Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Sep 28, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #5' {} ( MM bd humil slow )[5!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 5 - Deepthroat training

The Latino hunk and the twink started to meet at least once a week in the apartment the twink believed was Marcelo's. The predator's ring got detailed reports from Marcelo, and they guided him on how to act to strengthen Jesper's trust in him. This trust would be the cornerstone in their deception of the twink.

The predator's gang was excited about how well their plan was proceeding. Now they could slowly unravel the cute young man. Not before long Jesper would be convinced to give his body and mind up to Marcelo and then to other men. He should eventually be ready to be used in any way they wanted. They intended to subvert his mind and make him accept deviant sexual acts as normal and, therefore, don't protest when they gradually take possession of his body for their pleasure.

Marcelo went from vanilla to more raw sex in small steps. First he wanted the twink to improve his skills in blowjobs. It was a good way, the ring believed, to claim the ownership of the twink's body and mind. By treating the mouth like a cunt, they teach Jesper that nothing he has to say, nothing that comes out of his mouth matters or have any value. The only value he brings is the pleasure real men derive from using his young smooth body.

As soon as Jesper arrived at the apartment shortly after the last encounter when he lost his virginity, Marcelo wanted to take charge. He started to touch his crotch and at the same time looked urgently at the twink as he pulled off his sweatshirt. Jesper was easy persuaded. He immediately squat down in front of Marcelo standing in the hallway and opened the trousers. Jesper took the cock in his hand and started to lick it and take the head in his mouth.

"Yeah. That's right. This is your task in life. To suck a real man's cock, isn't it?"

Jesper said "yes" as he put the cock out of his mouth for a second.

"Okay, but if you want to do blowjobs, you have to do it right."

The twink looked up surprised. He thought he did it as it should be done. Marcelo smiled. This twink is not just a little inexperienced.

"If you want to please a man you have to take more of his cock in your mouth. If you want, I can teach you how to do it. Do you want that?"

Jesper said "yes" as he stopped sucking and looked up at Marcelo.

"It is okay to start by using your tongue and lips to rub and lick it. Explore everything, even the piss slit. You need to detect what create pleasure for the big cock and its owner. Explore it intimately and learn what it likes. That's a beginning", Marcelo said as if he was a teacher.

"You're a natural as a beginner, but when you got the cock wet, and hard it's time to move to the next level. You have to take the cock - down your throat. It's down there every man's cock want to go. You have to control your gag reflex. It requires training, a lot of it. Do you want me to help you with this?"

Marcelo intention was to make the twink believe it was a kind act of support, something done for him. The twink should think he owes Marcelo a favor, and it was crystal clear it was the twink's choice to get this "education." It was the right mindset according to the predator's plan.

"Yes, please. Would you show me?" Jesper fell for the mean scheme. Marcelo smiled.

"Why not? But you have to do as I tell you, even if it sometimes can feel uncomfortable."

"I promise."

"Okay. You have to put more of my cock in your mouth."

Jesper moved his head forward, but his gag reflexes made him redraw.

"That was nothing. Go for it again. You have to get used to a big cock in your throat."

Jesper tried again. And again he pulled away when the gag reflex kicked in.

"Relax. Try to loosen the muscles in your throat. Don't fight the intruder."

Jesper swallowed and went for it.

"Take more of it." Marcelo put a hand on the twink's head and pulled him down onto the dick, but soon stopped before the dick went further down the throat. He was in no rush. He didn't want to scare the twink, and as long as he had those lips around his meat he wasn't complaining. Jesper was relaxing a bit, and Marcelo controlled the head as it moved back and forth, without too much force.

"Fuuuucckk, that's nice, faggot." Marcelo threw his head back and sighed.

Every time the two guys meet the blowjob training continued. Jesper hadn't closed the door behind him as he arrived before Marcelo expressed his will. "Hi, my little cocksucker. Is that faggot throat ready to swallow cock without trouble? On your knees. Open up! Take my cock."

The twink was eager every time and took the hard rod in his mouth. He closed his lip around it and moved his head a bit forward to take more.

"That's right. This is the way to treat a man's cock." Marcelo sighed and moved his hips forward to push more of his shaft into the twink. Jesper fights hard to block gag reflexes. His eyes watered. When the cock went in deeper, he couldn't hold back anymore. He gurgled and moved his head back to release his oral cavity from the cock.

"Was it to deep? Have you got enough of my cock?" Marcelo asked more to get the twink to feel bad and go harder for it than to be understanding or supportive.

"No, I just need more practice," Jesper said without thinking about what that meant for Marcelo.

"Aha . . . That's good. Tell me what you think. Together we can make your training more effective."

Some moment later Marcelo redrew his dick from the eager mouth and walked to the sofa. "I want to see the news. Turn on the TV", Marcelo said as he sat down. Jesper complied.

"Come here, faggot. Suck my cock while I watch what has happened today." Marcelo's put his pants down to his ankles. The twink slides down between the table and Marcelo's legs. As the evening sport news started, Jesper's lips were once again closing around the hunk's big dick.

Marcelo looked on the news about different sport event as the twink's head moved up and down. "That's right. It feels so good." He leaned back on the sofa and relaxed. It was wonderful to have a cute boy doing all the work.

Jesper put a hand on his own crotch. From now on Marcelo began to warn him every time Jesper tried to please himself, "Ah! Ah! Don't! You're here to please me, and it should be enough for you."

It was. Jesper didn't protest.

The gang wanted to make his mouth to a cunt that they sooner or later could use without restraint or regard for the twink's comfort. To hold a cocksucker by its head and choke him on one's dick is a form of dominance and aggression that demonstrated their masculinity. The heterosexual men in the gang, who happen to have sex with younger men, were especially looking forward to this kind of activity.

Marcelo had to teach him that when a real man used a mouth the cocksucker should just relax and take it. He should be prepared to swallow the cock and whatever would come out of it - whether he could breathe or not is irrelevant. The cocksucker has to learn and appreciate his vulnerability and his task as a sex toy.

But how would the predator's gang get the twink to go along? When Marcelo had trained the mouth and got his release for the evening, he would send the eager and begging twink home to his student room. It was important to increase the sexual lust in the twink. To not give him satisfaction was best way. The backdrop was that Marcelo couldn't fuck the desirable twink in his delicious newly made pussy. His protest fell on deaf ears in the gang. They couldn't either fuck the prey. Yet.

But the scheme was effective. The next couple of weeks the twink invited himself to suck the hunk every second or third day. And Marcelo notices a growing desperation in the twink when he was denied to come over to the apartment or sent home without a proper intercourse and hot release.

"Please. . . Can't I stay? Can't I sleep over with you?" Every time he was riding home on the tube his cock was hard. He went to bed and desperately wanked his cock while thinking about Marcelo, his demanding cock, and muscular body. He wanted to be close to him. Please him. Do what he wanted.

One afternoon when Jesper phoned Marcelo, he was told to meet him at a gym, a not too overcrowded health club in the city. The gang wanted the prey to be in good shape and at the same time increase the submissive streak in the training Marcelo gave him.

After the workout, the two of them walked to the dressing room. They showered and joked around naked in the otherwise empty rooms. Marcelo sat down in front of his locker and pointed to his growing dick as he looked the twink in his eyes.

"Here?!" Jesper was surprised.

"Yeah. I'm horny and need a release."

"But if some. . ."

"Do you want my cock or not?!"

"Yes. . ." Jesper heard that Marcelo was serious and moved to him and kneeled down. He looked up to Marcelo to confirm that he could put the half hard dick in his mouth.

"Good boy. Go to work."

Jesper was naked and sucked cock in a public dressing room. His protest was weak, and he was quickly doing what he was told. He eagerly sucked the hunk's cock.

The gang arranged for one of their members to walk into the dressing room and interrupt them in the sex act. It was Anders, the leader of the predator's gang and a guy who naturally commanded respect from the second he walks into a room. He was a big and strong man with a dangerously looking gaze and short cut brown hair. He walked in and had to speak to them to get the twink's attention.

"What's going on here. . .?" Anders asked with his deep voice.

Poor young Jesper freaked out and tried to move away. But Marcelo held him in place by his shoulders and answered the man he knew well, but acted as if he was a stranger.

"We just relax after our workout. Do you mind?"

"No, not at all. But I need to change. And my looker is here, right opposite yours", Anders said as he walked to the bench on the other wall.

"No problem," Marcelo answered as he with his hands started to move the twink's head toward his dick. Jesper looked horrified up to Marcelo. The hunk just smiled and nodded yes.

The twink knows he had a man behind him looking on. It was a big moment. Would he submit and start sucking the cock in front of a stranger? This situation was a new level of humiliation. But after just a couple of seconds of hesitation, Jesper opened his mouth and put it over the dick and started to suck. To have a hard cock in his face was too tempting. His desire overpowered the humiliation it meant to suck cock in front of an audience.

Marcelo ruffled the twink's hair. "Yeeees, that's the way."

Anders sat down on the bench opposite. "Is he good?" To Jesper's horror, the stranger started a conversation with Marcelo. And they talked about him.

"Yeah. He is a horny little cocksucker. He is inexperienced but a fast learner."

"Does he do as he's told?"

Marcelo moved Jesper off his cock and asked him. "Do you do as you're told?"

Jesper got deep red in his face. He just nodded yes. Marcelo pushed the head down to his cock again, and the twink swallowed it. He was relieved not to have to turn his face toward the new guy.

The two men started to talk about the gym and what kind of workout they did. They acted as if it was the most natural thing to have a boy sucking cock in the dressing room.

Before the encounter, the gang had decided that Anders shouldn't touch or caress the twink. It could freak him out. They had to move slowly.

When the stranger walked to the showers and left the dressing room, Jesper showed he was upset.

"Why did you do that!? He will think I am a fag and a slut. . ."

"But I'm proud of you. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were ashamed of what we have together", Marcelo said with a tone of disappointment in his voice.

It got Jesper as a blow to his stomach. As he still sat on his knees between Marcelo's legs, he said, "Sorry. . . "

"Perhaps . . . you aren't ready for an adult relationship yet." Marcelo said. Those words made Jesper fall apart.

"I didn't mean to . . . I just thought . . . we could do it in private. . ."

"If you're ashamed of me and our relation maybe we should stop seeing each other for a while."

"No, I'm so sorry . . ."

"You have to prove to me you are adult enough to handle our relationship."

"I do anything!" Jesper said.

It was the words everybody was waiting for. It was time to move on in the twink's education. As they walked out of the gym, Marcelo said he has to move on, and they would call each other. He hugged the twink and left. Jesper knew it was he who had to call, Marcelo never did.

As soon as Jesper entered the apartment the next time Marcelo spread his legs where he was sitting at the kitchen table. Without a word Jesper got down on his knees, unzip the pants and took the big club out.

"I've wanted a blowjob all day and not a bitch around to give head," Marcelo complained while smiling. It was the first time he calls Jesper a bitch, and it was not the last time. Jesper didn't hear it; he was focusing on the cock he wanted to suck.

Marcelo took hold of his cock and smacked the twink lightly in the face a couple of times. The twink's tongue stuck out trying to lap at it. When Marcelo pulled the twink's head down on the cock and held it there. Marcelo held the head with both hands as he moved his thighs forward against the face while his cock moved deeper than ever before into the twink. Jesper made some noises like he was beginning to gag, but didn't pull back.

"Swallow that dick! You can do it."

Marcelo's dick poked at the back of the mouth, at the entrance to the throat, and then gave the twink a break. But then it went in again, hard. When it bumped up against the back of the mouth this time, Marcelo just pulled harder on the twink's head. The dick slowly went in and down the throat.

"Fuck! It always feels so good, when you bottom out in a throat", Marcelo said as he plundered the twink's throat.

"That's it, faggot. Good job. Take it all the way." He could feel the throat constricting, trying to swallow the dick. He pulled back out to let Jesper breathe. The twink gasped loudly, and saliva strand ran out of his mouth. Marcelo went back in deep again.

"You do really well, cocksucker! Your mouth and throat are made to take cock. No doubt about it", Marcelo said as he pushed the face onto the cock, again hearing the twink make those choking noises.

When Marcelo pulled out, Jesper sucked air, and long strands of saliva from somewhere in his throat were dangling between the cock and his lips. Tears ran from his eyes, and his face was red.

"That's it. You are learning. This is magnificent." Marcelo put his hands back on the twink's head and pulled it down hard, and could feel the balls smack up against the twink's chin. He felt his dickhead deep in the throat, that warm wet passage massaging his cock, the throat contracting. The twink swallowed his cock.

Jesper felt Marcelo's hands on his head, and he understood that for all of his enthusiasm and eagerness to please he wasn't in charge. Marcelo's grip tightened. He commanded the pace of the heads movement and how much his cock stuffed the throat. Jesper was panicking when he lost control over his breading, but he was able to suppress his instinct to move his head away. He didn't want to make Marcelo disappointed again.

Marcelo fucked the throat in a steady and powerful way as if it was a pussy. Marcelo pulled back just to move forward again. It was so hot to see his rather big dick completely disappear into a twink's face. Jesper's lips got contact with his open trousers.

"Look at me! I want to watch you struggle to swallow my dick. I want to see tears on your pretty little face. I want to see appreciation in your eyes the second my cum hits your throat. "

Marcelo once more moved his dick back out, and when their eyes met, he pulled down with force and pressed the twink's head hard against his crotch. Tears were streaming down from Jesper's eyes, and Marcelo could see panic start to build up in the twink.

Jesper was longing for the moment when Marcelo shudders and give away deep moans and starts to cum. Jesper knew he was a true cocksucker as cum was filling his throat. It was unpleasant right now, but he thought he would learn to like it. He already loved to please the hunk and be able to make him get his release.

"Oh, yeah, baby, you got a tight throat. You're beginning to take my dick like a real cocksucker, aren't you? Only a faggot can swallow a big dick like this." While he talks, he loosened his vice grip on the twink's head. Jesper was breathing fast. He sounded as if he just had finished a sprint race.

Marcelo smiled and then moved his crotch forward just a little without holding the twink's head. He wanted the twink to take the not so hard dick down the throat by his own initiative. Jesper hesitated as he looked up at the man's face. When he raised his eyebrows as if to say "do it," Jesper moved his head forward and took the cock in his mouth by his own will.

"Yes, hold my cock. Your mouth is so good. What a pretty little faggot you are."

Marcelo's cell phone rang and he fished it up from his pocket. As he began to talk with someone, Jesper moved his head back. Marcelo slapped the back of the head with his open hand. Jesper moved forward again. After the call was finished, Marcelo wanted to tell him how stupid he was and that he shouldn't pull back until he was told, but at this early stage he had to have patience.

"You did well! I'm proud of you. Fantastic! You're learning how to please a man". Marcelo wants the twink to learn a lesson: he has to work hard to get praise.

"Come here, you naughty little cocksucker. Let take a shower." Marcelo lifted the twink up, and they helped wash each other with soap under the streaming water. Jesper believed he was gonging to be fucked and was very disappointed when Marcelo sent him home to his lonely student room. Once again Jesper traveled home unsatisfied. But he was happy. Marcelo told him to come back tomorrow afternoon.

When Jesper arrived the next day, Marcelo said, "I want to take a bet against you. I don't think you can take my cock all the way like yesterday in a different posture. Do you?" Marcelo smiled.

"Oooh, don't be so sure. What's at stake?"

"If you win, I take you to a night on the town that you never forget, all on me. If I win, you continue the training at my will. Sounds fear?"

"Yeah, I think so." Jesper said and couldn't see any drawbacks. It sounded almost too good to be true.

"Okay. Let's get started. I want you nude on the bed." Marcelo said as he moved to the bedroom. The twink followed.

"I want you to lie down on your back, with the head out over the bedside." Jesper lay down on the bed exactly as he was told to.

Once again Marcelo was amazed over what a gorgeous body this twink presented when he was exposed, naked on the bed. It was as if a young Greek god of mythology had come to life. But this was an obedient and uncertain young man, ready to be shaped to whatever self-confident men wanted.

"Right. I love to fuck an open throat. It means that I want you to open your lips wide and let them stay wide open. All the time. I don't want any resistance from your lips. It's the throat I want to feel. Nothing else. Okay?"

"Aah-ah." The cock was already in the mouth. And Marcelo didn't want any answer. Now the twink should get his education, without any doubt.

As Marcelo held his cock in the mouth, he looked down at the marvelous body on display before him. Its well-defined throat and Adam's apple, its perfect pecs, and its taut stomach that rise and fall with the twink's breeding. This torso was so accessible, so vulnerable and so sexy.

The hunk's cock went deeper and deeper with every thrust in and out. The twink started to make some gurgling noises. His throat was under stress. He closed his lip around the dick.

"Keep those lips open!" The voice had an element of anger or eagerness, which Jesper never heard before.

Marcelo continued to fuck the mouth and throat relentlessly with long strokes. The twink fight against his reflexes to keep his mouth open as the onslaught just went on. But he didn't get air, and he started to move his head to get free. Marcelo removed his cock.

"Not particularly professional," Marcelo said with a sting of disappointment as he looked down into the twink's eyes.

When Jesper cleared his throat, he answered, "But we have just started. Let me get used to it. I won't fail you. I promise. Just give me some time." Jesper didn't want to disappoint the man he always has dreamt about, the man who was willing to teach him about the secrets of gay sex.

"Okay, let's take a break for lunch." When Jesper went for his clothes, Marcelo grabbed him by the arm.

"No. I want you to be naked. I want to look at that sexy body of yours."

Earlier Jesper felt embarrassed to be naked, but now he began to feel a bit proud. He began to understand he was desirable. He tripped around naked in the kitchen and living room while Marcelo was dressed.

When they moved from the kitchen, Marcelo caressed and groped Jesper's butt cheeks as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Let's continue the training here. Get down on your knees and open your mouth."

The hunk let his cock disappear in the twink's cavity. It went in, and in, and in. It hit the back wall of the throat. It pressed on and found the opening to the throat. It continued down. Jesper started to make noises and began to close his lips around the dick.

"NO! Keep your lips apart. Wider!" Marcelo was annoyed. "I will do this my way. Remember the bet."

Jesper was in distress. He had difficulty to breath. The gag reflex was hard to control. But he tried to keep his lips open.

"Yes! Now you get it. I can feel how my cock travels from your mouth into your throat. It's wonderful." Marcelo retracted for a moment. Jesper gasped for air.

"Keep your mouth wide open. Look me in the eyes!" As soon as the twink looked up, the cock went in and down. The twink gurgled but didn't do anything to prevent the hunk from putting the cock deep down the throat. When he pulled his cock out it was followed by strings of thick saliva. He pulled it all back into the mouth and down the throat.

"Good. Good." Marcelo was getting what he wanted.

It was a rather bizarre occurrence: a naked twink on his knees with a wide open mouth and a big hard Latino cock traveling slowly in and out without any resistance at all. Down and back out.

Tears traveled down the twink's cheeks, but he was completely passive. He took it. He gave up his throat to the invader.

The hunk felt a psychological shift in the twink. He had ceased to resist. Even his reflexes had become weaker.

"I'm impressed," Marcelo said as he removed his cock. But when Jesper started to close his mouth, he got reprimanded.

"Keep those lips apart, faggot! As wide as you can. I love to see your mouth pussy totally accessible", Marcelo confessed as he took several steps back to take the whole scene in. The twink kept his mouth wide open.

It was a wonderful feeling to go forward to the twink and put the dick back in and let it sank all the way down without touch anything but the throat. Marcelo orgasm was one of the best in a long time. He emptied his balls into the throat.

He also wanted to piss straight down that hole, but he knew that have to wait. The twink wasn't there get.

"Okay. You won." Marcelo said. Jesper looked surprised up at him. With his mouth still open.

"You can close your mouth now," Marcelo said laughing.

"You took my cock as no one has before. You are a star! You know that? Get dressed."

Still a bit confused Jesper went for his clothes. "You won the bet, and we are going out and do the town tonight. I will take you to clubs you never been in, the ones you haven't the age to enter."

Jesper was happy. First he got hot sexual attention from a real man and then he was allowed to enter popular clubs were teenagers normally didn't get into.

Marcelo obviously informed the other men in the gang. During the evening, all of them got close to Jesper without him knowing anything. He would later meet each one of them under different circumstances.

Next: part 6 - New minimalist wardrobe

Next: Chapter 6

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