Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Apr 21, 2023


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #39' {} ( MM bd humil slow )[39!<40]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear profane.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 39 - Being sidestepped?

His heart beat hard when he took the elevator up to his office the next day. Markus knew he had been exposed, both to Jesper and to his bosses. They knew he was interested in men. He hadn't really recognized it himself yet, and now they knew it at work. How did this happen?

Markus walked to his desk and saw Jesper wasn't at his. What should he say to him? But he was most worried over his bosses. What would they demand of him? He felt vulnerable in a way he had never experienced before.

His thoughts went to when he had to lick Mr. Thorson's shoe. Those seconds changed his view of himself. He was proud and had never let anybody mess with him at school, on the ballfield or anywhere else. If anything, he was the showman in the locker room. He knew he was likable among friends and considered a catch by females.

But he couldn't deny it. When Mr. Thorson had told him to lick his shoe, it was outrageous, terrifying and to his shock also exciting. It was as though something burst inside his brain. New feelings erupted.

Markus was called to his boss's office. He shut the door behind him. Once again he stood in the room where he had licked a man's shoe. And his heart jumped when he saw Mr. Thorson sitting in the same chair as last time.

"How do you remember our last meeting?"

"Mmm... It was..." He used to be good at speaking, but know he didn't know what to say.




"... yes."

"You discovered a new side of yourself?"

"... yes."

"And it wasn't that you were gay. What was it you detected?"

"Something that made me feel alive... to be told to get naked ... and humiliated."

"You have never felt so alive before? Not even with chicks?"

"No. Never."

"Why do you think we made you undress, masturbate in front of a camera and then lick my shoe?"

"Because you could...?"

"No, because I know who you are. Any other person would have sued me in court for sexual harassment and more. The video of you jerking off while telling the world you were ordered to could be evidence of criminal acts. Despite this risk, I made you strip and lick my shoe. And you haven't complained, have you?"

"No..." Markus hadn't had that thought in his mind, and now he found it strange that he didn't. And Mr. Thorson seemed to know that he didn't have that thought.

"You see? I know you. I know who you are. And most important to me, what you are."

"What am I?" Markus couldn't resist asking. This man obviously knew much about him. And by asking, he showed Mr. Thorson that he was listening and agreed with his statement.

"I will help you find yourself. But I have one condition."

"Okay..." Markus thought intensely. He knew this man was being unreasonably demanding. But he wanted to know more. His life up till now had been shallow and uneventful. Everything was on track as if his life was predestined. He was aware that this office held secrets, and wicked games were in play. He wanted to take the risks that were required of him.

"Okay. What do you want?" Markus swallowed as he knew this could be life-changing.

"Obedience." Mr. Thorson said it in one word and then quietly looked the young man in his eyes.

"How do you mean?"

"Complete obedience."

"I don't understand. I already work for your company."

"Over your life."

"Over my spare time?"

"Obedience in everything. What you do, who you meet, where you stay the night, who you fuck."

"What! Are you kidding me?"

"No." Mr. Thorson closely watched the man's face.

"But why should I? I don't owe you anything." Markus' brain fought his readiness to surrender.

"Because you need it. It's for your own good."

"Do I look like I need help?"

"Yes, you certainly do! You're totally unexperienced in the kind of sex you want and need. I can help you, but only if you respect me with your complete obedience."

"And if I don't?"

"You can go back to your desk and continue your dull and simple life. But remember: this is a one-time offer. If you do say no now, there is no second chance. If you can't decide now, you don't need it as badly as I thought."

Markus was confused. He wanted to say yes but knew it was wrong to follow this strange and powerful man. As his thoughts spun, there was a knock on the door. To Markus' surprise, Mr. Thorson said, "Come in!"

It was the boss whose office they were occupying. He looked at Markus, and then said to Mr. Thorson, "Am I too early?"

"Yes, give us half an hour." Mr. Thorson wasn't irritated but amused to distress Markus with this kind of interruption during his important decision.

"So, do you want to explore your deepest feelings or go back to your desk?" Mr. Thorson wanted an answer.

"Okay, I will obey." Markus looked down to the floor. He surrendered contrary to his better judgment.

"Good. Strip!"

After a short look at Mr. Thorson, Markus unbuckled his trousers, opened his shirt and removed it. He then looked at the man.

"Everything. Quickly!"

When Markus was naked, Mr. Thorson stepped forward and began to run his palm over the powerful torso. Markus was in good shape due to playing sports. He was hairy. Light brown hair filled his chest and a thin treasure trail ran over the middle of his stomach down to his crotch.

"Do you want to fuck Jesper?"

Markus looked at Mr. Thorson in surprise. "Yes. Yes, I like him."

"I will let you do it, but the condition is this: we want to watch. How does that sound?" Mr. Thorson put a hand behind Markus' neck and pushed the head forward. Mr. Thorson kissed Markus and after a second of hesitation, Markus opened his mouth and kissed back.

He gripped Markus' cock. It was half hard as he began to wank it while continuing the kissing. When it was hard, he released it.

"Do you still want to fuck cute little Jesper?"

"Yes. Yes, I want to."

"Okay, then I will arrange it. Now, lie down on the desk." The naked jock with a hard-on awkwardly climbed up on the table, turned around and laid down on his back.

Mr. Thorson caressed the exposed body and then began to jerk Markus' cock. When precum dripped out of it, he stopped.

"Do you want me to continue?"

Markus swallowed before answering, "Yes, please."

"But if I let you come now, you have to let me put a chastity device on to save some for Jesper." Mr. Thorson knew the promise of obedience wasn't set in stone yet. He had to get the young man to accept every step by his own concession. It was also a good way to make him step into the mentality of submission.

"Do you still want me to continue?"

"Yes. Yes, please." Markus had never been so hot and excited. It was strange. He was naked in an office with a man old enough to be his father. And yet, this man pushed buttons Markus didn't know existed within him.

"You are so strong and full of testosterone. I have to taste you." Mr. Thorson leaned forward and took the hard cock in his mouth. Young men taste so good. And sucking it wasn't about giving pleasure; it was a sign of his control over the body and his desire to consume the young man. Being forcibly milked and drained was as dominating as anything else Markus had experienced.

At the same time, the man let his fingers travel down between the potential submissive's legs to the area around his anus. He lightly massaged it and the sphincter. This little virgin hole would soon become accustomed to hard dicks.

When Markus got close, Mr. Thorson straightened up and continued to wank the cock with his hand until it erupted in several shots of cum that went straight up in the air and then splashed down on Markus' torso.

"Aaaahh!" It was the first time Markus had ever reached climax in the company of a man. It was the most powerful orgasm of his young life.

Mr. Thorson leaned down and kissed him. By reflex, Markus lifted his arms up around Mr. Thorson as they kissed. When Mr. Thorson broke it, he looked Markus in his eyes and said, "I own you."

Then he opened a box and put a bag of ice on the cock to make it small. Markus sat up on his elbows but didn't protest. Mr. Thorson put a plastic device around his genitals and his cock into a small tube. Markus had never seen such a thing in real life.

"I have locked it in place, and you can't take it off. You can pee but not get hard. I keep the key and decide when you can get a hard-on next time. Okay?"

That night Markus couldn't sleep. Lying in bed, he thought about what had happened. He had pledged to obey a man he didn't know. The man had invaded his private life in the most demanding way. He couldn't even get hard, here, in his own home. This was madness. But as he thought about it, he could feel blood trying to fill his dick.

At work, Markus wanted to ask when he could get rid of the device, but he never saw Mr. Thorson. And he didn't want to talk about it to anybody else. As the days went on, he felt his horniness increase and the ache to come occupied more and more of his thoughts.

One afternoon Markus met Mr. Thorson in the elevator with three other workers. "Can I speak with you?" Markus asked, almost whispering.

"What about?"

"Can we speak in your office?"

"Okay, follow me." Mr. Thorson got off on the top floor and went into the suite. Markus followed.

Inside, Mr. Thorson said as he turned his back to Markus and walked into the living room, "Strip."

Markus' heart sank. He wanted to talk like a normal person. He walked in without removing his clothes. When Mr. Thorson saw him, he got angry.

"Get out of those clothes now or leave!"

"Can't I..."

Mr. Thorson slapped him hard with an open palm over his cheek.

"No, you can't. You promised to obey me. I will get myself a glass of wine, and when I come back I want to see you naked. If not, we have nothing more to say to each other."

Markus knew he would win a fistfight with this older man, but he didn't want to fight. He wanted something completely different. He wanted to be recognized as attractive and desirable. He knew when women saw him in this way, and he liked it. Now he craved it more intensely than he ever had. To a female it was enough to give her a smile and be flirtatious. This man demanded so much more. Without thinking, he began to undress. He just did it.

"That's the way, my boy." Mr. Thorson had been almost certain the jock would be naked when he came back. He sat down on the sofa and put his glass of wine on the table.

"Now, tell me what you wanted to talk about."

"I... I wondered if -"

"Put your hands on your head while you speak."

Markus moved his hands up without any hesitation.

"Mr. Thorson, I wondered if you could take this thing off."


"I need to come..."

"No, you don't. You promised me, remember?"

"But when...?"

"You're new to this, so I forgive you. Don't ask me questions. I decide, and you obey. That's all you have to know." Mr. Thorson walked up to the jock and put a nipple between his fingers.

As he pinched it, he continued, "You don't know a thing about anything else than dipping that cock in a willing female's cunt. I will give you more mind-blowing experiences than you could ever dream about."

He let go of the nipple and moved his hand down to the crotch. Mr. Thorson took the ballsack in his palm and squeezed the two stones.

"Do you still want to fuck Jesper?"


"Be polite!"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, but if I let you fuck my boy what do you say?"

"Thank you, sir."

"That wasn't so hard, was it? You should always remember who gives you the opportunity to know who you are and learn how to live."

"Yes, sir. I will remember."

Mr. Thorson released the balls only to get a better grip. He then turned and pulled the jock with him. They walked into the bedroom. Markus had lowered his arms as they walked.

"Hands up! Right. You will fuck Jesper here tonight. And as you see, we have seven chairs along the walls. My friends and I will watch as you play around in the bed. Does that bother you?"

"No." Markus wanted to tell him he preferred to be alone with Jesper but knew it was futile.

"But does Jesper want to meet me?" Markus couldn't keep quiet.

"If you and I have an agreement about your life, why shouldn't I have a similar one with him?"

"Oh, so you told him to let me fuck him?"

"Yes, stupid!" Mr. Thorson knew Markus had feelings for Jesper, and those thoughts could hamper his training. In this game there was no time for love with a single person, only time for one's own satisfaction through hedonistic bodily pleasures, and attention from many men.

"Jesper offered himself to you because I told him to. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you came out of the closet and now have a golden opportunity to experience some special things. You should thank Jesper for his part in enriching your life."

Mr. Thorson saw the disappointment in the jock's eyes. It was important to get him to think about his own pleasure and not about a relationship with a specific guy. Markus was a loving and sound young man, not disturbed and insecure like Jesper. It was evident he might fall in love, now that he had managed to climb over the threshold to his true identity.

At that moment, Mr. Thorson understood he could fail to shape Markus as he wanted. His spirit could be too strong to break. But they could have fun as long as he went along.

"Sit!" Mr. Thorson pointed to a bar stool.

"Spread your legs." Mr. Thorson removed the device and gripped the flaccid cock that rapidly become hard in his hand.

"Are you horny?" He wanted to put the heavy talk out of his mind.

"Yes. Yes, sir."

"If you touch that dick, it will be imprisoned immediately, and you will not have a go at Jesper." Mr. Thorson reached for his glass of wine and drank some. Then he moved the glass to Markus. By reflex, he moved his arms down to take hold of it.

"No, no, no." Mr. Thorson smiled at the innocence in this strong jock. Markus put his hands back up on his head. Once more the man moved the glass forward and to the jock's mouth. He opened and got a gulp of wine, fed by this demanding man.

"Okay, go and get something to eat in the kitchen, then take a shower. I will be back soon."

"Can I put something on?"

"No." In full view of the jock, Mr. Thorson placed Markus' clothes in a bag and then left the suite with it.

Once again Markus was confused, this time even worried. This man was ruthless. And now he was left in a suite without any clothes. He had never felt so vulnerable, and so excited. His cock was hard. With a hot intensity he had never experienced before, he desperately wanted to fuck Jesper. He had never fucked another man before. Now he wondered why.

To his relief, Mr. Thorson was soon back with the bag with his clothes. And he felt even calmer when he got a bathrobe to put on. Someone entered with beverages and dishes of food. Then several men in suits arrived. Markus didn't know what to do. He was embarrassed to be in a bathrobe among older men in business clothes. They greeted him but didn't talk to him.

The men served themselves from the dishes and drank wine or beer. They spoke of some negotiation about a film and its crew. Markus sat on the bar stool while the men sat on the sofa.

After a while the office boss entered with Jesper. Markus was shocked to see the twink with a black dog collar around his neck and the man holding a leash from it.

"Ah, Jesper. Why don't you strip?" Mr. Thorson said, and Jesper removed his clothes. Markus first detected the chastity device on him. It was much smaller than the one he himself had experienced earlier. It was almost as if he didn't have a cock. It was crazy and weird, but it was also very exciting. Markus felt his cock hardening.

Then Markus saw the ink. What had they written on his body?

"Say hello to Markus. Shake his hand." Mr. Thorson said with a smile.

Markus look at the half circle over his crotch. It stated, MASTER'S TOY BOY. And on his neck, I'M DOING AS I'M TOLD.

"Wow!" Markus couldn't keep his reaction to himself. Their handshake was awkward in so many ways. First of all, seven men were looking shamelessly on while a naked twink took the hand of a jock in a bathrobe. The jock was obviously very attracted to the twink. Markus had put his dick into this twink's ass at one time but was now greeting him as if they never been acquainted. Even though he had been in bed with him, Markus didn't know what Jesper was until now. And Jesper was ashamed of his earlier actions as a honey trap.

Neither of them said anything. When Jesper turned and walked back to the sofa, Markus saw the last message on the body, on the lower back: LOVED AND OWNED. All of it enhanced by a small red heart inked on his shoulder and a red rose on his butt cheek, as if he was a girl.

"Why? Is he a slave or something?" Markus asked as the other men inspected the naked body with their greedy hands. One of the men sitting on the sofa pulled Jesper's arm, then gripped his neck to pull his head down and kissed him demandingly. At the same time, the man next to them put a hand on Jesper's butt and pushed two fingers into his body. Jesper was playing along as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Yes, Markus. He is my slave." Mr. Thorson said. "I have complete control over his life. He has never been happier. And he will be delighted to be fucked by you tonight."

It was the first time Jesper heard the plan for the evening. He hadn't known he would meet Markus or anything else. It was a way to remind the twink not to think or plan for anything. He had no knowledge of where he would be the next moment. He should only concentrate on doing was he was told to do right now.

"Why don't you go back to him and make him comfortable?" Jesper walked over to Markus on the bar stool, put a hand on his bathrobe and pulled it open. Markus didn't know what to do. This wasn't what he expected. Jesper knelt down and slowly spread Markus' legs to get access to his cock.

The cock was half hard when he put his mouth over it. Markus couldn't suppress showing his delight by bending his head back when the wet and warm mouth started to work.

He shouldn't let this happen. It was crazy. But it was also extremely exciting. He had never been as alive as when Mr. Thorson manipulated him into these degrading situations.

One by one the men stepped closer and surrounded the jock as he got the best blowjob of his life. They carefully pulled the bathrobe off him and began to caress his body. When he got close to orgasm, Jesper was told to sit back on his haunches.

"Nooo, don't stop." Markus was completely into the action now. He didn't care if seven older men groped him. One of them leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth and Markus responded by kissing back. He didn't know who this man was or what his name was. But it was a warm feeling to be kissed and touched.

"Let's move into the bedroom," Mr. Thorson said. Jesper took hold of Markus' hand and led the naked jock to the bed. Jesper jumped onto it and laid down on his back. The men sat down in the chairs. By sheer instinct, Markus climbed into the bed and sat on his haunches as he watched the beautiful boy offering himself to him.

Jesper lifted his legs to expose his boy pussy.

Markus positioned himself and pushed his rock hard cock into the willing teenager. Both of them groaned loudly when he penetrated the ass ring. Then Markus started to fuck the pussy. It was wonderful to take a man-boy this way. He hammered Jesper's hole and quickly reached the edge of release.

Two men then stood up, grabbed Markus under his arms and pushed him back.

"What the hell are you doing!?!" Markus shouted angrily.

"Before I let you continue I want to ask you a question. Do you remember what you pledged to do?" Mr. Thorson spoke in a calm voice. He wasn't disturbed by the outburst from the jock -- on the contrary, he enjoyed it. Underneath the pleasant attitude, Markus wasn't a weak guy. It made him difficult to use as an object, but fun to be with.

"Hmm... Yeah... I remember."

"Repeat it to me."

"I promise to be obedient."

"Do you want to break that pledge?"

"No, sir."

"Okay, continue." The men released their grip on Markus, and he quickly moved forward and pushed his dick back into the wet hole. He leaned down and kissed the twink as he hammered his pussy hard. But once again, when he got close, two men grabbed him under his arms and pushed him back off the slave.

"Dammit! Let me fuck him!" Once again the jock's energy was running high, but at the same time not in an aggressive way. If he had put up a fight, he would have had to be put in his place. It wasn't necessary. He buckled down and accepted he wasn't in command, even if he showed his dissatisfaction.

"Once again, what will you do?"

"Obey, sir."

"If I let you come in my slave, you will let me fuck you whenever I want to. Tell me." This was an important moment. Markus saw himself as an alpha man. To surrender to be a bottom boy was a blow to his ego.

"I'm not that kind of guy..." Markus said in a surprisingly diplomatic way.

"But what about your promise?"

"Do I have to?"


"I stand by my promise."

"And...?" Mr. Thorson wanted him to say it. And say it in front of other men and in front of Jesper.

"I will let you fuck me." It was extremely humiliating to say it. This man overpowered him every time, Markus thought. But he wasn't angry, to his own surprise. Rather flattered. He discovered that he wanted this attention from a powerful man. It made him feel important, too. His cock was still hard.

"Okay. Turn the slave on his knees and fuck him from behind."

Markus grabbed Jesper and turned him around as if he was a doll. Then he pulled the slave's ass up quickly and pressed the head of his dick into the cleft between the butt cheeks. When he found the hole he lunged forward. He popped his cock into the twink's love channel and rammed it to the hilt with a deep, primal grunt.

This was the best event of his life. He didn't want it to end. After the interruptions, his mind had cooled down a bit. He slowed down and enjoyed the situation. Only now did he think of the audience watching. It didn't bother him. If he couldn't fuck this boy alone, he would do it in public.

Jesper also enjoyed it. He could sense Markus had feelings for him and that made it something more than just a fuck. He wanted to give his body to this jock in every way he could. He pushed his ass up and out to give him better access.

Markus detected the gesture and suddenly felt euphoric. This boy wanted him, it wasn't just what he was ordered to do. It enhanced his self-esteem, and he pounded the warm and wet hole and let his heavy balls slap against the round ass. His hard cock massaged and then bruised the slave's prostate.

Markus fucked the twink, working up to an explosive orgasm. First with long slow moves. Then with short hard jabs. Then it happened. Jesper heard himself moaning while he was being bred. Warm, strong blasts of cum erupted from the thick swollen head of Markus' dick as he pounded his release. Jesper struggled to retain the copious amount of semen, as Markus slowly and methodically ground it into the hole, planting it. They both shuddered with delight.

Markus lowered himself down on Jesper, and soon they lay flat on the bed as their breathing subsided. Then Markus moved his head down to kiss Jesper. The way their mouths fit perfectly to each other's and the way Markus held Jesper gently yet firmly created a special connection both physically and emotionally.

The longer they kissed, the tighter Jesper's stomach grew, and he realized he'd been holding his breath. His heart was racing. There was no future or past, just now. He couldn't get Markus close enough to him.

When Markus eventually crawled off of Jesper, the twink's hole felt as if it was gaping and he felt chilled.

Mr. Thorson put an arm around Markus' shoulder and walked him to his clothes. "Get dressed and go home. Be back at the office tomorrow as usual. You did good work here tonight."

The others also left the bedroom, and provided themselves with more wine before they left the suite.

Mr. Thorson undressed and pulled the twink's ass to the end of the bed. Standing he pushed his cock into the well-fucked hole.

As he rammed in and out of the boy pussy, he told the relaxed slave, "You have done good work, very good actually. Your task here at the office is completed. I will send you back to the island tomorrow."

The twink lifted his head and looked back at Mr. Thorson with a facial expression of surprise. It was exactly what he expected. As he took pleasure in using the boy pussy, he continued, "Yeah, you helped me get Markus. Now that I have him by his balls, I don't need you here anymore."

Next: part 40 - lend and lease

Thanks for your comments. I've wondered why writher's to other stories so often asked for comments. Now I now: it's a way to get some feedback, since we can't see how many who reads our work. As a writer you can be a bit curious about that...

Next: Chapter 40

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