Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Sep 30, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #6' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [6!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 6 - New minimalist wardrobe

Back in the apartment early Sunday morning, Marcelo tears the clothes of Jesper, kiss him hard, feels him up, and toss him on the bed. No games this time. Marcelo fucks the twink on his back, bending his legs up and spread wide apart. As Marcelo moved his cock in and out, he bent down and put his tongue into the twink's mouth. After some deep kissing, he whispered in the twink's ear, "It feels so good to fuck my little girl."

He turns him around and fucks him from behind. "I love this tight ass," Marcelo whispered. "I will turn it into a pussy, one wet pussy always ready to be fucked. You would love that, wouldn't you, girl?"

Jesper was in heaven. He was fucked by his idol. He got all the attention he could dream about. And it was so wonderful to be fucked in the ass. He was a real bottom boy. A moment like this made it worth to endure the most uncomfortable situations Marcelo had a tendency to put him in, and the diminishing dirty talk of him as a girl. After the sexual intercourse, Jesper fell asleep like a baby.

When he awakes the next morning, Marcelo comes back in the bedroom and throws something on Jesper's stomach. "Put this on. I like my girl to wear this."

It was some type of underwear, a cross between a thong and a jockstrap. There was a black leather pouch with a rubber cock ring attached to the inside of the pouch and a thin waistband. Nothing covered the ass, not even like a string thong.

Jesper didn't understand why he should wear this, but he did as he was told. He put the pouch on by getting into the waistband and then fitting the cock ring around his dick and balls. It wasn't easy. The pouch was small and his cock had to be flaccid to fit. It was uncomfortable.

"Let me see! Come over here and show me. Yeah, you look good in that. This is what you wear whenever you're here. I want you out of your regular clothes and in this as soon as you enter the door. Understand?"

"But why?" Jesper asked honestly.

"Do you want to run around completely naked? I just want you to have something on, without hiding that beautiful body of yours." Marcelo sounded hurt.

"Okay. I do it for you." Jesper dropped the issue.

During the following week, Marcelo continued the deep throat training. When Jesper arrived and had changed clothes, Marcelo put the twink on his back over the end of the bed. The head bent backward made easy access. To not turn Jesper off, he caressed the twink's pecs, stomach and thighs while fucking his throat. He continued to praise the submissive boy.

"You have an incredibly sexy body, you know. I get an excellent view of it from here. That's one reason I love fucking your throat so much."

He also liked it because it was uncomfortable for the twink, but it was a side he was forbidden to show. The predator's gang thought it could scare the twink away.

Jesper didn't like the thong. His cock couldn't get hard, and he couldn't touch it. That was, of course, two of the reasons they wanted him to wear it. His sexual arousal and frustration would increase and with that his tolerance for humiliation.

One day when Jesper arrived at Marcelo's apartment he pretends to have forgotten the thong. When he sat down on the sofa, Marcelo asked coldly, "Why haven't you changed into your girlie costume?"

"Please. . . Must I?"

"If you want to have a cup of coffee and some small talk between friends, no you don't. If you want me to treat you as the faggot you are, yes! It's your choice . . ."

Marcelo went into the kitchen as if he didn't care which. Nothing could be more wrong, but it was important that Jesper recognized for himself what he was and wanted to be treated like a pussy boy. It couldn't be the slightest doubt about him making his own choices and nobody forced him to anything.

When Marcelo went back to the living room with two cups of coffee, he smiled. Jesper had changed and sat on the sofa, naked except for the thong.

"What a cute little girl you are!" Marcelo said with a laugh. Jesper blushed. Both of them knew it was true. The twink got what he wanted, attention from the Latino hunk.

One evening when Marcelo fucked Jesper from behind, laying on top of him in the bed, he whispered in his ear. "Do you want to take the thong off?"

"Yes, please."

"You have to promise me something." Marcelo's dick went in and out of the twink's pussy.

"Yeah, anything."

Marcelo smiled. It was true, but not yet. "You have to wear the thong all day and night for a week."

"Oh, nooo. . ." Jesper said when he understood what that meant. No masturbation.

"Oh, yes. If I let you cum now when you're with me, I want to know you don't do it elsewhere. And not with somebody else." Marcelo did it to a question about trust and loyalty.

"I don't do it with anybody else; I promise," Jesper said.

"But you jerk that boy cock off every day, don't you?" Marcelo increased his drilling of the boy pussy. Jesper moaned.

"Okay." Jesper surrendered.

"Okay, what?"

"I will wear the thong one week."

"You will take it off just to pee and wash your crotch, and nothing else?"

"I promise."

Marcelo moved his cock out of the pussy and helped the twink to sit up. Jesper immediately pulled the thong off and his little cock rapidly got hard as a rock.

"You know I could tell if you jerked off when we meet again next week? If you do, our relation is over. You understand?"

"I do. I won't." Jesper leaned toward Marcelo and wanted to kiss him, but Marcelo moved backward.

"Sure? You let me control your cock?"

". . . Yeah." It was a strange way to put it, but Jesper didn't want to disobey.

Marcelo moved forward and kissed the boy passionately. This question was the first hint of what's coming in the near future if he stays.

Jesper was pressed down on his back. Marcelo lifted his legs up and forward to expose the pussy. Helplessly splayed and intoxicated by Marcelo's strength, beauty and aggression Jesper moans out loud as Marcelo's thick dripping cock pierced through his hole.

"Yes, that's a good girl. Open that sweet pussy for me." As he pounded that hole, Jesper wanked his now free cock. It was wonderful. It didn't take more than a few moments before Jesper shoots his wad. It hit Marcelo on his pecs and dripped down on his stomach. It was enough for Marcelo to empty his balls deep into the twink. It felt so good for them both.

Some days later Marcelo inspected a digital video camera as Jesper arrived. Without any hesitation he steps out of his clothes, except for his specially made thong. He did it as if it was the most natural thing in the world. This acceptance of Marcelo's rules was the signal to take the next step.

"Is it new?" Jesper asked as if the camera was the most noticeable thing in the room, not that a good locking teen was undressed with a small and bizarre thong around his genitals.

"Yeah. It seems rather easy to use. Shall we try?" Marcelo said as if it was nothing.

"What do you mean . . . ?" As Jesper asks, Marcelo pointed the camera toward the almost naked twink and started the recording.

"No! No, please. Don't. . ." Jesper puts up his arms and tries to block the view.

"Take it easy, baby. It's just for me. I want to have something to remember you by when you not here at night . . ."

"But I'm here as much as you want."

"Hm. That I can't deny. But I have to record to learn how it works and how to edit. I need someone to act in front of the camera. I can't think of anybody better than you, my little girl. Let me take some pictures . . . You can trust me, you know."

Marcelo took Jesper's head with one hand under his chin and started to kiss him as he held the camera with the other. "You're so cute and I haven't any other object to shoot. You can help me and we can do films together . . . Don't be so dull . . . This will be fun . . ."

Their relationship hade evolves to a point where the twink needed Marcelo's closeness. He craved love and physical touch. To get that he has to give up his body. He didn't know it yet. Jesper thought Marcelo's proposal was embarrassing and unfear. He tried to ignore it. But Marcelo would never let him escape. He kissed and pleaded again and again. It was first when Marcelo ceased and moved away in a silence that Jesper surrendered.

"Okay!" With a sigh of resignation, Jesper gives in as he looked down at the floor. Marcelo smiled, turned around and pointed the camera at him. "Now, let's see how to start this thing." He pretended that he didn't know, but he was very well prepared.

The predator's gang had a lot of suggestion about what and how he should shoot. The gang was extremely excited to come over the first videos of the sexy twink. They would make copies to each one.

Marcelo moved around the twink. Jesper was very nervous during this initial film session. Marcelo but the camera down as if he stopped filming. But the recording continued. The hunk started to rub the twink's neck and his shoulders from behind to relax him and at the same time carefully put him in front of the camera eye. Marcelo hoped he hadn't moved forward too fast. He wanted so badly to record the twink's nice body in all thinkable angels.

"You are so beautiful, my little girl. You shouldn't hide that body."

The rubbing and the compliment ease him up. It's as if this was the first time in his life he feels wanted. And boy oh boy, was he ever so wanted. The twink can't stop Marcelo from doing what he wants. Marcelo rubs the twink's shoulder and upper arm. "Let's continue. It can't be that difficult to learn how this damn camera works." The good-humoured talk helps to relax tension in the room.

"Why don't you go to the kitchen and get us some beer and then sit down on the sofa?" Marcelo suggested. Jesper did as he was told.

The camera continued to roll. Marcelo followed the twink from behind. The firm, smooth and well-shaped boy ass was closely documented. These cheeks would soon be in the hands of the member in the predator's gang. The camera captured the twink body as it bent forward to take out two beers from the refrigerator and turn toward the camera to go back into the living room. The lens swept from the gorgeous, smooth chest, down to the crotch which put the thong front and center.

The twink was uncomfortable as Marcelo walked backward in front of him, with the camera rolling. Every movement of the almost naked body was captured on film. Marcelo thought the twink's embarrassment was hot. He zoomed in on his perfectly shaped face that never had needed to be shaved. The close ups documented the twink's face in every detail.

"Open it and drink," Marcelo ordered as he filmed. Jesper complied.

"We have to test the sound. Let us pretend that this is an interview. What's your name?"

"Must we do this? I don't like it. Can't you put the camera down? Please. . ."

"You silly girl, now I have to edit the video. That answer will not do." Marcelo said with an easy-going tone. But it was also a sharp message to Jesper that he hadn't any chance to escape this foolish game.

"What's your name?" Marcelo started over.

"It's Jesper," he said as he looked down to the table.

"Look at me and the camera when you answer. This is your first TV-participation, for God's sake", Marcelo continued to play a good spirited game. Jesper fined it stupid, but he couldn't deny that it was interesting to see Marcelo try to be funny instead of always serious.

"Okey, I'm Jesper. 19 years old and a freshman at the University." He looked into the camera and did a little smile.

"Isn't this Marcelo one sexy hunk?" Marcelo asked.

"Oh, yes. He is one of the sexiest guys I met." Jesper answered as he continued to look into the camera and smiled more broadly.

"One of - not the sexiest?"

Jesper starts to laugh out loud. "Yes, yes, he is the sexiest guy I know."

"Do you like to be here with me?" As Marcelo asked a more sensitive question, he started to zoom away from close-ups. The camera view widened to capture his shoulders, and then his sleek, hairless pecs and taut stomach as Marcelo moved back to get the whole body in the frame.

"Eeeh. . . Yes. I like it." Jesper got immediately more reserved. In what direction would this line of questions lead?

"What is it you like to do?" Marcelo took a chance. He knows this was something emotional for the twink. But he wanted to capture him ashamed on film. It would be hot for the predator's gang to watch.

"I don't know . . . You show me things . . ." Jesper said as he twisted and turned in the sofa and wanted to escape through a hole in the floor.

"What things?"

"Eeeh . . ."

"Look at me and into the camera" Marcelo whispered as if it wouldn't be registered on tape.

"Eeeh . . . Things about sex."

"Tell me what things. Don't be shy."

"Eeeh . . . How to suck cock . . . And you have fucked me." Jesper's face was now deep red with embarrassment. He looked down to the floor.

"Did I take you virgin ass?"


"Was it good?"

"Yes, it was something I had dreamt about."

"Okay, stand up and move in front of the table." Once again Marcelo whispered the instructions as if it was a helpful gesture.

It was a relief to do something else than talk about his first sexual experience. The twink moved out on the floor and looked for the next instruction. Marcelo followed him with the camera.

"Turn slowly," Marcelo said. The camera captured the twink in a full-length portrait from behind and from all angels as he turned a full circle.

"Okay. Enough of this." Marcelo put the camera down on the table and went for Jesper and hugged him.

"You're so cute. It will be really funny to experiment with this recording. Thank you. You're sweet to let me do this." Marcelo started to kiss him and Jesper melted in Marcelo's arms.

Ones again Jesper was in heaven when Marcelo caressed and took command over his body. As soon as Marcelo led him to the bedroom he forgot the unpleasant experience with the camera.

Without any ceremony, Marcelo pushed the twink onto the bed. He landed on his side. Marcelo stepped quickly out of his clothes and climbs onto the bed behind the twink and let his hard dick penetrated the pussy in one stroke.

"Ohhh," Jesper grunted. He was pleased. It felt so fucking good to feel Marcelo's cock inside him. Jesper hoped he would cum with a big load. He wanted to be full of him, his hero, his Man.

Jesper knew he needed this cock in him. It feels so fucking good to be fucked by him. Could the two of them be a couple? He would do anything to be close to him and take his loads. Jesper was obsessed with the hunk, his strength, good looks and even his somewhat raw edge. He realized he needed to be more compliant, to please him. Nothing was better than being penetrated by this Latino hunk; Jesper thought as Marcelo slammed the cock into his pussy again and again without restraint.

The first film was a success with the predator's gang. They could now see their prey almost naked and in action. It was invaluable and legal, as long as they didn't spread it to anyone outside the ring. Jesper did it by his own will. The film itself was clear evidence to their advantage if the twink at some point in the future would go to the police.

When the predator's gang had seen the first scenes with the twink, they wanted more. The ring leader, Anders, was pleased and surprised. He didn't think his former lover was able to handle the twink in this excellent way. Anders was a successful business man in a global technological company and Marcelo was a blue collar worker.

When they had an intimate relation Anders regarded Marcelo untidy and irresponsible. The reason Anders invited Marcelo to be a ring member was his youth, good looks and his potential to trap a twink. If he did, Anders was sure someone else had to be the alpha man who trapped the prey.

Anders had met Marcelo in an SM club some years back when Marcelo was not much older than Jesper. Anders now in his mid-40s had dominated Marcelo, but the young man wasn't a natural bottom. They had separated as friends because Marcelo respected Anders.

When Marcelo asked why Anders didn't get a boy for himself, he replied his international business traveling made it difficult to keep one on his own. If a group of men shared a boy they could divide the responsibility, but fuck and use him as much they needed anyway.

Now Anders demanded more pictures and film with their prey. He wanted Jesper completely naked and if possible wanking himself to release in front of the camera.

Some days later Marcelo had the camera on a tripod. He asked the twink to sit down on the sofa. The camera was rolling.

"Take the thong off." Jesper wanted to protest, but he knew that Marcelo wouldn't be happy. He just froze and looked at Marcelo.

"You shouldn't be so shy about showing me your jewels. A handsome guy like you should be proud of your cock and balls", Marcelo urges.

The demand was carefully planned. Seven days ago Jesper had promised to wear the thong a whole week and don't jerk off. The nineteen year old twink was hot and his balls filled. Jesper hadn't strength enough to argue anymore. He capitulates and use both of his hands to free his cock and balls from the thong in front of a running camera. To get it off he had to stand up and step out of it. When it was off Jesper just stood there in all his teenage innocence and with his dick and balls on display. To his embarrassment blood rushed to the starved cock and made it rock hard.

"Good boy. You can sit down." Marcelo directed.

"Don't be shy. Spread your legs for me."

He did, and said, "I'm not as big as some other guys . . ."

"Baby, you have a beautiful dick. Don't worry if it is a bit on the small side." Marcelo didn't want the twink to feel too comfortable. It keeps him on his toes.

Marcelo sat down beside Jesper, outside the frame, and started fondling with the unprotected cock and balls. The twink stiffened and once more got very nervous. It's extremely embarrassing for Jesper to know that his hard cock was captured on film. And even worse: his dick was used as a toy.

It was one important lesson in the twink's secret education: to combined sexual arousal with humiliation and degradation. The goal was to make the twink only able to feel the first without the second.

"Don't worry, you are so natural and good looking," Marcelo told the twink who was trembling but tried to keep up a good relaxed, smiling front. He was so fucking cute, Marcelo thought. He was truly innocent and shy.

Marcelo continued to play with the twink's cock and balls. He loved to fondle with this tiny prickle and grope the boy stoned and to do it in front of the recording camera didn't make it less so. After a while, Marcelo moved his hand away. He waited to see what the twink would do. And he did what Marcelo had hoped. Jesper took hold of his dick with his own hand and continued to work his teen prick. Excellent!

By his free will he now masturbated in front of the camera. Jesper was so occupied with his need for release that the surrounding went out of his mind. Soon his stomach muscles tightened and his breathing changed before his little dick fired thick spunk that went straight up in the air and landed with a splash, in his hair and on his chest.

One reason the twink did it was his promise to keep his dick in the thong for a week without release. The predator's evil plan worked. The digital file from the camera would soon be sent to all of the men in the gang.

During the following days, Marcelo let Jesper get use to the camera. He played with it all the time, even when they didn't do anything special at all. One night when Marcelo kissed him and had him ready to be fucked, Marcelo shook his head no and looked concerned.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?" Jesper chewed his lower lip and immediately fell for it.

"Oh, nothing. Let's go to bed, shall we?"

Jesper got worried. "No, come on, tell me. We are friends." Oh, it was so great to hear that from a nineteen year old boy.

"Well, it's the camera . . . I would like to put it beside our bed and shoot when we are fucking. It would be so hot."

"You want to do a porn video?" Jesper asked a bit stunned.

"Forget it. Let's just call it a day!"

"No . . . no, I can do it . . . if you want to." Jesper was getting accustomed to camera lenses and hadn't a clue about how the videos were copied and watched among ten horny men. He just wanted to be fucked by the man he started to love.

Next: part 7 - This for that

Thanks for the comments and suggestions, dear readers. The framework for this story is almost complete. I have read many fantastic erotic stories that end suddenly and abruptly. It's a shame. My goal is to create a plausible :-) ending. But suggestions and ideas on the way could improve the journey. One such good idea is to put in some pain as a form of humiliation. Working on that.

Next: Chapter 7

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