Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Nov 5, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #25' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [25!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 25 - Exchange college for cage

"But what should I do all day when I don't go to the University?" Jesper wonder.

"We will keep you busy, you can be sure." Anders smiled. "Martin is on his way. He is a personal trainer at a gym. He will take care of your physique. It's important to have a strong constitution."

Martin arrived and instructed the twink how to do sit-ups, push-ups and other exercises in the apartment. After closing time they went to the gym he was working for and started weight machine workout routines to enhance the beauty in this young man's body. "You need the training to keep it in shape."

Jesper had to do the work out naked. Martin helped him remove the butt plug but not chastity device. The twink was spurred ahead in physical exhausting workouts in different machines until he was worn out.

"You can do better!" Martin cheered on. "Come on. Harder! Faster! Once more!" Jesper had to work so hard that the sweat was dripping from him.

When Jesper was lying on the bench and lifts weights, Martin distracted the twink by moving his hand over the exposed torso and thighs. He spread the twink's legs and move fingers around his pussy hole. "You want my dick in here, don't you?"

When Jesper put the weights down to get up Martin urged him on. "No, continue lifting. You can do it while I entertain your pussy." While the twink lifted the weight bar, Martin penetrated the sphincter with two fingers, moving it slowly in and out.

After the last training station, the twink was told to move his legs up and hold his feet to the weight bar over his head. It gives Martin the opportunity to put his mouth on the pussy and lick it. He does a thorough job. Jesper relax and it feels so good. Martin licked the ass at length and pressed his tongue as far as he could.

When Martin undress Jesper sees his strong body. He had never seen a guy with so much body hair, and he finds it sexy. He was a real man.

Jesper was told to lay flat on his stomach on the narrow bench. Martin would mount him and fuck him as if he had a woman's vagina. Martin courted females and wanted to have a relationship, but he was somewhat attracted to young men.

To have a smooth and passive body to fuck made Martin excited. He treats the twink as his woman, with skill and care. He makes Jesper feel special - and he is. Jesper is the only man he's ever fucked. He kisses the twink's neck when he moves up over him and letting his hands travel over the twink's soft skin.

It made Jesper burning hot to feel the man's cock press against his hole. Jesper raised his ass up just enough for Martin to push the cock head against the rosebud. The hole was already wet and the instant Jesper unclenched his muscle the cock slides inside with one powerful lunge. He pressed all the way to his balls. They both moaned. Martin continued to kiss the twink's neck. Jesper was being completely filled and impaled. He loved the feeling.

Then Martin began to fuck. The force of his thrust got so hard and deep that it takes the twink's breath away. To Jesper, it feels as though he's trying to move into his stomach. Jesper is forced forward on the bench but the onslaught continued. The easy access to the pussy only makes Martin fuck harder.

As he keeps thrusting, they start to sweat again as he pounds and jabs away, holding the twink down beneath him on the bench. Martin's body is so close and his cock fills Jesper so completely that he cries out, not in pain but amazement and satisfaction.

When Martin makes a paus, still impaled to his balls into the twink, he reminded the puppy, "You will do the physical exercises I showed you, right? I want to see progress and to make it you should follow the program every day. It will make you even more beautiful and irresistible for real men to fuck. You would like that, don't you?"

He doesn't wait for his answer but starts fucking again. The twink take it. Martin is shuddering and moaning loudly as he erupts inside the twink with violent spasms. To Jesper it feels awesome to be able to give the man such intense pleasure.

Back in the apartment Jesper saw how they were putting together the cage from the farm inside the walk-in closet.

"From now on you are supposed to be in the cage when you aren't called upon. Then we know where to find you", Anders explained. Jesper felt the predator's grip tightens as their demand expanded to every aspect of his life. At the same time he experienced a change in the men's behavior. They began to take his obedience for granted. They didn't observe his reaction as closely as before.

He was correct in his observation. The gang wanted to turn the table and make him work for the attention he so deeply craved. Previously he was rewarded just for accepting their advances and for not leaving the game altogether. Now when he was trapped they wanted more. He had to start working for their attention.

Despite the harsh attitude from Anders and a steady flow of new demands, Jesper didn't even deliberate over the possibility to leave the gang. They never pushed the rough treatment of their prey further than they thought he could take. Anders was surprised how easy he accepted their demands without any serious setbacks. Now he wanted to press on. The twink was theirs.

Instead of sleeping with Anders in the soft bed he had to crawl into the cage. The gang had decided the twink only should be allowed into bed as a reward for good behavior. The new normality was to sleep in the cage with a putt plug up his ass and chastity device on his dick.

Jesper didn't know how he should please Anders after the fall out earlier. When he entered the kitchen the next morning at breakfast Anders pointed to the floor beside him. Jesper sat down on the floor at his feet.

Anders read the newspaper and eats at the table, as he said while still reading, "We call you puppy, don't we? What do puppies do when they want attention . . .?"

After some moment the twink moved his head to Anders bare foot and licked it. It was completely depredating but Jesper was desperate to come to terms with the leader of the gang.

"Now we are getting somewhere," Anders finally said. "Lick my foot and show me you want to please me."

Anders put a hand on his head. "Good puppy. You have to learn how you can please the men who take care of you. If you don't work hard and make us happy, you won't receive anything back. You have to show gratitude."

Anders lifts his foot and hooked it under the twink's chin and lifts his head up. "Look at me."

When he does, Anders told him, "You are nothing. The only thing you got is that body and you should work hard to please us with it. Otherwise you can stay in the cage."

Almost every evening several members visited the apartment. It usually started with talk sitting in the living room while drinking beer or eating fast food. But soon someone told the puppy to sit with his head against the wall and ass out over the chair edge. Then they fucked him, one by one.

At the same time they continued to talk, but now about what they should do to their puppy next. It was obvious he didn't have a say in it, but they let him listen in to what would happen to his body.

They discussed his hair. Hadn't it become too long? Some wanted the buzz cut back. Others liked the long blonde curly hair he had now. The later opinion prevailed for now. It made him more like a girl.

All of them were trilled over the ink on his body and the girlie tattoos made someone put up the idea of putting earrings with diamonds in place. Everybody agreed.

Some days later Peter arrived at the evening gathering with equipment to pierce skin and body parts. Peter was proud to tell the gang he had taken lessons in piercing and had a diploma to prove his skill. He started his education as soon as he was accepted as a member of the ring. He wanted to do the piercings when they had a body under their control.

To make a hole in each ear lobe was a small thing, but it was a power-rush to Peter to be able to penetrate the skin of their prey. He moved the (false) diamond earrings into place.

Everybody agreed when Martin said, "Damn! The bitch becomes even cuter in those jewels, more feminine than ever."

The evening ended with them fucking their puppy one after another. They didn't talk to him, only use his youthful body. Jesper was allowed to please them, it was his reward. Taking their seed. He was delighted when some of the men moved their hands over his body and created some intimacy.

The nights ended with him taken a shower and then crawling back to the cage. They had got used to seeing him almost in tears of frustration when leaving his trapped, untouched cock without the release he so desperately needed.

Anders, Robert and Marcelo took turns in sleeping over in the apartment, but it was said that the puppy shouldn't sleep in the bed in a while. At breakfast he should show his gratitude by licking the feet of the real man. By making him do it they manifested his inferiority in yet a new way. They wanted to imprint a self-image were he didn't questioned his status as beneath a human being.

The routine was broken when Olof, the senior member, told the twink to put on the clothes he put on a chair. It was descent clothes, such clothes normal people wear: jeans, shirt and suit jacket. Olof handed him a tie.

"Great. You look like a member of a boy band," Olof told him.

"Where are we going?" Jesper asked.

"You will see," Olof said. The twink should learn he wasn't getting any information by talking.

They ended up in a fine dining establishment with white tablecloth and candles. Olof asks him about the last weeks experience and what he thinks of his new life. He wants to know if it was safe to continue or if the guys are overreaching. Jesper becomes ashamed and looks down to the table as he stated, "I wish I didn't like it, but I do." Olof got the answer he wanted to hear.

The waiter brought them aperitif after Olof made their dinner order. He took advantage of the break in conversation to turn it to the subject of the twink's body physique and if he did some workout training.

"You know, Martin is my personal trainer at the gym. He is demanding, isn't he?"


"But you follow his advice? You need to be in good shape if you want to please the men around you and continue to be an attractive guy."

"Yes, I do."

Suddenly a message tone sounded from Olof's phone. He reads it.


He looked up at Jesper.

"Go past the men's room and into the dressing room for the staff. Take off all your clothes and wait."

"But. . ."

"I got this message from an important businessman. I have bragged about you, how cute and obedient you are. In fact, he has watched some of the videos we did with you earlier. He saw when we arrived here and he needs to borrow you for just awhile. He doesn't want to wait."

Jesper was stunned to get such a request right now when he was expecting to have a good meal out on the town. He felt violated by this intrusion of sex into the dinner. But he didn't want to disappoint the gang. And blood rushed to his dick as a sign he on some level deep down didn't object to being wanted and humiliated at the same time.

Jesper stood up and went to the staff room. He shut the door behind and took off his clothes, except for the chastity device. He stood naked and waited with his hands on his sides.

When the man came in Jesper didn't look up to him but down to the floor. The stranger walked around him and felt parts of his body.

"I need a release and want to put it in your soft cavity. Do you have any objections?"

"No. . . I don't think so."

"Don't think. Feel." The stranger took hold of the imprisoned cock. He could feel the little dick wasn't soft in its captivity.

"Your dick doesn't think. It wants me to take you, to penetrate your pussy, isn't it?"

The man stepped behind the twink and opened his trousers. A hand on Jesper's neck pushed his upper body forward. He felt the hard cock press against his hole.

Once again Jesper had given in so easily. He had just followed the order and walked into a room where a man was going to fuck him. Jesper felt the cock spear into him. He let out a gasp of pain and pleasure while he was skewered on the length of hard dick.

The man's hands moved over his skin. It felt so good. Was this what he really wanted? Was this right? It felt too good to object. Once again he couldn't deny he was a whore for hard cocks.

Both of them groaning, sweating and making a strange kind of bond. The man felt the twink surrender and accepting his role as a fuck hole. It made him emptying his sponk inside the bitch.

Jesper turned around and went down on his knees and licked the cock clean as soon as it was out of his ass. The stranger put a hand on his head. "Very good."

"Thank you," Jesper said without thinking. The stranger walked out and Jesper got dressed. Then he went back to dinner with Olof, who smiled as Jesper sat down. They talked about something else. Nothing was needed to be said about what just happen. It was obvious and natural as taking a leak.

That night Marcelo removed the device from his crotch and let Jesper sleep with him in the bed. Marcelo fucked him gently and was more considerate than ever. They were so close. Jesper was lying on his back offering his pussy hole while Marcelo holds on to the upturned legs. As he fucked him slowly, he looked the twink in his eyes and asked, "Isn't this better then studying?"


"You love it when we stretch this pussy, don't you?" Marcelo trusts his cock in and out of the soft pussy.


"What do you feel, right now. Do you like it?"

"I . . . love it. I love it."

"You don't understand why or accept it yet, I hear. But you start to confess to yourself what you are and what you need and that's progress. I'm pleased."

Marcelo moves his hand down to Jesper's hard dick and takes hold of it. Jesper moans. When he starts to masturbate the starved cock it was like electricity shot through the twink's body.

"All the men are proud of you. They praise you for your development and eagerness to be a good puppy." Marcelo had to stop moving his hand around the little dick. Jesper was close. And they had more on the schedule before he could get his reward. By keeping him on the verge of climax, he would think with his dick, as he always should.

"What do you think of the body paintings? Are they true? Property of the gang, is it right?"

"Yes," Jesper answered without any hesitation.

"Doing as he's told it states at you neck. Do you?"


"And on the lower back it reads, Please fuck this pussy. Is it you? Do you want to be fucked?"

"Yes, I think so."

"We want to enhance your beauty and our ownership by butting a black leather collar around your neck. On it are one word printed. It's nothing remarkable. You have heard it many times since the trip to the farm. It's your new name from now on: PUPPY."

Marcelo restarts his slow masturbation in silence, letting it sink in.

"You are our pet. Jesper is no more."

Once more the gang tightens its grip on the twink. He was no longer regarded as a human being equal to others. He was a pet, a cute sex toy to be used.

Marcelo registers every signal the twink gives away. But he stays very still. Only Marcelo's hand wank the twink's dick. It remains hard. A good sign. Perhaps he has an inner fighting between his brain and heart. Should he let them take his human dignity away?

"What do you say? Can we put the collar around your neck?"


Marcelo smiles. As a pet, he shouldn't speak like a human. His answer is more correct than he knows.

"Good." Slowly Marcelo removes his hand from the dick and pulls his own out of the pussy. He puts underwear on and moves out of the room. Shortly he is back with a collar but also with all the members of the gang.

Jesper looks surprised, but his dick stays hard. Marcelo and Anders sit down on each side of the naked twink while the nine other men stand along the walls.

"This is an important moment. We are getting us a new pet, and you have from now on no other name than puppy." Anders shows the puppy the collar with his new name on it.

"If you let us put this around your neck, you accept to be our pet. And as you know, a pet do as it is told or otherwise made to by force. A pet never speak. But a pet always shows affection and love to its owners. A pet learns what to do by drilling and training."

Anders put a hand under the puppy's chin to lift his head up. He looks sternly into his eyes.

"Do you want me to put the collar on? It's up to you. You can answer by nodding yes or no. If you say no, we will give you all you belongings and a great economic reward and then ask you to leave the apartment forever. If you say yes you do it because you worship real men like us as masters."

The room is dead silent as Anders talked. "You will always show devotion and without any hesitation honor and respect our every demand. If you say yes, you accept our correction of you if you don't acts to our liking. You accept our disciplinary power and punishments."

After a pause he asked, "What do you say?"

Jesper was once more in turmoil. He knows he should leave. Now! Those men are dangerous and they had seized him by deception. But no one had shown so much interest in him and never had he got so much attention. And he loved the sexual action, also the rough one. It made him feel alive. The question was if he wanted to sacrifice everything else in his life for sex. He didn't, but neither did he want to go back to loneliness and boredom. And he was more running from something than to it.

"Do you want this collar?" Anders repeated.

Jesper finally nodded yes.

Everybody shouted, "Yes! Right! Fuck!"

Anders moved the collar around the twink's neck. He fumbled a bit to get it locked in place. It was tights but not too wide or heavy. It felt strange to the new puppy. Anders bent forward and kissed him passionately.

"I want to celebrate! Time to fuck the puppy!" Ahmed said. "Me too," Lars followed.

"Let's move into the living room," Anders said and attached a leash to the collar.

"Come on, puppy!" Anders pulled the leash. Jesper felt the pressure on his neck. It was something completely new and surprisingly exciting. To be pulled this way made it very clear someone else was in charge.

The atmosphere was charged as the naked twink with a hard on walked in with a collar around his neck and pulled by a leash. He felt vulnerable but also turned on. "Get up on your knees, face away," Anders ordered.

One after another the men stepped forward and put their dick into their new puppy. Almost all of them praised him and told him what a fantastic fuck he was. What a nice pussy he had. And how soft and cozy his body felt as they let their hands take possession of his young skin. Some told him he was a bitch and a whore and that he got all the cock he needed.

Jesper thought everything they said was truthful in some way. He loved to feel them taking him and use him. He loved the attention he got. He knows it scared him at first, their will to command and controlled his body, but now he knews and understood he had been scared of his need to be fucked by real men. Now he felt oddly protected. They would take care of him. Being in their service has kept him out of the filthy arcades and park restrooms where he possibly would have ended if they not had caught him.

Now his body belongs to this gang. He loved their self-confident, strong and hairy bodies. Yes, even the fat and not so hairy ones. Their possessive attitude made him feel safe. He wanted to offer them his pussy, his dick and balls, his pecs, his mouth.

They held him in place and fucked him repeatedly. When they were finished, they dropped off one after another. At last it was just Marcelo left. He pulled the leash.

"Come on, puppy. Time to rest." Jesper thought he would be led to the bed, but Marcelo stopped at the cage.

"You've had your fun for now. I have never seen a dick produce such amount of precum." During the last hours Marcelo had noticed a change in attitude in the puppy. It was a paradox, but he looked liberated and calm. He didn't need consolation after this gang bang.

Instead, Marcelo knelt down and put an ice bag at his crotch. "We want to save the puppy sperm to a later day. You have to wait." Jesper was disappointed but didn't protest.

Marcelo fastened a new chastity devise in place. It was a combination, some small steel rings to put the flaccid dick into and a big heavy iron ring between the body and the testicles. Marcelo had difficulty to pull the nut bag sufficiently away to close the heavy ring. When it at last was locked, Marcelo pointed to the cage. Jesper crawled inside.

"Good night, puppy!" Marcelo left.

Next: part 26 - First taste of a whip

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Next: Chapter 26

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