Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Sep 25, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #3'{}( MM bd humil slow )[3!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 3 - Undressed in a park

The twink did as the Predator gang had wished for. When Robert delayed a new date, Jesper showed his increasing desire to meet a real man by showing more interest in Marcelo, the other guy he had started a conversation with on the internet. The gang wanted to create more than one track to capture their prey. Marcelo was all that the twink had dreamt about; he was muscular, sexy, exuberant, black-haired, short trimmed black beard, brown skinned and with a healthy self-esteem.

It was important that Marcelo used the same tactic as Robert. He should firmly push the twink toward submission with ever increasing humiliation but do it slowly and in a way that didn't scare him away or created too much resistance from him.

In the style, however, the two men should act differently the gang had concluded. Were Robert was the experienced, warm but firm elder mentor, was Marcelo the easy-going pal who persuaded and nagged the twink to take a new step into the trap.

Soon Marcelo had, in their mail conversation, convinced Jesper to do the town together. They met the next Friday evening and went to a popular club with a dance floor and load music. From the moment when they for the first time catch sight of each other and hugged, Marcelo took control. He often ended his conversation with a question - "Don't you?", "Right?", "Isn't that great?" But he never waited for Jesper's answer.

It didn't matter. The twink was delighted that this Latino hunk in his early thirties wanted to be with him, to walk around together in fashionable surroundings for young adults. He was easy to get on with, Jesper thought. At the entrance to a new favorite gay club, Jesper was stopped by the doorman. "How old are you?" Marcelo told the doorman that Jesper was with him and put his arm around Jesper's shoulder.

When they had walked through the doors, Marcelo laughed, "Now, let's have fun!" Marcelo ordered two beers in the bar without asking Jesper, paid for them and put them down on a small table not far from the dance floor. The loud music did it difficult to speak. Marcelo moved his bar stool close to Jesper and talked directly to his left ear. He laid his right arm around the twink's shoulder again. Jesper got excited by this closeness. Marcelo moved his hand down to the twink's back and then down to his waist. When Marcelo talked in Jesper's ear, he used the hand to move him even closer.

Jesper loved it. To have the attention of this sexy, muscular guy a bit older than him was thrilling. When Marcelo for a moment took his hand away, Jesper felt sudden loneliness. But soon the hunk put it back, but this time on the twink's thigh as he asked what Jesper thought of the place. This time, Marcelo waited for an answer.

"It's cool," was the only words Jesper was able to say. Marcelo smiled and slowly moved his hand forward against the twink's crotch. Jesper tensed up but didn't protest. They small talked as Marcelo held his right hand near the groin, one very intimate position.

Marcelo used his free hand to sip on the beer. Then he leaned forward and put the hand on Jesper's neck and kissed the twink lightly on his mouth.

"I think you're cool. I'm really glad you wanted to go out with me." As he talked his hand shamelessly grouped the twink's cock and balls trough the trousers. The complementing words prevented Jesper from protesting, just as Marcelo had anticipated. But he tensed up.

"It's okay. Don't fight, enjoy." With his other hand, Marcelo moved Jesper's face toward his own and looked into his eyes. Jesper was paralyzed. No one had touched him this way, got so intimate - except Robert the last week of course.

The twink was so damn cute. Marcelo wanted to fuck him right then, just slam him back down on the table and ram his cock up the virgin ass. But Marcelo knew they were at a critical moment, and he had to move slowly. If he and the gang were to be able to use this boy daily and repeatedly instead of just one time and never again he had to create trust and devotion.

Marcelo moved a hand upward under the twink's t-shirt to caress his naked back. Marcelo talked near the twink's ear. "I'm impressed with your answers in the emails. You are so brave. Take the bull by the horns and challenge old habits. I understand it can't be easy to open up, but you do the right thing. You have so much to contribute."

This praise was exactly the words the twink wanted to hear, even if he didn't understand what it meant. Marcelo could feel how the twink melted in his arms. Marcelo thought it was the right time for the next step. "I think it's time to move on," he said as he put his hands away from the twink and emptied the beer.

Jesper didn't want it to end but followed the hunk out on the street as if he didn't have any will of his own anymore. They ended up in a park and Marcelo grabs the twink and kissed him. He pressed his tongue into the boy's mouth. As Jesper opens his lips, the passion in their kissing escalates. They moved to a small lawn between some bushes. Soon Marcelo grabs the twink's t-shirt and lifts it over his head. Jesper starts to protest, but Marcelo blocks the words by once more covering the twink's lips with his.

Marcelo's hands roam over the twink's beautiful body, over the hairless chest, hard nipples, and the taut stomach. All over the silky smooth skin. Marcelo wanted to own this body, to control it, to put it to good use. And it was a possibility, but only if he kept himself in check.

The twink had to descent into submission of own free will. Marcelo must suck up to him, make him feel safe to accept each new humiliation and concede his self-control. He would initially protest at every corner, but the important thing was that he caved in and continued to evolve their relationship.

Jesper was in heaven. He was longing for this experience. Be near a man who understood his needs. He wished they weren't in a public park, but the feeling was too good to break off. He shivered with delight as the strong hands roamed all over his upper body.

Soon one hand went inside his pants on his backside and started to caress his butt cheeks. The twink didn't protest as Marcelo had expected. He was so much into it. The hand moved around to the front of the boy. It finds a small but rock hard prick. Jesper tried to break off the kissing, but Marcelo held him firm by gripping his neck with his other hand. This action was enough to take the wind out of the protest.

Marcelo had achieved some control over the twink. His tongue was deep in the twink's mouth, and his hand started to jerk the little dick and fondled with his balls.

It was time to move to the next step. As he took a firm grip on the balls, Marcelo moved his mouth to kiss his neck, shoulder and then whispered in his ear. "You are so hot and beautiful. I want to suck your dick and taste your cum. Please, let me make it good for you. I want to give you all that you wish for. Please. . ."

This suggestion was totally unexpected for Jesper. He didn't think he was the one who decided what would happen. He got confused and didn't want to make Marcelo disappointed. It was exactly that kind of reaction the predator's ring had expected. Marcelo had at first firmly rejected the idea when the group discussed the best possible way to get the twink onboard. As a proud Latino hunk, he felt it humiliating.

Marcelo was a former lover to the ring leader of the predator's gang. When he began his sexual life, he was excited to participate in SM games. When he got more experienced he wanted to be a top and he wasn't so much into leather and such. He was curious to try new things and was delighted when he got the chance to be a member of the gang. He looked for something more than one-night-stands, but not a regular partnership. Most of all he wanted exciting nights in contrast to his boring work at a warehouse where he moved boxes around.

At the meetings Marcelo argued he shouldn't have to beg the twink for permission. Now, in the park, Marcelo understood how right the evil men were. They knew how to get a young guy to ask for his degradation.

The thing Jesper least of all wanted at this moment was to hurt Marcelo's feelings. Instead of protest he said, "I want you to do it, I really do, but can't we do it somewhere else?"

Marcelo didn't listen to the second part of the sentence. "Thank you" he whispered and started to kiss his way down over the twink's shoulder, pec and stomach. As he squats down, he pushed the twink's trousers down together with his boxer shorts. The dick was rock hard and already drooling pre-cum.

But Jesper got scared. He was now completely naked down to his ankles, outside under the open sky. This place was a public park in the city; anyone could appear any second. He looked nervously around, but the twilight was falling and created some protection. Then he looked down on Marcelo. His presence calmed the twink. By his touch and attention, he created devotion and obedience from the twink.

The hunk smiled and then put his head forward. It was incredible for the virgin twink to feel lips closing around his dick. He groaned loudly. And at that moment he forgot all his reservations.

It was awesome to take possession of this young, smooth dick and almost hairless balls. To do it outside in a public park reinforced the feeling. The twink just stood there as if just to serve his jewels to the hunk to eat.

Marcelo did like that the twink had a dick of the smaller size. It would make it easy to tease him and put him down, eventually, when he was more firmly under the gang's control. They would talk about it as a clit rather than a penis. Few things are more humiliating for a young man than to compare his manhood with a female vagina.

He took it all in his mouth with ease and started to move his head up and down. Now and then he let go of it, and then licked it like a lollipop. The dick was so hard and willing. It was difficult for the twink to keep quiet as he got the first blowjob in his life.

The predator's ring had decided that one of the men should hide in the park. He would have a peep at them, to see how they were coming on. His name was Olof and the oldest and most wealthy member of the gang. He was known to invite gay guys in certain circles for expensive dinners and parties. Olof wanted to have fun but not engage in a relationship. When he heard about the ring by the ringleader, he told him that he would finance the gang's activity if he were invited as a member.

When the twink experienced his first orgasm ever in the company with another man, Olof should make himself visible for the twink. This humiliation was a cruel joke the gang had come up with to combine intimacy och pleasure with degradation.

Olof followed the show with rising excitement just a few meters away, behind some bushes. He could easily read Jesper's body languishes, particularly as he got closer to orgasm. Then he tightened up; Olof knew it was time. In the same moment as Marcelo catches the first spurt of twink cum in his mouth, Olof stepped forward just a short distance away and looked at the naked boy with hungry eyes.

Marcelo immediately notices how the twink seconds after his orgasm freezes in terror. Marcelo roamed his hand over the muscles in Jesper's very taut thighs and stomach as he sucked the last of the boy cum out of the little cock. How fun it was to play with a beautiful prey like this!

Jesper didn't know what to do. He switches from ecstasy to panic. When the old man looks at them, Jesper tried to sit down to take protection behind Marcelo. But the hunk held on to his thighs as he removed his head to let Olof get a good look at the naked boy. The old man's stared shamelessly at young man's hard cock with some last drops of cum leaking out of the piss slit. Olof eats him with his eyes.

"Let me loose! Please . . ." The twink whispered in despair. Marcelo released his grip and the twink squat down. But not before Olof could get a good look. Jesper knew it, and he was terrified.

Marcelo embraced him, but the twink was angry. "Way did you do that?!"


"Didn't let me sit down when the old man discovered us!"

"Oh, I haven't seen anybody. Where?" Marcelo played with the prey and looked around. "I don't see anyone."

"He is gone. But he saw me! He saw me naked."

"Is that so bad? Was he angry when he saw you?"

"No, he smiled."

"There you see. You shouldn't be so tense. Other men like you. You are a likable guy. You should open up more, present yourself. Invite men who pay attention to you." Marcelo intended to transform an unpleasant experience to something normal.

"You are so beautiful. Your body is like a piece of art. You ought not to conceal it from men who admire it", the hunk whispered in the twink's ear. At the same time, he caressed the twink's body. Jesper didn't object, and his cock was hard the whole time. Marcelo moved one hand down to the balls. He worked them, pulled them and owned them. He fingered each of the stones. They were his to play with.

"And I don't think you're as upset as you sound. Your dick has been hard the whole time. I think you like it. You little pervert!" Marcelo laughs as he continues to feel the balls up.

Jesper looked down and watched but didn't say anything. He had never experienced a man touching him like this. And he liked it. A lot. It was intense, and he felt confused and excited at the same time. Marcelo hefted the sack, weighed it in his hand. The balls are proportionally bigger than the twink's dick. And his sack hung down a bit, perfect to grip in a strong man's hand.

Marcelo liked to hold them in his hand, to have a boy by his balls. It was such a powerful feeling. He thought about all of the fun the predator's gang would be able to have with this twink if they captured him and succeeded to manipulate him into a willing sex toy for other men's pleasure.

The hunk let his other hand move over the twink's butt cheeks. As they sat on their heels, it was exposed. He whispered in the twink's ear about how special he was, how popular he would be if he opened up and offered himself to them who would love him. He continued to praise the twink as he moved around in the butt cleavage. Ever so lightly he then touched Jesper's asshole.

The twink winced and groaned "Aaah." But he didn't protest or moved away.

Marcelo's middle finger went around on the outside of the virgin hole, felt it up, and pressed lightly on the sphincter now and then. It was so tight. Totally virgin.

It was an entirely new feeling for Jesper to have someone touches his backdoor. It was as electricity when the hunk moved a finger on his asshole. He was confused, scared, but it felt so good. The twink had never thought he could feel such intense pleasure. Everything around him disappeared, and his brain only felt the body closeness and intimacy that the twink had longed for all his life.

Marcelo moved fingers to the twink's lips, and he opened his mouth without question. He licked them and felt that they had been near his asshole. He didn't like it, but he was totally consumed by the warm caress of the hunk. The fingers went back to his ass and slide into the crack and onto the hole. The feeling was incredible, and the twink instinctively moved his feet apart and moved his knee to the ground to get better balance. He willingly exposed his ass for the hunk. The twink realizes he was acting like a complete bitch and only encouraging the hunk. But the feeling was so intense, and his hole was so sensitive that his body was responding automatically to the hands who took possession of his young body.

Yes! Marcelo smiled to himself. This little bitch is ready. The twink was in a very vulnerable position: he was naked in a public park and a man he newly meet and didn't know, touched him on his most private body zones. This intimacy meant that the twink was perhaps more desperate then the gang expected. They would probably be able to go further and be cruder in the aim to subdue the twink's mind as well as his body.

They needed to use all their skills in psychological manipulation, including praise, persuasion, shame, sense of guilt and play injured pride. But if they did it right the road to the twink's voluntary, and for that legal, degradation and total humiliation was opened. His body would be theirs to play with, to use and to own.

"Yeah, I know you'd like it. I bet your virgin hole is begging for dick," he whispered in the twink's ear as his finger circled around what soon would be a pussy hole. He started to press on the ring muscle, and when the finger went in, the twink sighed deeply.

Never had Jesper felt such intimacy with another human being. It was as a new world opened to him. This intimacy felt wonderful. He wanted the time to stop. But Marcelo had precise orders: he should court the twink until he fell for it and was hooked. Then Marcelo should bring their evening to a close.

The day before, during the discussion with the predator's gang about Marcelo's moves, he sighs with disappointment when they decided he had to end the evening just when he had succeeded to seduce their prey. "You have to control that cock of yours," the leader of the gang warned Marcelo. "Otherwise you could spoil the whole enterprise. Do you understand?!"

Marcelo had no choice. "I know, I know. But it's damn frustrating to wait. I want to fuck that ass!" The other guys laughed. "We all do!"

This comment echoed in his mind now when he had his finger inside the beautiful boy and easily could put his dick in its place. "We all will fuck him hard and long and as many times we like . . . If you do your job and follow our directions." Everybody would owe a debt of gratitude to him if he succeeded. This self-serving reward overtrumped Marcelo's intense horniness. He knew several guys in the gang doubted his capability to do this.

Marcelo put his finger out of the twink and gave his but cheek a hard slap. "I most move on. We have to finish it here," Marcelo said as a matter of fact as he rose up to standing position. It was a shock to Jesper. Suddenly he was back in real life. He rapidly pulled his trousers up, reach for his t-shirt and put it on. He was ashamed.

Marcelo smiled and put his arm around the twink's shoulder and started to walk out of the park. "It has been fun," he said. "I want to meet you again. Here is my cell number." Marcelo gave the twink a piece of paper. Jesper didn't know what to say. He was utterly confused. It was as he just was waking up from a dream. A happy and pink dream.

They were at a crossroad and Marcelo hugged Jesper. "Call me!" And then he went away. The twink started to go to the subway. He had a lot to process.

Next: Part 4 - Fucked at last

Thanks for reading and sending me your thoughts. It's a special feeling to create a story out of your fantasy. It's demanding but satisfying. Don't hesitate to try.

Next: Chapter 4

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