Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Jan 3, 2016


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #31' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [31!39]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear atrocious.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 31 - Accepting he is a slave

Back on the small and isolated island Jesper was allowed to move freely on the premises. He was always naked, barefooted. The only thing he wears was his black leather collar, steel bar trough his nipples and a small chastity device in metal around his cock. He shaved his body every morning. Only the eyebrows and short crew cut off his blonde hair was allowed.

He helped with work in the household. And he was treated well if you mean with soft words and without threats. The words from Mr. Thorson on the boat unlocked a line of thoughts for Jesper and made him more contented with his situation. He began to see his purpose as a servant to other men.

He learns to look at the men visiting the island and willingly expose himself to them. It was awkward and he felt ashamed but he did what Mr. Thorson wanted. He waggled his hips like a sheep whore and showed his teenage body off for the guests.

Most guests were older men, some in suits others seemed to be working in the artistic field. Other he couldn't imagine what they did. Some just looked eagerly and curiously at him, other put a hand on his shoulder and let it traveled down on his torso. Other groped him shamelessly. But no one tried to fuck him. They didn't seem to have permission.

It was strange to be naked and expose oneself to men watching and obviously becoming horny and hungry, but not being engage in any sexual activity. It builds up a tension inside Jesper he never felt so strong before. It was more than only not being able to cum. It was as if the men's raw desire transferred over to him. He wanted to feel their cocks inside him, but they only watched and briefly touched his skin. After several days of this increasing tension, every finger caressing his body burned lust into his mind.

It was as Mr. Thorson wanted it. Parallel to the building up of unreleased sexual tension, he continued to influence the twink's thoughts about himself. The man invited Jesper to his bed at some nights but only to cuddle. He could put the twink with his back to his front and put his leg and arm around the twink and hold them close together. But he didn't penetrate him.

Jesper felt safe and calm in this bear hug.

"You have always admired alpha men, haven't you? I know, because if you weren't you would never have let the gang capture you. They offered something you wanted: real men taking interest in you. You were scared and they coax you into bondage but you dreamed about being taken, wasn't that so?"

The man slapped the twink's ass cheek and wanted a reaction. Jesper turned his head back and looked at Mr. Thorson and nodded "yes".

"Real men are very exciting. You get hard just to think about being among them. Right?"

A new nod, but without turning his head. The man kissed his neck and ear softly.

"Good. So, if you know you love men using your body, isn't it stupid to resist when real men try to do exactly that?"

Jesper was surprised to hear that and interpreted it as critic of his behavior, so he turned his head to look if the man was serious.

"You have exposed yourself the last week, I give you that. But I can see that you still are reserved and suspicious behind the cute smiles. I think you're stupid. Yes. Stupid. Shall I tell you why?"

The twink nodded slowly.

"Independence, freedom and decision-making are things only real men are strong enough to handle. For you it's only a burden. You would feel better off if you could escape responsibility. Not having to think about it."

The man paused to let the message sink in. After some moments, de twink nodded slightly.

"The only way to do achieve that is to let someone else take responsibility and make decision for you. Isn't that true?"

After some hesitation, the twink gave his affirmative.

"And alpha men want to make decisions for cute boys like you. My friends and I need to dominate and be worshiped while you want to submit and be used. You see, we need each other. That's what's called a perfect match."

He moved his hand down to the ass cheeks and then in between them. A finger softly massaged the now starved rosebud without penetrate it.

"But you doesn't let go. You try to take responsibility and figure out what's the right thing to do. You don't let me and my friends take over and do what we are good at. You disrupt and deny the men you desire to be alpha men. That's not fair. You must stop thinking and just be the naked boy you are. Relax. Only then can we help each other."

When the twink was aroused and excited the man sent him to the attic with the words, "Think about what I have said." Mr. Thorson let the combination of his relentless persuasion at night and the daytime experience as a sex object slowly but steadily grinds the twink's last resistance and self-consciousness to scrap.

The next morning when Jesper eats breakfast from the metal bowl on the floor someone stepped close to him from behind and began to caress the exposed ass cheeks.

"Isn't they beautiful? They make me so damn horny. When do you let us fuck him?"

"When the boy accepts he is a slave," Mr. Thorson said cryptically both to his guest and the twink.

Jesper received a lot of attention and men roamed their hands over his body all day, but nothing happened. To his disappointment he was led to the attic to sleep in the closet alone.

When he got a new chance to be with Mr. Thorson in his bed he wanted to ask him what he wanted and what he did wrong. "May I speak?"

"No. I know what you want to ask: what am I doing wrong, isn't that the question?"

Amazed Jesper nodded "yes".

"I know what you think. I know you better than yourself. I've trained boys like you before. You aren't unique, rather a text book example of a disorientated boy in dire need of discipline and subjected to other men's will. So. No one will fuck you before you recognize what you truly are, a slave."

He looked at the confused face of the twink as he let his hand roam over his taut torso.

"You think you have done that, but you haven't. It's common for unexperienced young guys like you to get confused between wanting to please, and the thing I want, complete surrender and submission to servitude. You see, wanting to please is about your ego, what you want. A selfish desire. You want to trade good behavior against attention, fondness and appreciation. I think that's what the predator's ring was teaching you. But that's not enough for me."

Mr. Thorson looked at Jesper and smiled. The twink was listening intensely and he looked back at the man with big worshiping eyes. The desire to fuck the twink right now was great, but he had to drive the message home.

"Submission is about clearing your mind of your own thoughts, of any personal desires or objectives. It is to accept that you have no right to expect anything. No rewards. I want you to let go of your ego and selfishness."

The man put his palm on the cheek and ear and caressed him as a little boy.

"You should deliver your body and embrace my dominance over your mind. Neither this body nor its mind is yours anymore. Understand?"

While looking the man in his eyes, the twink nodded.

"You should see yourself as an object for real men's entertainment. Your mind should stop thinking there is an "I" present. There are only other men's wishes and demands. Not everybody can feel satisfaction in complete and total submission, but you can."

Jesper got worried and scared, not of the demands he now was presented, but with how natural and hot he find them. He wanted to submit, to put his life in this man's hands. His brain was losing the battle to his cock. He was ready to let go. His heart beats faster.

Mr. Thorson felt the struggle within him and waited by caressing the youthful skin. He knew the outcome could only be one. And he was ready to cash in the victory.

"Surrender. Stop thinking of yourself, that's meaningless. You have only one purpose in life, and that's to do as you are told."

Finally it happens. Mr. Thorson sees it in his eyes. He gives up. He is surrendering. Nothing is sexier than make a good looking young man surrender to your force of nature.

Mr. Thorson rearranges the slave on his back in the bed and lifts the legs up to his shoulder. He penetrates the fuck hole and both of them gasps in pure delight. As he starts to fuck in long and slow rhythm he looks his slave in the eyes.

"Good. You are my property. Nothing else."

As he continued to slowly but steadily moved in and out of his slave, Mr. Thorson slapped the upturned thigh and ass.

"You are nothing." He gave him a new, harder slap while fucking.

"Say it."

". . . I'm nothing." The slave starts to cry. Mr. Thorson bends forward and slaps him hard with an open hand over his face.

"Again." When he does say it, the man slaps him even harder over his face.

He repeats it. "I'm nothing."

"Yes, you are nothing but my property. And you have only one purpose, satisfy me and my friends." He speeds up. The moves are powerful and the twink is pushed backwards in the bed by the trusts of the hips and the dick inside him.

"If I see you doing anything other than being totally committed to follow what is demanded of you, I will punish you. Even if you hesitate only a second, the consequence will be severe."

The man put one of his big hands around the slave's throat in a vice grip. The twink can't breath and looks up to Mr. Thorson's eyes. He looks back in silence while he continues to fuck his property. Jesper slowly began to suffocate. He felt panic begin to grow in his body and mind but he knew he wasn't allowed to think and act. He was Mr. Thorson's toy and tried to relax as he began to lose consciousness.

Right then the grip was removed and the twink could take several deep breaths in quick order. Then the hand was back and blocked his breathing again. Jesper looked up at his owner but didn't protest in any way. Mr. Thorson smiled and loosened the grip but held the hand around the throat as he continued to fuck.

"That's right. You should take it. I decide if you are allowed to breath or not."

The man is pleased. To not protest while being strangled require the mind of a slave. The twink is well on his way to be what he is meant to be. The man put his thumb on the twink's windpipe and press down to close it. He speeds up his fucking. He is close.

He looks the passive boy in his eyes and grunt, "I want you to cum like a girl. Let that spunk run out of you." The man makes three strong thrusts and then reaches his release.

"Cum! Now!!"

The man removes the thumb from the throat when they both emptied their balls. The man shots his loads inside the slave's body as it tightens up beneath him. With a girlish scream the twink comes as his white seed leaks out of his imprisoned and flaccid cock.

Jesper almost lost consciousness, so strong was his climax. He couldn't believe it. This man knows how to take care of him. He knew he had done the right thing.

Mr. Thorson lowered himself down on the slave to get his breath back. Then he did, he kissed his slave on the mouth. After several minutes, he straitened up and redrew his cock. He looked demanding at his slave without saying anything, and soon Jesper moved itself around and began to lick the man clean.

"Okay. Up to the attic and get some rest." Jesper wanted to stay but he walked up the stairs.

The following days his workday changed. When he exposed his body for the guests they more often than not took him aside and let him suck their cocks. He could be interrupted at any time: when he washes the dishes, cut the grass outside or even in the middle of the night.

Every time he gets down on his knees and take the man's cock in his mouth. He wet the head with his tongue and works it down the shaft. He licks the whole dick priming it with spit before sliding it into his mouth. When it is hard he takes it all the way down his throat. He moves his head up and down. Now and then he hold only the dickhead in his mouth and let his tongue move around and then start sucking while again move his head up and down. Soon he can feel the man tense up. Sometimes the man presses his cock deep down and empties his balls to the throat. But usually the man redraw his cock to shoots his load of cum over the slaves face and stomach.

"Yeah, take it," the men often say as they smearing cum out over his nose, cheek, mouth and chin with their cocks. "You deserve nothing but men's seed marking you as the cock slave you are." Then they would draw up their pants, zipped up, buckled the belt and sent him away.

Jesper felt cheap and used but worse than that, he was horny and wanted more. He remembers his days with the gang. The fastest way to satisfy an alpha man was to suck his cock. Jesper didn't like the taste of cum but he loved to experience the moment when men erupted and reach climax. The closeness was rewarding. To watch and feel their peak of pleasure give him more satisfaction for each time. He began to enjoy men's seed as a proof of him doing a good work.

It was lucky for the twink he had started to accept this line of thoughts because the next weekend he was bound in a new way. Mr. Thorson walked him to a specially made chair. He was told to sit down on his ass on the floor with his face toward the chair. The two younger men he met when he was sold secured his knees to the chair and handcuffed the arms on his back. Then they closed a half circular part of the chair around his neck. His head, and most important his mouth, was now perfectly locked at crotch level to whoever sat down in the chair.

During that evening he was presented with an uncounted row of cocks demanding a good blowjob while they just sat there and enjoyed the slave's hard work. The men could kindly caress his face while his mouth was bringing them to release, or they could take a hard grip around his secured head and fucked it. Never had he felt so debunked, both literary and figuratively. The men using his head could see him doing his best as was expected of him. And at the same time he was completely immobile by his restraints. The only thing he could do was to open his mouth and serve.

When they emptied their loads into his throat or sprayed it over his face they would raise up and walked away, but not before praising Mr. Thorson for his new toy.

That night Mr. Thorson took the slave to his bed to continue fucking both his body and brain. The twink can't find any weakness or inconsistency in Mr. Thorson's talk. The new line of thoughts gave him a liberating feeling after so many months of uncertainty. Earlier worried questions about why he did let all this happen and if it wasn't wrong and dangerous had made him frighten and uptight. But now he has fund a new sense of safety and purpose. He shouldn't think, only obey.

The slave was starting to be content with his new life. Mr. Thorson began to arrange dinners on the island. The slave worked as a waiter, a task he was used to. It was usually between six and ten guests at this kind of event. The guests groped and felt the young man's body up good as he served them. It started with soft caressing on his back as he passed by the table and served starters. It continued with groping his crotch and ass cheeks. They always got more shameless the longer the evening went on.

Already at the first dinner someone took his imprisoned cock in his hand to inspect it. There wouldn't be a dinner when it didn't happen. Either the guest would ask if they couldn't remove the device or Mr. Thorson would ask if the guest wanted to remove the device. The host obviously enjoys a dinner discussion about what to do with the slave's dick.

But it was also a business strategy. Mr. Thorson always asked what the guest was willing to give him back for letting the device be removed. Then Mr. Thorson offered the key to the device the guest had agreed to handle Mr. Thorson's business proposal favorable.

Now hot, horny and drunk the guest would fumble with the twink's cock and device to everybody's delight. Finally, the steel harness was removed, to the joy of both the guests and the twink. Everyone could see how the free cock starts to rise and soon proudly stand hard out from the twink's body.

"He is so damn hot. I could fuck him right here and now", was a not uncommon comment. And Mr. Thorson always answered, "Be my guest." Everybody would laugh.

One younger and successful businessman in suit accepted the challenge. He stood up, removed his suit coat and then put his hand on Jesper's back until his chest was on a serving table against the wall some distance from the dining table. With his back to the guests the man quickly fished his hard cock out of the trousers and jams it into the twink's pussy.

"AAAgh," the slave groans as the big and dry cock enters him with force.

"Don't you like my cock, huh?" ask the businessman.

"Answer my guest," said Mr. Thorson.

"I love it," answer Jesper.

"You take it eagerly?" the businessman said with a smirk.

"Yes, Sir."

"Are you a slave doing whatever I require?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good slave." The businessman hammers hard and fast until he shoots his load into Jesper with a grunt. After a moment, he redraws and slaps the ass in front of him.

"Turn around." When the slave licked him clean, he zip up and walk back to his place at the table.

"Serve my guest more wine," Mr. Thorson say and remember his slave of his duty. As Jesper pour the wine the young businessman said, "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist the invitation to try that splendid cunt out."

"No excuse is necessary," Mr. Thorson said, "It was exciting to see you in action. I think you have proved the argument we have discussed the last couple of months. Your company will get the deal."

"Are you serious with me now?" the businessman looks surprised.

"I meant every word. I like energy and drive. You have showed me you have it."

"Thanks. It means a great deal to my company and me. Cheers!" Everyone lifted their wineglasses while the slave stood naked and silent in the doorway.

That night Jesper was ordered to sleep with the young businessmen in his bed. To Jesper's disappointment Mr. Thorson told him to put the chastity device back on before living the dining room. But he was fucked two more times that night and was allowed to stay in bed all night.

After that night the guests at the island seemed to have got permission, because when the naked slave appeared they often put an arm around him without saying anything and led him to their guest room and fucked him. Several did it quick and without much talking. They throw the slave on the bed and penetrated his pussy and hammered on until they achieved their releases. When the slave licked them clean they got dressed and followed him out in the lounge or garden again as if nothing had happened.

From that day the slave was fucked every time guests visited the island. It was his task to satisfy the men on the island. He should do it by first showing his young body of, then by offering it to those men who was interested in getting a blowjob or use his pussy.

They could take him behind some bushes, bend him over and fucked him there. Other wanted to explore his body more seriously in their guestroom. They wanted him to ride on their cock while their hands roamed over his body or play with dildos.

Jesper was expected to offer his body over and over again, whenever a man wanted to use it. He could be called upon whatever he for the moment was doing in the household.

When he was working the vacuum cleaner and a man tapped on his shoulder, he turned the machine of and looked at the man.

"I need you for a moment."

Next: part 32 - Appreciating his new life

Thanks for cheering me on and make me keep on writing, dear readers. New chapters will follow even if my time is limited. Happy New Year!

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Next: Chapter 32

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