Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Dec 6, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #30' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [30!39]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear dreadful.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 30 - Moved to new location

The next morning Jesper heard the door to the apartment opened. A man in blue-collar clothes unlocked the cage and ordered the twink to crawl to the bathroom and do his daily routine. This man wasn't interested in the naked boy. He did his job, nothing else. He came to the apartment three times every day. Jesper began to think of him as a janitor responsible for keeping Mr. Thorson's new property clean and fed.

He was exactly right. Mr. Thorson believed it would be good to give the twink some time to calm down and contemplate his new life.

The daily routine was basically the same as before with one big difference: Jesper wasn't able to end his pledge and leave. He had bargained away his freedom. At times he wanted to protest, to scream; they didn't have the right to do this to him. At other times he didn't know what he would do if he was released.

Being in captivity scared him. But at the same time freedom frightened him. He had nothing: no clothes, no home, and no job. He didn't have any close friends from his childhood and he didn't know his earlier fellow students from the University well enough to seek them up and ask for favors.

And his parents were the last people he wanted to ask for anything. They both have made distinguished careers and were well regarded in the community but ice cold to their only child. Jesper was certain the only reason they have a child was to be able to tell others they were parents. They didn't beat him or punished him actively, but they made him unsecure by ignoring him and threating him like air.

It was all the attention he got from the gang members and from men like Mr. Thorson that made him feel alive. He wanted them to caress him, use him, and take care of him. To be put in a cage and be fucked on demand was perhaps not an ideal life, but it was better than being alone and forgotten.

But one word made him anxious. What did it mean to be a slave? Will he never be able to make a decision for himself? Will he always be bound and his dick imprisoned? He couldn't comprehend the situation he was in. He stopped thinking about it because he felt the panic rising inside.

To calm down he steered his thoughts in a different direction. He knew they loved his body. And if they had paid a lot of money for him, they would have to take care of him. Then he thought of himself being sold between alpha men; he couldn't deny that the extreme humiliation in the act made him horny.

Jesper learned to follow the protocol the janitor established because every time he tried to change it he was immediately corrected. Not by punishment, but with unyieldingness. The twink had to understand that nothing could be changed by him.

The janitor trained him like a dog. When he'd come out of the cage Jesper would put his hands forward to make it easy for the man to remove the mittens. And when it was time to crawl back into the cage, the twink would open his mouth to receive the ball-gag without being told. The purpose with the repetitive scheme was to let the new truth sink in: It's best not to fight but accept his new situation. Mr. Thorson wanted to slowly but surely smother the twink's independent thoughts.

Mr. Thorson liked the way the gang previously had led the naked twink out of the door to a car on the street, but it was too risky. Instead, men dressed as handy men carried a big trunk up to the apartment. They moved the twink toward the trunk, and got down to handcuffing him.

One of the strangers grabbed one of the twink's arms and fastened a cuff around it. When the man tried to bind his both arms together behind his back, Jesper moved his free arm away. He didn't know who those men were. He had never seen them before. Why should he trust them? No one had told him where he was taken.

The man smiled. One of the other men bent forward and grabbed his balls. "If you don't put your arm behind your back as a good little pussy I will crush those useless balls!" The grip tightened.

Jesper knew he had lost again. He moved his hands to be cuffed behind his back. "You will be punished for this disobedience."

When he was told to climb down into the trunk he didn't objected. They closed and locked it. Jesper could feel them moving the heavy trunk down the stairs and into a truck. Then the trunk was moved from the truck to a boat. Jesper could feel the boat being rocked by waves. The journey wasn't long.

When they lifted the case of the boat and opened it, they grabbed his body as if it was a doll and carried it into a shed near the seashore, some distance from the main house. They put him on his knees with his face against the wall. A chain attached to the shelf was fastened to his ball-stretcher. Another chain from the wall was fastened to his collar. When it was done, the men left him, as if he was an installation.

He sat on a narrow shelf with his ass out in just the right level to be fucked by a man standing behind him. Jesper tried to move, but he immediately felt his ball sac being stretched and his neck was fixed close to the wall. Still handcuffed with his arms on his back he couldn't release any of the restraints. He was completely at the mercy of whoever found him in the shed.

After some time Mr. Thorson appeared and put a hand on Jesper's shoulder and moved it down over his arm and exposed ass. While his fingers softly caressed the cleft between the ass cheeks, he said "Tonight you are a party toy."

His index finger then found the rosebud. "And this hole," he said as it penetrated the twink, "is open for my guest to use tonight."

"If you behave and let everything happen without any fuss I will reward you with cushions to make it easier for your knees. And if you continue to obey without questions you will be rewarded with more space and comfort. If you don't, I promise it will be much worse for you."

Mr. Thorson reached between Jesper's legs and took hold of his entrapped balls. "If you make me proud I will let you cum," he whispered in the boy's ear.

Jesper would be bound to the wall, without any chance to escape, and raped by an unknown number of men. He began to weep silently. He had lost everything. He wept because he knew it and he wept because he had begun to reconcile with his fate.

Mr. Thorson was pleased to see the boy breaking down. He caressed him by moving a hand over his backside. "Soo, soo. Shhh. It will be all right. You're going to get accustomed to this. It's your life from now on. You were born to be fucked by demanding cocks. You have dreamed about being used by real men, haven't you? This ass is what makes you hot. Let us use it. It will happen, so you may as well enjoy it."

Before the man left, he put a blindfold over Jesper's eyes. "Some of my guests tonight don't want to be seen by you."

His heart pounded. Was this his new life? To be bound, his cock in chastity device, ball-gag in his mouth and blindfolded? But the man was right, he wanted to be fucked, he wanted to feel real men get pleasure and reach orgasm. It was more than a week since he was fucked. He was longing for it. He was afraid and aroused at the same time. He didn't understand the mixture of feelings.

Later men began to walk out from the main building where they were served dinner. They needed to smoke or admire the beautiful nature of the sea, islands and skerries in the characteristic Northern late evening sun. . . and to use the sex toy on display for their pleasure.

Jesper heard someone coming close and he winced when the man cup his hand and gently griped the twink's right ass cheek. Then he leaned down and drooled a big was of warm spit into the crack of the exposed ass. His fingers moved it around and then slowly pushed two fingers into the hole. They pressed deep and massaged the prostate gently.

The twink moaned through the ball-gag. This man was an expert with his fingers. It felt so good to have someone work his pussy. He arched his back and pushed his ass out toward the man as much as the chain to his ball-stretcher allowed. He knew he acted as a whore, or perhaps as a slave, but he couldn't resist. And he needed all positive feelings he could get in current circumstances.

When the fingers were removed Jesper hoped they would be replaced by a hard cock. And they were. A medium size dick was slowly but steadily filling his ass. It controlled the course of event and wasn't in any hurry. It drilled the hole with increasing power and speed. It changed angels and really knew how to take and own a boy pussy.

In the beginning Jesper didn't like this way to be fucked, without body contact. He felt isolated when he couldn't touch his partner, but this man was extremely good at what he was doing. He made Jesper part of the fuck despite that he was bound and passively receiving whatever he got. No one had massaged his fuck hole like this.

Then much too soon the man tensed. With a series of hard jabs and intense convulsions he started to cum. The crescendo was wonderful and Jesper wanted to kiss the man when he had dumped his load into him, but he couldn't. The man withdrew and lovingly moved a hand over the twink's thigh and ass cheek. But he didn't say a word, just left the shed.

He wasn't alone for long. Soon a new cock finds its way into the exposed ass hole. This man wasn't as gentle. He pushed in so hard the twink's whole body jolted towards the wall. "Yeah! That's what I call a pussy!" He groaned as his hands took a hard grip on the twink's waist before he started to fuck hard and fast.

"Oh, fffuuuck! Ahhh." He soon emptied his seed into the cavity. His last thrust was as hard as the first one and once again the body was jolted toward the wall.

Before he withdrew his dick he whispered, "You are a good catch, a perfect fag with his best side outwards." Then he pulled his pants up and left.

It was a steady stream of men walking to the shed that evening. They used the human toy. To Jesper's surprise, most men were kind. They caressed his body and talked supportively to him as they let their fingers roam over his chained body.

"You're so hot, our host is so lucky to have you," one said. "Thanks for giving your body up, I really like it," one other told him.

At the end of the night, Jesper's hole felt loose and sloppy. He's body was stiff. Someone released him and guided him to a bed. It was the first time in a long while. He was still blindfolded and handcuffed when a big and fat man climbed into the bed and hugged the exhausted twink. His hands travelled all over the teenage body. Then he turned Jesper on his stomach.

He moved up over him and his dick tried to find the wet hole. He moved his hand down and spread the twink's cheeks and finally drilled his cock home. "AAhhhh."

He began to move. "Yeah, give me that pussy." The man's weight was a sheer burden to the twink. He was so heavy that Jesper was pinned down to the bed and wondered if this man could crush him.

The man fucked him slowly. He was in bad shape and soon began to sweat and breathe heavily. "Ohh. Ogh. Ohh. Ogh." When he came he groaned in relief. To Jesper's anguish the man stayed on top of him. The twink tried to move to show the man he was in an uncomfortable position. He understood and rolled off of Jesper. He lied beside him and put an arm around the naked twink's shoulder.

"You're good," he whispered. "The best." He was still catching his breath. "I've told Mr. Thorson I'm ready to buy you when the time is right." Then he held Jesper close in his arms as he fell asleep. Jesper was surprised to be allowed to stay in the bed to sleep. But he couldn't get what the man said out of his head. The man wanted to own him. Was it disgusting or was that a big-time complement?

The next morning Jesper woke up as the big man climbed out of the bed, showered, got dressed and left. He didn't tell the twink anything so he passively stayed in the bed. Sometime later Mr. Thorson removed the blindfold, handcuffs and ball-gag. He smiled, and with his hand and told Jesper to follow him.

They ended up in the kitchen of the main house. Mr. Thorson pointed to a metal dog bowl in one corner.

At the table some men were having breakfast. Mr. Thorson poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down with them.

"He was damn good!" one of the men told Mr. Thorson.

"Absolutely, a fucking success!" one other said.

"Yeah, if he always performs as well as last night I have to treat him like a prince," Mr. Thorson answered.

Jesper heard the praising as he held his head in the bowl to eat the food as a dog. It was strange to hear them talking positively about him but not saying it to him.

The goal was to make the twink accept that he didn't have any reason to have a will of his own. If he trusted his owner, everything would be well. The life on the island could be good if he accepted it as it was. And what choice did he have?

After breakfast Mr. Thorson showed Jesper his new home. It was a small mattress on the floor in a big closet on the attic in the main building. He was relieved it wasn't a cage. The closet didn't have any windows and the door was locked at night, but the space was much bigger then the cage in the apartment.

During the following days he was watched or bound all the time, but the surveillance got more relaxed as Jesper didn't rebel against the orders he received.

He had no clothes, but he could leave the small island by swimming away to some other island. You could see land on the horizon. But he knew it would be difficult and he began to settle in even if he wasn't sure if he had accepted to be treated this way.

At one evening Mr. Thorson sat down beside Jesper in the closet on the attic. "I want this body of yours moving freely on the premises. But for that I need to trust that you are going to be a good slave. Can I do that? Trust you?"

Jesper nodded affirmatively.

"I need you to prove it. Are you willing to do that?"

A new nod.

Mr. Thorson grabbed the imprisoned balls and continued, "I want you to act in some x-rated films produced by a professional studio I control."

Jesper looked surprised.

"I want you to take direction as you are being fucked and recorded. If you do it without any hesitation or trouble, I know I can count on your loyalty."

Jesper nodded. He was used to acting naked in front of a camera. The gang loved to take pictures of him. In the beginning, he was shy but he got use to the cameras and in some way he wanted to show off his best asset, his body. It gave him the attention he so desperately craved.


The next day Jesper got a way too tight t-shirt and a worn out shorts, the first clothes in a long while. Two men picked him up by a boat and took him to a warehouse in a harbour area.

Inside they had a fully equipped film studio. The crew treated Jesper kindly, as every new porn star. He did a good job. He wasn't a rookie, after all. Jesper would soon be a known, face and body, by tens of thousands porn costumers. The filmed scenes showed the world that Jesper did offer his body for sex. His credibility would be low if he tried to go to the police. And Mr. Thorson knew some of his guests would be delighted to meet and fuck a porn star.

When the studio finished filming for the day, Mr. Thorson waited for Jesper in the dressing room.

"You don't need to get dressed. I have the boat just outside." He looked at Jesper. Would he be disappointed, resistant or was it not a big deal to obey? Jesper was hard to read, but he seemed just to accept it. The man pushed forward simple plastic slippers in pink with his shoe. The twink stepped into them, and they walked out and climbed down into the boat.

As they sat down on the stern of the boat, Mr. Thorson pushed the slippers away from the twink and grabbed his cock. "Now you are as a new-born. No clothes, nothing, not even any restrains. How does it feel?"

"Strange, but not bad. . ."

"They made you cum?" Jesper nodded.

"How many times?" Jesper looked up. Smiled and said proudly, "Four."

The man wanked the cock, and it began to rise. "Did it feel good?"

Jesper nodded but looked down to the floor.

"Don't be ashamed. This is your purpose in life, to satisfy men with your body. This is you: cute as a girl and willing to submit to real men. When you accept to offer your body without hesitations and stupid pride, you will see how easy and pleasant things can be."

Jesper looked up to the man masturbating his cock.

"Yes. Let it happen. Throw out all of your stupid aspiration of self-respect. You know you are a worthless peace of shit. You can't achieve pleasure or happiness on your own. But you can create and give pleasure and happiness to other men. Their satisfaction is yours too. Real men's desire is your law and future."

Now, naked in a boat on the sea, and with an older man's hand around his hard cock, he began to understand what was expected of him. He began to accept it. This man had an incredible confidence. He made him feel calm and he was ready to surrender to him.

"Now, open my belt." Mr. Thorson let the dick go and put his hands on his side as he looked at Jesper. The twink moved his hands forward and unbuckled the belt. Then he looked questioningly in the man's eyes.

Mr. Thorson rise himself up. "Pull my pants down." Jesper did.

"What do you want to do now?" Mr. Thorson asked.

Jesper was unsure and answered without thinking. "I want to please you."

"Good boy. Suck." Jesper moved his head to the groin and took the soft cock in his mouth. He started to suck it. Lick it. And it began to grow.

When it was hard, Mr. Thorson said, "Stand up and remove my shirt." Jesper unbuttoned the shirt and pulled it off his shoulders.

"Turn around and spread your cheeks for me." He did it in the small space in the boat without a thought of doubt.

"Now, move back and fuck yourself on my cock." They both moaned when the hard cock penetrated the twink. He was sore after the day's work at the porn studio, but this was a much more intense experience then everything he experienced in a long time. This man was in complete control and his way of using him was so evident. Confidence is perhaps the sexiest quality of an Alpha. Jesper could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. He felt it when the man touched him.

There was never a question of his authority or ability to crave complete obedience. This man was unaffected by normal notions of equality. Jesper could feel he wasn't supposed to challenge him. It felt natural to obey him. He felt like a feminized male whose service would have no limits. Jesper started to adore him. To make him happy was the way for Jesper to be happy.

After a while Mr. Thorson put his hands on the twink's waist and took over. He moved his pelvis forward and fucked the twink steady and powerful. Then he slowed down, leaned forward and kissed the twink's neck before whispering in his ear, "Yeah, you know who owns this pussy. Give it up!"

It was no doubt this man had taken charge and was in control of all aspects of Jesper's life. He would without compromise rule and manage him. Mr. Thorson had power of inner strength and confidence that made Jesper feel safe.

The twink didn't know it, but this was exactly was Mr. Thorson planned for. The young men helping Mr. Thorson wanted to be tough and by raw force make him obey. The experienced man told them to be patient. "When an alpha man as you and me touches a submissive boy's heart, when we claim his body and break through the barriers of his mind and give him permission to be the slave that he actually needs to be, he will know it."

Mr. Thorson saw how hard the twink was thinking of his situation. He put his hands around the torso and let them roam over the twink's pecs and abs. He then put a hand on the twink's cheek to turn his head. He wanted to look him in the eyes while he fucked him. And talked to him.

"You did the right thing. This is your place. Your true life. As a boy-toy. As a slave."

No one had talked to Jesper with this intensity before. Everything he said was outrageous and absurd. But to his surprise Jesper found it also intriguing. To gain the attention he craved, he had to give in rather than stand his ground. Somewhere in his confused mind he had known this but he had been too scared to accept it. Mr. Thorson was on the verge of eliminating the last obstacles for Jesper to give in completely.

Mr. Thorson continued to fuck him but moved one hand down to lovingly caress the twink's dick and balls. "No guilt, no shame, no worries."

Jesper nodded, to his own surprise.

The man stopped fucking and took hold of his chin. "I can see it in your eyes, pure worship, humble submission and unquestioned obedience. You are a slave. My slave." He started to fuck the boy pussy again while waiting in silence without requiring any answer.

Jesper nodded.

"I will train you. A slave should anticipate the master's needs and completely focus on pleasing him and his friends. A slave should always show them gratitude for the privilege of serving them."

Jesper nodded.

"There is no such thing as a good slave, just an obedient one. And obedience comes from acceptance. You have to accept what you are. Remember: acceptance isn't something you can fake, neither to yourself nor to me. If I detect resistance I will beat it out of you. But if you accept your new life it will be a pleasant journey."

Jesper nodded and the man removed his hand from the chin.

Mr. Thorson took his time and clearly enjoyed the smooth and passive body. Through it all he kissed and fondled the twink and by the time his cum filled the twink's pussy Jesper felt absolutely feminine.

When he withdrew he once again took hold of the twink's chin, turned his head and kissed him passionately. Jesper was surprised. It still catches him off guard when a dominating man is tender. He is emotionally unprepared for it. The soft strokes of his large hand on the face and the tender look in his eyes were incongruent with the hard message of him as a slave.

"You taste so good. I can eat you." His hand ran softly down over the naked body. He somehow managed to be imperative, powerful, possessive and considerate all at once.

"I take care of my property. And you are mine."

Next: part 31 - New demands

Next: Chapter 31

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