Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Mar 22, 2023


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #37' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [37!42?]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear repugnant.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 37 - Becoming a honey trap

One afternoon Mr. Thorson told the twink to follow him to a clothes storeroom.

"I want you to wear this next week." It was a suit - a conservative style he never had worn in his life, even when he used to wear clothes. The twink was surprised.

"You will have to wear clothes when you come with me to my office downtown. You haven't used clothes for a while, so between breakfast and lunch you will be dressed and get comfortable in the suit."

When the time came, Mr. Thorson told the slave to get dressed. As he pulled the trousers up, Mr. Thorson told him why he was bringing his slave with him. "There is a cute new guy at the office. I think he is up for grabs. But he is shy. He has to be convinced by a guy his own age, or somewhat younger. Like you."

Mr. Thorson looked carefully at the twink as he was speaking. Jesper got worried. Mr. Thorson smiled.

"Yes. I want you to seduce him. Make him want to fuck you and let him do it. He has probably fucked a girl before, but I suspect he could be persuaded to do men. You have to make him take that leap. When he has his cock in you, we will catch him in the act. Then we will make him ours."

Jesper was confused. For a long time, he had processed difficult questions about his identity. He was starting to come to terms with his life as a quiet and obedient boy. He loved the attention real men showed him. He wanted to please them, and he wanted to be fucked. Now he was being asked to participate in the capture of another young man.

"You will be my honey trap," laughed the man. "I know this is something completely new to you. But I want you to show me you really want to be my slave. If you don't wish to do everything for me, I will ask myself why I should keep you. I can easily sell you to an Arab prince or someone else who wants a cute blond sex toy. If you wish to stay with me, you have to prove your loyalty. And it isn't that difficult. You are used to offering your body - the only difference is that this man doesn't know what you are."

Mr. Thorson caressed Jesper's cheek.

"You are mine. You will do it. Seduce this guy and I will know that I can trust you." He saw that the twink was still thinking of what all this meant.

"Yes, we will take advantage of him. We will maneuver him to do what we want. Step by step we will make him into a sex toy. But it's for his own good. He is like you before you were captured. He doesn't know what he really wants."

Mr. Thorson kissed the twink on his lips. "I want you to help me catch this guy."

They travelled by boat and car to an office block in the city. Everyone they met in the building greeted Mr. Thorson as the powerful executive he was. One man Jesper recognized from the island stepped forward. The two men shook hands, and when Mr. Thorson walked away, the other man said, "Follow me."

They moved into a room and the man closed the door. "I will be your boss. I'm also Markus' boss, the guy whose cock you have to get into your pussy. I will present you as my new assistant. You can tell him you got the job through Mr. Thorson because you are a distant relative. That will impress Markus. It will tell him you are wealthy and well connected."

Jesper nodded, but not enthusiastically.

"Cheer up, slave! You have a new dick to get between your legs." The speech was tough, but it sounded fake. This man had no power or charisma.

"May I speak?"

"Yes, of course. Here you have to act normal, even with the men who know you are a slave. And it's important that Markus doesn't know anything about that. It would only scare him away from you."

"But how will I get his interest if I can't just offer him my pussy?"

"The way to get his interest is to be a bit clumsy and uncertain. That shouldn't be too difficult for you." The man chuckled.

"Your cute face should do the rest. When he approaches you, it's important for you to show him that you want his company. You are the only one here younger than him, so I don't think it will take many days before he asks if you could have lunch together. You should not be too obvious, but make him understand you are lonely after a breakup with your boyfriend. After that, I think you will be more than halfway to a fuck."

Jesper wondered whether it would really be so easy.

"You will report to me every time you have spoken to him. I need to know everything he says and everything you plan together."

Jesper nodded.

"We have prepared a desk in the open-plan office for you. It will be right beside Markus' desk. I think he is there now - let me introduce you to him." The man opened the door and went out. Jesper followed.

"Ah, good. Markus! This is Jesper. He will be an extra assistant to me and occupy this desk." As the man pointed to the desk, Jesper stepped forward and shook hands with Markus. He was a good looking brown-haired guy a few years older than Jesper. He was also quite a bit taller. He looked sure of himself. Jesper would have taken him for a top, not a bottom boy.

When the boss left, they went to their separate desks, but Jesper had barely managed to sit down and start the computer on his desk before Markus rolled in his chair toward Jesper. "Assistant to the boss? Not bad."

"Uh, no." Jesper was too uncomfortable with his task to lie to this innocent guy.

"Normally someone with more experience would get that job. . ." Markus said with a lot of curiosity in his voice.

"Is that so? I will do my best." The defensive tone said a lot about Jesper and what he was. And it worked as a signal for Markus.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be unkind. Do you know anybody at the firm?"

"Uh. . ." Jesper didn't want to mention Mr. Thorson this soon.

"How about eating lunch together?" Markus couldn't stop himself. This boy was so cute it hurt. Markus was dating women but couldn't deny he felt the same sexual drive when he met a good-looking guy.

"Sure, why not? Do you know a decent place?"

"Yeah. Let's leave from here at noon."

Jesper smiled. This was easy. He walked to the boss's office and told him about the lunch.

"Good! If he asks you out after work you should accept, but with some hesitation."

At lunch, they talked about everyday things. Markus tried not to be too curious. After lunch, nothing else happened. As everybody left at the end of the workday, Jesper wondered what he should do. He hadn't gotten any instructions, so he sat at his desk and surfed the internet.

Suddenly the phone on the desk rang. Jesper answered, "Hello?"

"It's your boss. Come to my office." Then the man hung up.

When he went in, the boss said, "Close the door and strip." Jesper did as he was told. The man moved his hand over the naked body, then guided him to the old-fashioned desk, put a hand on his neck and bent him over.

Soon Jesper was penetrated by a hard cock. "Aaahhh. This pussy feels so good."

The twink welcomed the meat-pole in his ass. He wasn't getting fucked as much during his day in the city as out on the island. He discovered how much he missed the cocks in him, the intimacy, being in the men's demand. It didn't matter that this guy was ugly and rather unmanly.

The man didn't have any rhythm or power, but it was so good to have something moving inside him. He wanted a cock, any cock, in his pussy. It was humiliating to admit it, but Jesper knew he was a cock whore for anybody.

After a short while, the man emptied his seed into the slave. As Jesper licked his dick clean, the boss said, "I will take you to the executive floor. You will stay overnight in an apartment there during your time in the city." Jesper started to get dressed in his suit.

"No. Stay nude but take the clothes with you. No one else is left in the building." They walked through the corridors and took the elevator to the top floor. Jesper felt more naked than he had felt for a long time. This office environment made him feel out of place and vulnerable.

The man unlocked a door, and they went into an apartment that more felt like a suite at a hotel. In the living room, Jesper saw the cage he had lived in when he was captured by the gang.

"Mr. Thorson sends his apologies. You haven't yet earned enough trust that he would leave you free and alone in this building in the middle of the city."

Jesper crawled into the cage, and the man locked it.

"I'll come and get you tomorrow."

It had been a long time since he last was in a cage. But to his surprise, it didn't feel wrong. He knew the reason for his captivity was that the men wanted to control him and have access to him. In a strange way, the imprisonment was a form of caring and devotion.

The boss woke him up the next morning when he unlocked the cage. "Take a shower, shave your body, get dressed and eat breakfast with me here."

It was nice to eat like a human being at the table and not from a bowl on the floor. "Did you sleep well?"

Jesper nodded as his mouth was full of sandwich.


They went down to the office floor. Markus was already at his desk. Soon he asked if they could go out and have a drink after work. They did, and the boss had a man following them, but nothing happened. It was as if Markus sensed something was wrong. He ended the evening early.

The boss arrived when the two young men had separated outside the bar. He walked Jesper back to the office and the top floor. "It didn't work when you acted serious. The next thing you need to do is to act like the slut you are. You have to take the initiative. Put your knee against his. Put your hand on his arm. Be inviting. If he doesn't reject you, move your body closer to him. Let him know you want him to touch you, kiss you, fuck you."

"I don't know if he's into guys. . ." Jesper whispered.

"Ha! He is. But he is paralyzed by your good looks. He wants you so bad he gets nervous. And perhaps he is more passive than we thought. That's a good thing for him in his next life, but now we have to work harder to get him into an embarrassing situation."

Jesper didn't understand that, but before he could think about it the man said, "Strip! I'm not nervous about fucking a boy who's cute as hell."

The boss pointed to the floor. Jesper laid down on his stomach and lifted his ass up. Soon the man penetrated him from behind.

"Aaah. So good every time." He tried to move his dick with self-confidence but the twink sensed an awkward weakness. He wasn't an alpha man, but Jesper appreciated the hard cock. He took it and welcomed the man's cum deposit.

On the way down to the office on Friday morning, the boss instructed, "I think he may invite you to his home. That won't happen because we can't descend on him there. If he does ask, you can tell him you have access to the suite on the top floor. It could make him insecure about the risk of fucking you there. But I think he wants you too much to say no."

The boss did know his employee. Markus asked Jesper if he wanted to eat dinner at his place. Jesper said he had to work late, but that he had the key to the suite in the building. They could bring some food with them and eat there.

"What?! I have never even been on that floor. And you have a key to the suite! Who are you?" He smiled as he tried to sound upset.

"I'm nobody, but my uncle is on the board. He got me this work."

"Wow. . . But what if somebody sees us?"

"They know I live up there. I have the suite until my own apartment in the city is fixed up."

"Alright, I'll bring the food at 8 pm."

"Nice." Jesper said and typed something meaningless on the computer before he walked into the boss' office and told him everything. The man sat behind his huge old-fashioned desk.

"Get down under the desk and take care of my dick." As soon as Jesper had done so, there was a knock on the door and the boss said, "Come in!" It made Jesper a bit uncertain. He pulled his mouth away from the cock, but the boss put a hand on the back of his head and pushed it back to the hard cock. Jesper licked and sucked it as he heard the conversation.

It was Markus. "Here is the contract you asked for." Before he could leave, the boss asked, "What do you think of the new guy?" Markus stayed silent.

"I hate when the top brass throws their incompetent relatives on us. Isn't he uptight and full of himself?"

"No, not at all. He's likable. And he works hard, I think." Markus was surprised over his strong defense of a guy he didn't yet know well.

Hidden behind the old desk Jesper had a dick in his mouth. His heart beat faster as he heard them talk about him.

"And he is cute." The boss smiled.

"Mmm, haven't thought about it."

"Aren't you into guys, Markus?" The boss was stern and looked seriously at his subordinate.

"No! Never! I . . . had a girlfriend, but we broke up last summer."

"So you don't suck cock?" The boss put a hand on Jesper's head to make him suck harder while the conversation went on.

"Of course not!"

"Good. You would be in trouble if you did. I think you have good future here if you play your cards right."

"Thank you, sir." Markus left.

The boss wheeled his chair backward to look at the slave under his table. "You heard him. He loves you. He can't wait to get his dick into you."

As the boss zipped up after Jesper swallowed his load from under the desk, the phone rang. It was Mr. Thorson. The boss just said "Yes," "aha," "no" and "I see."

When he hung up he told Jesper, "Mr. Thorson doesn't think you're ready to seduce this guy, Markus. He wants to talk to you this evening. You'll have to phone Markus and tell him I ordered you to work with me this evening. It will only make Markus more anxious to get into your pants."

In the afternoon, Mr. Thorson arrived at the office and walked Jesper up to the suite. By reflex Jesper undressed and stood naked in front of his owner. Mr. Thorson took hold of the ball sack and caressed it as he smiled.

"That's exactly the way for a slave to act." The man used the balls as a leash to guide the twink to the living room. As the man sat down on the sofa, Jesper moved to the floor in front of the man's feet.

"I'm not sure whether it was a good idea to engage you in this thing with Markus. As you already know, it includes lying, deceiving and duping an innocent young man into gay sex."

Jesper didn't know what to think. He felt wanted, popular. But in the back of his head, he was unsure if he could manage to play the part he was given.

"I know you. You feel deep down this could be wrong. It makes you nervous. That's how I know." The man put a hand on the twink's shoulder.

"Sexuality is a complex set of feelings. You should know. Old norms and traditions make us deny our most inner wishes. You needed help to leave your isolated and boring life. Markus is in the same situation. He doesn't know how to break out. You and I will help him do that."

Jesper looked astonishingly up to the man. Were they helping Markus rather than entrapping him?

"Yes. You will take his virginity when it comes to having sex with a man. He has never been inside a boy pussy, even if he's wanted to for a long time." The man gestured that he wanted Jesper to stand up and show him his backside.

"This hole is what Markus wants more than anything right now." The man separated the ass cheeks, put a finger to the sphincter and pushed inside. "I want to give it to him. Is there anything bad about that?"

Jesper shook his head no.

"But Markus could, like many other uncertain and insecure guys, deny his feelings afterwards. I have seen it plenty of times. I want to help him overcome his reflexes. To do that, it will be necessary to be a bit heavy-handed at first, especially with such a strong and proud guy as Markus."

The man put a hand on the twink's back to make him bend over. Then he moved his head forward and put his tongue to the exposed boy hole. During brief pauses in the rimming, he continued his lesson.

"If we don't take command over Markus it's possible he will live his whole life in a lie. You heard what he said to the office boss. To not bring him out of that lie would be the real crime here. You were stubborn and questioned every step of your way to sexual awareness, but afterwards you loved to be fucked. Remember the restroom at the university? You were scared as hell, but you wanted it to happen, didn't you?" The man slapped the boy's ass cheek to get an answer.

Jesper nodded yes. He remembered the adventures in the restroom with a smile. He had been naive and frightened, but it had been a thrill to be fucked that way.

"To put Markus in a situation where he accepts that kind of sexual education he needs to be overpowered and trapped. Otherwise, he wouldn't do it. He is different than you in that sense. His homosexuality and submissiveness aren't on the surface as they are with you. They're buried deeper down within him. He will fight those feelings."

The man licked for a moment, then turned the slave around and made him sit down, unzip the trousers, fish out the man's cock and put it in his mouth.

"That's why I want to use you. You will be the gateway to Markus' new life as the gay man he is and ought to be, both for himself and for all of those men who want to fuck him or want to be fucked by him."

Mr. Thorson started to piss. He watched as the slave swallowed the strong stream fired into his mouth.

"Markus has been living a lie his whole life. I want you to save him from it. Are you with me? Do you understand my thinking?"

As the piss ebbed out, the slave nodded yes as he sucked the last drops from the dick.

"Because you're my slave I'm not obligated to tell you anything, but the assignment I am giving you demands that you mentally understand what's going on. You need to know. I want you to offer your body as a honey trap and to do that your mind must be on the task. Otherwise, Markus won't go for it. You have to seduce him. You have to want to help us catch him."

The man took hold of the young body and threw it on the sofa. The twink landed on his back. "Take hold of your ankles and bend them back beside your head."

Mr. Thorson wanked his cock hard as he looked at the cute and obedient boy, then moved forward and shoved his sword to the hilt into the waiting hole.

"Ah, yeah. I miss this cunt when I wake up. As soon as you have finished your task we can go back to the old morning routine."

It hurt because the man went in dry. He knew it and watched the slave's agonizing face. But it was also uncomfortable for himself, so he pulled out and spit on the hole before pushing in again. He repeated it several times, then started to fuck. Nothing is as wonderful as to dominate a cute and obedient slave who is taking the pain without complaint.

The fuck became ruthless, and Jesper loved every second. The feeling of being taken, of being owned was not only good, it was completely satisfying. As Mr. Thorson drilled his dick up his pussy, all the twink could think of was how good it was to be back with his master.

To Jesper's surprise, the man reached down and grabbed the slave's cock. It sent a shockwave of delight through his body and was enough to bring him to orgasm. As he ejaculated, he gave out a girlish scream which once again confirmed that he was a submissive boy pussy.

He lost his grip on his ankles for a moment, but as soon as he was back in full possession of his senses he took hold of them again and pulled them back.

Mr. Thorson loved watching the show while his dick was deep in the boy the whole time, but he wanted to use the opportunity. Instead of smiling he released the dick and said with a stern voice, "Did you have permission for that!?"

The slave looked up with surprise and bewilderment as he pulled his legs back toward his head to give the man best possible access to his hole.

"You didn't. And you know what that means, don't you. Tell me." He moved his dick slowly in and out of the twink as he told him off.

The slave stayed silent.

"Tell me! What happens when you disobey me?" He sped up and fucked the exposed pussy in long and powerful strokes.

"I. . . I get punished."

"Right. Do you want to taste the whip again?" He drilled the hole faster.

"Yes. . . please."

Not much is hotter than to humiliate a cute boy while fucking him. The man reached his climax and thrust his cock deep into the boy's body as he fired his wad.

When he was finished, he pulled out.

"But not today. Lick me clean."

Then the man pointed to the cage. Jesper crawled inside. While he locked it the master continued, "Despite the disobedience, you should know something. I have never before given a slave a more important assignment than the one we have talked about. It should tell you something about my view of you."

Thoughts were spinning in the slave's head. Jesper knew Mr. Thorson was experienced and successful, and couldn't be wrong. He trusted his owner. And he wanted to make up for his mistake. He would do as he was told.

Next: part 38 - Accessory to seduction

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