Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Nov 1, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #23' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [23!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 23 - Signing up for a new life

When the evening went to its end, the gang said goodbye to their guests. "It is we, who should thank you guys, isn't it Jesper?" Anders looked the boy in the eyes and then turned him around by guiding him with his hands on the twink's shoulders. Anders, who was a head longer than Jesper, held the boy back close in front of him. Then he moved one hand around to the twink's front and reach for a pec to caress.

"Yes, of course. Thank you," Jesper said to the scary men as they left.

"We have to find a weekend to have a go at him. I want to pound that faggot's pussy hard," the man in the gray cap said to Anders as he pinched Jesper's tit hard. Then he left the room together with his friends.

"Call me," Anders said.

When the guests were gone Olof, the old man, stepped forward. "I have the chastity device here. I put it in its right place before he's does something he shouldn't."

"Absolutely," Anders said. "Put it on right here and now."

As Olof went down on his knees in front of the twink, Jesper made a wry face. He didn't want his dick imprisoned and denied space to move. And it still ached after the brutal treatment earlier. The twink turned his head and looked up to face Anders with a pleading expression. Anders didn't even react to the glance. He moved his hands caringly over the torso as a kind of consolation.

Jesper looked back down to his crotch. The chastity device Olof was putting in place was different. It was tighter. His dick was forced into a small transparent plastic tube. As this take place Anders start a conversation with Olof about some business they had to take care of next week. It was a refined way to show the twink this act was something utterly common.

When the new device was secured, Anders turned Jesper around. "Let's see. Yes. That looks good."

Ahmed walked up to them and but a hand on Jesper's ass cheek. "Can I. . ." Ahmed began to ask a question, but Anders interrupted him. "It's time to break up for tonight. See you all tomorrow."

Anders put a hand on Jesper's neck and led him to a room in one of the annexes. "You did well in there. You didn't say anything about the device. If you had, you would be sleeping in the cage. Now you will sleep with me in my bed."

He tossed the twink on the bed, undressed and jumped on top of the naked boy. His tongue demanded access to the twink's mouth and Jesper felt as if they become one. He shuddered and moaned in ecstasy as this alpha man claimed his service in this demanding but also caring way. Anders breaks the kissing to move his body and put his magnificent cock to the open mouth. Jesper sucks and lick it before Anders thrusts further and enter the throat.

"Yeah. This hole is as good as your pussy. You are a true cocksucker."

Anders starts to fuck the throat. Jesper arranged his head to give the man better access. He holds his mouth wide open, exactly as Marcelo taught him. Anders can't hold back. He increases his pounding and it became so hard it took Jesper's breath away. And then Jesper felt it, the explosion of cum being planted deep inside him. Anders groaned loudly as the powerful man emptied his seed into the willing pussy mouth. So much cum. Jesper taste it as the cock was removed from his throat.

Anders lay down beside the twink for some moments afterwards. Then he began to move his hand over the twink lying perfectly still on his back. He let it rest on the stomach so he could feel the twink's breathing.

"You are a perfect cum dump, you know," he said.

This mix of friendly caring and humiliating talk at the same time still confuse the twink. The purpose was to blur the difference and make their prey not able to make any distinguish between what's what and therefor willing to accept anything they want. If he can't recognize the difference he will easier let them push him deeper into submission.

"How do you feel? Hasn't it been an exciting day?" Anders wanted to hear what was on the twink's mind.

"I dunno. My dick still hurts after what that crazy man did to it."

"But you were hard all the time and did a great show by cumming so hard. Everyone was impressed."


When Anders had recovered from his first orgasm he wanted to go for the second time this night. He arranged the twink in front of him, on his side and entered the asshole slowly but steadily from behind.

"Aaaahh, I have been waiting for this moment all evening. This pussy is everything a man needs. You have a treasure back here. "

Jesper gasps at the intrusion, but he loves it. He wants to have a big dick inside him. He loved the spoon-style position, it made him feel close to Marcelo. To do it with Anders was not exactly the same, but to his surprise it felt as good. He had no wish to change bed right now.

It was wonderful to be fucked by Anders. It was something completely different than to be lonely in the cage in the barn. The cage wasn't just a step into bondage, the purpose was also to make the twink appreciate nights in a man's soft bed so much more. It would be easier to make him do anything instead of spending time in a cage.

When Anders began to move in and out of the pussy, he began to speak. "You need to be fucked, not just by men you know but by any man who take charge over your body. That's the way it is. Don't fight it. Embrace it. Enjoy every cock that penetrates you." Anders fucks his brain, not only his ass.

Jesper began sobbing quietly. He began to understand Anders was right, that he was a whore for cock, any cock.

"Ssshhh, it's okay. You are a whore. Noting else. I can feel how bad you want to be fucked."

The twink's crying continued as he felt sadness over that he finally reach an admission to what he was but also relieved as his guilty conscience was eased.

With his cock deep in the twink, Anders continued. "You aren't looking for a partner, you need many strong men's cock up your ass. You want to be exactly where you are right now: serving a group of real man able to fucking your brains out."

Anders moves slowly but thoroughly in the love channel. He's in to the balls. Then redraws almost all the way and then sinks in again. Jesper take it as he stays completely passive still sniveling.

Anders turns Jesper flat on his stomach. It makes it easier to go fuck harder and faster. Jesper want to worship the man's powerful body with his hands but now he couldn't with his face down on the bed. The only thing he can do is to take it. He is reduced to a hole. Nothing more. But even if he began to understand the whole dimension of his purpose for the men, he doesn't want it to end. It's wrong, it's bad, but he wants to be near real men, interact with them, and make them happy.

Anders looked for any resistance in the boy while fucking him. When he didn't register any, he leans forward and wisher in his ear, "I want you to say it, what you are. . . Say, I'm a whore for hard cocks."

Jesper stopped sobbing. This would be the ultimate confession. After a couple of more powerful thrusts up his ass, he whispered, "I'm a whore for hard cocks. . ."

As Anders began to thrust faster, he ordered the passive twink, "Repeat it till I tell you to stop."

"I'm a whore for hard cocks. . ."

The man drills the twink as he put a hand on his head and pushes it down in the pillow.

"I'm a whore for hard cocks. . ."

"Continue, louder!" Anders said as he speeded up.

"I'm a whore for cock cocks. . ."

As he speaks Jesper can feel that first flood of cum inside him. Anders groans as Jesper stay still, respectfully allowing the man to savor the moment of deep impregnation and breeding. The cock pulses and throbs as it blasts the twink's insides with jet after jet of hot, thick cum.

All the time Jesper whispers, "I'm a whore for hard cocks. . ."

Anders lay down on top of Jesper for several minutes afterwards, panting and exhausted and covered in sweat.

"I'm a whore for every willing cock. . ."

The next morning Jesper was woken by someone knocking at the door. Anders said, "Come in!" It was Marcelo.

"So here you are. Yesterday was something else, wasn't it?" he said. Jesper was a bit ashamed by being close and intimate to Anders in front of Marcelo.

"Eeeh. . ." Jesper was unsure but wanted to please the men.

"You dick was shooting stronger than I ever seen. You were excited. Don't deny it."

"No, no. But I don't like the pain."

"You will get used to it. Then like it. Just wait. Have patience."

Jesper wasn't convinced. It was scary to do something associated with pain. He didn't want to, didn't understand why they couldn't do it without pain. At the same time, he couldn't explain why it was one of the best orgasms he ever had.

"Let's get some breakfast." They walked over the lawn to the barn with the big room and bar.

After breakfast, Peter put a hand on Jesper's shoulder. "It's time for some more exercise." Anders nodded toward Jesper to follow. Peter walked him over to a bench and sat him down. As Peter put cuffs around his ankles, the gang began to move their chair to sit in a half-circle in front of Jesper.

"Spread your legs," Peter said in an ordinary voice as if this was a normal thing to do. He fastened each cuff in the legs of the bench to keep the twink's legs spread. It wasn't the first time the twink was tied up, but it was still something that made him uneasy. The predators had the twink in such a mental grip that he didn't protest to be bound. Not at all. It was an important observation. Jesper did at last start to lower his guard and let other take charge without hesitation or questions.

Peter then moved close and opened the chastity device and removed it. Jesper sighted out loud. The men smiled as the twink's little dick immediately grow to its full size.

"You are a horny bitch, aren't you?" Peter said. Jesper was ashamed. His hands were free but he didn't try to wank his hard dick.

"Are you comfortable to sit here?"

"Eeeh. . ."

"Don't lie! This dick gives you away." Peter slaps the hard dick from side to side.

"I'm comfortable."


The relief from the chastity device wasn't for long. Peter took hold of the ball sac. As many others, Peter loves to have those to play with. It was a power trip.

"The ball bag of a boy is so soft. I love to play with them. He needs a lot of training, as someone said yesterday. And I will give it to him." Peter talked to the men as he lightly pulled the sac away from the body.

"Do you like your sac being worked on?" asked Anders, knowing the twink didn't know what to say.

"Eeeh. . ."

"By doing so we will make your crotch more like men wants it. Those stones should hang low and dance as you walk. In that way, the nut bag also becomes a permanent leach, always there to grab and lead you in the right direction."

"Thank you," was the only thing Jesper said. He didn't want to upset the men.

Peter runs his free hand over smooth torso. It was very exciting to have a cute young man at his mercy.

"You're a whore for hard cocks, aren't you?" He did a quick pull downward with his hand gripping the ball sack, demanding an answer. Jesper understood the gang knows what he affirmed last night. He had no privacy.

"Yes, yes, I'm a whore for hard cocks." Jesper was beginning to surrender for real.

Peter started to push slowly but steadily the ball sack down and away from the boy's body. Then he released the balls. The boy had a sigh of relief. But immediately the man squeezed his fist around it again. And this time he was rougher and harder, both in his grip and in his pushing of the sack away from the body.

Jesper whines like a scared puppy but his dick was hard and starts to leak slightly. He didn't actively object to what was happening in any way. His free arms were passively at his sides as a man he barely known attacked his crotch in front of ten men watching.

"Do him thoroughly, Peter!" Someone said. He answered by yanking the balls in a new direction, upwards. It starts to be unbearable for Jesper.

When the grip got even harder Peter finally could hear the sounds of protest. To him it was as delightful music. He could tell the boy was struggling not to beg for mercy. The twink knows what an embarrassment it would be. He didn't want to be a disappointment. Tears filled his eyes as he tries to be still and take it.

After some time, the assault of the nuts was stopped. Peter let go of the tender balls and backed a bit. The group's senior member Olof commented the work. "Isn't he breathtakingly beautiful, exposed and tormented, his glistening body catching the morning sun?"

"Yeah. That's right", the crowd mumbled. They all wanted to fuck him right there and now.

"Give me the rope," Peter said and got it from Johan. He ones more gripped the boys exposed and hairless ball sack and stretched it downward. He began to wrap a scratchy rope around the sack from the top. For every new circle, the nuts are pressed down and away from the groin. The balls were pink and shiny in a vicious cocoon of rope.

Jesper breathes deeply to control the pain and his head is tilted forward. He can't understand why his dick is hard when he is sexually abused in this sever way.

"Look at me, puppy!" Peter demands. Jesper lifts his head.

"What a beautiful piece of meat this is," Peter speaks as he gently cupping the tightly bound balls. Jesper wince.

Olof walked to the bench and took Peters place. He weighs the nut sac in his hand. "They are sturdy but vulnerable. By far not as low hanging as they should, but gorgeous in the baby-soft easily bruised satin."

Olof tightening his grip and bring his fist down hard several times in quick succession. There is an instant silence in Jesper's head. He can't believe the pain he just felt before the shrieks come, and he begins to cry. He wants to close his legs together but cant. His rigid cock bobs with the sickening blows, but never wavers.

The men got even hornier by hearing the twink scream in agony and seeing him vulnerability. And because the boy's cock was hard they hadn't any remorse over what was happening. He enjoyed it, deep down. They watched him scream, weep and sob for the first time. It made them all hard. This morning they become convinced he was a real pain pig.

The twink's yelp of surprise becomes a howl of genuine anguish as Olof quickly unwind the rope, pulling on it so that the reddening balls pinwheel to freedom. The sac is soft and smooth, looking pinched and sore. Olof gives it a few open handed slaps to help the circulation.

Olof presented a solid leather ball-stretcher in black. He asks Johan to come forward and help him. "Pull those testicles down while I fasten the harness around the top of his ball sack." The still hard cock showed everybody, even Jesper himself, he was into this.

The ball-stretcher had D-rings on the outside. Olof got a large weight from Peter and attached it to the ring. Then he drops it. With a jerk, it pulls the ball sack downward. Then it hangs between Jesper's legs and constantly drags the nut sack toward the floor.

They all stare at the sight. The twink has to struggle to remain on the bench and not be dragged to the floor. "Okay guys. It's your turn to inspect the puppy," Olof said. One by one the men caressed, pinched and pulled on his vulnerable crotch and abused body. Jesper is in agony, but he doesn't plead them to stop. Some of the men caress his thighs, other his stomach and Robert kissed him on his mouth. It feels so good and arousing for the tormented twink.

Robert and Marcelo, his two first lovers, hadn't been sure Jesper was ready for bondage and pain of this kind, but the predators had overruled a more cautious path. They believed their prey was so desperate to belong, eager to please and yearn for being loved that he would put up with everything they wanted him to do. The twink was now so deep in need of the attention he got from the gang that the majority no longer worried he would break with them. His whole existence revolves around the gang, pleasing them, satisfying their demands, making them proud, straining for their approval.

Judging from the twink's hard dick and lack of protest told them he was surrendering his body and soul. And now all of the men felt a wonderful tingle in their crotches, as they were enjoying their power over him. Through their steady increasing demands, teasing, threats, torments, denials and love they hadn't broken him, but he was not far from it.

Olof told Anders it was time to catch him altogether. They had prepared for this moment but wasn't sure of when to close the trap. The time was now.

When they were done playing with the twink's balls, Anders released his legs from the bench and helped him stand up. With some difficulty he could walk with the ball-stretcher and the attached weight.

"Come on! We three should eat lunch and have some serious talk." Anders said to Marcelo as they looked on while Jesper slowly and in agony moved to the table on the other side of the big room in the barn.

"Does it hurt?" Marcelo asks to tease the twink.


"Do you want me to remove it?"

"Eeeeh. . . If you want." Jesper started to know the mindset the gang wanted him to follow.

"Why should I decide?"

"You own this dick and balls."

"Good puppy! That's exactly right. I will not remove it, but your answer should be rewarded. Why don't you put the weight in the chair? During our talk, it doesn't need to hang free."

"Thank you." Jesper was relieved.

As the three of them started to eat, they got serious.

"Jesper, we are so pleased with you. You surpass all our expectations. You are a star. We think it's time to move on to the next level," Anders told him.

Jesper looked questioningly on Anders and then on Marcelo. "I don't understand."

"You love to be taken care off. You enjoy when you get other men's attention even if it results in situations where you are put into humiliating situations. Am I right?"

"Think about it, Jesper," Marcelo continued before Jesper said something. "You got excited when I took you to the park the first evening we met, remember? Very, very excited! And you have enjoyed your time in the apartment and here at the farm. You have never been as hot as the last couple of months, haven't you?"

"I. . . I don't know what to say." Jesper knew deep down they were right, but he had difficulties to acknowledge it to himself.

"We want you to be a part of our secret fellowship. We want to take care of you 24/7 and let you in on a new adventure. And we know you want to be close to men who appreciates you and understands your needs better than anybody, including you self. Right?"

"Yes, but. . ."

"There is no but. You have to choose: the dull and ordinary life with studies or an exciting and unpredictable journey with us. We offer a new life where you do as you are told, but also where you being taken care of."

"Mmmm. . . Does it mean I have to leave the University?"

"Yes, you need to take a break from the studies and stay with us full time."

"Mmmm. . ."

"We need you to decide. Your dick knows what it wants. Do your brain?"

"Why must I choose? Can't we do as up to now?"

It was an interesting answer. Jesper did not only accept everything he had experienced but also defended it against the changes he now was presented with.

"It has been a funny game, but the next step will be more serious. We want to control you and your body 24 hour a day."

"But Marcelo has already told me that you own me. . . this cock and balls."

"The difference is we want to own you completely, full time, not just on weekends and evenings. We want to make every decision. And we want you to grant our permission on paper." Anders said it as a matter of fact.

Jesper lifted his eyebrows.

Anders continued, "Yes, we want to do some body changes. We began one right before lunch. If we stretch that nut bag as low as we want it, it will never go back to those childlike balls again."

He smiled, and then Jesper and last Marcelo. They knew they talked about something very serious, but Anders wanted to make the mood around the table lighter.

"Which other modifications do you have in mind?" Jesper asked.

"One other rule is that you leave everything up to us. If you sign the contract, you have approved everything we do until you decide to break the contract. You will be able to break it anytime you want. The contract is valid only as long as you honor it. But everything that will happen while the contract is alive you have agreed to in advance. You can never regret it after, not make us responsible for what was your will. And we have the contract to prove it. We also want you to acknowledge it on video."

"What happen if I want to break it?"

"We will honor your decision immediately. You will get your clothes back and we will drive you wherever you want to go. But you will never again be able to come back. You have to find yourself a new life without our fellowship."

"It sounds fair. . ." Jesper said with low voice looking down on the table.

Anders and Marcelo look each other in the eyes and smile. This could be easier than they expected. Anders put the papers in front of Jesper as Marcelo put up a tripod beside Jesper and a video camera focusing on the twink. The camera catches the boy from his waist to his head slightly from the side. Every move and all body languish is recorded and will be proof of free will.

"Okey, Jesper. This paper states that you sign off your body as a property of our gang. Your signing it will affirm that you freely and without any reservation accept and approve of our decisions about your body. The contract will place you under guardianship. We will take every decision about where you live, what you do, what you eat. We will take your cell phone and confiscate your bank account and all possessions you have. You will, simply, be ours."

Jesper looked confused. "Why my bank account? And my phone!?" He didn't have much money and not a lot of friends to call, but he wasn't prepared for this. He wasn't expecting demands like this. He understood they would significantly limit his freedom and make him totally dependent on the gang of men. To give up his phone and account would be the most concrete proof of his surrender and readiness to be isolated by this demanding group of men.

The men expected his questions and wanted to tell him while he was on film. It increased authenticity.

"You don't need a phone and a bank account because we will take care of every aspect of your life. We want you to reject every possibility to make decisions, except breaking it all together. We want to own you completely."

"If you break the contract you will get everything you owns back," Marcelo added.

". . . I understand."

Anders gave the twink a pencil. He took it. He looked through the paper again. Everything about it was crazy. He wouldn't have any freedom, no possibility to do what he wanted. Jesper knew it was a trap. He would leave his old life behind. It would spoil his earlier plan to get a Bachelor's degree. If he signs he would be isolated from the world and completely at the mercy of those demanding men. But again, this scary proposition made him horny. It was something very tempting to let the alpha men take care of him. And he had his last option to leave guarantied.

Jesper looked up at Marcelo then at Anders, and then smiled. He signed the contact and put his hand out toward Anders with the signed paper.

"Good. Did you do this by your free will?"


"Shall we consider it done?"


"Are you excited?"


"Are you turned on and horny?"

Jesper looked down on his rock hard cock and smiled.

"It tells the truth?" Anders asked.


"Do you trust us?"


"Okay, then we can stop filming," Anders said. Marcelo switched off the camera.

Next: part 24 - Cut off from society

Next: Chapter 24

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