Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Nov 9, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #27' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [27!39]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear indecent.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 27 Tied-up and pierced

The next day Martin told Jesper to clean his body after their physical exercise. It included a hard fuck where Martin used the sweaty but now passive boy body on its stomach. After the shower Martin put the small steel chastity device over his cock and two heavy iron rings around his ball sac. He inspected the collar around his neck and the but-plug and then told the twink to crawl into the cage.

"Good. From now on we will not only close the cage door, we will lock it with this pad lock and put the key in the kitchen. We want to know where you are. We want to control you even if can't be here with you."

"But. . . Then I can't go to the bathroom. Or got something to eat in the kitchen. . ." Jesper wasn't use to be in captivity without any freedom of movement.

"The putt plug takes care of one hole. You can piss in the bottle beside the cage. Someone in the gang will come and feed you and check that everything is as it should be."

"But. . . Why?"

"Because it make us aroused to think of you being at our mercy, without any means to disobey. And you are a puppy. It should be locked up when its masters isn't present."

For the first time their prey would be in restraints he can't break at once and according to his will. He has to wait for someone in the gang to arrive before he could be set free. It wasn't a violation of their agreement because he would be free, but with a delay. If he can endure this captivity the gang thought he would soon accept it as his new normality. If he did, they had created the sex toy they wanted and planned for all this time.

"Someone will come and feed you. Bye, bye, puppy!"

In his cage, Jesper thought of his experience last months, or was it a year? He was lost in time. He was running headlong into serious trouble, looking for a man who would take charge of his boring life, but ended up surrender his freedom of choice. He became reckless in his pursuit, disclose his identity to strangers he contacted on the internet. He wanted to experience new things, even if it was risky. Now he was locked up in a cage like an animal.

He knew he was on a threshold to a new sinister level. Has he got in way over his head? He knew this was wrong, but he didn't want to put an end to it. Perhaps it was because he wonders if he didn't deserve to be treated this way. He had always lacked self-esteem and questioned his value. Wasn't he useless and perhaps this was his destiny? On some level it was comfortable not having to take decision.

He didn't know how long he was alone when he was woken by a hand on his shoulder. It was Lars, the computer guy.

"But that ass up and out against the bars." Jesper did.

Lars removed the butt-plug with some difficulty. Jesper felt empty. But fingers entered his sphincter, lubed him up and soon he felt a cock penetrate him. It hammered hard and soon emptied its load into him. When the dick was redrawn Lars moved to his head. Jesper sucked the dick clean. Soon a hot jet off piss filled his mouth. The twink swallowed it all.

Lars stood up and pushed two bowls forward with his foot. It was water in one and some food which looked like left-overs in the second bowl.

"Eat," Lars said. When he had put the but-plug back he let the apartment.

This routine would repeat itself morning, lunch and dinner time with different ring members. The gang used his pussy while he still was locked up in the cage. In his isolation, the twink should sink deeper into submission. He would realize he always has to serve real men because it was his purpose in life. He shouldn't be ashamed of his lack of manhood and accept his role as a pet and sex toy.

When they believed the time was right, Marcelo opened the cage and told the pet to crawl out. They went into the bedroom, the twink crawling without being told. But not to the bed as Jesper were hoping for. Marcelo gave him a t-shirt and shorts to put on. Then Marcelo pulled out all the boxes with Jesper's belongings.

"Let's put this in the car," he said. Jesper wondered if he was moving to a new location.

Marcelo also moved all of Jesper's clothes, computer, watch and stuff from the basement into the car. Anders showed up and the three of them drove away.

In the car Anders sat with Jesper in the back seat. He pointed to his crotch and Jesper bent down, opened the pants and started to suck the growing cock.

"Good. Yeah. Take care of my dick." He put a hand on Jesper's head to press his mouth down on it.

"You should know where we are going: to a collecting depot for a charity organization. We will give away all of your belongings. Everything."

Jesper stopped sucking and looked up at Anders.

"Don't stop." Anders pushed the head down with his hand on the pet's neck. "You're so good at this."

When Jesper started to work his tongue and lips again, Anders caressed his neck as he continued, "A pet doesn't own things and nobody wanted your old stuff so we give it away. From now on you don't own anything what so ever. We will provide you with what you need."

It was a power trip to be able to take everything away from a cute blue eyed twink right in front of him, but also a reminder to the twink he was completely dependent on the gang. They maintained the guarantee that he could leave them at any moment, but the way they acted and their message was to tell him he wasn't supposed to leave.

In this moment, in the car, they didn't ask him if it was okay to delete everything from his earlier life. They told him it would be erased, and if he didn't want it he had to speak up. If he didn't, he was agreeing to their action.

Jesper helped carrying his belongings from the car and put it in the charity depot. It seems to have a stronger psychological influence on the prey then they thought. In a way he literary abandoned his old life forever. It would never be back.

"You don't need any gears now when you belong to us," Anders said as they went into to car and drove off. "Strip, I need that ass to fuck." Jesper pulled his shirt off and removed his shorts without any hesitation. He had been alone in the cage and wanted any intimacy he could get.

"Let me see that ass, put it up here." Anders inspected the put plug and removed it. Then he grabbed the naked ass and pulled it down onto his hard cock. In the car it was cramped and difficult to get the access Anders wanted.

"Pull over! I need to fuck this ass outside," he told Marcelo. He turned toward the nearest small road and he saw some trees and bushes ahead on one side. He stopped the car. Anders opened the door, looked around and then pulled the puppy out with him. He carried the body by holding it around its waist into the bushes. He dumped it to the ground. "On your hands and knees."

Anders kneels down behind him and plowed into the soft hole with great force. They both throw their heads up and back in delight. Before the twink could catch his breath Anders was fucking him, hard and fast. Anders hammered the pussy with full strength. Every doubt Jesper had while captive in the cage disappeared then he felt the immense pleasure he obviously could give the alpha men he began to worship. He was moaning and raised his ass to meet every urgent thrust. He clenched tightly around the invading cock.

When Anders was ready to cum he bent forward and hugged the pet with his hard muscular body as he emptied his balls into the willing boy. They were close and the moment was very intimate for the twink. When Anders eventually stood up, Jesper felt as if his ass were gaping and he felt chilled.

Marcelo fastened the leash to Jesper's collar as Anders pulled his trousers up. Then Marcelo tugged the leash as he began to walk back to the car. "Crawl," he said when Jesper began to stand up. He crawled naked on the dirt and asphalt.

Back in the apartment the pet crawled into the cage without any instructions. Then they locked the cage and left.

The following weeks and months the twink was let out of the cage when they had gatherings in the apartment. He was told to crawl and serve the gang members. It usually meant to suck cock, drink piss and be fucked with his ass out over the edge of a chair. He was dressed in the black collar, the steel device around his cock and iron weight around his balls.

The gang had achieved their goal with the hunt for a twink to transform into a willing sex toy. Jesper was a perfect pet. He never protested or created any problem. He was fucked and he loved it.

But eventually the success to subdue a cute teenager wasn't that remarkable anymore. Peter at last won the argument to go deeper into bondage.

"Hello, puppy! Time for training. Crawl out." Peter said one evening.

Jesper stayed on his knees outside the cage. He followed Peter to the bedroom where they had built a platform in one corner. "Lie down on you back." He did. It was some kind of plastic matrass.

Peter then took hold of his arms and lifted them over his head. There he put the wrists into handcuffs secured to the wall. Then he gripped one of his ankles and moved it up and back. He secured the ankle to a handcuff connected to a chain from the wall. Peter did the same with his other leg. The feet were beside his head, the leg spread wide like a V.

Jesper's heart pounded faster. He knew this was something new. He was tied down in a very exposed position. His ass was now the most prominent part of his body. Everything else was chained and moved up and back. He couldn't move at all.

Peter sat down in front of him and began to lube his ass. "We have been far too soft on you. It's time to play with this body and have some fun."

The twink slowly tried to move his arms but they were secured by hard and cold metal. The legs were more flexible but only a little. He couldn't get out of this position.

The men inspected Peter's work. It was exciting in a different way to handle a restrained body. He was vulnerable in a new way. Some wanted to fuck him and look him in his eyes. Other wanted to put the hood over his head. They arranged him to personal preferences and took turns in fucking the exposed pussy.

It was decided he should stay in this position for a while, tied down and with the hood on. When he was tied up he didn't the chastity device. Peter removed it and put a catheter down his urethra, connected to a bottle. The but-plug prevented any accident in that end. This way he could be bound for at least 24 hours.

The next evening they were all there when Peter pulled off the hood. "How do you feel?"

It took some time before he got use to the light. Then he cleared his throat, "I'm fine, but could I use the bathroom, please?" He whispered in his most devoted tone.

"If we let you do that, do you lie down here again and let us tie you up?"

He nodded "yes".

On his shaky legs he was supported by Robert when he walked to the bathroom. Robert helped him remove the butt-plug. Jesper was relieved then he could empty his bowels.

Robert could see he was more subdued than before. He was beginning to be servile, broken to the point where his only object was to please his masters. He was thankful to be able to shit! But the question was if he stayed this way when he got his energy back or if he would turn against them.

After a shower he was back on the matrass. He put his arms up by his own free will when Peter said, "Lift your arms." They were secured to the wall by the handcuffs. But the legs was spread flat on the matrass and secured to rings in the corner of the platform.

"These tits are virgin, aren't they?" Lars asked the other men when he stepped forward and began running his hand over the body.

"They have only got one workout, yeah. So far." Anders answered.

Jesper moaned when Anders removed the heavy ring around his nut sack.

"Nice. They are hanging lower for every week. Doesn't it look good?" Anders talked to the other men in the room, not to Jesper, as he grabbed the twink's balls. Anders pulled the sack away from the body, carefully but steadily.

"Yes, but aren't they still too close to the body?" someone answered

"They need to hang much lower," Peter said. "But I'm more interested in the nipples. We need to do something about them." Peter put one of the twink's nipples between his thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze.

"Of course. Go for it." Anders released the balls and moved back to the other men standing in a half circle around the platform. Most of them held a glass of wine or beer as they waited for the show to begin.

Peter's grip on the tit wasn't that hard at first, but he slowly increased the pressure. When the twink began to move his body unwillingly in the restraints because of the pain, Peter lets go of the nipple. But just seconds later he grabbed the other one and squeezed it in the same way.

Peter moved his hand softly over the twink's chest to make him relax. When he began pinched the right nipple again. Now he immediately squeezed hard and then started to twist and turn it, before he released the nipple.

There was a sharp intake of breath as Jesper felt his tormentor's fingers moved to the left nipple. This treatment was painful and Jesper began to move around in his restraints. He began to sob.

As Peter turn, twist and even pulled the nipple out away from the flat chest he told Jesper, "If you want to cry it's okay. But don't speak, don't beg." Jesper didn't want to cry in front of eleven men. His steel hardens himself against the pain.

The men look on as their prey silently suffers the torment. It makes them hard to see this beautiful young body pull and twitch its hard muscles in his bound form.

When his dick began to soften, Peter looked at his partner Johan. They wanted to mix pain and pleasure. Johan got down on his knees and put his lips around the twink's cock. Jesper moaned with delight as someone worked on his cock that hadn't been able to get a release in a long time.

The dick rapidly went hard in Johan's mouth. Peter once more brushed his fingers against the nipples, causing another gasp of breath from Jesper. Then he began to twist and turn and pull them more and more painfully. Jesper tried to focus on his cock and the warm and wet mouth around it. But he couldn't avoid the increasing pain from his chest and began to sob. When the pain in his nipples became even sharper, he started to scream.

"AAAAhhh! Pleeeassssseeee!"

Peter put one hand over Jesper's mouth and looked him in the eyes.

"Ssshh. Who own these nipples? Remember you have given them to us and we want to play with them. Do you deny us our right?"

He nodded "no". He couldn't stand up against them.

"Right. Remember then: you can cry if you want, but not beg."

Robert couldn't stop his impulse to walk forward to the bound boy in agony and kiss him on his mouth. "You so damn cute and sexy," he whispered.

As Robert stepped back, Peter applied ice cubes to Jesper's left nipple. After a while, he picked up a big needle and grasped Jesper's swollen nipple with his thumb and forefinger. He pulled the nipple out and positioned the needle to it.

Jesper closed his eyes, held his breath and waited for what he knew was coming. It was a new level of submission to let those men abuse his body in this way. It was intense and his heart pounded. He could stop it, but he didn't. Why? He couldn't answer.

At the same time, Johan's head moved Jesper toward orgasm. Jesper started to move his crotch forward. He was so close. At that moment Johan stopped and Peter pushed the needle through the nipple. Even if Jesper knew what was coming, he was caught off guard. The pain was unlike anything Jesper had imagined and he screamed. His arms and legs struggled by reflex in the restraints.


Several of the men had kneeled down beside the tied up twink and moved their hands over his naked body as it convulsed in pain. It was hot to feel the young man's muscles writhe in agony.

As the worst of the pain subsided, Jesper got aware of the needle being replaced with a metal bar. It was big and created new pain when it moved through the nipple.

Peter gave Jesper a few moments to calm down and adjust to the sight of a bar of stainless steel through his left nipple with a round nod on each end. Then he proceeded to do the right nipple.

Once more Johan began to suck Jesper's cock. Soon Peter's fingers were manipulating his right nipple. This time Johan didn't stop when Jesper got close. Instead, he used his hand to masturbate his little dick. At the exact moment when he ejaculated Peter inserted the big needle and speared it through the flesh. The incredible pain was joined with wonderful pleasure.

Peter and Johan looked at each other. The two lovers were excited to have done this task together. When the second bar was in place on the twink's nipple, the men complimented Peter and Johan for their excellent work. Then they looked closely on what they done.

"My God, I didn't think this little cutie could be sexier, but damn!"

"Yeah. That was exactly what that body needed."

The men released the legs and moved them up and back to secure the ankles to the chain from the wall. Once again the red rosebud was exposed.

"It was so hot to see you getting those ornaments on the body. I need to fuck you," Marcelo said with a smile as he put his hands on the upturned ass cheeks. His hard dick moved into the waiting pussy without any delay. To fuck the twink this way, bound and helpless, was what he wanted from the start. But he had to acknowledge to the more patient men that it was something completely different and in a way more powerful thing to fuck a freely submissive and manipulated boy than one who was forced and unwilling.

The pain in Jesper's nipples was subsided to a dull ache as he felt Marcelo's dick take charge over his body. Jesper was afraid when they tied him up the first time, but all the attention he got made him feel safe. It was a mad conclusion, he knew it was, but that's what he felt.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Marcelo looks Jesper in his eyes as he stayed still with his dick all the way in.

Jesper should hate Marcelo for his betrayal. He had thought he was in love with Marcelo and now he knew that Marcelo used his feelings to make him into a whore for a gang. He should be angry, but for some reason he wasn't. His new life gives him the attention he previously lacked. It wasn't the kind of attention he had hoped for, but . . .

"Do you want me to fuck this pussy?" Marcelo asked again and wanted him to respond.

The twink nodded "yes". It was what he knew Marcelo wanted, but wasn't it also true? It wasn't important, Jesper thought. The gangs thinking were beginning to penetrate the twink's mind.

"Right." Marcelo smiled and begins to trust. He redraws and then pushed his hard dick back and sank deep into the cavity. It felt so great. He began to hammer the pussy and moved one hand up over the bound body. When he reaches the head, he put two fingers on the twink's lips. Jesper opens his mouth. The fingers went into the mouth. First two, then four. He moves them into the knuckles.

"You belong to us. This body is ours. It's our commodity." Marcelo removed his fingers as he speeded up and emptied his sperm deep in the twink. After a moment of stillness Marcelo redrew, slapped the upturned ass checks and asked, "Who is next?"

Lars stepped forward and without any further due began to fuck the exposed hole. "Can someone put the hood on? I don't want to be distracted with his gaze. . ." Lars groaned as he fucked Jesper.

Jesper soon felt the leather hood slipped over his head and over his eyes. Everything went black. And he couldn't hear what was said, just feel their hungry abuse of his young body.

One after another the men fucked the hole Jesper offered them. He couldn't do anything but take it. After a rather long time it stopped. When the hood was removed, the apartment was empty except for Robert, who released Jesper and carried him to the bed.

Robert undressed and lay down behind Jesper. His hard cock soon finds the sore hole and penetrated it. Jesper sighted.

"What an exciting day!" Robert's hand traveled over the naked twink. It stopped with his nipple. Fingers touched the metal bar penetrating it. Jesper moaned.

"I think these decorations are awesome on your body, don't you?"

"Mmmm. . ."

"Don't you like your new nipple arrangement?"

"It hurts. . ."

"Only now in the beginning. When you get used to them they will make you feel more when we use you and those nipples. They will be as two new dicks on you." Robert laughed. He moved his hand down over the passive torso to the crotch. He grabbed the soft dick and began to press it between his fingers and pull it as if it was a nipple. It soon began to get hard even if he had got release earlier in the evening.

"I think you love it. I fact, I know you do. I'm holding the evidence in my hand. You are hard. We have to but the device on, but not until tomorrow." Robert fucked him and then they went to sleep.

The following week he was locked up in the cage. On the next Saturday Jesper heard the men arrive, put on music and partying. At midnight Anders entered the walk in closet and opened the cage.

"We want you to act as a waiter again, but now with new equipment." Anders and Peter lifted something up and put it on his shoulders. It's a crossbar with three circular openings. The one in the middle is bigger and they put his neck into it and close the circle and locked it on the backside. They put his wrists in the two smaller circles and lock them.

This was strange for the twink. His hands are now unmovable and pulled out sidewise, parallel to his head. He is exposed and vulnerable. Peter hangs a tray with three thin chains on a hock on the outer end of the crossbar, then another tray at the other end.

"We will put beer bottles and glasses with wine on the trays. You will walk around and serve your masters, okay?"

"It will be difficult to hold the balance. . ." Jesper tried.

"No, just move slowly. And for every glass or bottle you drop to the floor you will be punished with ten whip lashes at a later time," Peter said with a playful voice. Jesper looked terrified at Anders.

"Yes, you have to behave. But on the positive side is that we will free your cock. Isn't that a fair trade?"

It was always a big relief to feel his dick be free and able to grow to full mast, even if those evil men would play with it.

The men applauded when Jesper walked out to the living room in his new restraint. When he past them on the way to the kitchen several of them grouped him ruthlessly. With his arms secured and pulled out sidewise, his crotch was more unprotected than ever.

Robert placed three beer bottles on each tray, kissed him on his mouth. "You can make it, be careful." But when Lars later was in the kitchen he put four and five glasses and bottles on the trays. It wasn't long before one of the bottles fell off.

"Ten lashes!" Lars said with a smile. The twink dropped more during the evening as they made him walk around. But when their consumption grows less they stopped communicate with him. He couldn't sit down or do anything else then just stand there. At the end of the evening Jesper stood still as if he was a piece of furniture. It was exactly what this lesson intended. The twink should be available but not expect anything for his part. He should learn to serve.

Next: part 28 - Learning to serve

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Next: Chapter 28

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