Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on May 13, 2023


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #40' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [40!<40]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear salacious.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 40: Lend-lease

It was winter when Jesper arrived at the small island again. Instead of green grass and a warming sun, the setting was white snow and icy waters. Inside the main building, though, life was as before. The slave was naked and did his household duties. The black leather collar was always around his neck, and his crotch was imprisoned in a small chastity device for weeks at a time.

He was supervised by an elderly caretaker not interested in using him sexually. Mr. Thorson visited the island once or twice a month but stayed only for a couple of days. He always had guests with him whom the slave had to entertain.

The twink got more time to reflect on his life, starting from the time he was captured by the gang of predators. He didn't regret his choice to yield to the men's wishes and become a sex toy kept in servitude. Rather than questioning his destiny, he wondered how he could be more useful to Mr. Thorson and the alpha men. He loved their attention and raw lust for his body. He was still living for the moments when he could astound men with his naked presence and receive their full attention.

To enhance the men's attraction to him, he intensified the physical training and gymnastics to keep his most valuable asset, his body, in shape. No one loved to be coveted more than Jesper, to have lust-filled eyes staring at him and to feel the tension in the room reaching fever pitch. He was powerless against his idolization of big cocks and muscular alpha men. He needed to bring them to ecstasy.

One day, during the usual morning routine, Mr. Thorson pulled his slave close to him on the bed and said, "Look, I have some business with a prominent politician. I need his help to make a change in government regulations. The problem is that he doesn't want money."

As Mr. Thorson moved his big hand over the slave's smooth skin he continued, "He wants you." The man kissed the twink on his neck.

"I've told him you're not for sale." The man moved himself up to Jesper's back, and his dick soon found the pussy hole. As he penetrated it, he continued, "This man knows his value to us, and I have to make a bargain. As a slave, you are after all a commodity, and he can't see why I deny him access to you as payment for his help."

Mr. Thorson started to fuck the warm and welcoming hole slowly with long strokes. "I really need his influence with the government, and his demand is clear. I will receive his help only if I lend or lease you out for a few weeks at a time on a regular schedule, at his place and without any restrictions."

He then leaned forward and put his arm around the twink's throat and lifted the body up to a kneeling position. He continued to penetrate the hole from behind with short movements in and out. "This powerful man isn't interested in normal sex. He wants to inflict pain on the boys he uses." Mr. Thorson tightened his grip and blocked the twink's breathing as he sped up his fucking.

"Things like breath control," he told his slave. "And I'm afraid that I've spoiled you, that you will protest and fight, and thereby embarrass me as a poor master. It would put me in a weak position."

Jesper got scared. His body became tense. The message implied a bigger sacrifice of himself than at any time before. And he couldn't breathe. But he didn't fight when he started to suffocate. He heard the man, and he wanted to please him. He tried to relax even if his body and muscles wanted to fight for his life.

Mr. Thorson felt the slave's body twitch involuntarily with the loss of air but remain passive. He stopped fucking and loosened his grip, and Jesper took several deep breaths.

"Good boy," the man said as he held his hands on the twink's shoulders and did some short jabs into the pussy hole while he let the twink recover. Then he once more tightened the grip and denied the slave his breath as he started to fuck him hard again.

"I need to find out whether I can hand you over. A slave can't start to fight its masters." Jesper almost passed out before he was allowed to breathe again.

Mr. Thorson removed his grip from the twink's throat as he sped up. After some groaning, he was spilling his hot load into the youngster's guts. He was churning it into the hole even when it leaked out and matted his nuts and bush. Then he lowered their bodies down on the bed. He lay on the slave's back and relaxed, his dick still inside. "I don't like it, and I've told him I don't want him to treat my slave badly. But he demands there will be no limits or no deal at all."

The man climbed out of the bed and left Jesper to think about what he had said. It was a way to prepare the twink for what was coming. He had to be made to understand that he should take the abuse and make his master proud. He was too deep into his new life to protest, and mentally preparing him would make it more difficult for him to muster any opposition.

"You were created to serve your superiors," Mr. Thorson said as he put the dog bowl on the floor in the kitchen. As the slave put his head into it to lick the milk and cornflakes up, the master went on, "The men you serve may try to make you ashamed of what you are, but you should always be proud whatever happens. You know, I will see this agreement as a test. I will evaluate your maturity, your readiness to accept reality. I want to know if everything has fallen into place for you regarding your purpose. To see whether you understand what makes you valuable, attractive and popular."

While the slave got milk all over his face as he licked up the breakfast, the lecture continued. "After your adventure at my office, I wonder whether you understand your place. I needed you to get to Markus, but it interfered with your training. We had to use your first name, even if a slave shouldn't have one. It is time to get back to the training. From now on you don't have any name at all."

The twink looked up at the man with surprise. Was he to be deprived of his name? Mr. Thorson smiled as if he could read his slave's thoughts, and said, "Yes, that's right. No name, no number, no identification. Your life isn't about you but about the service and pleasure you can give real men. You will listen to the thing you're called, the thing you are: bitch, whore, slave, pussy boy and such."

As the twink slurped up the last drops of breakfast, he couldn't remember the last time someone had called him Jesper on the island. He was already on the way to being used to not having a name. He didn't think about the psychological effect of being nameless, that is being nobody, being nothing but an object for others' pleasure.

"When I rent my property out it's important that it knows its place. This body is a nameless sex toy in my eyes, and certainly in the view of the master who will be in charge of it for weeks at a time."

Mr. Thorson fastened the leash to the collar and pulled the slave with him out of the house. The naked slave crawled through the snow to the shed where he had been held on his first day on the island. The man forced him onto his knees on a shelf with his ass out over the edge, then secured his collar to the wall in front of him.

The heating in the shed wasn't enough, and it became chilly. The only way the slave could get warm was by being fucked. His freedom during the office adventure had to be eradicated. The slave needed to know he owed everything to his masters, and that he should expect more sexual abuse before he could get the comfort he needed to live. He wanted closeness, and he really appreciated every warm body pressing against him, every palm caressing his body and every cock that penetrated his pussy.

The man told the twink he was sorry he had to deliver his slave on loan to the politician. But it was a sham. In reality, Mr. Thorson was delighted to lend his slave out to the sinister official. It was actually Mr. Thorson who had suggested the trade. One reason was that right now he was occupied with how to guide Markus to become a new and useful sex toy. It suited Mr. Thorson well to let someone else take responsibility for the twink's next step toward ever deeper submission.

Another reason was to create a mental escape for Jesper when he was in pain. He could always rely on the knowledge that he would be returned to the island where life was easier. He would know the torment would end, and he could look forward to the moment when he was transported back to the island. It gave the slave a reason to persevere and not fight. It would make him easier to handle.

In reality, Mr. Thorson would participate in the harsh treatment of the twink but without disclosing his presence. He didn't want to ruin the trust the slave had in him.

During Jesper's time in the shed, Mr. Thorson phoned the politician. "My commodity is ready. We can start whenever you want."

"Nice! I can't wait to lay my hands on that high-quality article. If you were to have it ready for transportation on Wednesday, it would be perfect. I have a lighter schedule and time for a first session."

"Of course."

"I will inspect your merchandise before I engage in changing the government regulation you talked about. If it turns out to be as excellent as you say, we have a deal."

On Wednesday, two men arrived at the island with a big cardboard box. The naked slave was told to climb inside. It was too small for comfort. He had to bend his head forward to his knees. As they closed the top of the box, the twink heard Mr. Thorson saying, "Take good care of it. I want it back in one piece. And give my compliments to Mr. Johnson. "

He wasn't tied up. They trusted the slave. After the boat trip, Jesper could sense that the box was carried from the boat, and the journey continued with a truck. Soon enough it stopped, and the box was taken a short distance before it was put down on the floor. Then nothing happened.

After a long time, the box was opened. When Jesper looked up, a man delivered a hard blow across his face with the back of his hand. "Slaves always look down, if they aren't told to do otherwise."

He complied, but he managed to see the man before he lowered his gaze. The man wasn't as old he thought he would be. He was actually a robust and sexy man. Perhaps politics wasn't always a show business for ugly people.

A hard pull by the leash told Jesper to climb out of the box. The man pulled the leash and walked through a door. The twink had no idea where he was, except in a basement without windows. He crawled after the man on all fours.

He took stock of his surroundings: a brightly lit, almost empty room with only a bench in the middle of it. On the walls, a lot of equipment was hanging from hooks. It scared him out of his wits. The man grabbed handfuls of the muscle tissue on the twink's back, neck and upper arms, wringing and squeezing it with such force that the twink yelped out in pain and wriggled to escape the fingers. The more the twink fought back the harder the man grabbed and mauled the young body.

"My little girl isn't used to massage?" laughed the man. "I need this body relaxed. We have to increase the flexibility of the joints." It was also a good way to closely inspect the twink's smooth young body.

After wringing out all of the slave's stiff muscles, the man focused on its joints. Mr. Johnson put a boot on the twink's shoulder and pressed his chest to the concrete floor. Then the twink got his legs pulled back, and he landed flat on his belly. He then felt the big boot once again planted on his back, this time right at the base of his spine. The man then leaned forward and grabbed one of the twink's wrists, pulling it up and straight backward. The boy's entire upper body was raised and bent back as his lower body remained firmly planted on the concrete floor by the man's boot.

The strain on the slave's shoulders and spine were increased, and he began to gasp in pain from the experience. A wide grin began to spread across the man's face. The slave was held in this painful position for some time before the man repeated it with the other arm. Then he unceremoniously let go of the wrist, and the body fell forward and down onto the floor like a dead fish.

Next, the man turned while putting his foot on the upper back and grabbed one of the slave's ankles. The leg was then yanked up and back behind him once again eliciting a cry of agony. This process was repeated for the opposite leg before the man flipped the naked body over like a side of meat onto his back.

The sadistic masseur sat beside his victim and placed one of his feet in the right armpit, the other against the right side of the neck. Grabbing hold of the slave's right wrist the man leaned back and pulled on his arm to the point that the slave was confident his shoulder would be torn from its socket. He cried out, but the man just laughed and gave an extra tug. The procedure was repeated on the slave's left arm.

The final part of the rough massage involved bringing the slave's knees in toward his chest, then leaning onto the slave forcing him even further into the balled-up position. The man lunged forward onto the compressed body with all of his weight behind him. As the man stood up beside the tenderized slave, it lay before the cruel man's feet, limp and exhausted.

"Now, at last, this beautiful body is beginning to be flexible and relaxed as it always should be. It is ready to be used." The man spoke as if there was somebody else there, but the twink hadn't seen anybody. He couldn't manage to lift his head.

The man flipped the twink over onto his stomach, then went to fetch some equipment. On the floor behind the slave he placed a thick iron bar with four rings. Then he yanked the slave's hands down between his knees and proceeded to lock each ankle and each wrist into the fetters. With this done, the twink was face down on the floor with his ass stuck up invitingly.

With the body in position, the man started to grease the asshole. "Now," the man said, "we will loosen up this cunt." Mr. Johnson loved to break young men's asses to be open and accessible. He had a big dick, and he hated tight holes. He wanted no resistance for his cock -- it should be able to sink quickly into a warm and wet cavity.

With that, he gripped a dildo in the shape and size of a big but natural cock and placed the head of it at the winking sphincter of the twink's exposed anus. He pressed the dildo in rather fast as if it was something this pussy should swallow easily. The slave grunted but the dildo sank in with a little pressure.

After moving it in and out a short while it was removed. Jesper felt empty. In this position the twink knew more than ever that he was only a pussy, and wanted the man to fill him up.

Soon enough the twink felt something cold and blunt on his ass. It was much bigger than the last dildo. Taking his time, the man slowly increased the pressure until the slave's ass lips began to surrender their resistance to the rubber invader.

The man then eased off, allowing the pussy to close up again. This was not done to be kind but rather because he wanted to see the lips stretch and relax. He had a passion for turning male assholes into gaping slut pussies. Gradually he worked the wide head of the dildo into the ass. He wasn't surprised that it went in with just a bit of force. This wasn't a virgin hole after all. But it could be much looser. It would be fun to break it wide open.

"This dildo is as long as a forearm. All of it will be parked inside this hole today", the man said. Slowly, inch by inch, he fed the length of the dildo into the exposed ass. The twink grunted as the thick rubber shaft was pushed deep inside his guts. The man had no plan to use a gag as he liked to hear his playthings squeal, moan, and scream in agony. He would not pay any more attention to this slave's cry of pain than he had any of the previous ones. The sounds from a trapped twink aroused him to do more.

The twink was now grunting continuously as the penetration advanced about an inch at a time and then backed off a bit, sometimes all the way out. Jesper felt helpless and more like an object than ever before. He had no part in what was happening. He only provided the body to be played with by an unknown man.

Once the dildo was as deep in his guts as anything had ever been, it was slowly withdrawn. The slave was relieved. But it wasn't removed completely. The head remained buried. After a moment of stillness, the man began to give the twink a good old-fashioned dildo fucking with long strokes into his belly and out. The long dicking was a slow but relentless movement.

Even when the slave had experienced harsh treatment before, he never had been this full. It felt as if the rubber phallus was pushing his organs aside as he was packed full of it. But the slave eventually began to feel comfortable with the big thing inside.

Mr. Johnson noticed it and withdrew the dildo completely. He put his fingers to the hole and pinched the ring muscle, feeling its worn out texture.

Mr. Johnson was pleased with his work. He undressed, put some cushions on the concrete floor behind the bound twink, knelt down, grabbed the upturned boy ass and penetrated it. It was a wonderful feeling to jam his hard cock into a soft and warm hole.

The twink wanted to see the naked man now fucking him, but he didn't dare to move his head and look back. The only thing he could do was to be still and take it. His body was a vessel for alpha men's pleasure. On Mr. Thorson's island he had exactly the same purpose, to please, but there he could participate, be one of the acting members, react to men's desire and receive attention in response to his willingness to offer his body.

In this basement he was only a piece of meat, arranged as the master wanted it. He could feel he was being fucked but he was only the soft hole where the master put his hard cock.

"Yeah. This is what you are," said Mr. Johnson as if he could read the slave's thoughts. "You are nothing but a hole." He drilled his dick in and out of it, and it was precisely as inviting as he wanted. After a short time he withdrew and stood up.

The slave was surprised. Was he already finished? Now, when at last it felt good? To have a real cock inside had been the best moment of this day. He dared to look back and up. The man was tall and blond with big muscles. It was obvious this man in younger days had been active in some sport. He was past his best days as an athlete but still powerful. The twink instinctively forgave him for everything he had done and would do. Jesper wanted to please this alpha man.

With a slap on one of the upturned cheeks, the naked man walked away, well aware that the slave's big eyes were on him. He grabbed a black riding crop. Jesper instantly regretted his forgiveness. With a big smile on his face, the man walked back while his half-hard cock moved from side to side.

"I knew you would look at me even if I told you a slave should always look down. You will be punished for it with this." The man slapped the crop in his free palm. It wasn't true -- he would have whipped the slave anyway, but you should always blame the slave for its punishment.

The man sat down beside the slave's head. In shame Jesper had lowered it down to the concrete floor after his curiosity-driven gaze at the man, when he had lifted his head up.

"You want to know me? Hmm. Okay. Lift your head and lick my cock."

The slave looked up to the man's face, then did as he was told. He had to stretch his neck to reach the half-hard dick. He put his tongue out and it was wonderful to feel the soft dick head. The man rewarded the slave by pushing his hips forward, making it possible to take the cock in his mouth. But just barely. He had to put in all his effort to reach it.

"What a slut!" The man laughed at the great effort the twink made to get to his dick. He moved his crotch a bit back and out of reach for the slave.

"I am going to whip you harder than you have ever experienced before. You can sob and cry, but don't make a word of pleading. When I take a break I want you to lick my cock again, without any hesitation."

With a hard cock the man stood up and walked out of the slave's view. Suddenly the riding crop came down on his ass without mercy. The man hit it hard, four or five times in quick succession.

Jesper yelled out his agony and surprise. When he quieted down, he was hit again. Not as hard, but with repeated blows. The pain was excruciating. He tried to move his legs and arms, but he was immobilized and at the wicked man's mercy. He began to cry. When the blows were lighter he sobbed, when they were harder he yelled.

"Yes, you boys are all the same. You become an instrument under the whip, don't you? The sound coming out of you is music to my ears."

The man then sat down close to the slave's head. Jesper knew he had to serve the man who had just given him hell. He moved his tear-filled face toward the hard cock. With some difficulty he could reach it by putting his tongue out to lick it.

"Good dog. Lick the pre-cum up. It's created by the whipping, you know? To make your ass red and hear you scream in agony is so damn sexy. Do you want me to stop?"

By reflex Jesper nodded "yes", but he immediately regretted it. He knew it was a trap.

"I said no pleading, and yet you do it. It will cost you another session." The man stood up and the blows soon resumed hitting the sore ass. Jesper cried. His ass was on fire. The pain deepened and every new hit was torture.

As the twink felt his bound body being beaten he tried to think of something different. His mind went to Mr. Thorson, and he longed for his more humane regimen.

Next: part 41 - Suffer agonies but no doubt

Some readers have congratulated me for better English, so it's only right to tell you: I have a little help from new friends and during the last bunch of chapters from Steve. I think you readers are as grateful as I am for that.

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Next: Chapter 41

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