Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Nov 11, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #28' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [28!39]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear outrageous.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 28 - Learning to serve

After a week in the cage, when he only was let out to be fucked by ring members, it was time for party at Saturday evening.

"You know the drill." Anders said as Jesper crawled out, waited for the leash to be hooked to his collar. Anders pulls the leash and the puppy crawls after his master into the living room. The men are standing in groups and talks with glass in hand. Nothing stops when the naked twink crawls into the room. It's nowadays a normal thing and they continue to talk to each other. So does the party music.

The puppy is told to sit on the floor against the wall. He is left alone. But an hour later Peter and Martin leave but soon return carrying something heavy and big in wood into the living room. They put it in front of the puppy. It was an old device to imprison people in stocks by putting their head into a bigger hole in the middle and their wrists in smaller hole at each side. Jesper's heart began to beat faster. He understood who would be put into this evil thing.

Peter lifted the upper part of the stocks and pointed with his hand to the puppy to come forward. After looking up at Anders, he knew he hadn't any choice, if he didn't want to create an unpleasant scene in front of everybody. He stood up, walked forward and bent his head to the thing, than put his hands to the half circles at each side. Peter lowers the upper part and effectively locked the twink in place. His head was in the crotch level, for some reason. His naked ass was exposed on the other side of the stocks.

Without a word Jesper had voluntarily put himself in an extremely vulnerable position. Peter moved his hand down on the twink's back and over the ass cheeks, then into the cleavage between them. His middle finger pocked around his rosebud. The dry finger then penetrated him quickly and hard. The twink jumped to the painful act.

The music stopped. "It's time to punish the puppy for his reckless behavior last weekend when he dropped several bottles from his trays even if we told him each drop would give him ten laches with a whip." Peter pulled out of his ass and stepped forward to show the puppy a leather cat-o-nine-tails hand whip.

Jesper was scared, but he also remembers when he last had an orgasm. It was made by a whip. He trusted the guys wouldn't do him much harm.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Peter move his arm up. Then the whip cracked and he jumped. The first lash across the ass cheeks was very light. It didn't hurt at all, but the he was tense. The next lash on his lower part of his back was a little harder, but still didn't hurt. But the following blows get harder and came in rapid succession. The puppy began to wince and sob.

"Look at his cock! It's flowing out precum like a river," Ahmed stated with delight. Peter looked at Anders to say, this pain pig can take a real beating. Anders went away but soon returned with a ball-gag. He kneels down in front of the puppy's head.

"I know you like this, and with this you can yell as loud as you want," he said as he began to move the ball-gag toward the twink's mouth. "We don't want some neighbor calling the cops."

Jesper didn't protest as the ball was presented. He opened his mouth without being told. The ball was put in place and then strap buckled tight around his head.

With immense satisfaction, after having waited patiently for a long time for this moment, Peter then began beating the twink. First he targeted the lovely ass, but then gradually moved down his legs, first hitting the back of his thighs and then the back of his calves. After a dozen lashes or so it was really beginning to sting a lot and not just on his ass, but across his legs and back as well. The puppy's body jerked and he began to let out soft whimpers.

Peter made a pause. Ten men looked on with curiosity and delight. They demonstrated their power over the beautiful boy at their mercy.

When Peter started again he gradually used greater force as the beating progressed, so did Jesper's muffled screaming, becoming ever more shrill until there is no trace of submissive pleasure left in it, only pain and degradation. The tails of the whip stung him under his nipples.

Soon was the back of his legs, from his ass to his ankles an unbroken area of red welts. Peter's desire had gotten the better of him and he whipped the twink too hard considering that this was only the second time he received a beating with a whip.

Then he was pausing they hear the sweet music of weeping. But when Ahmed took hold of his right leg, stretched it and pulled it up to expose his crotch they thought it was impossible, but the twink's cock pressed so violently against its cage that the flesh actually seemed to almost squeeze out.

The whipping was extremely painful, but the Jesper couldn't deny the fact that he was one of those guys who loves pain with sex. He remembers the bite of the alligator clips from last time, and now the hard stings of the whip. He became aroused and then the pain no longer seems like pain but some sort of hyper stimulation. The whips bite went through his skin and by his nerve system to his brain who translated it to an electric shock of pure pleasure.

Peter and Anders knew what was happening. Jesper discover a state in which he got lost in the arousal-agony-ecstasy. They smiled and were relieved he really was a pain-pig. It certainly indicated that they were on the right track. They need him, but they want him to need them. Without his need, they can't fully satisfy their own.

The whipping resumed and Jesper did indeed yell into the gag. Thus encouraged that they hadn't fucked it up, Peter moved to the twink's front to look down into the beautiful tear streaked face of what would soon become a full time slave. Jesper tried to say something, but with the ball-gag in his mouth, nothing understandable was said.

As the two men moved behind him again the twink almost screamed with fear, but one glance at his imprisoned cock told them all, exactly how he felt - the same as everybody else. The room was vibrating with excitement among highly sexual aroused men.

The marks began to show on the bare back of the whipped boy. A fine sheen of sweat began to glisten all over his body.

His screaming turned to lusty whimpering when Anders lubed up his hole. When he plunged his hard member into the ass they both sighed with pleasure. It was a truly glorious fuck, but he had to work hard indeed not to shoot his load immediately upon entering him. After a short time he pulled out. Most of the other guys wanted to taste the bound and whimpering body.

They thrust into him while holding on to his whipped hips. Olof began to laugh when he noticed the twink as his hips also were thrusting a little bit to meet and take care of the invading cock. Jesper was hornier than ever before in his life, even considering the pain he was in, or because of it.

Lars couldn't hold back, his jism squirted into the warm and receptive ass. But the rest of them pulled out in time to save themselves. They wanted more. They weren't done, especially not Anders. He took over the whip.

"Do you want more?" Anders asked in front of Jesper's face as he put the leather tails on the cat-o-nine whip straight.

Jesper loved to get his full attention and he loved strong man taking control. It was almost as if the whipping were a form of seduction.

Apparently Anders wanted to give a good performance because his first lash hit the slender waist with the tip stinging just under his belly button. The twink jerked and whimpered more loudly this time. His imprisoned dick felt as if it wanted to burst through the device.

Then Anders backhanded the whip down hard across his left shoulder and diagonally across the back. Jesper jerked and this time he yelped instead of whimpering. It hurts him, but he had never felt this sexually excited in his life.

Anders continued whipping the young naked body, now glistening with a solid sheen of sweat, beads dripping down from his smooth armpits, knees eventually buckling, the stock supporting the full weight of his upper body.

Jesper didn't know how many times he was hit, and frankly, they all had lost count of the lashes. It didn't matter. They would whip him as long as they wanted.

The strange reality was that Jesper didn't want the whipping to end despite the mark on his body got darker and his skin soon would break. The ecstatic arousal was wort it. And he needed to show the watching men how obedient he was.

The whipping was a new way to psychologically dominate their prey. In between lashes, they talked to the twink about the importance of following orders and let them take charge over his body. Peter sat down and moved his mouth close to the twink's ear. Between the lashes he told him how it was.

"We all know you are a useless piece of shit"

Anders hit him with the whip on his back, each one hurt more than the last.

"You have nothing. You don't even possess your own body."

The whip whistles through the air and strike the ass.

"Mmhpfh" Jesper tried to answer with the ball-gag in his mouth.

"You don't have anything to say. Ever."

A new lash landed on the unprotected skin.

"You are nothing but our pet. Nothing."

Anders ended with a last hard lash.

"He's red enough, I don't want to drew blood. Let's fuck him instead." The men take turns to put their hands on the literary hot ass and arrange it to their liking before penetrating it and fuck it hard. When they were finished and had put their seed in him they one by one move to his head on the other side of the stocks. The first man removes the ball-gag, and uses him as a toilet. The other soon follow suit.

When everybody had left Robert released him from the stocks and made him lay down on the floor on his stomach. He put forward some lotion to lubricate his skin. It was an intimate moment but Robert then pulled the leash and makes him crawl into the cage. "The marks on your body would fade within some days," he said with care in his voice. Robert wanted to stay with him, but the gang was of a different opinion. Their puppy should contemplate what was happening. And accept it as a natural part of his new life.

During the next week Jesper was most disturb over his imprisoned cock and denied possibility to get release. The men treated him with care and more warmth after the whipping, Jesper thought, but they didn't remove the device around his cock.

The following Saturday Anders led the puppy to the bedroom. He was told to lie down on the rubber mattress on the floor. He lifted his arms as soon as Anders told him. Once more he was bound with handcuffs secured to the wall behind him over his head. His legs were secured spread apart to cuffs connected to the floor.

As last week, Peter stepped forward. But instead of the nipples his target is something even more sensitive. He kneeled down and removed the chastity device. The little cock immediately got hard.

"I think this thing is horny as hell," Peter said and they all smiled. It was a wonderful feeling to have his cock free. But Peter soon takes a fast hold of the cock. He pure some liquid over the dick head and squeeze it to let lube run into the piss slit.

He put a Prince Albert Wand at the piss slit and began to push it down the urethra. It created a strange feeling and it looked peculiar when the wand of stainless steel slowly disappear into the hard cock. The pressure from within the cock wasn't painful but not pleasant.

The wand consists of a hollow tube with a threaded cap at the end. On the side of the wand, there is a hole where a side stem is meant to be screwed into. The side stem will keep the wand in place. To be able to screw the side stem on Peter has to make a Prince Albert piercing through the dick.

A Prince's Wands require precision measurements of the penis and urethra both flaccid and erect, but Peter was sure he could do it after education at a professional health organization.

When the wand was in place Jesper only saw the metallic ball over the piss slit. It looked bizarre. He wondered how he would be able to piss with this thing on. The purpose of the device was, of course, to get even more control over the prey. Jesper would soon learn that the ball was a cap that could be screwed off so the wearer could urinate through the hollow tube without having to remove the wand.

The real serious measure now was to pierce the twink's dick from the outside to the urethra. Peter was ready with a big sterilized needle.

"Hold him. This will hurt." Peter said as he picked up the needle. Anders sat beside Jesper and held him on one shoulder, Martin held the other. Lars and Johan held his legs.

Peter grabbed the dick and looked for the place at the bottom of the dick head. Jesper shuddered as he drove the needle through the skin into the urethra. Peter fined the hole in the wand and pushed in. He then used some other equipment to create a passage. It hurts as hell. When completed Peter cleaned the blood running down the dick from the new hole.

"Let's complete it," Peter said with excitement. He then fitted the short side stem into the new hole he had created in Jesper's cock and screwed it onto the wand filling the urethra.

"Voila! Isn't it beautiful? One young and hard dick decorated with some hard, shiny steel."

"Yeah. It looks awesome!" The men gathered around and looked at the cock with two rather big metallic balls fastened in its flesh, one on the top of the head and one on the shaft.

Jesper also felt like a spectator, even if it was his body they modified. They didn't talk to him and he was never aware of what they would do with his body.

To be surrounded by a big group of hot horny men was exciting even if the price he had to pay was high. Was it worth to lose control and freedom? Jesper's dick always betrayed his doubts.

"I can look at it while I fuck that pussy. Let's get down to business." Someone was eager to use their prey. As before they moved his legs up and spread them by cuffing them to chains from the wall. It made his ass wonderfully exposed. He became a perfect cum dump.

"We will screw off the cap of the wand. If you want to cum, now is your chance. Enjoy our cocks as if you were a woman," Anders said.

One after another the men fucked him, got dressed and left. Robert was last and when no one saw it, he moved his hand to the twink's modified cock and squeezed it. Jesper moaned gratefully as Robert looked him in his eyes.

"Do you want to be our puppy?"

Jesper nodded "yes", his mouth still blocked by the ball-gag.

"What about this wand, do you like it?"

Jesper nodded "yes" again.

"It will replace the chastity device you're used to. But instead we will block the tube and you will only be able to piss when we allow it. And you will have your hands cuffed on your back, so you can't jerk that little clit."

Robert looks for the twink's reaction. But he stayed calm.

"Do you accept it?"

Jesper nodded "yes" again. What could he do? It wasn't his decision to make. He was accepting his submission.

"Good. We have decided to reward our puppy's obedience." Robert began to wank the little cock as he moved his own hips forward to drill deep into his cavity.

They come simultaneously. Jesper rattled in his restrains as his load poured out of the wand and ran down his dick. The wand was so width he wasn't able to shoot his load as before. The gang wanted it this way. He wasn't a man anymore. His body fluid should move undramatic as a woman's. Robert, however, pulled out and shoots his load all over the twink's torso.

Jesper felt loved, adored and wanted. He also felt pretty fucked up.

The gang continued to use their puppy, but they also started to hunt a new target. They gathered in the apartment and discussed possible teenage boys. All the time they had Jesper sucking cocks and being available to fuck. He heard what they were talking about.

"How about this twink? His cute and on this site he wrote something I interpret as longing for an older and decisive man." Jesper understood how he himself was trapped. But he was alarmed about their new focus on finding a new boy. Wasn't he good enough for them anymore? It made him more compliant and willing, exactly what the gang wanted.

They invited trusted friends to inspect the bound and obedient twink, caress his body and fuck his pussy. They could use him as a toilet if they wanted but not remove any restrictions. To add a finishing touch, the guests were told to wank the pet's dick with its wand secured inside the dick. Before he got too close to cum they were told to stop. It was always a good end because it revealed the twink as the horny little bitch he was. His dick was hard despite his predicament. Or perhaps thanks to his hardship.

To tighten the restrictions they pulled the leather hood over his head before he was locked up in the cage. It should make him appreciate the time with the men more.

Later they even invited guest they needed favors from or wanted to impress. The puppy was always a success.

"Wow! It wasn't just bullshit. You have a slave boy. Amazing."

"Not a slave. He is volunteering," Olof, the senior member of the gang, told his guest.

"He's here by his own will?"

"Yes. We have an agreement, but he can break it if he wants to."

The guest walked to the hooded twink in the cage and took hold of the hard dick with its Prince Albert Wand down the urethra. He began to masturbate the cock, and the body language told them Jesper loved it. The twink lifted his crotch up as if he could get more friction this way.

"Be careful. He hasn't got a release for some time. He will cum if you continue."

The guest let the cock free to Jesper's disappointment. Instead, he inserted two fingers in the pussy and moved them around. Then the guest let his hand roam all over the naked skin.

"Do you want to fuck him?" Olof asked his guest.

"Yes, but not here and now. I heard you have some videos with him. . ."

"Of course, I will send the pictures to you."

"That would be great. Okay, where is the champagne? I'm thirsty." The men walked away.

The videos and pictures of the cute twink began to spread. It wasn't the predator's intent to put their twink up on the market, but the interest was growing. They got offers to rent him as a party boy and the usual demand to fuck him for money. The predators weren't into pimping.

But one evening Olof got a call he couldn't wave aside.

"Olof, I would like to buy your boy. I think he is everything I want in a sex toy. As you knew, money isn't a problem. What do you want for handing him over to me?"

"What time span are we talking about?"

"I don't talk about a loan or limited time space. I want to own him. Make that body my property."

"Oh, I see. I haven't thought about it and obviously haven't talked with my friends about it. We have put in a lot of time and effort to get him where he is now. I don't know if. . ."

"I understand. This is a completely new idea for you. But think about it. I'm ready to put something big behind my offer. You know me. I'm serious. Please think it over and we could discuss it, perhaps next week?"

"Of course, we will take your offer very seriously."

Olof was surprised. He didn't think their hunting and catching this prey would end up in doing business deals. The thought of it amused Olof. It was a new level of degradation in these activities.

The member of the gang discussed it some days later. Some were against it. Jesper was their puppy. Others wonder how much they would get for their little pet. The first discussion ended in hesitant "maybe" because of legal questions. They really didn't own anything that the buyer wanted. They had with this young man a contract of mutual agreement in every step.

Olof told the man, Mr. Thorson, this as they had lunch together.

"That's no problem. Let's say I bought the apartment, including the furniture and interior fittings?"

"You mean. . ."

"Yes. If you regard the boy in the cage as free, he isn't included, and you presume I as a buyer of the apartment honor your agreement with the boy. If I see it in a different way, it isn't your problem and can never be. You only sold me the apartment with its furniture . . ."

". . . and interior fittings." Olof ended the sentence and smiled.

"And when I removed the interior fittings I want to locate to a new address, I'm willing to sell the apartment back to you."

"It's a strictly real estate deal, completely legal."

"What will you say to the boy?"

"Due to legal reasons I will give you this answer: I will regard him as a free person."

When Olof told the other members of the ring about this deal, they ended up with different attitudes. Robert didn't want to sell their puppy. It was too risky for the boy. Where would he end up? It should be his choice.

But a clear majority thought it was a good deal. There was not as much tension and freshness in their relation with the old puppy anymore. With this deal they would be able to hunt for a new twink. Wasn't this one beginning to be boring?

Robert asked if they would let him become a slave without any self-determination. Most of them thought it would be best for him anyway.

"Okay. I make the deal with Mr. Thorson," Olof summed up.

Next: part 29 - Selling the puppy to new owners

Thanks for all the comments. Always interesting to take part in them and some suggestions are used in the story. Due to work I will not be able to publish as frequently as up to now, but be patient. The adventure will go on for another ten episodes or so.

Next: Chapter 29

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