Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Nov 7, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #26' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [26!39]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear dirty.

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 26 - First taste of a whip

The puppy reacted astonishingly well to the collar and leash. It was as they pushed some button deep down in his soul. He became calmer than before. The gang had not only caught a boy they could manipulate and humiliate, but he was also a sucker for bondage.

It opened up new possibilities. Through their contacts Olof, Anders and Peter invited men interested in watching a show where a cute twink offered his body for a first bondage game. So many wanted to participate they had to fix an empty warehouse for the party.

Late at night several of the gang members arrived in the apartment. They told Jesper to crawl out of the cage. When he begins to stand up, Anders put a hand on his head and said, "Stay." As Jesper stayed on his knees, Anders leaned forward and attached the leash to his collar.

"Crawl after me." Anders walked slowly to the living room where the other men waited with a beer in their hands. Jesper was aroused but at the same time scared. He was giving them power over him despite not knowing what they would do with it.

"Stand up." Anders disconnected the leash. He moved his hand over the body. "Have you shaved today?" Jesper nodded yes. "And rinsed your gut? Thoroughly?" He nods yes.

"Do you want me to remove this device?" Anders asks as he moves his hand to the crotch. Jesper nodded.

"But you have to pay a price. We will put a hood over your head and then play with your body. We will take care of you, but you must accept whatever we do, right?" Jesper nodded.

Anders received something black from one of the guys. He pulled it over the puppy's head. There was only a hole for his mouth. The aroma of leather filled Jesper's nostrils. The leather was thick and it was secured very tightly around his head. He had to breathe through his mouth. No light penetrated the hood and the part over the ears was enforced to isolate sound.

It was pitch black and Jesper could hear only muffled indistinguishable speech from the gang members standing around him. He was isolated in a new way and more vulnerable than ever.

Hands began to fumble with the chastity device. It was a big relief when his cock was free from its tight entrapment and his ball sac was free from the heavy iron ring. The little cock rose to full mast within seconds. The men laughed.

"I think we shall let this dick be free, it will show the world he likes it. But the balls need to be stretched and pulled away further from the crotch. And I want to fasten the leash to his balls instead of his neck collar. Where is the ball-stretcher? The black leather will match the collar."

Jesper neither saw nor heard what was going on. Suddenly he felt a hand take a firm grip around his balls. He almost jumped. It was very intense to be attacked when you didn't get any premonition. Jesper becomes more aware of his body and any touch created a bigger sensation in his brain than if he could see what was coming.

It was Peter who had kneeled down in front of the twink. He tightened his fingers around the smooth and hairless nut-sac and then pulled it with increasingly stronger power until it become more and more painful for the puppy. Jesper took a step forward to release some of the pressure.

It didn't go well with Peter. "Damn stupid faggot! Can someone hold him in place?!"

Lars and Johan kneeled down and grabbed each of Jesper's thighs to keep his crotch from moving forward when Peter pulled the sac. Pain shot through the puppy's crotch and up through his stomach. He felt as if they tried to pull his balls off from his body.

With his strong hand Peter slowly stretched the young bag skin tight and with Anders help attached a ball-stretcher around it. It was wider than the iron ring and pulled his testicles even further away from his body.

The black harness had D-rings on it. Anders fastened the leash to one of them. The men moved back to watch the new device on their puppy. Jesper wasn't comfortable with the new and constant pressure to move his testicles away from his crotch, but the sharp pain was subsiding. And his dick was free and proud. It was hard the whole time.

"Good. He will be a star this night. What a pain pig!" Peter was delighted. It was decided he should be in charge over the show where this naked body would experience some new things in front of an audience.

Suddenly and unexpected Jesper felt something was pulling at his ball sac but didn't understand what it was. No man was close to him. He understood what must have happened. The leash was moved from his neck collar to his restraint around his ball sac. It was humiliating to be pulled by a leash to neck collar, but even worse to let someone lead you by a leash to your naked private parts. It made Jesper more turned on.

"Okay. Are we ready to go?" Anders pulled the leash and the men followed behind. When they got out to the stairwell, Jesper understood they were outside the apartment. He got scared. He was completely naked! He stopped, but Anders pulled him into the elevator by the leash. He had to follow when his ball sac is stretched hard in front of him. In the elevator, the men groped the hooded and naked body shamelessly. One thing they didn't do, touch his hard dick.

The gang had concluded that after midnight on an ordinary workday they shouldn't meet too many people if they led the puppy out to the small back street. But Jesper was panicking when he felt the colder air when they opened the street door. He wanted to go back to the safety of the apartment. Anders didn't allow it. He pulls the leash and the puppy's balls with him, and Jesper has to follow.

He started to talk through the mouth opening in the hood, "No, no, no, please." He was answered by getting a strong punch with a fist in his stomach. Jesper lost the air and almost tripped over. It made him stop talking.

Someone put a hand on his shoulders to calm him down and telling him everything is okay.

The men were at this moment interested in his dick. It went flaccid when he got scared and beaten. Would it stay down after the assault? Or would his sex drive override his uncertainty and fear? This night would give important answers.

A car was ready and they drag Jesper into the back seat. One hand gently caressed the trapped balls in his palm. It was a wonderful feeling. He didn't know who did it but to be in a strong man's hand this way was pure enjoyment. Other hands moved over his shoulders, stomach and thighs. Soon the little dick began to grow. All the men smiled in relief and amazement.

Jesper wondered where they were going. Soon the car stopped and the engine was turned off. The men stepped out. A tug on his ball sac told Jesper to get out. His naked feet were standing on gravel. A new tug demanded of him to start walking. The leash pulled him in the right direction.

He didn't know where he was, but he could perceive some people were there other than the men in the car. They weren't alone. People he couldn't see saw him and his naked body. Never had he been at somebody's mercy as now.

Jesper didn't saw there were a couple of dozen men using their phones to take pictures of the naked and hooded puppy. He walked outside with a hard on, directed by a leash to his balls. They were excited and cheered the entourage on as they moved from the car to the building.

After about fifteen steps, Jesper walked into a staircase. He carefully walked up and was led thru several doors. He didn't know how many men were looking at him, but they didn't grope him. They had decided it was a risk someone could bring the puppy off and it was important he didn't get any release until the end of the show.

Peter took over the leash and went up on a small stage in the large empty warehouse. All the men gathered around. They were enthusiastic and shouted opinions, "Tie him up" and "Why not let him hang in his arms?" He didn't listen. The important thing was that the puppy was hard and receptive to his handling of the naked body. The gang wanted the puppy to accept this kind of treatment and by introduce him gradually to bondage they thought he would take it.

A hand moved slowly over Jesper to break his isolation. Someone give him attention. Then the hand began to give directions. It went down to his thighs and after some caressing slapped the inside of them lightly to tell the puppy to spread his legs. Jesper does as he's told. Then the hand moves up to his torso and onto his arms. The hand of an unknown man takes a soft grip around the wrist. It lifts the arm up onto his head. Then it was repeated with the other arm.

Peter had him as he wanted him, completely accessible. As a reward, Peter gripped the puppy's cock. Jesper inhales sharply. It was ages since he cum and he really wanted to get there. But Peter abandons his cock after just a couple of strokes.

The next thing Jesper feels against his skin is something not completely hard but not soft. It moves over his abs and up to his pecs. It must be something on a stick. Jesper thought it could be a whip.

It was a riding crop with a keeper, soft leather tongue-shaped as a triangle on the top of it. Peter loved to use it on a nude boy's skin. He let the whip softly roam over the naked body in front of the audience. It touched the teenager's hard cock. Jesper felt every part of the leather whips tour over his body. It was exciting and alarming at the same time.

Suddenly the whip disappeared but Jesper didn't have to wait for long before it struck him hard in the groin. Jesper jumped in surprise. The next moment the whip hit him from behind on his left ass cheek. Jesper moved his hip forward with a jerk. The whip continued to torment the ass cheeks. Peter alternated between them in an uneven rhythm leaving Jesper unaware of when the next stroke would hit him.

With each crack, Jesper involuntarily thrust his hips forward, humping the yielding air with his hungry dick. It was an astonishing scene for the men: a young man moved around and showed everything. Peter stopped, but before Jesper could anticipate what might come next, he gave a hard lash of the whip against Jesper's trapped testicles.

"Ah! Aaaaaaah." For the first time, everybody in the room could hear the puppy scream in pain. By instinct, he moved his hand from his head down to protect his scrotum.

Peter calmly and without anger guided the twink's arms back up to his head. When he was back in his exposed position, Peter put one hand on his shoulder to give comfort and urge the twink to take it. His hands moved down to grab the twink's pec and gently squeezed it. To Jesper's surprise, he then felt something warm and wet move over his right nipple. It defused the tense and made the twink relax somewhat. As Peter licked one nipple, he gently massaged the other with his forefinger and thumb.

After a short time, it created pure pleasure and made Jesper more excited. The young and inexperienced tit got immediately hard. Peter began to suck it. The twink let out a gasp of gratitude. After being harshly ordered around helplessly in the hood, it was nice to feel a kind and soft tongue and lips on his body.

But soon Peters' mouth got closer and began to use his teeth around the nipple. At first he just snaps at it and then held the nipple between the teeth. Jesper felt the chance and wondered what would happen next. The pressure increased when Peter closed his teeth. When Peter began to pull the nipple away from his chest with the teeth it began to hurt.

"Uh oh, Aaah!" It was music to the audience to hear the smooth and youthful twink being used.

When Peter released the nipple, he quickly put an alligator clip on it. Jesper jumped and gasped. He had never experienced this kind of pain. He began to move his arm down to take it away, but Peter took hold of it and firmly put it back on his head. He wanted to beat the boy for his obedience, but the gang didn't want to scare him too much the first time. His lesson this time was that he couldn't challenge or interrupt what was happening. It was no point in trying.

Peter began to lick and suck the other nipple. Jesper knows what would happen, but he couldn't deny it was wonderful to have someone work on his nipple. Peter continued longer than before and Jesper moved his head back in delight. His hard dick was dripping precum.

But eventually Peter began to use his teeth and his bite got harder and he pulled a bit further than before. When he let it go an alligator clip was soon in place. Its metallic teeth pushed deep into the tender flesh. The puppy could feel something between his pecs. It was the chain connecting the alligator clips.

The pain in his nipple was forgotten as Peter went back to used his riding crop on the naked body. He circled the puppy on the stage. Now and then he would whip hard lashes on some part of the body. When the target was the ass cheeks, Peter began to beat them hard and repeatedly. Jesper began to wail and move around to escape the beating, so mush it almost was as dancing.

Never had Jesper felt so much pain. He started to sob and tears made the hood moisty on the inside. Peter gave him red marks all over his body, but nowhere was the lashes so many and hard as against the twink's ass cheeks. When they were deep red Peter stopped. Jesper was crying, but his little cock was still hard.

Peter let his flat palms caress the body, over the sensitive skin and sore ass cheeks. The boy was sweating. When he had calmed down Peter swiftly removed the alligator clips. It was a new sensation of pain for Jesper. He began to howl, "Oww! Aaaahh! Ah!!"

Peter moved his hands down to the twink's cock and balls. As soon as he lightly began to masturbate the cock Jesper had forgotten the pain. But he was remembered what this was by the hand now squeeze the trapped balls. He squeezed them hard. Peter and the predator's gang had decided that their prey shouldn't experience pleasure without pain, especially when he was allowed to ejaculate.

The hand around his cock felt so good. The ecstasy of the moment was all that was important. It was all that mattered for Jesper now. It was the sole reason for being. But then the hand was gone. As soon as Jesper was ready to explode with pleasure it stopped. Jesper's frustrated dick stabbed at the air searching for its satisfaction.

It was great entertainment for the men around the scene. Peter played and teased the horny twink to make the most embarrassing and revealing moves with his smooth body.

"Heïs shameless, isn't he?" Peter told the audience.

Jesper knows he revealed himself as a bitch and that he was losing the little respect he eventually had left. But he hadn't been allowed to shoot his wad in weeks and was desperate. If he made a fool of himself that was the price he was prepared to pay.

It was exactly the kind of thoughts the predators wanted to create in their prey. He should willingly humiliate himself. Now it was to get release. In a near future, he would do it to give pleasure to real men. The first step was to make him lose all dignity for himself. When it was eradicated he could be made to understand his place in the world, to willingly serve men. A need to please and yearning to be used, abused, and fucked. He should become hot when men made him feel nasty.

When Jesper had been on the brink of cumming several times it was finally time to finish off. Peter changed from his warm hands on the body to the whip. He started to whip the hard cock. First lightly, but then the lashes came with increasing force. The whip came from different angles, from the right, left and from the front, from above.

A last terrible lash at the unprotected cock head got him over the top. He shot a big wad straight up in the air and before it splashed on the dirty wooden stage the second eruption left the incredibly sensitive dick. It was an orgasm like no one before. He felt pain and pleasure at the same time. His hand went down to his cock. It was comfortable to touch it with his fingers for the first time in months.

Peter moved the hand away but didn't punish him. He just moved the arms to his back. The men cheered and enjoyed the show, but Jesper could only hear there was some noise. No one was allowed to touch him. Do to his sensitive skin after the performance Peter and Anders put one hand on each of his shoulders and guided him out. Jesper didn't know what was happening he only followed the direction of the big hands on him. He felt the cold morning air against his body when they stepped out onto the yard outside. Before he was moved into the backseat he got a blanket around him.

Back in the apartment someone removed the hood. It was Robert, his first friend from the internet. He thought it would be Marcelo, but he was pleased it was Robert. He needed matured men after the ordeal he been through, not a jock who didn't take anything serious.

"Let take this off," Robert said as he knelt down and removed the ball-stretcher around his sac.

"Now, into the shower. It's time to clean this body." Robert carefully soaped all of the twink's body. When he got to the crotch and caressed the cock it started to grow. Robert smiled. This boy wasn't suffering, he enjoyed the treatment. It made Robert hard. He wanted to fuck this boy so bad.

Robert undressed fast and before Jesper know it, the man was standing behind him in the shower. His hand moved over the twink's body as he stepped close and his cock searching to find the pussy hole. Jesper moved his ass up and out to give Robert better access. Robert's cock sank all the way into the pussy in one long slow push. Both of them gasp.

"You love that cock in your pussy, puppy?"

"Yes. Please fuck me."

Robert was on an assignment. The predator's gang let Robert sleep with the puppy to check his emotions and get some insight into his thinking after the hood experience. Was he up to bondage, whipping, piercing and the things they put him through? Robert talked to him while fucking slowly from behind while the water came down steadily over them.

He let his hand move up to the violated nipples. Carefully he fondled them.

"Oww," Jesper's nipples was sore.

"You nipple will be bigger and more sensitive when they are worked upon as tonight. We want them more prominent because you become even more beautiful. Do you like them to be bigger?" Robert turns both of them to face a mirror at the wall opposite the shower. It was the first time the twink saw what they had done to him. He had red marks on his body after the whip.

"Eeeh. . . Yes. . ." Jesper didn't know what he thought and only wanted to say what the man now fucking him wanted to hear. He suppressed a thought of bigger nipples: wouldn't it make him looking more like a girl?

Once again Robert lightly moved his fingers over the used nipples. The twink shuddered but didn't complain.

"It was hot to watch you being whipped and see you cumming like an explosion. . . We all then, if not before, knew what you need, what you crave: to please real men and make them happy. Isn't that so?"

"It was crazy, and it was painful . . ."

"I know. It makes you feel more alive, doesn't it?"

"Eeeh. . . perhaps. . ."

"We love to use you in this way. We will do it again. It going to hurt but you will take it, right?"


"No. Tell me. We will whip you, hurt you and tie your body. Do you want it to happen?"

Jesper remember what he promised when he got his collar. He wanted to please Robert and keep his dick inside his body. "Yes, I want you. . . to tie me. . ."

Robert trusted forward. He smiled at the answer, but pressed on. "You don't sound like you mean it. Do you want us to whip you again?"

After a moment of silence he said, "Yes. . . whip me, hurt me."

Robert kissed his neck and began to pounder the pussy, but soon pulled out. He used a towel to dry them both. Then he gripped the puppy's sensitive balls and led him to the bedroom. He pushes him down on his stomach and watches the red marks on his cheeks and back. Peter didn't do his worst, but he wasn't practically light-handed with the whip.

Robert moved up over the twink's back and spread his legs by using his knees. His dick finds its target and moved into the passive boy. Robert fucked him hard and soon emptied his spunk into the sex toy.

They slept to noon the next day. Jesper followed Robert into the kitchen. "I'm hungry, are you?" Robert asked and Jesper nodded. Robert put breakfast on the table. When Jesper started to sit down at the kitchen table, he was told not to.

"No, you are our puppy now and they don't sit at the table, do they?" Robert stepped forward to put a hand on Jesper's neck and pulled him toward his lips. They kissed as Roberts' hands moved alongside the naked body.

"You can sit on this," Robert said as he opened the bathrobe and sat down on a chair. His cock was hard. Jesper smiled, turned around and sank down on it.

"Yeah. Nice. . . Fuck yourself on it." Jesper moved up and down. After a while Robert interrupted the fucking as he gently pushed Jesper off. Robert put Kellogg's and milk into a metallic dog bowl. Jesper saw it and could figure out what was coming. Robert put the bowl down on the floor.

"A puppy eats from his bowl." Jesper didn't like this humiliation, but his still free dick remained hard.

As Robert sat at the table, he observed how Jesper went down on all four and lowered his head into the bowl.

"Do you like to eat this way?"

Jesper looked up and back to Robert behind him. "Eeeh. . . It makes me feel inferior but at the same time aroused. I don't know why. . ."

"Good. It should. You are inferior. And from now on you will always eat as a puppy." Robert pause as he eats, then added, "Your ass is so damn sexy. I want to fuck it every day. Do you know how hot you are? Don't answer. Eat." Robert was amazed over how well trained Jesper now was and how horny he become when he saw this obedient twink.

Next: part 27 - Tied-up and pierced

The warning in the beginning seems necessary due to some mail I get. This is a fantasy. And it's posted under the authoritarian section. That should be enough to prevent reading by people who not appreciate this kind of adventure, but appear to be insufficient by circumstances I don't understand.

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Next: Chapter 27

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