Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Feb 5, 2016


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #33' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [33!40?]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear appalling.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 33 - Giving away his soul

"Weak up." Jesper felt the collar around his neck being pulled.

"It's time to teach you the new morning routine." Mr. Thorson pulled the leash a second time, this time harder. The twink still half asleep began to crawl out of the walk-in closet.

The man sat down on his bed and pulled the leash till Jesper's head was before his crotch. The man urged him with his eyes to move for his dick. The slave pulls the underwear down and then put the soft cock in his mouth.

When it was hard and wet, the man pulled the collar to move the slave's mouth off his cock. He said, "Mount me," as he lay down on the bed on his back. Jesper put a foot on each side of the man. While facing his master, he lowers his body down. He reaches for the cock and points it to his pussy and then continues to lower his ass. It felt so damn good to let the hard cock inside. He couldn't prevent a soft moan from his mouth as the dickhead penetrated his pussy. Slowly he starts to ride the cock while the man looks on motionless.

"Good. You started without waiting for my order. That's right when it comes to doing sexual favors. Your task is to serve. As you already know, it's your duty to take care of my cock and every other cock who wants your attention on this island. My friends and I shouldn't have to give you order. Right?"

Jesper nodded his head affirmative.

"Good. But instead of nodding you answer, I want you to pinch your ass muscles together around my dick, twice for yes and four times for no."

After first nodding his head, Jesper compressed his sphincter twice.

"Good. So. I don't want you to wait passively. I want you to not only offer your body to my guests by exposing it, but I also want you to invite them to touch you and feel your body up. You should go down on your knees and help them to open their zipper. Do you understand?"

The man waited for a reply. And soon enough he felt the boy pussy tightened around his cock twice.

"As my sex slave, you should take the initiative after reading the desire in my guests. If they dismiss you, you shouldn't be discouraged. Perhaps it wasn't the right moment, and you should try again at a later time. You will always expose yourself as the horny bitch boy you are. This body is not yours anymore, it is my asset. And I want it to be used to make me and my friends happy. Okay?"

The twink squeezes his sphincter two times around the dick.

"No man on this island should have to command you to suck his dick or get access to your boy pussy. When you see what a man wants, you should apply yourself to his need immediately. Only if he stops you, you knew it isn't the right time. A true slave should always try to please his masters and only if they reject you it's time to wait. Do you follow me?"

The man waits, and then he feels the pussy clinch two times. He takes hold of his slave's hips and then with speed and force turn them both around with his cock still deep inside. He began to fuck hard while he looks his property in the eyes.

"This doesn't mean you control anything, only that you will try to anticipate what men who are surrounding you want and need. Only one thing counts here, alpha males and their desires. You don't. There exist no other desires than what real men want. And it's your task to satisfy my guests and me. Is that clear?"

Mr. Thorson thrust forward and stopped. He waited for an answer as he looked down into the twink's eyes.

And the twink pinched his anus hard, one time and then again. The man started to move his hip again. His eyes stayed locked on the slaves as he made long and powerful thrusts of him. He thinks of what an old friend told him, "The deepest sexual penetration is of the mind."

Mr. Thorson wanted to not only own this beautiful teenagers body, but he also wanted to own his soul. He wanted to curb the twink's thoughts and feelings to his liking. Create the perfect sex toy. This line of thoughts made him come quickly. He plunges his exploding cock deep inside the willing pussy.

"Aahh! Yeah. Take my morning juice." He lowers himself down onto the twink and kisses him. There is nothing like a submissive young man eagerly taking every demand to which he is subjected.

Later the same day it amused Mr. Thorson to see the slave reaching for the crotches of men arriving at the island. They slapped his hands away or turned to walk past him. No one was interested in having a blowjob out in the garden in front of others. And some even felt embarrassed when the twink thought they wanted to.

Mr. Thorson had to tell him, "You do good, but you must be better on reading the men. They don't always want a cute boy sucking them off." But the energy and willingness to comply were excellent.

The next morning, the slave again was awakened by his collar being pulled. This time, he immediately removed his master's underwear and began to lick and suck the dick.

"This was the last time I wake you up. From now on you will crawl out every morning and wait beside my bed. You have to learn my morning habits. When I wake up, you will climb into the bed, remove my underwear and take my soft dick in your mouth. I want a tongue bath before I start my day."

At that moment, Mr. Thorson released his morning piss. Jesper winced but didn't pull his mouth away. He swallowed the piss.

"That's right. A slave takes what he's given." One of his big palms moved to the front of the twink's neck and Adam's apple, caressing it and feeling it up as the twink's throat swallowing his piss.

"Look at me." Jesper looked up as he held the cock in his mouth. The piss slowed down. "You should always try to make eye contact while swallowing a man's golden water."

When he was finished, and his dick was hard, he said, "And you know what's expected at this point. You will ride my cock every morning. I shouldn't have to tell you." The twink did as he was told. Jesper put his body over the crotch, let his pussy swallow the man's hard cock and started to move up and down.

"As a slave, you have to give all attention to your owner. You have to climb my bed at the right moment. If I raise my hand when you try, you will back down and sit at the bedside. But you shouldn't be afraid to try. Understand?" The man took hold of the twink's arms to stop him from fucking himself. The body sank deep down on the cock.

Mr. Thorson had to repeat it, "Do you understand?" This time the pussy clamp down, twice.

"It feels so incredibly good, to start the morning with a slave working its pussy over my cock," the man stated more to himself then to Jesper.

The man then didn't say nothing. He waited to see what the slave would do. After some moments, he started to move his asshole up and down over the cock again.

"Right. When it comes to sexual service you should try to be active until you are told otherwise." The man moved his hands over the teenager's taut and hairless skin and muscles. The muscles were working hard to move the body up and down to create friction for the cock inside and at the same time keep his balance.

"I paid a ridiculous amount of money for you. The sum the gang burst out made me first mad. But then I understood the amount was an expression of how fond they were of you."

It was nice to give a slave an honest praise once in a while. It almost always made it work harder.

"You shouldn't think the gang abandoned you. They didn't betray you. I said yes to a purchase price they thought weren't possible for anybody to pay. But I did. They were surprised and confused. They couldn't turn down my offer."

The twink stopped moving when he heard that Robert, Anders and Marcelo hadn't got rid of him as if he was trash.

The man told him, "Continue!" as he moved his hands to the twink's ass cheeks and spread them, making it easier to go down deeper on the cock.

"And you, my little cunt boy, are worth every penny. I don't want a slave in chains. To force a boy into servitude and keep him in bondage is easy. But I want a slave who appreciates his position, who wants to please his masters. When I understood you weren't only cute as hell but also a willing boy whore always ready to give his pussy to real men, I decided I had to buy you."

He started to use his hips to move up and meet the rhythm from the now sweating boy above him. He pushed hard and soon emptied his load. "Aaahh. This is how you should start a day."

The slave appreciated the morning fuck best because his master talked to him. Other times during the day he was only two holes for cocks to penetrate.

It was precisely the purpose of the training schedule: make him as susceptible as possible to not only learn what his tasks were but except it as the meaning of his life. Mr. Thorson already owns that young man's sexy body. This was the way to take his soul.

The next morning the man was woken by the boy reaching for his cock and beginning to lick it. When the mouth started to suck it, the man released his morning piss. It flowed down the slave's throat as if he never done anything else. The slave looked up to meet his master's eyes all the time.

When the last drop of piss was gone, the man moved back in his bed to sit up against the gable of the bed. The slave followed and kept his mouth on the dick, lying on his stomach and lifting his shoulders up by resting on his elbows. He fucked his head over the hard cock.

The man moved a finger into the twink's mouth alongside the cock. Jesper looked up at the man as if to ask what he should do.

"Continue do your work," the man said as he made a hook of his finger and pulled sideways to stretch the lips. The twink didn't know what to do.

"Relax. Let me feel you up." The twink did as he was told. It was a funny picture as the boy tried to suck while a finger pulled one cheek away and made it hard to continue.

"Good. This cute face is mine." The man moved his palms to hold the face in both hands and lifted it off his cock. He looked at it. Then the twink closed his mouth the man put two fingers to his lips. The twink opened his mouth, and the man moved them inside.

With his fingers, the man showed to the twink he owned this face. Yes, he demonstrated that he could and would dominate this young creature in every way.

He pulled the fingers out and the twink closed his mouth.

"No, keep your mouth open. I want to see this mouth pussy open, inviting and ready to take anything inside. Jesper opened up. It felt strangely intimate when the man once again moved fingers alongside the lips and then slowly put three digits inside.

"You began to understand what it means to be a slave, don't you?" The fingers prevented him from answering.

"The only purpose in your life is to please. You love to have my fingers in your mouth because you see how much I like to dominate you without force. A slave invites the men around him to use him. Everywhere and always. Your body is an instrument for real men's pleasure. Nothing more."

The man moved his other hand down to the nipple. He tweaks it between his fingertips.

"I plan to invite your old gang so they could see what become of you. What do you think about that? Do you want to show them what a good slave you become?"

Mr. Thorson wanted to see the reaction in his slave when he was reminded of the predators that captured him and sold him. Jesper looked up at the man with surprise in his face.

"I will let them fuck you, of course. Wouldn't that be a romantic reunion?"

Jesper wanted to say something, but the three fingers inside his mouth prevented it.

"No, you don't speak until I tell you to. Tomorrow a reporter at an international gay magazine will visit us here on the island. He wants to make an interview with you. Then you can speak."

The man removed his hand, and Jesper didn't make any attempt to speak. He held his mouth open.

"Good boy."

The man loved to play mind games with the twink. The interview would be one more. It would remind the slave there was one world outside this island. He would be told of his earlier life and how far he had changed. Mr. Thorson wanted to see his reaction to that reminder.

The reporter arrived at lunch the following day. Mr. Thorson greeted him when he climbed off the boat. After the usual small talk, the reporter wondered if the new porn star was nearby.

"Of course. He is in the kitchen, cleaning up. I think you should do the interview outside, at the suite of garden furniture by the seashore. This way."

The two men walked over the green grass. The sun was shining. When the reporter was sitting down, Mr. Thorson left to fetch the slave. During their talk, Mr. Thorson was not going to be present. It would make the slave more willing to talk. But one condition of the interview was that the reporter recorded their conversation on tape and handed it over to Mr. Thorson. He wanted to evaluate the slave's thinking at this point in his progress toward becoming a slave. The reporter would also have the manuscript cleared with Mr. Thorson before publishing the article.

The reporter was stunned when he saw the blond young man walking toward him, with his black collar around his neck and chastity device imprisoning his cock and balls. The twink was even better looking in real life than on film. Or perhaps it was the restraints that made the boy sexier.

Jesper immediately recognizes the hungry look in the man's eyes. Instinctively he wanted to please this big, bearded and well-trained alpha man in his late 30s. He must be more than two meters tall (6,6 ft), Jesper thought.

"Hello, Nick, nice of you to allow me an interview."


"That's the name given you in the cast list of the porn videos. Nick Anderson. I believe it isn't your real name."


"Didn't you know that is what you're called in the business?"


"Have you any idea of how popular you are? How famous? That the movies you participates in are great successes?"


"I can tell you tens of thousands of gay men know you, intimately. They would recognize you on the street and that body of yours on the beach. Can you tell me about a day on the film set?"

"I arrive after breakfast. The guys tell the other actors and me what scenes they prepared and what we should do."

"It doesn't feel strange to be naked in front of many people and cameras?"

"You get used to it."

"And then? What happens?"

"They tell us how to move and where to end up. Then I'm told in what positions they will fuck me."

"The cameras, are they close?"


"How does it feel to be fucked while being recorded on film?"

"I don't think about it. I'm concentrating on making it right for the guy fucking me."

"You don't think about all the men watching you taking it up the ass and in the mouth?"


"Do you like it? Being used as. . . a whore?"

"Eeeeh. . ."

"Be honest now. Do you like taking cock after cock on the film set?"

Jesper whispers, "yes".

"How come?"

"Eeeeh. . . They let me cum."

"They remove the chastity device? How does it feel to be allowed to get hard and shoot your wad?"

"It's great."

"Okay. Interesting, now I understand why you always shoot such big amount of seed. Your little johnson is trapped all the time you're not acting on film, isn't it?"


"But how do you feel about being used this way? Doesn't it make you feel inferior when they only are after one thing, to use your body? Being treated as a pet or sex toy?"

Jesper was silence. The reporter continued.

"What do you think about having to obey?

"I feel safe. . ." Jesper said to his own surprise.

The reporter smiles and nods approvingly, and asks, "So you looking forward to those days at the film set when you take more dicks than you can count?"

"Eeeeh. . . Yes."

"But doesn't your pussy get sore by all that fucking?"

"It does."

"Do they help you with that?"

"Yeah. I've got different lubricant and stuff."

"And after the scenes are finished, what happens? Can you leave?"

"I have to be available for the crew."

"So the rumors I've heard are true. You let them have a go at your body?"


"But you still look forward to the days at the studio?"

"Mmm. . ."

"You really are a bitch boy, aren't you?" the reporter laughs, then continue without waiting for an answer. "Okay, one other thing. I wonder why you don't know about your success as a porn star. Haven't you heard anything about it?"

"No, I live here on the island."

"You're isolated from the world?"

"We have guests all the time."

"But you never leave the island, for shopping or for going out to clubs and bars?"

"I stay here."

"Are you always naked?"



"I'm naked because Mr. Thorson wants me to be."

"Isn't it uncomfortable or embarrassing?"

"No, Mr. Thorson says this body is too beautiful to cover up."

"Oh, I agree. But don't men take advantage of you?"

"Yes. I have to be accessible at all time."

"Even to me?"

"Yes." Jesper saw the desire in the reporter's eyes and stood up and walked to him. He put his crotch in front of the man in the chair.

The man eagerly lifts his hand and takes hold of the balls. His other hand moves up and down the smooth thighs and flat stomach.

"It doesn't bother you to have a stranger feeling you up this way?"


"Do you let everybody touch you this way?"

"Everybody Mr. Thorson invites to the island."

"Show me your pussy," the man changed from being a reporter to a horny alpha man.

Jesper turns around, bent forward and put his hands on his ass cheek to spread them.

"Good. Come closer." The reporter took hold of the thighs and moved the body closer to him. He put his face to the crack and started licking the rose bud.

The reporter stood up as he bent Jesper over the table, unzipped and moved his dick into him with force.

"Ahhh." Jesper wasn't expecting the quick penetration. Why want some men make it hurt so much more than they need to, Jesper wonder as the big dick is all the way inside him. Are they angry, disgusted, or is it a demonstration of power? It still is things he has to learn and understand, he concludes as he feels two hands grabbing his waist.

Then he is fucked hard and rough. At a moment like this, when someone he doesn't know takes him as he was a toy more than a human being, he feels filthy and pitiful. He is reduced to a wet hole. But despite the rough treatment, there's something very right about it. Shouldn't sex be as physical as a strenuous workout or exercise? Perhaps he and his body are like gym equipment? He's here to be used and to make them satisfied, make them feel like real men. Men who need to subdue, dominate and impregnate a young and cute twink. It feels good to make the man happy.

And as the reporter's dick make good use of his pussy, Jesper know he has to be totally honest with himself. He loves to be handled roughly and disciplined by strong men. He loves to be reminded that he's the lesser being and that he's not in control. The feeling of helplessness and inferiority is highly erotic to him even if he had tried to deny it. But at the end, what he wants and enjoy is entirely irrelevant. Everything is about Mr. Thorson and his friends. He has to relax and let them use his body as they wish.

The reporter moves his upper body down over Jesper's back and whisper in his ear from behind, "Do you want this? Being used this way?"

"Yes, sir."

"Are you a slave?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then, let us move to the grass and let me get better access to this pussy." The man grabbed Jesper under his armpits and guided him, still with the cock inside him, to the ground beside the table. He maneuvered Jesper's body until the pussy was the highest point and the chest and head are on the grass.

The man's pleasure and his preferences is all that counts, the slave's comfort and dignity is not. As important as the physical penetration and friction between two men's skin and bodies, are the act of willful submission and humility. The slave knew his role was to be like a dog, a stray bitch for every man to subdue and breed. Whimpering and helpless the twink takes it as his pussy becomes raw, swollen and red.

The reporter pulls out and put three fingers in the pussy. "I'm surprised how tight the hole is. Your master doesn't use it as much as I thought. I like it. It gives the feeling of fucking a regular twink and not a worn out porn star. Your master is smart. He takes care of his investments." He said it with a laugh, as if both sarcastic and impressed.

The cock is then once again drilling the cunt. And hands start to spank the upturned and extremely well-exposed ass cheeks as the cock moves in and out in long but powerful thrusts.

The man speeds up and at last empties his seed into the twink. When he was done, he rolls over on his back beside the twink. His trousers are only opened to let his cock and balls out. Jesper lick them clean. Then the man zipped up, sitting on the grass.

"That was nice. You are as good in real life as in the movies. Do you have any drinks to serve here?" Jesper stood up and walked to the main building, showing the reporter the way. They met Mr. Thorson.

"Did you get what you wanted?" he asked smiling.

"Oh, yes. Thanks for letting me play with your boy."

"You know, I expect you to write something nice about our cute porn star and the products he participates in. How could you be able to do that if you didn't get to try him out?"

Mr. Thorson handed the reporter a cold beer. They both smiled.

Next: part 34 - Reunion with the ring

Next: Chapter 34

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