite. You should joyfully take it and give it the pleasure it wants."

Jesper also was told to work to make his body more flexible and loose-limbed. One task was especially important. The twink had to train his ability to, while lying on his back, put his legs under his arms, so his pussy becomes totally exposed. It wasn't easy and almost required him to be as limber as a gymnast.

When Jesper asked why he had to do this, Marcelo answered bluntly, "It feels so good to fuck an easy, accessible bitch pussy."

At the end of every training day, Jesper asked permission to masturbate. Some days Marcelo said, "yes" without new demands. Jesper would then remove the thong and jerk off beside Marcelo even if he was surfing the internet or looked on TV. Other days he would answer, "You little bitch! You can't keep your fingers away from that little cock? Do it when you're back in your student room."

At some evenings, Marcelo would point to the bedroom. Jesper knew the routine. He lay on his back and spread his legs. Marcelo would fuck the brains out of him. Then when he was finished he would let the twink remove the thong and jerk off in the bed.

Other times Marcelo would say, "Of course, but only if I could take some pictures." Jesper didn't understand why Marcelo wanted all those videos.

One thing was a constant. Every time the twink removed the little leather piece around his crotch his cock immediately got rock hard. Jesper blushed and squirmed uncomfortably when the camera was between him and Marcelo. He was so cute when he looked up to Marcelo, and into the camera, and was ashamed to expose how horny he was. His mind was as naked as his body.

Jesper didn't understand why the mixed feelings of being used and at the same time being sexually stimulated could be so incredible good. He felt ashamed, both of his feelings and over the situation. He was called a bitch by the man he admired and wanted to be with. Was this right?

Next: part 8 - Taking order as a bitch

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Next: Chapter 8

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