Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 30, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #22' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [22!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 22 - A little cock torture experience

The next morning started as usual. Jesper rinsed his intestine with water, shaved his body and lastly took a fresh shower. But during the day the men was more caring and supportive than they used to be. He wasn't subjected to any humiliating game. He moved freely around, naked of course and with the chastity device in place.

During the afternoon, Anders said that they had invited some friends and they wanted Jesper to serve beer to them.

"Can't I put something on?" Jesper tried. Anders smiled.

"No, I'm afraid not. One reason they will come is to inspect our new puppy. They would be very disappointed to find some part of it covered up."

Jesper noticed that Anders called him "it". This observation made him uncomfortable, more so than the message that he would be completely naked in front of many new and unknown men.

"It's going to be bad, isn't it?" Jesper, somewhat worried, asked Marcelo a bit later.

"It will be great fun for everybody. You have to work hard, but you're familiar with this kind of party, and will soon appreciate the game."

"Must I do it?"

"No, of course not. We will drive you back to town immediately if that's what you want. You are free. You decide. Only you. We don't force you to do anything. But if you leave you can't come back. When we have dropped you off at the college, you will never meet us again. You know the rule."

Jesper looked at Marcelo. He was serious. Anders comes up to them.

"Will you leave us?" Marcelo asked and looked Jesper in his eyes.

"We would respect and understand such a decision," Anders said in a calm and assured voice. "It isn't easy to lose control and be at our mercy. Our demands are trying. We claim to own your body, as you know. There is no middle ground here. We will decide on every aspect of your life as long as you allow us. The moment you don't allow us, everything stops and you leave the gang."

"No, no. I just wanted. . ."

"You have to submit without protest from now on. This is our last warning." Anders told him "The next time you are questioning what we say, we will regard it as if you have decided to leave."

Jesper didn't want to leave. He wanted to be sought-after and belong to a fellowship. He wanted to be equal to them, but it seemed not possible right now. He didn't want to go back to the solitary life he had before. He had to take the risk it meant to stay.

"I want to stay. Please."

"Then, don't speak when we haven't asked for your opinion. The next time you do, you leave. Understand?" Anders pushed harder than he planned, but he was irritated. The twink shows his willingness, no, his eagerness to be humiliated and submissive, but his mind was still talking as if he didn't.

Jesper only nodded yes.

"You have an important task to perform tonight." Marcelo changed the topic. "We will be there, but you have to let our guests inspect your body. It's easy: just follow the flow."

"Don't fight it. Don't even show any hesitation or objection. It would make a bad impression on us. Make us proud. Be a good puppy and do as you are told," Anders added.

To prepare the evening, Jesper helped to put out more table and chairs around the bar in the big room.

"You shouldn't be completely naked. Here!" Anders throws the old black bow tie to him. Jesper put it around his neck. It made him feel even more naked than before. It was exactly what was intended. He was more an object than a man. He knew it. And despite that knowledge he felt his dick wanted to expand. What was wrong with him, he thought.

"They are here shortly. Why don't you get inside the cage? That way you will give them a welcome they surely will appreciate."

Soon Jesper heard motorbikes and cars arrived, and men greeted each other. As they walked in they commented the boy in the cage.

"You weren't kidding, you have a slave boy!" one said. "This will be fun!" one other said. "Is he tame or do you need help to train him, ha, ha, ha".

No one talked to him. A short while later the big room was crowded with men with a beer in front of them. It got noisy fast. Jesper saw men dressed in leather vests and motorcycle outfits. They gathered around, smoking, drinking and talking.

"Come on, puppy." Anders opened the cage and took hold of Jesper's arm and almost lifted him up on his feet. Then Anders moved forward still with a hard grip around Jesper' arm. As they make their way through the crowd, Jesper felt hands on his body.

Jesper felt out of place. He had naked and all those men were dressed. Some had piercings and tattoos were common. As was beard and beer bellies.

Anders led him to a man with a beard and black leader vest. "Ah! Here we have the star of the evening." He stared shamelessly on the exposed and vulnerable body in front of him. "Nice."

Jesper feels like a naughty little boy about to get in trouble.

"I like those boyish lean biceps and define but slim pecs with large nipples. The shapely abs is perfect, not too muscular but taut. That smooth chest and flat abdomen is excellent."

The man moved his rough hand over the young skin. He could see the boy's Adams apple dip several times as he swallows nervously. It is erotic to watch it bob there under the skin. The man put his hand over the collarbone and in the small valley between the collarbone and the neck.

"I love a boy with well define collarbone and sinews from the neck down", the man said and moved his head forward and licked the twinks nipple and moved his tongue up to the neck. Then he kissed his Adams apple.

"And that square jaw. . . "

"What do you say about his thighs and that bubble butt?" Anders said as the man got quiet in real admiration of the well sculptured young man in front of him.

"I don't like too much muscle on a boy. He should be well-defined but slim. Those legs aren't too much. It's nice to hold them when he's on his back and getting a royal fuck."

The man put his arm down and took hold of Jesper's balls. He kneaded them between his fingers, first lightly but more and more heavy-handed. He then pulled the nut sack down and forward.

"This scrotum is virgin and surprisingly untrained. You haven't done anything to this sack, have you?" The bearded man continued to pull and stretch as well as squeeze the boy's ball sack in a way Jesper never experienced.

"No, we thought you would want to do us the honor to start the training and take his virginity in this aspect." Anders laughed.

"What's an offer I can't refuse." They all laughed. "But first you have to remove this nasty device. I want to see and inspect that little clit of his."

"Sure. Will you do us the honor to open it?" Anders asked and gave the key to the man.

Jesper was delighted. He wanted this thing off more than anything else. But he had preferred if Marcelo or someone else in the gang did it in private.

The man released the nut sac and concentrated on removing the device. It was a great relief for Jesper when it was removed. But it changed to shame as his dick quickly was filled with blood and soon pointed to the ceiling.

"What a slut!" the man slapped the dick from side to side. Then bend it toward the floor and released it. It slapped up against his stomach with a "smack". Everybody standing around laugh.

"I think it loves my rough hand on its crotch." Jesper blushed. He couldn't deny his dick got hard by the treatment he got.

"I know. This boy is a fuck toy even if he doesn't want to confess to himself what he is." Jesper was surprised by Anders comment. Hadn't he done everything they asked of him? Anders saw Jesper's questioning facial expression.

"No, you haven't admitted to yourself what you are. You fight every step and do what we ask of you almost in protest. I wish you could lose control and just let it happen. It would be more fun for you and for us." Jesper hadn't felt it that way.

"Stop thinking. Give us full access to this body. Let loose." Anders put a hand on Jesper's shoulder.

"Wise words. Listen to the man", the guest with Jesper's balls in his hand said.

"Time to introduce him to all the guests," Anders said as he took hold of the twink's upper arm again and led him to the bar. The bearded man reluctantly had released the nut sack. Jesper's dick remained hard as they moved through the crowd. Hands took hold of it briefly. Others put their hands on his pecs or gripped his ass cheeks.

As they walked, Anders gives instructions. "Take orders from the tables to the bartender and then deliver the beer and drinks to the customers. You will be really nice to them, puppy. Make them happy."


"Get up on the bar stool so everybody can see you." Anders then rings a bell on the bar. Everybody stopped talking.

"Welcome! I'm glad that so many of you would come to our small farm. I suspect one reason is the evening's entertainment. Our puppy has promised to be a good waiter and follow our philosophy that the customer always is right."

The men cheered and applauded.

Jesper wondered what it meant, the customer always was right. Wasn't this going a little too far? Probably, but Jesper remember Anders disappointment over his unwillingness to let lose. He wanted to make Anders and Marcelo happy.

Jesper concentrated on taking orders and deliver beers. The men made it hard. They took hold of him. They stopped him to feeling him up. They tried to kiss him. When he moved his head away, he got a hard slap on his cheek. "Customer is always right," an angry man said as he took hold of the waiters head and forced their lips to meet.

Marcelo moved up to them. Jesper thought he would save him from the ugly man. But he just said in Jesper's ear, "Relax. Don't fight it. Let it happen."

As Jesper walked, men grabbed his jewels while other rubbed his ass. Fingers tried to penetrate his hole. Men tried to masturbate him. Several times he was on the verge of a major climax, but the men never get the chance to do it long enough to give him the release he wanted. Jesper gasped for breath but was at the same time turned on. All these guys sitting at the tables watched him with hungry eyes.

Jesper went from table to table. Soon Jesper got used to the relentless attacks on his body. He tried to relax and just smile to the abusers, inviting them to continue touching and grouping his body. His dick was hard and throbbing, his nuts were screaming for release.

He moved to a new table. "May I take your orders, gentlemen?" the boy asked politely.

"Ya, but first: place your dick on the table," a big man with a worn out gray cap said. He was wearing a black T-shirt and tattoos all up and down his huge muscular arms.

"Pardon, sir."

"Are you fucking deaf or just plain fucking stupid? Put your fuck meat on the table. Now!" Everybody in the room could hear him.

Jesper moved to the table. He lifted his crotch up on the table and then pressed his hard-on down onto its surface as he started to shake from the shame of having to obey this man and his strange command.

"Why is your cock hard, faggot?"

Jesper was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say.

The guy sitting next to where he was standing lifted his hand up and pinched Jesper's left nipple. He pinched hard and then began to twist it.

"Answer the man, pig!" he said roughly.

"Ehhh. . . b. . . b. . . bbbecause I am horny, sir?" Jesper blurted it out of his trembling lips.

His answer broke the table up into a fits of laughter, which only added to Jesper's shame.

"Oh, the little girl is horny, is she? Well, she can move her little clit over here to daddy and maybe, just maybe, daddy will help her to become unhorny."

More laughter, they were having a great time. Jesper followed the rule. He kept the customer happy. Jesper moved past the man pinching his nipple and made his way over to the man in the gray cap, his dick sticking out in front of him. Precum dripped in a long silver thread from it.

"Come closer, sweet thing, daddy isn't gonna hurt ya. . . much." Then he laughs.

When Jesper was within range, the man moved a big beefy hand out to grab the throbbing boy cock. He pulled Jesper closer squeezing tighter.

"Now tell me sweet thing, do you want a big daddy to wank your little weenie for you?" he asked with a straight face.

"Yes, sir, that would be nice," Jesper said stupidly. The men laughed.

"Sorry, sweet thing. Daddy doesn't wank any little clit. Nope. . . But now that I got this thing in my hand I bet we could have some other fun with it. You'd like that wouldn't you, girl?"

Again, not having any choice, Jesper had to answer in the positive. "Yes, sir, this girl would like you to play with her clit, sir."

"Hey, Roland, give me the cocktail swizzle-sticks from your glass."

The guy picked up the stick and handed it to the man in the cap. It was longer than his dick, rather thin but with a wider round knob on the end. He put it in his glass of bourbon to disinfect the rod.

"Can someone give me some olive oil or something similar?" One of the men went to the bar and asked for it. Soon he came back with a bottle.

The man in the cap held Jesper's dick in a vice grip. As he and Jesper moved a little, it felt like he was wanking the sensitive dick. Jesper began to move more to get friction to his dick. The man immediately notices what was going on and with his other hand take a hold off the nut sac and squeeze it hard.

"If you don't stop I will ripe those nuts from your body," he said with an ice cold voice.

Jesper swallowed and stood still.

The man releases the dick and pure some oil on its head. Then he pure more oil as he moves the swizzle-stick around on the dick head. Before Jesper ever realized what was about to happen the knob end had disappeared down the slit of the twink's hard cock.

Jesper felt noting but a warm sensation at first, but then the damned thing started to burn. It burned a lot. Jesper let out an involuntary gasp of pain.

"Oh, I don't think she much likes that," a man sitting around the table said.

"Too fucking bad for her, isn't it?"

"Is this hurtin' ya?" one of the men at the table asked.

"Yes, sir, it burns as hell," Jesper said and bit down on his lips.

"Good! It's supposed to, but I'm only beginning. Wait till I start fucking the inside of your dick with it, and then you will know pain, girl", the cap man spits out. He then pushed it down deeper into the dick. Jesper screamed out in pain. With his other hand, the man once again was holding onto the nut sac. He held them tight so the twink couldn't back off.

Then he started to fuck the urethra with that swizzle-stick and Jesper screamed again in pain. It hurt a whole lot and the boy wanted him to stop. He couldn't hold back from begging.

"Please, sir. Please stop. It hurts too much. Please. . ." Jesper cried.

The man in the gray cap just laughed and kept it up. "This sweet little thing keeps trying to tell us she doesn't like this, but look at his fucking clit. It is still hard and still throbbing. The girl loves this."

Jesper could feel every fraction of a centimeter of movement as it forced its way up and down of his tender inside of his cock. The pain had become incredible. Jesper's eyes were watering. The man continued to move the stick with the knob inside the cock.

Men were gathering around the table. All of them wanted to watch the twink getting his dick fucked from the inside.

Suddenly he stopped ramming the thing in and out of the dick. Just the fact that he stopped made it feel better for Jesper, even though his dick still was on fire.

"Ya know girl, if I push this thing in far enough, the knob will push into the bladder. Your urethra will squeeze tight around the shaft, and we won't be able to get it out. I don't think you would like that very much, would you?"

"No, sir, please, don't do it," Jesper wept.

"How would you thank me if I don't penetrate your bladder?"

Jesper didn't think, just answered, "Anything you want. Anything that don't bring me pain."

The man smiled. "What do you suggest?"

"I give you my body to fuck all night if Anders and the others approve."

"Good girl. You can't decide such thing. Your body is someone else's property, isn't it?"

"Yes. . ."

"If Anders approve, will you be active and but your soul in pleasuring my men and me?"


"But aren't you an uptight girl, too good to be a fuck toy?" The man started to move the stick slowly inside Jesper's dick.

"No, no, no! I will give you my all. I promise."

"I want my bitch completely passive. I'm not interested in your mind, thoughts or feelings. I want your body. Nothing else. No resistance. I want to use this young, smooth and beautiful body."

"Okay. I promise."

The man releases his grip on the stick in Jesper's cock and lets it stand straight up on its own. He was signalizing to Anders that he wants to talk. Jesper looks down to see the plastic thing sticking out of his hard dick. It was a bizarre sight.

"I think we have an agreement. If you lend me this body, it promises not to be any problem. I really appreciate it, Anders. You have got a really fine specimen here. Congrats."

"Thanks. We have to book a weekend when you can take care of this specimen and evaluate it more prudently." Anders went away without looking at Jesper.

Many thoughts went to Jesper's head. The way they talked about him and the words they used. It was very scary but also exciting, a new world.

"Okay, we have a deal." But he hadn't pulled the stick out. It was still firmly down the length of the hard dick. The man in the gray cap wrapped his hand tightly around the dick and was pressing its flesh against round knob on the bottom end of the stick. Then he slowly began to wank up and down the shaft. The stick inside began to move.

"Aaagghh," the twink screamed out.

"Just relax. You don't own this cock. You have no say. Give you cock to me. Let me use it as I want. Don't protest. Surrender."

The pain was unbelievable. But the cock stayed hard as he wanks it and the stick inside. Jesper soon felt the pain in his cock mixing with something else. He tries to relax. Don't think.

The masturbation started to have effect. Jesper began to feel he was on the way to orgasm. Soon the twink began to moan. He was being filled with an ecstatic feeling of pain mixed with pleasure like he had never experienced before. He wanted to scream, but this time not in pain but out of intense lust.

When the man recognized a change in the twink, he wrapped his free hand around his balls and started to squeeze. Not hard enough to cause excruciating pain, but enough to make the twink really feel it. This new pain joined the pain in his cock and just added to his lust. Jesper couldn't believe that pain could feel so fucking good.

The crowd of men was mesmerized by how the man manipulated the new body at their disposal. The man jerked the twin's dick harder and faster, squeezing ever harder on his balls. One of the guests grabbed him by the hair, pulled his head back and planted his lips on his and invaded his hot and dry mouth. Jesper kissed back.

Someone else had started to squeeze and pinched one of the twink's nipples. Jesper felt how he transformed to just a living but passive organism full of lust. They pulled him deeper into his sexual desire.

When Jesper was ready to cum the man let go of the dick. Just then the twink's nuts exploded. He was shooting hot streams of boy juice. It pushed the stick out of his dick and rope after rope shot forth and landed on the floor.

"AAAAhhhhh," Jesper screamed out his ecstasy as his balls released the pressure that had been building during weeks. As the lust started to die away, the incredible pain in his cock returned. His nuts were drained. Jesper grabbed the table to keep from falling. He stood there for a few moments to recover. He was gasping for air and shaking all over.

The men applauded. "Good hand with that bitch," someone said. Other told Jesper, "What a show, you are something special."

Next: part 23 - Signing up for a new life

A reader suggested I present a list of the characters in the story so far. A good idea. Here it is:

Jesper - a curious but confused blond nineteen year old boy

Robert - warm but firm single gay man in his 40s. Finance officer but his career had stalled. In his youth he was an attractive blond player at gay parties, but now he wasn't as confident as before, even if he was good at hiding those feelings. Childhood friend to Anders.

Marcelo - Latino hunk in his late 20s. Muscular, youthful, exuberant, black-haired, short trimmed black beard, brown skinned and with a strong self-esteem. Work at a warehouse where he moved boxes around. He was a former lover to Anders.

Anders - successful business man in a global technological company. In his mid-40s, blond, tall and in good shape. Experienced in SM but not interested in taking care of a sub himself. Powerful, determent, a natural leader.

Olof - a rich old man in his 70's. Good connections. Longtime friend with Anders.

Peter - hotel manager involved in call boy/girl-circles. Interested in bondage, living with Johan.

Ahmed - Arab with wife and children in mid-30s. Got to know Anders on the SM-scene. Religious matters made it easier to do younger boys than women outside marriage.

Lars - a computer consultant working for Anders, who needed his skill in hunting young men on the net. Anders caught him by accident, buying sex of a call-boy. Fat, bad hygiene.

Steve - married guest professor from US, in his late 40s. Afro-American, friend with Olof. Big, strong, dominant.

Johan - handsome, successful business layer, living with Peter. When represented Olof's company they become friends. Socially quiet and with a small dick.

Linus - youngster having sex with men for money, in his early 20's. Steve and Robert knows, use and get along with him.

Martin - security guard at famous clubs and personal trainer, soon 40. Trainer for Olof. Wants a relation with the right woman, but can's say no to the possibility to fuck a younger guy.

Next: Chapter 23

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