Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Mar 12, 2023


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #36' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [36!40?]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear nasty.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 36 - To serve heterosexuals

The twink got his food in a stainless steel dog bowl on the floor. At first he had been allowed to use his fingers, but as a step in the increasing rate of submission this was no longer permitted. He had to put his face into the bowl and eat like a dog.

In the beginning, he got the same food as the men at the table. Now he had to eat something that looked like dog food but was prepared by a nutritionist. This kind of tasteless food made him susceptible to doing embarrassing things when someone tempted him with a piece of meat or other ordinary food from the table.

One day at lunch when Jesper entered the kitchen and, as usual, went down on his hands and knees to eat out of the bowl, one of Mr. Thorson's guests commanded: "Sit!"

At first, he didn't know what it meant.

"When I or someone else tells you to sit, you shall squat down in front of the man telling you to do so," Mr. Thorson said as he saw the hesitation in the slave.

Jesper moved over to the guy, sat on his haunches and looked up at him.

"If you want this, you have to be a good dog and move your arms up in front of your chest and let your fingers point down as if your hands were paws." The twink did as he was told.

"Good. Now open your mouth as wide as you can and keep it opened." When the twink did so, the guy teased him by moving a delicious piece of meat in front of his mouth. Jesper was hungry, and it had been a while since he had had the opportunity to eat real food.

"Bark for me," he said with a smile. Jesper wanted the food and he knew he had to follow the orders, even if it was embarrassing.

"Woof, woof."

The guy and the other men in the kitchen laughed. Even more humiliating was that he felt his dick begin to rise. He was responding to the humiliation. It translated to horniness in his brain.

"Look! He thinks this is foreplay and that we will fuck him. It's amazing. Bark again," the guy said as one of the others kneeled down beside him and wanked his dick a few times, then moved his palm over the naked body.

"Woof, woof."

"Good. Now I want you to try to catch this. Move your head. Come on!"

Jesper stretched his back and moved his head up, but the guy lifted the piece of food up and out of reach. He repeated it several times, then tossed it up in the air. Jesper tried to catch it with his mouth, but it fell on the floor.

"You need training, but not today. Lick it up."

Jesper bent his head down to the floor and took hold of the piece of meat with his teeth. It was so nice to have real food. When he had swallowed it, he looked up to the men, but they were talking to each other and weren't interested in feeding him anymore. He crawled back to the bowl and ate the tasteless goo.

After the twink served wine at dinner, someone once again gave the command, "Sit!" When he sat on his haunches, the man put a piece of meat in front of Jesper's face. When he obediently opened his mouth, the man pushed the food into it. Another guest threw a meatball behind Jesper and said, "Fetch!"

They laughed when the naked twink quickly turned and moved his head down to the floor to eat it up. The other guests began to do the same. Like a dog, he chased after the food thrown in different directions in the room. One man dropped some sauce out of a bowl to the floor beside his chair and said, "Lick!"

To the guests' delight, the slave started to lick the floor. The scene was deeply humiliating for the naked boy but highly arousing for the men. Jesper knew it of course, and he too felt good to get all the attention and at the same time be able to taste the sauce, which was delicious.

The man put a foot on the twink's head and pressed it to the floor. "I want to fuck this piece of shit!"

"Let us have some dessert first," Mr. Thorson said calmly.

As they ate a fruit dish with ice cream, the eager man told the slave, "Sit!" When he did, he moved a spoon with some ice cream on it toward the boy.

The twink opened his mouth. But the man turned the spoon and caught the ice cream in his palm. He said "Lick!" as he put the palm to him. The twink licked the hand and fingers clean.

Other men followed suit and wanted to feed the slave. They put their fingers into his open mouth. They smeared ice cream on his chest and face.

The mood got hotter by the minute, and Mr. Thorson concluded, "We'll serve coffee and cognac when you all have gotten your share of the slave's ass." Then he gave the leash to one of the men, who immediately fastened it to the twink's collar and pulled him to a guest room.

But instead of quickly mounting Jesper, the man told him to lie down on his back and lift his arms over his head. The man secured the twink's wrists in handcuffs fastened to the wall behind the bed. Then he took hold of the twink's ankles and moved them up and back toward the wall. Each ankle was put through a leather ring secured to the wall by a short rope.

The man took hold of the exposed butt and pulled the body a bit further from the wall to stretch out the tied body. "That's better," he said as he looked at the exposed twink. He undressed quickly and then moved his hands over the upturned ass before he put two fingers on the rosebud and pushed them in.

"I like pussies unveiled and secured." He withdrew the fingers and stepped closer. He let his cock slowly penetrate the sphincter and sink into the open body.

"I've seen you on film being royally fucked," he said, "and you're good. I think you love being fucked in front of cameras and the world." He began to speed up his thrusts.

"Are you an exhibitionistic pig? Tell me!"

"Yes, Sir."

"You love being fucked by a lot of men, don't you?" He got closer and drilled the pussy hard.

"Yes, Sir."

The man pushed inside and stopped. Jesper could feel the man tremble as his orgasm erupted.

"Ooooh, fuck. What a pussy!" When he calmed down, he withdrew and got dressed. Then he left the room without saying anything more.

Jesper couldn't get loose. His arms and legs were secured to the wall and his ass obscenely exposed. As he thought, a new guy soon entered the room. He was old and fat and didn't say anything as he undressed and then pushed his hard dick into the waiting hole. Outside the room, Jesper heard a conversation because the door wasn't closed.

"You haven't tried a boy pussy? Then do it now! This is an opportunity you can't miss!"

"I don't know. . ."

"You will regret it if you don't. The pussy in there is primed. Just use it!"

The fat man began to sweat and groan, and soon he shot his semen into the willing slave. He withdrew and got dressed. When he left, a fairly young and uncertain man stopped at the door and looked in on the bound twink in the bed. Behind him stood Mr. Thorson saying "Go for it!"

With hesitant steps, the guy walked up to the bed. He was good looking, probably in his early 30s. Jesper wanted him to undress and give him his hard cock, but he knew he couldn't tell him.

The guy lightly moved a hand over the upturned thighs and ass cheeks. He ran fingers over the exposed and now well-fucked asshole.

"Do you like this?" he asked. "To be bound and fucked, I mean."

"Yes, Sir."

"Is it like a pussy?"

Jesper didn't know. He had never fucked pussy, neither on a girl or a boy. But he wanted this guy's cock inside him.

"Yes, Sir. This is a pussy, and I want you to try it." He had stepped way out of line, but this guy would probably not notice.

"You want me to fuck you?"

"Yes, Sir. Put your dick into me, please."

After a moment of silence, the good looking guy opened his pants. The bound twink watched eagerly as the man uncovered his crotch in front of him. The dick wasn't big, but it was hardening. He stepped close and aimed his cock at the ring muscle. He inhaled deeply when he pushed his hips forward and penetrated the boy pussy.

"My God, so wet and tight." He was surprised how good it felt to penetrate a boy. He thought it would be rough as sandpaper. Instead, his cock slid into the body with a soft and welcoming grip. He began to move in and out, and every reservation was gone.

Jesper wanted to see the guy's torso, but he was fully dressed. He wanted to touch him, but his hands were tied to the wall behind him. The guy was totally concentrating on fucking the exposed asshole.

"Yeah, damn. This is a pussy, a damn good one," the guy said to himself in disbelief as he speeded up.

"Take my cock! Yeah. Fuuuuuck!" He emptied his load of baby-makers into the slave's ass. When he came down, he suddenly felt ashamed. He had fucked another guy - and it was wonderful. He pulled his pants up quickly and left the room as if he would be gay if he stayed.

Two more of the dinner guests used the bound body, dicked it and released their seed into it. Then the slave was left alone for a long time. The positioning of his body was trying. At last Mr. Thorson entered, undressed and let his cock sink to the hilt into the waiting pussy.

"You did well tonight, slave." The man looked the twink in his eyes, then gave the upturned ass cheek a hard slap before moving his hard sword in and out of the pussy. He appreciated the arousing aesthetic of a freshly wrecked and seeded boy hole. He thrust forward and began long-dicking the body, his heavy balls slapping loudly against Jesper's ass.

The man bent forward, and his large tongue invaded the twink's mouth, forcing him into a place of intense intimacy that made him blush in shame. Shame because he so deeply loved to be used, be claimed and taken forcefully. The jabs were coming harder now, faster and with unrestrained strength and power behind each thrust. The hair on his chest rubbed against Jesper.

Mr. Thorson was consuming the body. He was moaning, thoroughly enjoying his hard use of the pussy. It was loose and sloppy. It was raw. He pounded hard, utterly indifferent to the discomfort, to the twink's cries. He leaned up and stared at the boy with lust, his mouth agape as his entire body tensed. With a guttural, primal groan he shuddered, and the first blast of cum entered the well-used cavity.

Jesper wanted to hug him, hold onto him in awe. He had never felt more feminine. He never wanted the man to leave. The twink was beginning to feel love for his master. The man saw it in the slave's eyes, the complete surrender. In one last thrust, he rammed his pulsing dick into the boy, lost in what looked like a painful orgasm of intense pleasure.

When he was done, he freed the bound body. "Your willing sacrifice of any dignity makes you a true submissive, you know. That's one reason it is so completely satisfying to fuck you."

One morning some days later, while Jesper was fucking himself on his master's cock, the man said, "Last weekend I think you convinced one heterosexual guy to rethink his preferences. He wants to fuck you again. Did you like that, teasing a straight man with your body?"

The twink thought about it for a second, then clamped down twice on the hard cock inside him.

"Good." The man thrust his crotch up to meet the twink's movements and soon filled him with his white liquid.

"Tomorrow four craftsmen will arrive to do some repair on the buildings. Unlike my guests, they don't know about you. They have done work at other facilities of mine and know about the porn business but never met a porn star, certainly not a naked one, and probably not a gay one. I want you to treat them well. Don't be too obvious about it, they could take it the wrong way and knock you down. But I want you to offer your services to them."

The man let the words sink in as he kneaded the twink's stones in his hand.

"Even if they regard themselves as straight, your task is to seduce one or more of them."

Jesper looked at Mr. Thorson as if to see if he was joking.

"Yes," the man smiled at the perplexed expression on his slave's face, "I'm serious. It's no challenge for you anymore to offer your body to my guests and do what they want without hesitation. They want you and you know it. If someone starts to play with your nipples, you only have to push your chest out to make it easier. If a man begins to explore your ass, you only have to push it out to present it to him. If a man wants to feel your balls, your only response has been to thrust your pelvis forward to give him a better grip."

The man playfully pulled the sack away from the body.

"I want to see my slave seduce someone who doesn't know he wants a guy to give him a blowjob, or even better to fuck a boy pussy."

When Jesper opened his mouth to say something, Mr. Thorson pulled the ball sack quick and hard. Instead of words, a cry came from the mouth.

"I have told you this beautiful body shouldn't be hidden away from men's desire. It should be pleasing men. I think it would be even more interesting if it also could satisfy self-described straight men."

Mr. Thorson released the balls and looked into the eyes of the twink.

"As my slave, you should act like the slut you are, the most accessible piece of boy ass those men are ever going to find. You will convince them to use your body, mouth or ass. You will give them what they don't yet know they want. Not only because I tell you to, no, but also because you want to be treated like a slut by every man, even those who aren't gay."

The man put a hand on the twink's tight stomach and then moved it up to the twink's face and cheek to emphasize his words.

"To make me proud, you have to charm the craftsmen and make them want to use your body. This is important. If you don't succeed, I will have to punish you for disobedience."

"I don't want to disappoint you..."

The next morning four craftsmen arrived to paint one of the new smaller buildings on the island. Jesper was told to serve them coffee. When he walked toward them, the men stopped working and stared at the naked boy with the black leather collar around his neck.

"It was as you suspected. They have whores on the island," one older painter laughed. Two weren't much older than Jesper, the fourth was perhaps in his 40's.

"Come and suck my cock," one of the young ones said as he laughed and grabbed his crotch. It was at first embarrassing to Jesper, but he then remembered Mr. Thorson's words. He moved over to them. "May I serve you some coffee?"

"Yeah! But I also want you to serve my cock." They continued to laugh. Jesper knew he had to obey and fell on his knees in front of the guy.

The young guy suddenly became nervous when he understood the slave was ready to do what he asked.

"Shit! He's willing to do it!" he said, amazed but also restrained. He didn't jump at the opportunity as the guests on the island had.

"If you haven't tried a boy pussy, here is your chance," the oldest painter said smiling.

"Have you?? I'm not gay!"

"Neither am I, but when I was young I let a guy suck my dick. He was good at it, but it wasn't something I let happen again. Not my thing. But if you haven't tried it. . ." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Come here," the middle-aged craftsman said to Jesper as he went into the cottage. When the others were out of sight, he unzipped, fished his dick out and grabbed Jesper's head. He pushed it down to the flaccid cock. He moaned quietly when the mouth closed around his dick and began to move the lips up and down the shaft.

The twink was relieved when the dick began to harden. This man enjoyed Jesper's work. When the cock was hard, he worked his head with steady moves up and down. Then the man started to fuck the boy's mouth, holding his head in place with his hands.

The two younger craftsmen entered cautiously into the room. They didn't speak, nor did they really join in. They moved their hands over their crotches and were embarrassed to feel their cocks coming to life watching men having sex.

"I haven't had a hole to fuck in a long time," the man groaned as an apology for using the twink's mouth. He didn't stop, and he was obviously enjoying the head fuck immensely.

The young men took in the scene, and it made them increasingly horny. The fact that their older workmate wasn't ashamed of using another man encouraged the younger men to undo their pants and begin to stroke their cocks silently. They got turned on by watching the action going on in front of them. They moved in closer to Jesper as his mouth continued to suck on their comrade's dick.

The man speeded up his face fucking. Groaning, he pressed his crotch hard against the twink's face. He blew the first spurt or two straight down the slave's gullet. He then pulled back a bit and fired the rest into the mouth. Jesper swallowed the fluid as a good slave.

As he let Jesper lick his cock clean he told the others, "Damn! That was the best blowjob ever, better than any chick."

"Is he a pro or something?" asked one of the younger guys, half as a joke, half seriously.

"Yeah. Try this mouth! It's good." He put a hand on Jesper's head and turned him to the young guy on the left side. Watching the exposed and vulnerable body being played with had made them horny enough to ignore the taboo of letting a man touch them. It wasn't a girl as they would have preferred, but their emotions got hotter and hotter anyway. After a short hesitation, the guy on the left moved his crotch forward to the twink's face.

Jesper welcomed it by opening his mouth and putting the half hard cock into his warm cavity. He was rewarded with a suppressed moan. The guys were still unsure if this was the right thing to do. And they didn't want to unmask to each other how hot they were becoming even if it was a man delivering the service.

As soon as the cock in his mouth got hard he started to fuck his face over it. The guy to the right soon grabbed Jesper's head. "I need to test that mouth." He couldn't contain his sexual lust anymore. He needed to feel that mouth on his dick.

He aimed his already hard cock toward the twink's mouth and Jesper willingly closed his lips around it, and began to suck the blood filled organ. The first young guy tried to push his cock back into the warm and wet hole. Their desire was now hard to hide.

Jesper moved from cock to cock and back again. He wished they would step out of their clothes so he could watch their bodies, but he knew he had no say in it whatsoever.

The two older men watched their young workmates getting their first taste of a boy whore. They were not embarrassed at the sight of each other's cocks; it united them. Now when they all had disclosed their willingness to use a man for release, the middle aged guy talked and revealed his experience: "Sometimes it's nice to use a queer boy's throat."

One of the young men took charge over the slave and sank his dick down deep in the willing mouth. He did as he had just seen his colleague do. He put his hands on the backside of the head and began fucking it. Jesper was letting it happen. He loved to feel a young master getting pleasure by using him.

The middle aged guy continued, "The way a boy can get his throat constricted around my dick as he tries to swallow is a delightful pleasure. They love it. They know they can handle it, letting their throats become pussies."

The young man did exactly what they were talking about. He pushed his cock deeper than he ever done with a female. It felt wonderful. It really was like a pussy. He fucked the head with increasing speed and force.

But when he came he pulled out and spermed the twink's nose, cheek and eyebrow with shot after shot. He threw his head back and groaned loudly. When he calmed down, he moved his cum around on the twink's face with his dick.

The second of the young men moved forward to take his turn, but then they heard Mr. Thorson outside asking why the painting hadn't started. They quickly zipped up and moved out.

As they got their instructions from the property owner, Jesper found some paper towels to clean his face. He walked out after the craftsmen and saw a smile on Mr. Thorson. When the two of them walked back to the main building, he told the slave, "Good work. Make them fuck you before the day ends." With that, he slapped Jesper on his ass and walked away without waiting for a reply.

It was a hot summer day and as the four craftsmen painted the cottage and made some carpentry repairs they removed their shirts. They all thought about what had happened that morning. It was hot to have access to a willing whore, even though it wasn't a female. The naked twink was visible around the property.

The men looked at each other with wicked smiles when he walked to them with water and other refreshments. He began to move more like a female. He invited them to touch his body. They groped his ass cheeks and ran their rough working hands over his smooth torso. Jesper showed them he wanted them to explore his body and be shamelessly molested.

"Nice," said the younger guy who had missed his release that morning. Suddenly he took hold of Jesper's arm and walked him into the small house and sat down on a chair. He pulled the twink to his crotch. Their horniness had increased all day, and now they were eager to use him. All shyness and hesitation began to vanish.

Instead of unzipping him, Jesper opened the young man's belt and pulled his pants down to his knees. He didn't protest, but only smiled and waited for the boy's mouth to take care of his hardening cock.

The playful smile slowly faded from his face and was replaced by a smoldering, lustful gaze that was more serious, more focused. It was sexy as hell and made Jesper's stomach clench. The cock was rock hard now, dripping precum from the swollen shaft. The man's muscular chest was glittering in sweat after a day's hard work.

The twink moved toward the beautiful cock. He was eager to touch it and put it in his mouth.

"Yeah. Take care of my dick. I've waited for this all day."

Jesper swallowed the cock and moved his head up and down. He soon felt someone behind him, caressing and then slapping his butt.

"Do you have anything against me using this boy pussy?" asked the middle aged man.

They were once again working themselves up to a high level of lust, and the boy said, "Go for it."

Jesper felt a hard cock penetrating him quickly. The man started to fuck while the twink sucked the cock in front of him. The slave had come to love being reduced to a pussy, to love giving men pleasure whoever they were.

"Let's take turns," said the young guy standing beside them without access to the slave.

The guy on the chair said, "In that case, I want that pussy." He gripped the slave to turn him around. The cock in his ass lost its target.

"Wait! I wasn't finished," said the guy behind him. The three of them were almost beginning to fight over access to the boy holes. All barriers were gone. They all fucked him, and they enjoyed it more than they believed was possible. It was heated when the working men fired their juice into Jesper's mouth and ass.

Eventually they got dressed. They thanked the landowner for the fringe benefit as they stepped into the boat.

"Good work," Mr. Thorson said as he turned to the main building with his arm around Jesper's shoulder. "I'm proud of the way you take care of the men on the island."

Next: part 37 - new tasks

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