Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Nov 30, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #29' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [29!39]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear horrendous.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 29 - Sold to new owners

When all papers were ready to sign, Olof visited the buyer's office. As they began to talk about practical matters, Mr. Thorson said, "I would've liked to watch you introduce me to the boy, and tell him he is sold to me while I inspect his body. But this is, after all, a deal about an apartment only." He smiled.

"I would be delighted to do it, but you're right. It's best if we aren't present when you take command over him." Olof smiled back. They both knew this was more of a power play than a legalized deal about selling a slave. The contract wouldn't hold in court. Everything depended on Jesper's will to submit and not turn against the men dominating him.

They were both certain the twink was deep enough into his new life of submission to not protest, at least not seriously. And if he, contrary to expectation, would prove to be a resistant boy, Mr. Thorson was certain he could handle him.

"Good. Then it will be my pleasure to tell him he is a dearly purchased commodity that has changed ownership."

"Pleasure doing business with you," Olof said as he handed over the keys to the apartment. He had mixed feelings about this. It was incredible hot to sell their boy as a slave. At the same time, he wouldn't have anything against keeping the twink in his possession a while longer. But now they had made the decision. The puppy wasn't theirs anymore.

At the same time Anders arrived at the apartment. He let the twink do his daily routine in the bathroom. While he shaved his crotch, Anders asked, "How was it to be whipped?"

"Eeeh. . . strange. I felt pain, but it changed to something different."

"Good. You see, we know you better than you do. You should relax and take whatever happens. There will be many such opportunities for you, I believe. Your attitude makes you very sexy and desirable. Many men want a boy like you."

"But. . . why do I get excited when you hurt me? I don't understand."

"Because you are a slut!" said Anders matter-of-factly, with a smirk on his face. "You have to know it by now. This isn't just a game in which we exploit your body. This isn't us, it is you. It's your deepest desire. Everything happens because you crave it."

"Do I?"

"Absolutely, you stupid little cunt boy! Enough talking." Anders inspected the naked body with his hands. He slipped a finger under the black leather collar to check it was tight around the neck. He let his hands move over the smooth skin. The tattoos looked so good. Anders liked the message on the right-front side of the twink's neck: "I do as I'm told". It felt so nice to move a hand over the sensitive pelvis area where the ink stated, "Property of the gang". Anders turned the body around and looked at the beautifully inscripted words, "Please, fuck this pussy". The inked rose on the right butt cheek was perfect.

Anders turned the body around again and pulled lightly on the ears to inspect the earrings. He took hold of the nipple-bars and pulled them slowly forward. The taut, young skin made him hot.

Then Anders handed the twink his Prince Albert Wand. Jesper took it and slid the long hollow tube down his urethra as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Anders gave him the sidebar with the knob and Jesper screwed it in place through the pierced hole under the cock head. Anders kept on looking as the twink finally screwed the bigger knob in place on the top of his dick.

It turned him on to see the twink so obediently entrap his own cock. Without any fuss Anders moved behind the twink, opened his pants, pulled his dick out, spat on it and moved it to the twink's pucker. He pushed slowly but steady. When his cockhead spread the ass lips open and penetrated the twink they both moaned.

Jesper bent slightly forward and spread his cheeks with his hands. Then he pushed his body back slowly as the rigid shaft pressed into him. Halfway in Anders withdrew until only the head of his dick remained. He then moved forward as Jesper pushed back and bottomed onto his thighs. Anders' dick filled him completely.

When Anders began to thrust, Jesper squeezed his ass tightly around him. Anders held the twink in place with his hands as he was bucking his hips faster and faster. The cock was punishing Jesper's prostate as he bounced on the man's strong hips.

"Fuuuuck," Anders grunted when his last very powerful strokes made him spill his hot load into the wrecked ass. Jesper wanted desperately to wank his dick, but he knew it wouldn't be appreciated. After some moment Anders pulled out and slaped the ass cheek hard. Jesper turned around and licked the man's cock clean.

Anders zipped up and handed the butt-plug to Jesper. He had no difficulty to move it into his well lubed ass. Anders took a hold of Jesper's upper arm to make him stand straight in front of him. After that Anders went down on his knees and took a hard grip around the balls. He moved the sack outwards and downwards from. With that the ball-stretcher was secured in place.

"Good. Now you're dressed." Anders smiled and fastened a leash to the collar and moved through the apartment with Jesper walking behind. He crawled in the cage without any instruction. Anders handcuffed the twink's with his hands on his back.

The twink looked up to Anders as he locked the cage and removed the key. Anders wanted to stay and be there when Jesper got the message he was sold. But he couldn't. Anders looked a last time at the twink. He would happily fuck him many times more, and he wondered what would happen to their prey now. But it wasn't his business any more. He left and locked the door to the apartment.

After a while, Jesper heard someone arrive in the apartment. Three men entered the room. Jesper didn't recognize them.

"Here we have our new star." The men looked at the naked boy in the cage.

"Is he clean?" asked one of them.

"Let's see." The older men said and bent forward to Jesper, "Put that crotch to the bars. We need to inspect it." It was easier said than done. The cage was low. Jesper couldn't sit straight up on his knees.

"Spread your knees and lift your crotch up. Hurry up!" Jesper tried to move his body in the narrow area. He had to bend his torso back as he put his knees close to the bars. When he lifted his crotch, he also exposed his stomach as a drawn bow backward. His head was out of view and he couldn't see the men.

"Closer! Press the crotch to the bars." It gets more uncomfortable for the twink as he had to bend backward even more. The men were enchanted with the show of a young taut body exposing and moving all its muscles to please them.

Suddenly Jesper felt a hand grabbing his cock through the bars. It started to move up and down. The dick gets rock hard in just a couple of seconds. The man then pulled the foreskin back all the way and started to run a rugged and dry thumb over the cock head around the Prince Albert Wand in the piss slit. Jesper winced and tried to move back from the assault, but the man expected it and held the twink firmly in place with his grip on the cock.

"Please. . ."

"Shhh! No talking."

The hand continues to inspect the dick. "I don't know, I think I will replace this thing with a Prince Albert ring. It will look better."

"A really big one, then?"

"Yes, he won't use that dick for anything else." The men laughed.

The two younger men moved their hands inside the cage and ran them up and down possessively on the twink's stretched abs. They looked to be around 30, one blond and the other with brown buzz cut hair. One was really sexy and the other one more muscular and powerful than good looking.

Who are those men? Why are they allowed to do this? Where are the gang members? Jesper didn't understand. He just did as he was told. The men unlocked the cage.

"Out!" Jesper had difficulty to get out with his hands cuffed on the back.

"Remove the handcuffs!" the older man said.

Someone then attached the leash to the collar and said, "Crawl!" He was pulled into the living room.

"That butt-plug seams not to create any difficulties for him. I almost believed he didn't have one in place." The man bends over and pulled the thing out of the ass. "Perhaps he's ready for a bigger one." Jesper felt empty.

"Stand up." The older man circulated the prey as his palm traveled calmly over the smooth skin.

"What a beautiful slave, just as hot in real life as in the videos."

A hand took hold of Jesper's stretched balls. Jesper braced himself for pain, but the finger softly and gently squeezed the balls. Jesper knew it was something bad happening, but his cock didn't mind.

"Let's release them." It was a big relief to feel his balls hanging free again.

The hand moved up to the right nipple. He grabbed the bar through the tit and pulled it slightly away from the body.

"These ornaments are quite new, I think," the older man said. "I like them. They look good on this smooth skin."

"And you could attach weights to them," one of the other men said.

"Remove that thing from his dick. I want to see it free and proud." One of the guys took a hold of the twink's dick and unscrewed the wand and pulled it out. Despite his fear and confusion, his dick stood straight up pointing to the ceiling. The men smiled. Jesper felt somewhat ashamed to so obviously expose his horniness in front of complete strangers.

"Right," the old man said. "Bend over and spread your legs." Jesper did.

"Put your hands on the cheeks, spread them and show me your pussy."

When Jesper did, he felt a finger, probably the thumb, lightly pushing at his sphincter. "He's not a virgin." The three men laughed.

"Was that what you expected? Are you disappointed?"

"Not at all. They did a good job capturing this specimen, but the training has been rather amateurish. I want my pussies sloppy and easy to enter and easy to play with."

Jesper still spread his ass cheeks as if he was frozen. He didn't know what to think. This apartment was his home, and now some strangers just charged in and acted as they owned the place.

"So you don't regret you bought him from that gang?" It was the first time Jesper heard anything about this. His heart began to pound, and he started to straighten himself up. The man put a hand on the twink's back to keep him in bent position.

"I'm looking forward to possess this body and mold it to my likening."

"Yeah," said one of the younger men, "When will the arrangements be finalised so we can move him?"

As the older man finger fucked the twink, he answered, "I think everything will be ready next week."

"Can we use him while he is still here?"

"Yes, of course. Do you want to try him out now?"

"Yeah! That would be nice. . . This one is so damn beautiful, like a girl. I want to penetrate her orifices and hold that smooth, taut young body in my arms."

The older man pulled his fingers out. "It's yours."

Jesper straightened his body up and wanted to protest. "Eeeh. . . I think I want to. . ." He got a hard slap with an opened hand over his ass cheek.


"But. . ." A new slap went to the side of his face. This time so hard he almost lost balance.

"Where is the ball-strap? Put it on."

Before Jesper could compose himself, a big plastic ball was forced into his mouth. He tried to speak but couldn't. The ball was held in place by a cord around his head.

Jesper moved his hands up to remove the new bondage device. The men were ready.

"Put the mittens on!"

The two younger men took hold of Jesper's arms and one by one put two black leather mittens without a thumb over each hand. They were small, and the twink was made to clench his fists to get them in place.

"They called you puppy, didn't they? A dog hasn't any fingers to use. And it can't talk. This way you are more a puppy than ever before." The older man used a soft voice and caressed the twink over his shoulder and back, but the news was shocking for him. Jesper wanted to leave. He suddenly runs to the door. But it was locked and with the mittens on he couldn't turn the lock. The men calmly followed him to the hallway.

"As I suspected. This one isn't broken in. He still thinks he has a will of his own." The older man grabbed the twink's dick and began to masturbate it slowly. Despite the fear and anger, Jesper loved to feel his cock being touched.

"The gang that captured you has sold you to me. I paid a lot of money for you." The man let the words sink in as he held the dick and lightly jerked it.

"I am Mr. Thorson and you are from now on my property. I know you had a contract with them, and it allowed you to break free whenever you wanted to. I told them I would honor it, but you and I will make a new agreement."

Terror filled Jesper's mind. Mr. Thorson looked him straight in his eyes as he continued to move his hand gently up and down the small but hard cock.

"Do you remember what your life was like before you got acquainted with the gang? Before you signed the contract with them, you weren't happy, were you? You were alone, misunderstood and pathetic. The gang showed you the way to a more exiting life. Didn't they?"

The man continued to give Jesper a light hand job. Dread and trauma paralyzed the twink over what was happening to him. He was sold to strangers. The gang abandoned him like he wasn't a human being but a thing, an animal, something they could just hand over to anyone. It was the strongest feeling of humiliation he ever felt. Much more intense than the MC-gang that tortured his cock at the farm.

To his astonishment this line of thought transformed his fear to something else. The gang had treated him like trash and they betrayed him. It confirmed his own self-image as a worthless punk. No one gave a damn about him. And the attention he now got from these strangers began to turn him on. The horny feeling got stronger by the caring hand around his cock. He was beginning to leak pre-cum.

"You know they were right and you were wrong. They made you realise who you actually are, what you want more than anything else. They gave it to you: a life where you were taken care of while submitting to their every wish. You needed attention and you wanted to please real men."

The fingers around his hard dick felt wonderful. He was approaching orgasm. But then suddenly the hand was gone.

"I offer you the next step, and the gang knew I can help you. You are born to serve and I want to teach you how to yield yourself up for servitude. My offer to you is this: I take care of you and in return you give me all power over your life without reservations or possibility to leave."

The man gripped the hard dick again and jerked it slowly. "If you do as you're told, you will be treated well." The man knows Jesper was close to climax.

"You know I'm right. Let you dick decide. If you cum when I tell you to, you have agreed to be my property and if you don't you can leave as a free man. Right?"

Jesper wanted his orgasm more than anything in the world. He was suspicious about this man but he talked like Anders. He couldn't say he was wrong.

The man jerked the dick hard three times but then released it. He removed his hand and stepped back.

"I want you to cum. Do as I want. Surrender. Let me take control. Cum! NOW!"

Jesper was in shock when he felt his body build up to a release in a way he never experienced before. It was more powerful feeling than ever. It was as in slow-motion, but then his cock fired hard, and his body trembled with delight. His spunk was flying in four salutes up in the air and splashed to the floor. It was the strongest climax he ever had experienced, and it happened while he was in the hands of this stranger.

"That's right. Shoot that spunk. Give us a show." The three men whistled and clapped their hands.

Jesper was ashamed and defeated. His body had betrayed him. The man proved he was right. He knew what Jesper wanted. And the alternative, to leave, wasn't less scary than giving himself up.

"You see. I know you. Don't deny it. Let me take charge over your worthless life." The man was calm as he removed the ball-gag from the twink's mouth.

"You have nothing to prove. You are a worshipper of real men. You're powerless against your idolization of strong men and big cocks. Now is the opportunity to give yourself to such a man. You don't want to miss it. Tell me. Surrender this body to me."

The man Jesper never has seen before stare him in his eyes and demands an answer. The twink feels exactly as the man say, powerless. He is confused. Wasn't he right? He couldn't argue against him.

Defeated, he nodded "yes".

"Good, but I want you to say it to the camera." First at this moment Jesper understood one of the men was recording what was happening in the hallway.

"I surrender. . ."

"Are you aware of what it means? You will surrender and abandon every possibility to opt out?

". . . yes."

"You agree to be played as the sex toy you are?"


"You give me permission to do with you what I think is best, unconditionally?"


"Good. Everything's going to be okay."

One of the men kneeled down in front of the twink and put a bag of ice to his dick. When it was in its smallest size, the man put on a new kind of chastity device. It was a combination of a ball-stretcher in heavy metal and five rings creating a tube to put the dick in.

Jesper understood he was making himself available to participate in something much more serious than just to having fun and being fucked. Mr. Thorson stared into Jesper's weary eyes and said, "Come here." Calm. Authoritative. Self-evident.

Jesper took four or five steps forward. The fully dressed man reached for the naked twink and embraced him, holding him against his chest. Jesper instantly relaxed into the comfort. After a while he said, "I'm your master. I own you and I know what you need. Do you trust me?"

Jesper looked up to his face, and nodded "yes."

"Good. I know this scares you. To be sold means new conditions and a new master that will dictate new terms. But you can handle it. You need submission to be your true self. You want to fall into the arms of someone who knows how to use a boy like you." Mr. Thorson held the twink close.

"I bought you because I think you're ready to let men not only take charge of you but instruct and discipline you, own you - your life, your body, your heart and mind. Things are going to be different from now on. You have nothing to think of, other than to obey. I'm going to take care of you and you're going to be trained in the purpose of becoming my slave."

The man bent his head down and put his mouth over the twink's. His lips were firm but gentle. When the twink responded eagerly, moaning and hungrily trying to devour his mouth, Mr. Thorson gently pushed him back. The twink was ready for next step.

"Now, let's put him on the horse." Mr. Thorson was pleased. His experience made it rather simple to break the twink and make him to abandon his last opportunity to leave. He knew it was more due to manipulation than a deeper insight in the twink. But it was the first step. Now when the twink was under his control he would make him understand what he always was meant to be - a slave.

Jesper's head was pushed forward by the leash. They walked back to the living room. One of the men pushed a pummel horse out from a corner. It wasn't as big as the once used in gymnastics. Jesper was guided to bend over the leather on the top of it. His ankles were attached to restraints and likewise his wrists on the other side of the horse. He couldn't move.

Mr. Thorson sat down near Jesper's face. He lifted the chin on the tilted head. With a calm voice he said, "We are going to punish you with a whip because you tried to run from us. No one can tolerate that from a slave. It's a serious offence of obedience. You know, a slave is always punished if it disobeys. And from now on I will punish you every time you don't do what you should do."

The words hit his mind as a whip. This is a new rule he never experienced before, not in this way. Mr. Thorson let the message take root. Then he continues. "We are in an apartment and the neighbors would hear if you scream. But I don't want to gag you. So, if you keep quiet we will only give you ten lashes. If you scream we will gag you and give you twice as many. Understand? Be a good slave and take it."

Mr. Thorson remained close to the twink's head as he nodded to one of the younger men. He used an old-fashioned single-tailed whip, a bullwhip. The first lash was hard. Crack!

Jesper jolted in his restraints and inhaled fast. The pain was stinging. Then the second lash hit him. It was even harder. Crack!!

Every muscle in the twink tightened and he was on the brink of screaming out the pain.

"Don't scream. It will be ten times worse if you do. Obey and take it." Mr. Thorson held a hand on the twink's neck.

The third lash was burning through his ass cheek. Crack!! The pain was relentless. Tears began to run from his eyes down on his forehead. The next lash hit hard. Crack!! Jesper began to cry.

"It's okay to cry, but don't make any sound that they can hear next door. You can take it." Mr. Thorson caresses the twink's neck and cheek. Several lashes followed in quick session. Crack! Crack! Crack!

Jesper tried hard to contain his will to scream out his pain. When he thought he can't take it anymore it all ended. Mr. Thorson lifted his chin again. "Good slave. I knew you can take it." He then stood up and moved out of sight.

The twink's ass was exposed and red with the welt from the whip. He heard a man unzip and move in behind him. Soon a hard cock was touching the crack of his ass. It moved up and down. When it found the rosebud it stopped. More power was used to push it through the sphincter.

"Aahhh. I love to fuck a warm bum." His cock started to move in and out, deeper with every stroke.

"The previous owners didn't whip him, did they?"

"A couple of times, I think."

"He took it well."

"Yes. He is born to be a slave."

As they talked the man fucking him speeded up. "Yeah. Yeah. Take my dick. I'm fucking coming! Aaaahhh!" He stopped for some moments, then withdrew.

"Who's next?" he said as he let his hand move over the sensitive cheeks.

"Fuck, your groans made me horny. Let me try it out." The other guy stepped forward and sank his dick into Jesper. He didn't say anything, but he fucked hard.

In a weird way Jesper was pleased that they fucked him. It was a kind of attention, the kind of attention he was getting used to because he didn't get any other kind. The guy speeded up and emptied his load.

They released the twink from the pummel horse and carried him back to the cage. He crawled in. They locked it.

"You're a good slave. We will have a lot of fun, just wait," Mr. Thorson said. Then they left.

Jesper's thoughts were swirling around. The talk of buying him and taking him away was something he never thought was possible. How could someone do that? What did all this meant?

Next: part 30 - Moved to new location

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Next: Chapter 30

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