Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Nov 3, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #24' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [24!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 24 - Cut off from society

"I'm excited, you know," Anders revealed as he moved close to Jesper after the twink sign the contract that gave the gang ownership of his body.

"How shall we confirm our new relationship, do you think? We want to make it clear that you belong to us. We discussed it and have an answer. We have asked one of the best tattoo artists in town to come here this evening. We want to manifest our ownership to this body." Anders put three fingers to Jesper's lips. He opens his mouth, and Anders put them in.

"What kind of tattoo did we agree on?" Anders asked Marcelo. Jesper was surprised. He had no tattoo on his body. The thought had crossed his mind, but certainly not the kind of message the gang was thinking about. Anders removed his fingers from the mouth and instead took hold of the weight connected to the leather ball-stretcher. He let it drop in front of the chair the twink sat on. Jesper inhaled as the weight tugged at his crotch.

"Just above this dick we shall place a half circle with the statement: PROPERTY OF THE GANG. On the lower back the message: PLEASE FUCK THIS PUSSY. And on the right-front side of the neck: I'M DOING AS I'M TOLD." Marcelo talked about the messages as if they were the most natural thing to say and permanently put on a cute teenager's skin.

Jesper was stunned. He had never seen himself in this way. Of course, he loved to be fucked and he had accepted that others determined who could fuck him. But these words gave him, literally, an identity as a bitch used at will.

"Don't you like it?" Anders asked with curiously in his voice.

"Eeeh. . . I dunno. It's kind of rough. . ."

"Isn't it true?" Anders interrupted. "Don't we own you? Don't you want to do as you're told?"

"Eeeh. . . Yes."

"We have discussed the tattoos a couple of months and held a poll about different proposals," Anders said. Jesper was beginning to understand the men for a long time had planned this. He was their prey. It didn't make him angry. Surprisingly it made him feel wanted.

"It will be sooo sexy on that young and smooth body," Marcelo said. "Men will want to fuck you all the time, you know?"

"That's right. The gang will be here soon. They are promised a welcome party in the form of a gorgeous release in the boy pussy of yours," Anders said as he put the chastity device in place. To do it he had to remove the ball-stretcher. One tormenting device was replaced by another. "Go and clean you out and be back here in 30 minutes."

Jesper showered thinking about the contract. He was scared. It was becoming something far beyond anything he could have imagined. It was extreme. But what could he do? They were all experienced and surely know what was best for him.

Back in the bar all men were eating dinner. As usual Jesper got a plate with food but no fork. His place wasn't at the table but on the floor in the middle of the room. Naked, he sat down to eat with his fingers.

"Wait!" Olof said. "Should he be allowed to eat with his fingers? It would be much sexier to see our puppy eat like a dog." Everybody agreed. "Put the plate on the floor and use your mouth."

When Jesper did, the men looked on. And they all praised Olof for the idea. It wasn't easy to eat while standing on all four and only use the mouth. But Jesper couldn't complain about the attention he got.

After just a short moment, Anders stepped forward and used a napkin to clean the twink's face from food. Then he pointed to an armchair they must have moved in from somewhere else. It had unusually high legs.

"Kneel down with you backside out. Put your ass on the edge", Anders instructed. Then he put his cock out of his shorts, wanks it and as it got hard he spits saliva on it as lubrication. He busted through the boy pussy with little resistance. Both of them groaned as the dick sinks deep into the twink.

"I'll be the first today," he whispered as his hand gripped Jesper's waist. Behind them, ten men was talking and eating. In full view of the men Anders started to fuck the boy hole. No one reacted. It was now completely natural for Jesper to be exposed and used in sexual acts in front of men who didn't regard it the least strange.

When Anders had emptied his load into the boy, Peter had moved to them. As soon as Anders redraws his dick, Peter put his inside. The long legs of the armchair meant that Jesper's pussy got at the right height for the men's crotches.

"Put that ass out a bit more! Make it more accessible for my dick." Jesper put his stomach forward and but his ass up even more obscene.

"That's right! Make it good for men entering here. This is your new purpose in life. Make men happy." Peter gripped the twink's neck as he began to thrust hard and fast. Then he changed speed as he began to longdick the pussy, pulling out completely each time and then entering again and show it all the way in.

As soon as Peter was done, one of the men moved from the dinner table and began to use the exposed and vulnerable hole. When he made his deposit, he went back to the table and continued talking to the guys. Another man took his place. Soon the sponk run down from the pussy and dripped to the chair and the floor.

"Right. What a cum dump!" One of the men said as he saw the semen dripping. It didn't stop him from using the exposed hole and put one more load in it. This guy took hold of the boy's shoulders as they fucked. Some caressed his body and moved their hand around to pinch his nipples. No one cared about his imprisoned and unsatisfied dick. One after another they left the table to fuck until all eleven men had dumped their sperm inside their new property.

Shortly after they were done, the tattoo artist arrived. The men gathered around what looked like a dentist chair in a room Jesper hadn't been in before. Marcelo had put the tripod and the camera in front.

The tattooist asked Jesper to sit down as the camera started rolling. He asked, "Do you want this? You agree?"

"Yes. I agree."

He started his work on the abdomen, below the navel. It hurts. "Relax," the man said. The audience was fascinated as they saw the letters and words taking form. PROPERTY OF THE GANG in a half circle in the line of his shaved pubic hair was at last completed.

When the artist said he was finished, everybody applauded. "Looks really nice! Yeah! At last the truth is revealed."

"Stand up and let the men inspect the new ink on our toy." One after another looked closely and gave their approval.

"Put your crotch forward and present the fine work to the camera."

Jesper clung to the hope that despite this abuse of his body, he could still get by in public with shorts on. But during the rest of the week the artist came back and did other tattoos on the body. The mark on the right-front side of your neck, I'm doing as I'm told, in a nice font wasn't easy to hide. One small consolation was that the old fonts the artist used weren't that easy to read and rather small in size.

One reason for the drawn-out process was the way he got paid for his work. "Take him with you to the cabin for the night as we agreed," Anders said. Each time the tattooist was visiting he was offered to fuck the twink as payment.

To the twink, the artist said he wasn't gay but, "variety is the spice of life. I haven't tried a boy before." The second and third time he said, "You are damn beautiful, pretty as a girl. I want to fuck your teenage body so bad." His experience made him suggest the gang to put some girlie tattoos on him, like a bright butterfly on his groin. He also inked a rose on one butt cheek and a red heart on his shoulder.

"Yes, you were right. It enhances the female touch in this young and smooth body," Martin said. "I almost want to marry you!" he said as a joke but not entirely.

Jesper overheard when the tattooist told Anders, "Damn! What a sweet ass. And I really like to fuck a passive body. No considerations, just me fucking as I want."

"Haha, now you understand why we put so much effort to hunt, catch and train a smooth and submissive teenager. Nothing like it in the world."

"Can't I join the club?"

"We are already eleven," Anders said. "But we will make that attractive body available in different ways. It has to earn its living. I put your name up on the guest list."

Jesper swallowed hard. He knew at various levels of his mind what this was all about, but it was something different to hear it outspoken in this way. He shouldn't let them use him in this disrespectful, unfair and rude way. Still, he didn't even consider open his mouth in protest.

When the week was over, Marcelo told the naked twink to go to the car. Jesper stopped at the trunk. Marcelo smiled. He didn't expect to be allowed to ride in the front- or backseat. For one thing, he was naked and didn't think he would get any clothes. But Marcelo opened the front passenger door. "Get in!"

"But I have no clothes. . ."

"I don't care. Do you?"

"No, no." Jesper jumped inside.

They drove off toward the big city. Soon Marcelo pulled into one little independent gas station for a fill-up. The stations attendant came running out and Marcelo told the young man he needed gas and a windshield cleaning. The kid rammed the nozzle into the tank and started it pumping.

When he started to clean the windshield, he saw Jesper sitting there naked with only some device on his cock. He just stared with his mouth wide open in shock. Marcelo said, "Haven't you ever seen a sex toy before?"

Marcelo got out of the car and unzipped his jeans. "I have to piss."

Still in shock the kid told him, "The washroom is in the back."

Marcelo laughed, "My toilet is sitting in the car. Bitch! Come out." Jesper opened the door and ran around to him, getting on his knees. Then he opened his mouth and put the tongue out. Marcelo placed his cock on the tongue and began to piss. Jesper started to swallow.

"Ooooh. That's right", moaned Marcelo as the piss flooded the twink's mouth. Jesper had to struggle to swallow the volume Marcelo was shooting in not to get himself drained in urine. Jesper felt used, but he loved the attention and to please men like Marcelo. The predators know it and they used it against the twink. It was becoming his downfall.

When Marcelo was finished, he pulled out and Jesper licked him dry. When Jesper stood up, he saw the attendant who had just been standing there watching everything in amazement.

Stuttering he said, "You can pay inside. But I'd be willing to give it to you if you let me fuck your toy."

"Good deal" was the only answer Marcelo gave. Turning to Jesper he said, "Get your ass over there and lean on the fender and spread it."

Going around to the front of the car Jesper spread his legs waiting for the attendant. Standing there, outdoors in the sun, the kid had his hard cock out and was pumping the exposed ass in seconds. Jesper loved to feel the hard cock penetrate his ass, but when the kid starts to drill he began to think about what he was doing. He let a complete stranger fuck him just because Marcelo said he should. He acted like the worst kind of a bitch but it felt good to please both Marcelo's demand and the young man's desire.

He moved fast.

"Take your time, kid. He likes to be fucked", Marcelo said with a smile.

Very soon the attendant unloaded. As he finished and started to pull up his zipper, Jesper was on his knees licking and cleaning his cock off. Jesper wanted to impress Marcelo but was also curious about how the young man's cock looked like. When they stepped into the car he stammered, "Come back anytime for gas as often as you want."

Pulling out of the station Jesper asked softly, "Did you know him?"

"No. I thought he gave us a good offer. You have to contribute to our household. Nothing is free in this world, you know."

"How am I doing?" Jesper asked.

Marcelo looked at the boy and put his right arm on his thigh and smiled. "You do marvelous work!" To gain praise was what the twink needed to hear. Marcelo used the moment to feed his need and at the same time strengthen the degradation. It was in this way they could keep him on his track to further humiliation.

"Remember our guests during the week at the farm?" Marcelo asked and Jesper nodded yes. "The guests paid big entrance fees to the party. They paid to meet you, to use you, to enjoy your beautiful body. They were all very pleased and gave you lot of praises. Everybody was happy, thanks to you."

Marcelo didn't tell the boy that the fee was a way around criminal charges for prostitution and pimping. The boy was in the room by his free will and nobody paid for using him. This was a gray area of justice, but they thought it would hold.

As they arrived in town, Marcelo gave him the tight T-shirt and to small shorts. "Put it on." When they entered the apartment, Marcelo kissed him good bye. Anders was already in the apartment.

"Strip," Anders said and as Jesper did he continued. "You and I will be alone tonight. Let's go to bed."

Anders moved close to the twink from behind. After some time of silence, Jesper asked with sadness in his voice, "Am I now a whore?"

"Does it troubling you?" Anders asked.

"I. . . well. . . I don't understand. I mean. . . Those guys, your gang, they, they use me. I mean. . . I liked it, but. . . uhm. . . Is this what being a whore is like?"

"Well, I guess it is," Anders said. No point in denying anything. Trust is the most important thing.

"You like being fucked and dominated," Anders continued as he moved close to the twink from behind. "And you are actually something more than a whore. You are our whore, our puppy doing as we tell you." Anders' dick got hard by taking to the still confused and insecure boy. He hadn't planned to fuck him this night, but this honest intimacy created a new opportunity to mold his mind.

"You make a lot of men happy," Anders said as his dick finds the pussy. "And it gives you what you deep down wants." He thrusts his hard cock into the warm cavity. Both of them groan.

"It's a win-win situation. Some guys want to fuck and dominate, others want to feel hard cocks inside them and be used. It's no shame in one or the other. We need each other. You should be proud!" Anders move in and out of the passive boy. He put a hand under the twink's knee and lifts the leg up to get better access.

"Must I take a break from my studies?"

"Yes. Your place is here in our apartment, always available when we need you," Anders had to stop moving. Telling him about his new life, make him so damn hot.

"Hold your leg up," he whispered. He wanted his hand free to move over the twink, who obviously needed more caring after a tuff week on the countryside. He had signed the contract when he was trapped in a situation where he could fool himself to think it all was a game. It was important to let the twink understand this was serious. He couldn't just turn up when he wanted sex, and then leave.

Anders talked to the twink as he continued to caress him and slowly moved in and out of his pussy, "You signed the contract and we expect that you to fulfill every word of it. You have let us play with your young and beautiful body, but now we own it."

Jesper squirms in discomfort. He put up a fight, for the first time in a while. Not physically but mentally. It was a good sign. It meant he was listening and understands how serious this conversation is to him.

"You maybe ask was total submission means. . ." Anders continued as the twink was silence. "And I can tell you it means exactly what it sounds like. You have done well in not questioning what we have decided. You have let us use your body as our property. But up to now you have seen it as a game. You have done it for a limited time, for one night or weekend. This thinking has to stop because it's a lie. There is no limit. You belong to the gang every second of every day."

Anders kissed his neck and then started to fuck the hole again, now with hard, punishing thrusts of his thick cock. The lesson was done for tonight, he emptied his seed into the teenager. And fell asleep.

The next morning he told Jesper to do his morning routine. During the last night he realized he had to go deeper to get the twink to give up his freedom and self-reliance. The gang had discussed how to break the boy's spirit. They knew he was a slut and loved to be used for sex. But it was something different to surrender your mind. The twink has been alone during his upbringing and created a wall to the world outside.

To smash this defense they have to say what he already thinks deep down: he is useless and not worth anything. If it were done in the right way, he would surrender as a little puppy during dog dressage.

In the kitchen Anders pointed to a chair with a big butt plug. "Sit on it."

"It's big. . ."


Jesper had difficulty to get the widest part through his sphincter.

"Useless slut!" Anders said to his face. "Here we have given you access to all of our experience and you doesn't give a damn. You don't want to learn, isn't that right?"

Jesper wasn't expecting it. He tries harder to get his ass over the butt plug.

"And what was this bull shit you said last night? Don't even pretend that you don't want this, that you haven't been craving to be manhandled your whole life."

As he continued he could see the embarrassment in the twink's face, embarrassment both of letting Anders down and of being seen for what he really was.

"You are nothing but two holes to abuse and you love every second of! You dream of being beaten, abducted and abused, so don't tell me you are unsure of your choice. Stupid faggot!"

To make his point Anders slapped him with one open hand over his cheek. Jesper's eyes were wide with shock at the abuse. "Don't you have something to say bitch?"

Jesper immediately whispered, "I'm sorry."

"You useless slut!" He slapped him again.

Anders was pleased to see it made him nervous. "What are you and what do you want?!"

Very timidly the reply came: "Be your useless slut. . ."

"It's not a stupid game. You have to go all in or not at all. But you are too stupid to understand, aren't you?!" Anders let him sweat: "Can't hear you bitch! What do you want?!"

Without hesitation the reply came, louder this time: "I'm a whore for hard cocks."

"Okay. If you say so, do you give up everything in your old life?"

There was a second of hesitation. Anders gives him a new slap.

"You worthless piece of shit! Disgusting little creep! You make me sick!" Anders shouted into his frightened face.

"You don't really want this! You're just a little vanilla faggot, a useless softie fuck-boy. Why the hell should I waste my time on you?" Anders' fury shocked Jesper and his eyes widened with it. He clearly hadn't expected this and immediately he began stammering as conflicting emotions struggled within him. On one hand, he wanted to surrender very, very badly and, on the other hand, he was afraid to lose control and had difficulty in trusting others. Should he opt out? Could he even opt out?

"Pl. . . please, please", he attempted. Then his natural submissiveness and the conditioning he was subjected to kicked in. He needed to belong, to please alpha men. It was as simple as that.

"I promise. . . ", he cried, "I promise to do better. But I'm afraid." He was close to tears now and Anders pressed on.

"Filthy, disgusting shit! You say you want to be ours, that you'll do as we say but you won't acknowledge our right to control everything in your life. Why should I waste more time with you? I think it's time for you to leave."

To make his point, he pointed to the hallway and the door.

For a moment, Jesper seemed to think about following the message, but then his need to belong made him answer: "Please let me stay. Use me as you want. I promise to do better. I'll do anything for you."

"Oh. Anything? You're sure?"

"Yes, yes."

"Do you abandon the University and everything else to live here full-time, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week?"


"And if I want your cell phone?"

"It's yours."

"Then fetch it. Now."

Jesper runs to his belongings in the bedroom and returns with his phone. He handed it over to Anders. He shut it off and put it in his pocket. At last the gang had severed all ties to the world for their prey.

"When you have the butt plug in place, we should take a walk to your bank. It's time to take your money out and close that account." Anders said as he finished his breakfast.

Jesper struggled with the plug but soon got it inside. Only the small bottom knob was sticking out of his ass. It felt different than the dildos on the farm. The butt stayed inside. It was wider but shorter.

When Anders poured coffee he said with a cold voice, "Show me. Turn around and bend over."

It was a nice view, but he kept his cold temperament. "I don't understand why it should be so difficult to obey. Disobedience spoils everything."

Jesper wanted to repair the relationship and good environment to all costs but didn't know how.

"You are a useless piece of meat, aren't you?" Anders moved to the bedroom


"Say it."

"I'm a useless piece of meat."

"From now on your only purpose is to please men. Every moment of day and night."

". . . From now on my only purpose is to please men, every moment. . ."

"Right. Put this on."

Anders registered a different demeanor when the boy dressed in a shirt and pants. He was broken. For the moment, anyway. The predators know he would hesitate in upcoming weeks, but he had at last begun to understand. He entered his new life. It would take time for him to accept it. But soon they would have total control over him.

They walked to the bank. It was unusual for Jesper with the butt plug up his ass. Anders waited outside the bank. Jesper returned with a bundle of notes and a paper that stated his account was terminated. He gives it to Anders. He puts everything in his briefcase without as much as a thank you. The last means to Jesper's disposal was with that removed. He was now in their hands. Their power over him was significantly strengthened.

Back in the apartment Anders looked on as Jesper undressed down to the chastity device. Then he pointed to the bathroom.

"Turn around and sit down on your knees." As soon as he did Anders gave him a hard slap with his open hand over his cheek. Smack!

"We love you, but you have to behave." Anders spook with a soft voice. But he slapped him again, even harder. Smack!!

Tears filled the twink's eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Yes, you are a peace of shit. A worthless fag, but that's why we want to take care of you. We feel for you, but you have to obey." Once again the friendly and calm tone accompanied with a brutal assault. Smack!!

Anders wanted to fuck him, but it wasn't the right time. The twink should learn his place. He zipped down and fished his dick out. Jesper instinctively opened his mouth and put his tongue out.

"Oh, yeah. Take my piss." A strong jet of yellow fluid hit the back of Jesper's throat.

"This is your right place on earth. Be a good fag and swallow it."

Next: part 25 - Exchange college for cage

Next: Chapter 25

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