Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on May 19, 2023


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #41' {} ( MM bd humil slow )[41!>44]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear lewd.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 41 - Territorial expansion

Enthusiastically and without thinking the twink hugged Mr. Thorson when he was back out on the island. After the harsh treatment in Mr. Johnson's basement, it was a relief to be able to move around and interact with men. The twink was more eager than ever to make a good impression. He was learning to appreciate life on the island, exactly as planned.

When Mr. Thorson and his friends had finished dessert and had been served coffee and cognac by the twink, one of the men wheeled a brown leather footstool into the dining room.

The man looked at Jesper, pointed to the footstool and used a dog command: "Down." Without any hesitation, the slave walked over to the stool, sat down and looked up at the man to get further instructions.

"On your back and bring your legs up and back." When he did, the man straightened out a broad leather strap and put it around the twink's torso and upturned legs. He then tightened the strap with a ratchet strap handle normally used to secure cargo. The naked body was compressed in its folded position on the footstool.

Jesper had never experienced such tight bondage before. It was almost as if he became part of the furniture. And it wasn't in a comfortable position -- his legs were pressed down on each side of his torso. He decided it was a good thing Mr. Johnson had given him the sadistic massage. Without his regular stretching and workouts, he wouldn't have been able to cope with this folded position.

But he noticed he could lift his head and move his arms freely. He would soon know why.

"A dessert of a different kind is ready," the man said as he slapped the upturned ass cheeks. The younger men at the dinner table walked over to the twink and inspected the bound body.

"Do we have ice cream?" one of them asked and turned to Mr. Thorson.

"Of course, you can get it in the kitchen." He smiled as the jock walked past him to get it. When he was back, he put a spoon with ice cream to Jesper's mouth.

"Do you want some?"

The twink opened his mouth, and it was nice to be fed some dessert. It was vanilla and pistachio nuts, his favorite flavor. One of the other men who had gathered around the footstool put two fingers into the ice cream container and moved them to Jesper's mouth. He eagerly licked them clean. The other men followed suit and began to feed the bound slave, but soon became somewhat sloppy.

They smeared it all over his face. Someone put a handful of it on the exposed asshole. Then he began to lick it up. Another man began to lick ice cream off his face.

"Enough of this, I want to fuck it," someone said and pushed the guy rimming the twink aside. He had his cock out of his pants and penetrated the hole quickly. While the others looked on, they opened their pants and slowly jerked their cocks. The slave felt his hand grabbed, then guided to a waiting cock. He began to wank it. Almost immediately a guy on his other side did the same.

"Let's give him four cocks to work with," said the man at his head. With a hand on the twink's forehead, he bent it backward to be able to put his cock in the mouth.

The slave had all the cocks he could wish for. The men shifted places with each other and undressed one-by-one. Soon five naked jocks were engulfed in hot desire to use the available and defenseless twink. At the dinner table at the other end of the room, the older men watched and sipped their drinks.

It was late by the time one of the men started fucking hard and didn't stop before emptying his cum into the twink. He groaned loudly, and it became a signal for the others to do the same. They sprayed the boy's body with loads of their spunk.

Then they put their clothes on and sat down at the dinner table. The guests all talked, laughed and drank the night away. Meanwhile, the slave was left where they had put him. He was in an uncomfortable position but knew it wasn't his business to ask to be liberated. The cum ran down his neck, legs and torso, then dried up. No one took notice of him. His double-bent body with his ass sticking up was like an obscene decoration at the back of the dining room.

He didn't know where to put his free arms. He shifted positions but finally let them drop down to the floor. He observed the men at the dinner table and listened to their talk. He had no part in it, but he knew they were looking at him from time to time.

When they broke up for the night, he was released and told to take a shower before going to his walk-in closet to sleep.

On the island, he was fucked and used by men at their pleasure all the time. He had to present his pussy and do as he was told. But it was with care and hot sexual interaction, not with calculated and scary coldness in an isolated basement.

Three weeks later the box was brought to the island again. The twink looked pleadingly at Mr. Thorson. When the man silently and nonchalantly made a small gesture with his head toward the box, the twink stepped into it without protest. Mr. Thorson smiled when the men carried the box to the boat. The young man knew that nothing but a terrifying ordeal waited for him, but he willingly accepted his destiny and followed the slightest of directions. He was becoming a slave for real.

After a now-familiar journey by boat and van, the box was back in the basement. When Mr. Johnson opened the box, Jesper didn't look up. He had waited for a pull on the leash before he moved. He was led to the same room as last time. When nothing was said to him, he lowered his shoulders and head on the concrete floor. He put his ass up and moved his arms down to grab his ankles.

"That's right. You remember. Good girl." Mr. Johnson left the room and switched off the lights. The twink wondered how long he would be alone in this uncomfortable position. Several hours later Mr. Johnson was back.

"On your back on the bench, shoulders at the end." The twink positioned his naked body on the piece of furniture in the middle of the room. He was pleased to avoid the steel bar.

"We have to test that mouth pussy. Open up." Mr. Johnson put the head of a rather thin but long dildo on the slave's tongue. This dildo was made of black rubber but didn't look like a cock. It was a rod with a round globe on top. At the other end, a flat circular plate formed the base. The globe was not as big as a golf ball, but not far from it.

The man moved the globe into the slave's mouth and down toward the throat. There was some resistance and the gag reflex kicked in.

"Relax. We have to stretch this throat pussy until it can take penetration with ease. Only then can it give your masters the pleasure they want." Mr. Johnson moved the rod with the globe back and forth through the entrance to Jesper's gullet to create the most possible discomfort.

The twink was close to throwing up. He gagged violently but to no avail as the man pushed past the gag reflex, depositing the rod down the throat. Slowly and with lots of spluttering and retching the twink managed to relax his throat muscles as the rubber intruder was moved up and down his gullet. His throat began to gurgle and spasm, coughing up thick saliva.

Mr. Johnson slowly pushed the thing in, pleased with how smoothly it began to travel through this tight channel. He watched the outside of the kid's throat and could see the globe slowly moving inside. When he pulled the rod back up, he put his palm over the throat and could feel it pass by. The surface of the rod was coated in thick phlegm from the slave's throat, making it easier to slide the invader back and forth.

"This food pipe has been given a new function as your second warm and wet fuck hole. The previous owners have done a good job with it, but I want more."

When the man was satisfied with the training of the boy's throat, he pushed even the bottom end of the rod into the mouth.

"Close your mouth." Once again the limits of the twink's ability were tested. He fought hard to remain relaxed to avoid the gag reflex and at the same time keep his mouth shut, knowing he had a rod all the way down in his stomach.

"Amazing! Okay, open up." Mr. Johnson pulled the rubber rod out of the throat. The twink was spluttering and coughing but was pleased to get rid of the evil thing.

Mr. Johnson looked at the young and taut torso on display. It was a beautiful sight to watch it move as the boy inhaled, and when he coughed or tried to clear his throat. The man lightly ran a palm over the smooth chest and stomach. It was so damn hot. He especially loved young men's bellies below their navels. When they moved their legs this part looked like a girl's.

He couldn't wait anymore. He stepped out of his pants and let his hard cock sink in all the way down the throat. The twink's relief had been brief, as he once again found his throat invaded and stretched.

The master groaned in satisfaction as he felt his balls grind into the twink's nose. He slowly began to fuck his new pussy. It was tight and needed more work to eradicate the bitch's gag reflex. He wanted a totally open fuck hole.

After several minutes of long dicking the throat, the man withdrew his member. Once again the twink was coughing and breathing heavily.

"Can I continue?" Mr. Johnson asked as he put a palm on the throat to feel the boy catching his breath and nod his head "yes". He had learned there was no other answer than yes.

"Good. I love to feel that throat around my cock. I could fuck you all night. And perhaps I will." The man once again penetrated the open mouth with his cock and fucked the throat as if it was a pussy. Unfortunately, the slave needed to get air. He withdrew for a moment and looked down on the slave. When it regained its breath, it closed its mouth.

"No, no. Open up. More! You should always present that hole, that pussy, by keeping your mouth open when you are on your back." Mr. Johnson then entered the mouth again and fucked it hard for a long time. Tears ran from the twink's eyes, and he had difficulty coping. His hands were free, and he could have pushed the evil man away from his head. Why didn't he?

Mr. Johnson felt the slave was accepting his submission and was able to take the punishing treatment. The man could see it in the twink's eyes and his body language. He was tormented but not upset. It was a good start. To use a sweet pussy boy was fantastic, but even better was to make him suffer. At some point, when he knew him better, he wanted to kick him out of his comfort zone and make him scared. To fuck a twink in panic was something special.

He drilled the throat well. When he got close to coming he sped up and then pushed forward hard as he started to fire his juice. It went straight into the twink's stomach as he shot load after load of creamy cum. "Ah! Fuck!! Take it, my little whore!"

The man withdrew and looked down on the face marked by tears and heaving attempts at breathing. The slave began to close his mouth before he remembered the order. He opened it and let it stay that way.

"Good girl." The man pointed his cock toward the open hole and started to piss.

"Take it. All of it!"

The twink swallowed as fast he could until the man lifted his dick and the piss splattered down on his face, chest, and tummy.

When he was finished, he let the slave clean his cock and then got dressed. He told the slave, "Assume the position."

Jesper slowly sat up on the bench and then moved down on his knees, bent forward and put his shoulders and head to the floor. When the man fastened the boy's ankles to the steel bar, the twink moved his arms down under his body to help his master. The man put the boy's wrists to the bar and locked them in place.

When he was finished, he turned off the light, stepped out of the room and closed the door.

Jesper was left in the dark for a long time. His thoughts once again drifted toward the life with Mr. Thorson on the island, and he wondered when he would be returned to him.

The slave didn't know that at precisely that moment, Mr. Thorson walked up to Markus sitting at his desk in the office. "Follow me, I need your service," he said, turning around and walking away without looking at what the jock did.

The man walked to the elevators, and the jock followed suit. To Markus' surprise, they went down to the garage, not up to the suite on the top floor.

"Were are we going?"

Mr. Thorson put his forefinger over his lips.

"Okay..." Markus was nervous. Nothing had happened for weeks since he had fucked the cute, blond twink. He had gone to work every day prepared for anything. He especially wanted to have the chance to be free from the chastity device. It made him mad to have not been able to either jerk off or fuck a chick. He felt incredibly imprisoned by this little thing around his private parts. But each day at work had gone by without interruption, until now.

A big limousine drove forward when they stepped out of the elevator at the garage level. Mr. Thorson climbed in, and Markus followed. As soon as the door was closed and the chauffeur stepped on the gas, Mr. Thorson said only a word, "Strip."

"Here? I don't know..."

"Do it. The glass is tinted."

"But why...?"

"Do it and I'll tell you."

Markus slowly undressed down to his underwear. It was humiliating.


Hesitantly Markus removed the last protection. He was now completely naked as the limo drove up onto the street.

"Good. You are naked because I wanted to look at you again. And I have a meeting for you at the harbor, so I thought, why not let you entertain me on the way?"

The jock was told he was a toy being played with. The man was provoking him, but Markus didn't become angry. He couldn't understand why. He should be upset with this demeaning explanation.

"If I tell you to lick my shoe, what do you say?"

"Yes, sir." He answered without thinking. It made him embarrassed to expose his willingness to do such a humiliating thing.

"Then, what are you waiting for?"

Markus sat down on the floor and leaned forward. He put his tongue to the right shoe.

"We are on our way to a studio where you will learn everything about the kind of sex you desire so badly that you are right now licking a shoe." The jock looked up to the man and then continued to do what the man wanted.

"Yes, that's why you are so eager to please me. You have never done anything like this, right? But you know I can show you and guide you into the life you deeply crave but don't know anything about."

Mr. Thorson leaned forward and ran a hand over his backside. "Okay, sit up here beside me."

As he did the man took hold of the chastity device, unlocked it and removed it. The jock's flaccid cock quickly became hard. Mr. Thorson took it in his hand but didn't jerk it. He only let his thumb move over the dickhead. Markus thought this was ridiculous. He was naked in a car, and an older man was holding his dick. But it wasn't unpleasant. The power the man radiated made him feel safe and wanted. Not in the way women made him feel wanted -- this was something stronger.

The jock was nervous now, something he had never been with the chicks. But he was also proud of his hard dick in the man's hand. Crazy!

"You will meet my crew. It will be a kind of job interview," the man explained with his hand still around the dick.

"But I already have one...?"

"Yes, but I have decided to use you in another line of work. You will be an actor in my movie production business."

Back in the basement, Jesper was jolted out of his doze when the door opened, and several men were talking to each other as they entered. Before he could see them a towel was thrown over his head.

"Here we have it."

"Is it yours?"

"No, I borrow it from a friend."

A big hand moved over the round ass cheeks poking straight up and almost craving to be touched. The hand moved down to take hold of one nipple. The fingers pulled it hard, then traveled down to the shaved crotch and bumped against the chastity device.

"But it isn't nude. Why have these steel clothes on?" Disappointment filled the deep voice.

"I wanted you to strip him naked. Here is the key." Mr. Johnson hadn't planned to take it off but if his guest wanted it, why not?

The man fumbled and finally managed to remove the device. It was a big relief for Jesper. His cock had been imprisoned for a longer period than ever before. It got hard immediately. It almost surprised the man who took hold of the dick as if to wank it. Instead, he only put his palm behind it and pulled it back toward the other guests.

"This one likes this. It wants to be bound and used, right?" Some of the men didn't appear to be very familiar with handling a slave.

"Of course, it was born to be used and abused. Step forward and try it out."

Soon the first cock penetrated the exposed hole. "It feels just like a real pussy," the man said. He was careful at first, but as the sexual arousal increased he began to drill harder and then faster. The cock soon spat out its white liquid as the man groaned, "Oooh, fuck! This is great. Yeah!"

As soon as he withdrew, the next cock penetrated the pussy. It started with long, slow movement but quickly sped up and released its spunk. Then a new cock entered. Then a fourth, and so on. The twink lost count, but it was perhaps a dozen dicks trying his boy pussy out.

"Take your seats. The show is on."

Mr. Johnson stood over the slave's body and put a dildo in its ass. The group of guests sat behind and got a good view of the pussy action. The rubber dildo was pushed against the sphincter and went in without much resistance. It was soon removed and replaced with a thicker intruder. It went in with some resistance. Mr. Johnson moved it in and out and changed the angle of attack. When it was removed, the slave's hole stayed open for a moment. As soon as it had closed, an even thicker dildo tried to force its way into the body.

"This hole isn't ready for this. Shall we open it?"

"Yeeeah! Do it!" The audience was engaged.

With some force and repeated moves forward and back against the sphincter, the dildo slowly broke down the resistant muscle. This head was as wide as a wine bottle. A couple more thrusts and it entered the twink. He groaned. It wasn't the biggest intruder he had ever been forced to take, but Mr. Johnson had just started. The twink knew this would end badly.

He was right. After stretching the ass ring for some minutes, a new rubber intruder was put against its target. At first it didn't feel bigger than the last one, but the twink couldn't see it had a different shape. On the previous dildo, the head was the widest part; on this one, it wasn't. It got bigger behind the head.

Mr. Johnson attacked the defenseless orifice with it. When the head was inside, he continued to push it slowly but steadily downward. The hole was forced to expand and push the flesh and muscles aside. This was way beyond any earlier assault on Jesper's asshole.

The man groaned with anticipation and delight as the ass lips around the slave's cunt were stretched to their limit. He released the dildo, and it began to move up and out. When it was close to falling out, he put a palm on it and slowly pressed it back inside. The men watched as the twink's body started to expel it again, just to hear the twink cry as Mr. Johnson shoved it straight back into the tunnel from which it had come.

"I think this is the limit for today. I don't want to wreck the hole. But we have to preserve our achievement by letting it get used to this size of penetration. Then we can start the next training session here and take it further. Who wants to help me push the thing back when it tries to escape? Let's take turns. If we stretch the hole for an hour, it should be prepared for the next round in a couple of days."

They all enjoyed guarding the dildo, and pushing it in as soon as it was on the way out. Meanwhile, they talked about sports, movies, and everyday stuff.

As they left, they thanked Mr. Johnson for the inspection. "It was fun and exciting to get a glimpse of this secret world," someone said.

When they were alone, Mr. Johnson unlocked the bar and lifted the twink to a standing position by gripping his right upper arm. The towel over his head fell off, and he could see the man smiling.

"Good girl. You impressed the club members."

He grabbed the slave's half hard cock and it immediately got rock hard. "Okay. If you fuck yourself on my cock till I shoot my wad, maybe I will let you come." He leaned back against the bench.

"Undress me and put that pussy where it should be." The twink unbuckled the man's belt, and then pulled his pants and underwear down. The cock was half hard, so he sat down and started to give him a blow job.

When it was hard, the man slapped the boy's head with an open hand. The twink stood up and turned around, then moved back to put his well-used and sore pussy against the man's dick. Despite the pain and discomfort, he pushed his body back and let the cock sink into him.

All the time the man just stood there. He didn't do anything as the slave moved his body to fuck himself on the dick.

Suddenly they heard a woman call Mr. Johnson.

"In here!"

As the woman in her 50s entered the room, Jesper stopped.

"Continue," the man said and gave the boy a hard slap with his open hand on the ass cheek. The twink began to move over the cock again as the woman walked in. She put a hand under the boy's chin and lifted his head up.

"This the new one? He's cute."

"Yes. What couldn't wait?"

"Oh, we got a message about the decision you were waiting to hear about." The woman let a palm run down the twink's chest and belly as he fucked himself on the man's cock.


"They did as you wanted."

"Good. Let me finish this, then I will come up to the office."

"Of course," the woman said as she briefly took hold of Jesper's dick and then walked out.

Mr. Johnson couldn't wait. He grabbed the twink's waist with both hands and started to fuck him hard. He continued for a long time, but eventually he pushed hard and emptied his balls into the boy.

When he had calmed down, he said, "Sorry, you were too slow. You will not get a release today. Better luck next time."

He took hold of the twink's head and guided it down to his cock. When it was clean, he pulled his pants up and reached for the chastity device. "Come here."

With a heavy heart, the twink put his crotch forward. His cock was hard and longing for release.

"Okay. I don't have any ice, so I'll have to trust you. No wanking. If you disobey, the punishment will be severe."

The slave nodded.

"There is a mattress in the corner. You can sleep on it."

Then the man walked out and closed the door.

Never had Jesper been so horny and eager to get off. He knew he would regret it if he disobeyed. But he wanted to jerk off so badly. What should he do?

Next: part 42 - Temptation: To yield or not to yield

Next: Chapter 42

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